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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 300965[Reply]

Having big boobs is uncomfortable as fuck and it sucks. The sweating and just back hurting constantly.

Why do skinny girls even want these?
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Anonymous 301085

i got it from one of those dumb online skincare websites lol. i chatted with a nurse, sent her a pic of my teenage acne, and she gave me the rx

funnily enough i did find out about the breast swelling side effect bc a troon on tiktok made a video about it. it works for women too though as my friend had the same side effect

Anonymous 301535

>Why do skinny girls even want these?

Looks way better.

Anonymous 301549

ive been on spiro for 6 months now and my boobs have stayed the same and I still get the occasional pimple…. Why is life so unfair

Anonymous 301591

I love being flat chested,no tits,nipples only

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301599

Moved to >>>/hb/21174.


Anonymous 295131[Reply]

Are we allowed to vent on autistic people here? I sure would like to, I've met some really irritating assholes who have flat-out told me they're on the spectrum.

BTW anyone else ever felt that autists just really like talking about food for some reason? (I mean like regular food, not fine dining stuff) I've my theories as to why, but would like to hear your opinions first.
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Anonymous 301134

holy fuck this describes male autism fakers so well

Anonymous 301137

>you’re not the “misogynist chud blackpill incel Aryan autist” you’re just a retarded male whos obsessed about races and “schizopost” on twitter/tiktok like the trillions attention whore male-tards with the “cel” at the end of their names.
People keep saying Internet culture is dead but the reality is that it is still alive it's just devolved into something so horrific we don't acknowledge it.

Anonymous 301548

Because these subhumans are literally made in factories with only specific software commands. Just be quirky racist pseudo-autist misogynist gamer and congrats you’re one of them

Anonymous 301586

love how they ignore the fact that they themselves with their empathy and basic consideration of other's deficit lol but clearly that's not important like memorizing useless info about obscure tanks

Anonymous 301587

But that’s not even true kek. Women have better memorising skills too. It’s interesting how they’ll keep pushing studies about men having better brains but deny deny deny actual studies that have the explicit result that women having greater empathy, greater cognitive abilities, better self-control and self-regulation etc. They’ll claim it’s some sort of inaccuracy or falsely interpreted results. B-but men’s brains bigger! Yeah well what’s to show for that then lol. They’ll pretend women are dumb when girls were probably doing better than them in their high school classes, it’s a legit concern that the curriculum is unfavourable for boys since they acquire skills at a later rate than girls.

But ‘girls mature faster’ is only an argument when grooming is the question, hm. Kek… they’re so obvious, but they’re probably too stupid to realise that.


Anonymous 254183[Reply]

I'm the only real woman that still goes here
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Anonymous 267051


It’s ok anon, I’m back. I can’t drawfag tho

Anonymous 269180

see rule 7

Anonymous 269614


Anonymous 269632

That's a big cow

Anonymous 301575

wtf is going on here??


Anonymous 301339[Reply]

How do you cope with living in a society?
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Anonymous 301515

shutting the brain off and pretending to be some cutesy shoujo protagonist usually makes daily tasks easier

Anonymous 301517

I lift weights, drink tea, keep a clean home and play vidya. It doesn’t really keep the existential horror at bay but at least I feel stronk and my house is nice

Anonymous 301537

killing myself

Anonymous 301552

Cooking food that is so yummy it makes me forget. Or make up stories in my head that I might as well write short stories about, or comics. But I dont because I am lazy

Anonymous 301556

making my dream life in the sims


Anonymous 236003[Reply]

Am I the only one who thinks that girls dabbing into occult shit like thelema and wicca are fucking cringe?
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Anonymous 249109

Harping on the "gender" of God, misses the point entirely because God is invisible (in that God isn't an idol, not finite but limitless). You cannot "see" God, and both Adam and Eve were "made in God's image" so fixating on gender to such a degree really just misses the point because God has domain over pretty much everything.

Anonymous 249135

If you force yourself to go to a church full of hypocrites who use their faith as a costume accessory, you're doing yourself worse than staying home and reading your bible, C.S. Lewis, Thomas Aquinas, William Blake, and Hermetica.

Anonymous 249139

Actually, now that I say that, go to church full of hypocrites. Go see how people abuse each other and then hide the crimes from the public in order to save face for their little empire of vanity. It actually does wonders for faith.

Anonymous 249208

it honestly makes me cringe but ill always support women's weird hobbies. i'm confused when it's presented as a healthy alternative to male religion since they constantly harp on about divine sacred femininity, sex magick or whatever. it's still a fun subject to study, just not as much as more established faiths since there is less material (centuries-long autistic debates about the meaning of x or y).

Anonymous 249249

or C you experience and meditate on it through art or craft.


Anonymous 301171[Reply]

When was the last time you went out on a date and how was it?
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Anonymous 301349

I hate men

Anonymous 301474

I went to Happy Lamb with my bf. The food was really good but the service was bad and some buffet plates had hair on them. And people were talking way too loudly.

Anonymous 301538

Never been to one, no idea how to get into one either but i don't care lol

Anonymous 301539

I like date nights with my boyfriend. He always pays like a gentleman, but really I wouldn't even mind. I just like being around him.

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301600


Alcohol Anonymous 297722[Reply]

I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk I love being drunk
I’m normal now
I’m comfy now
I love being drunk
my fellow nonas please share your drink of choice that you chug for the ultimate comfy vibes
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Anonymous 300929


I'm smoking instead today

Anonymous 301104

alcohol is a cope and is useless

Anonymous 301116

Another based Arab nona

Anonymous 301485

Beer, I promise I'm not a pickme, it's just what tastes best to me. Maybe port wine too..
I just love the feeling that being drunk gives you, you just feel so happy and blissful and nothing is wrong. I never get hangovers either.

Anonymous 301518

Excited to drink tonight!


Anonymous 301513[Reply]

What is the appeal of anime and manga?

Anonymous 301514

Cartoons and comics are entertaining, and Americans don't make good cartoons and comics any more, so naturally people fly to the Japanese.

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301516

Moved to >>>/media/36344.


What's your job like? Anonymous 232819[Reply]

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Anonymous 301178


Hot tea with honey works wonders for me personally might work for you

Anonymous 301179

My go to remedy is hot lemonade with a spoonful of honey mixed in

Anonymous 301184

I miss working at a daycare

Anonymous 301397


Anonymous 301463

I'm neeting right now but I used to be a caretaker for the disabled at a group home. It was mostly fun and fulfilling unless I had to help with the one creep disabled guy who definitely should've only had male caretakers.


accountability thread Anonymous 181390[Reply]

Post long-term or short-term goals you have so other nonas can keep you accountable. Updates, honesty, and kindness are encouraged.
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Anonymous 271662

updated my routine a bit:

bunpo app
akebi kanji practice
anki sets
read news or novel

Anonymous 297161

I haven't been using my textbook. I finished the bunpo jlpt n1 course but I still do reviews. I've been slacking on news articles, too.

new daily routine:
anki kanji and grammar decks
read 1 news article
read novel or manga
write at least 3 sentences and have them corrected

Anonymous 299166

Changed my routine, I can feel a lot of improvement lately:

business Japanese anki
jlpt all levels grammar anki
kanji radicals anki
grammar app n1 review
nihongo no mori n1 grammar videos
read manga

Anonymous 299217

Exercise 3 days a week M W F
Ride bike 3 days a week at minimum T T S
IPL 3 days a week T T S
Memrise and Anki every day
You’re doing amazing and it’s so heartening to see your updates. I’m rooting for you!

Anonymous 301484

my goals are to
-stop craving fast food
-lose weight..
-get more female friends

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