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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 298199[Reply]

Does anyone else want to get married someday but also is loser with no friends. Like who would I even ask to be my bridesmaids?? I'd be one of those brides with literally two bridesmaids..who would I even invite..i dont know why im thinking about this
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Anonymous 299047

idk I don't mind wedding websites, it's a useful way to collect rsvps/ share gift registries and a lot of websites where you can do it for free.

Anonymous 299137

What do s think about the correlation between expensive weddings and divorce? I go back and forth on wanting a wedding or marriage at all, but I was thinking of a beach side micro wedding for around a few thousand.

Anonymous 299183

Oh same here. My moid’s family are extremely rude and trashy and his mom is overprotective.

Anonymous 299209

Best bet option. Just have it casual with beach games set up ideally it’s not a windy day. If not tent rentals aren’t too bad. I was thinking of booking the largest cabin in a state park near me as my venue.

Anonymous 299447

I have no friends too. My guy had two friend coworkers show up and we took a video in a nice park. We later had a reception cause my mom paid for it and really pushed for it.


Anonymous 94311[Reply]

Everyone says I sound like a little boy/man, I’m a female in my early 20s; https://voca.ro/1ceklQukgYUJ
Why do people say this to me
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Anonymous 299244

>Everyone says I sound like a little boy/man, I’m a female in my early 20s;

There's a reason why women play little boys in anime

Anonymous 299266

i know that feel, sis
i'm 23 and i sound like a fucking squeaker

Anonymous 299423

Anonymous 299438

Easier said than done, at least my online friends have said it's soothing (still puzzled by this) so I cope with that

Anonymous 299446

I'll post mine if you post yours. My voice is grating and sounds like I'm not breathing enough because I'm not. My guy says he likes my voice but I feel like i need speech therapy.


TERFposting #35 Anonymous 269991[Reply]

Due to #34 reaching the reply limit.

Previous threads:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anonymous 299326

Gendies will say it's transphobic to comment anything that isn't virtue-signaling about a troon's death, but will never consider the misogynistic, disgusting remarks made about Magdalen Berns after her passing.

Anonymous 299401

I self censor a lot because I'm a paranoid mf. But in this case I put "him" in quotations for dramatic emphasis, not out of some respectability politics. I quite literally never knew "him" because he only showed a shell of person.

Basically when I realized trans politics were predatory, if not outright predators. During the mid 2010's I saw "protect trans kids" slogans and stuff on tumblr, but it was mostly by teenagers and was confined to tumblr and never spread anywhere. It wasn't until the 2020's that I realized there were fucking 20 or 30 somethings saying this shit, both online and irl, both tims and tifs. There was something genuinely creepy about grown adults being obsessed over kids getting hrt. But I mostly kept it to myself, because at this point all creative fields were basically pozzed.

Despite this I still believed there were "good trans people" that kept to themselves and don't involve others in this. But those are the vast minority, and I learned the hard way that you never even talk about feelings of dysphoria unless you want to be love bombed into transitioning. And I learned that no matter their intentions, no one really transitions to "become the other sex", they transition to become trans.

Anonymous 299410

Anonymous 299412

Yes anon, this essay is quite silly. It proves my point very well.

Anonymous 299420

argument invalid

13 masectomy.jpg

Radfem thread #2 Anonymous 181244[Reply]

Old thread reached post limit. This thread is discussion of radical feminism, please generalized tranny hate and memes in the TERF meme thread.

Previous thread:
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Anonymous 298483

Americans think praising tyranny means that they will be safe from the police state, but no one is safe in a police state. Even dictators can be toppled.

Anonymous 298497

friend what are you doing

Anonymous 298790


Incoming libfem garbage that made its way to my feed today. Quick google on the author shows that her first book was titled "Full Surrogacy Now: Feminism against Family" which sounds just as confusing as most of her arguments that I read. Apparently TERFs are analogous to KKK feminists and imperialist feminists.

Anonymous 299051

the police in the UK is basically islamic so yes

Anonymous 299252

Americans say that you should just put your head in the sand and ignore the lessons of history because debt, wars, and tyranny never have consequences.


Parenting isn't a miracle parenting is a CURSE Anonymous 296651[Reply]

When I see what my siblings go through with kids its like watching someone being actively tortured. I feel like i could wait a thousand years too go near any kind of domestic situation. How many of you actually avoid relationships like they're a plague? Does anyone else just find it really hard to be attracted to moids?
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Anonymous 297760

From what I've seen, the former is usually them coping, trying to convince themselves more than you that it's worth it. The ones that try to get you to have kids too are just looking for real world confirmation of their cope in others so they feel more secure in their situation; if others they know are doing it then it must be okay, they don't have to think about or question their state. The latter can fuck off without any frills since they just want kids to spoil while you do all the work.

Anonymous 298066


Lmao something similar happened to me but as a child at a friend’s house. Friend did something bad so dad beat his ass with a paddle in front of me, then went back to what he was doing like nothing happened. Parents are fucking sadistic lol.

Anonymous 298083

Yeah. Like having a child is generally a selfish thing to do. Sure, a handful of parents understand the importance of properly raising a child with a healthy psyche, but the fact is, as long as the only qualifier to reproduce is fertility we will continue to have more and more traumatized children growing up to be traumatized adults.

I get it, kids are fucking insane. But I don't like how parents beat their kids. I get it, kids are retarded. So are dogs. You don't train a dog by beating the shit out of it unless you want a dog with severe behavior issues.

Anonymous 298084

i like kids! but pleasee don't use them as an extension of yourselves or as a hobby… there is something precious about rising somebody that can be a good person, not a scientist or an astronaut, just someone that is kind, the world needs more of that. at the same time, you shouldnt feel like you're missing out if you don't have them, it's fine

Anonymous 299245

As an older sibling, I just can't understand why any woman would wanna have a kid. I've never liked kids nor had the patience for them and watching my mom go through the horrors of pregnancy and then do all the work it takes to be a parent just cemented my decision to never have kids, I know I'd be a pretty bad mom. My life would get RUINED.
I don't want kids but I do want a relationship, which fucking sucks because I'm feeling so lonely and attention starved all the time and like 99% of moids will make it clear they want kids and thus wouldn't even look twice at me because of that, my looks don't help all that much either so now I'm in the process of accepting having a nice relationship is a fairy tale.


Polish thread Anonymous 205011[Reply]

A thread for nonas from Poland to connect and talk!
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Anonymous 208680

I moved out of Poland together with my parents when I was 14. I lived in an unremarkable town and I always hated the atmosphere and how depressing it was. Maybe if I was from a bigger city like Kraków I would have liked it, I only visited it once in summer and it was nice. I'm not sure if I'll ever go back to Poland but I want to visit again at least.

Anonymous 220696

hymn śląska.webm

anyone from silesia here?

Anonymous 221649

do you visit polish imageboards?

Anonymous 221905

don't really know all that many

Anonymous 237983

Not at all.


accountability thread Anonymous 181390[Reply]

Post long-term or short-term goals you have so other nonas can keep you accountable. Updates, honesty, and kindness are encouraged.
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Anonymous 269221

I passed N2, now I want to pass N1.

every day:
business japanese study
kanji study
bunpo (just review ok)
read something (novel, news, manga)
vocab anki (at least 5 cards)

multiplication anki (at least 5 cards)
game anki (at least 5 cards)

Anonymous 271662

updated my routine a bit:

bunpo app
akebi kanji practice
anki sets
read news or novel

Anonymous 297161

I haven't been using my textbook. I finished the bunpo jlpt n1 course but I still do reviews. I've been slacking on news articles, too.

new daily routine:
anki kanji and grammar decks
read 1 news article
read novel or manga
write at least 3 sentences and have them corrected

Anonymous 299166

Changed my routine, I can feel a lot of improvement lately:

business Japanese anki
jlpt all levels grammar anki
kanji radicals anki
grammar app n1 review
nihongo no mori n1 grammar videos
read manga

Anonymous 299217

Exercise 3 days a week M W F
Ride bike 3 days a week at minimum T T S
IPL 3 days a week T T S
Memrise and Anki every day
You’re doing amazing and it’s so heartening to see your updates. I’m rooting for you!


Anonymous 273609[Reply]

Is hookup culture and casual sex ever worth it?
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Anonymous 298786

>I think it might just fuck me up mentally after the encounter's over
It will

Anonymous 298862

Just as suspected, then
Damn it, why must sexo be such an emotionally complex thing?

Anonymous 298877

Biologically, it's because chemicals make homo sapiens pair bond, much like other monogamous animals.
Psychologically, it's because the mind cannot truly separate love and sex.
Spiritually, it's because fornication defiles the soul.

Anonymous 299131

Sounds cringe as fuck ngl

Anonymous 299161

images - 2024-12-1…

Marriage is for those who cannot do without it. But the greater joy is marriage to the only man who has ever been truly good, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Take the bride of Christ pill. Take the nun pill.


Anonymous 149385[Reply]

Have you ever pretended to be a man online?
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Anonymous 298929

Only if I'm backed into a corner and don't feel comfortable admitting I'm female, I would casually say I'm a guy, but I don't try to play it up or pretend. I've done this numerous times online just to feel secure and sometimes even put "male" on profiles to not get bombarded with direct messages from moids. It's really effective.

Anonymous 299002

>man pretending to be a woman on cc, claiming to go on 4chan pretending to be a man

Anonymous 299004

>women hide their identities on the internet so they don't get men simping or harassing them
>it looks like mostly men are posting
>men think they're the default on the internet

Anonymous 299136

Elle suit.jpeg

I pretended to be a boy on a forum for girls back in the day because I wanted to woo them.

Anonymous 299160

I dont know why everyone is doubting you. I do the same and depending on the angle I use it tends to work pretty well in making them feel ashamed of themselves for a few seconds at least


Anonymous 298346[Reply]

anyone employed here? or are you like me
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Anonymous 298366

I'm employed. Just your average citizen, nothing to see here o society

Anonymous 298376

How old are you, anon? I'm employed and also a college student and it's pretty miserable. I didn't feel any sort of guilt when I was a neet and I wish I could go back to it every day

Anonymous 299054

Unironically I'm too unwell to work

Anonymous 299055

Just have rich parents that buy you a house. 2ez

Anonymous 299056

Yeah, full time employment and college. But my job is super easy, and I love it. I can knit at work.

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