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Screenshot 2025-01…

It's so weird that people are fucking Anonymous 302546[Reply]

I just spend my life playing games and listening to music in my free time and I chat with my friends. And somehow there are some kind of people that are, straight up fucking. And this seems so weird to me because, like, why? I understand having sex with one person, but having sex with multiple people? You are constantly touching someone's skin. Someone that you hardly know much about. So disgusting. Like holy fucking shit. And you are, you are having intercourse with them. You are letting them touch you however you want. I don't get why would you ever want to do that. Are sex havers and I even the same species? And I don't think that I am weird for not understanding sex havers, I think sex havers are just broken somehow. This might be a new disorder of sorts.

Anonymous 302549

Unfortunately we're the strange ones.

Anonymous 302556


Anonymous 302557

i dont believe sex actually exists.

Anonymous 302558

I'm a married sex-haver but I feel the same way about casual sex. The fact that people hook up and have one night stands regularly blows my mind.


Who was wrong here? Who deserves punishment? Anonymous 302356[Reply]

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Anonymous 302371

This is based.
If you're going to cheat, it's probably safer to just leave. And if you're going to help someone cheat? BWAHAHAHAHHAHA!

Anonymous 302399

Her scrote because he is a whiny baby ass faggot, if a woman wants to cheat she will, i bet his tiny limp dick couldnt even make her orgasm, such is the life of many women, moids have no fucking empathy.

Anonymous 302543

she's wrong for fucking two ugly men, and they're wrong for existing

Anonymous 302544

she should've cheated with a woman :(

Anonymous 302545

The man for being evil and the woman for cheating obviously.


Anonymous 254183[Reply]

I'm the only real woman that still goes here
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Anonymous 269632

That's a big cow

Anonymous 301575

wtf is going on here??

Anonymous 302197

does drawnona still post here?

Anonymous 302520

Yes but im permabanned on my main ip and my drawing tablet broke, my mouse too

Anonymous 302539

every old user here is permabanned


Anonymous 297766[Reply]

Do you like Australia?
63 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302313

Higher fees, better accommodation for rich Chinese/Malaysian/Indonesian students, parking passes, paying to retake units etc. Really they target the whales of kids of millionaire elite.

Anonymous 302314

>Chinese/Malaysian/Indonesian students

What's wrong with unis in their own countries? Why go all the way to Straya just go to to uni?

Anonymous 302315

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Fortitude Valley?


Anonymous 302321

They're usually very high-stress, high-failure rate institutions with no discernible advantage over Australian unis. In my personal experience, universities in most of Asia are more focused on rote learning and memorisation than anything else, just like primary and secondary schooling. Put it this way: China has a population something like 50x that of Australia, yet Australia has produced about double their number of Nobel prize winners.

Anonymous 302528

Queen Street mall is ghetto and dirty.

Most guys are on MDMA or offer cocaine/crystal meth

There is a place called south bank along the river and they have artificial beaches which are kind of like outdoor freshwater pools with beach sand.

Women don't feel safe walking alone around the city

Family's are living in tents the local river. Facebook community pages are filled with unfortunate people begging for accommodation for themselves and their young children.

The CBD is horrible to drive through and there's nowhere to park.

There's also a strip joint on the mall too, it's so fucking weird to put that right there in such a public place. They charge the dancer a door fee to come to work as a stripper. Dancers don't get paid outside of lapdances ($90 per dance) or tips. The club takes 40% of everything they earn. Sometimes they go home with nothing. High turnover rate. If they don't make enough in one night, they have to pay $70 to be sent home. They literally pay more to be at work than the customer does to come in. They're definitely hustling against other women in the club. If you don’t hustle for lap dances and VIPs, you can walk out in debt to the club. They are not employees, they are independent contractors, so they can set whatever rules they like, so they take advantage because they can. A lot of clubs will have a female manager that will weigh the dancers every night and make sure they're below 60kg.

rika 1.jpg

Anonymous 302149[Reply]

rikaposting to get rid of disgusting CSAM on recent images
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Anonymous 302289

Thank you, Rikaposter, I've saved all pictures from this thread

Anonymous 302514

rika 16.jpg

Anonymous 302515

rika 17.jpg

Anonymous 302516

rika 18.jpg

Anonymous 302517

rika 19.jpg


Lolcow.farm hate thread #11 Anonymous 301694[Reply]

last thread >>>/b/299049
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Anonymous 302442

If you set one up first, you'd get plenty of volunteers. My main concern is some potential janny applicants having very intense and exhausting personalities, leading to constant complaining and drama. There are many I would not want to work with. I feel the need to tip-toe around saying this obvious observation.

Anonymous 302458

stop being a retard

Anonymous 302459

reading this is like being fedora tipped by a redditor

Anonymous 302480

If you set one up, I will totally help out! In fact, if you need help setting it up, I can help with that as well.

Anonymous 302507

what was strange about that?


Anonymous 219189[Reply]

Has this ever happened to you?
251 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 274340

That doesn't mean anything about his character. All moids want to cheat, one with a higher body count just has more opportunities to act on it.


But the advantage is still in lower body counts

Anonymous 302322

This is the answer

Anonymous 302335


you are so me

Anonymous 302354

>Virgin shy moid being the life of the party
>As soon as any woman tries to interact with him he panics and does an irish goodbye
Love to see it! It's always the good looking ones too and they make you feel like your a creep whenever you show them any attention, like aren't they supposed to be desperate goddamn.


Anonymous 295131[Reply]

Are we allowed to vent on autistic people here? I sure would like to, I've met some really irritating assholes who have flat-out told me they're on the spectrum.

BTW anyone else ever felt that autists just really like talking about food for some reason? (I mean like regular food, not fine dining stuff) I've my theories as to why, but would like to hear your opinions first.
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Anonymous 302488

and being autistic is ghetto

Anonymous 302489

My mental state is ghetto. Yeah B-)

Anonymous 302498

Normies are nice (sometimes) but interacting with them leaves me feeling lonely still because they are so fake. Other autists can be toxic freaks but I just feel like I belong with them.

Anonymous 302499

Just wondering. Can you relate to what I write?
Speaking is hard to me, but listening is even more harder. Like 70% of the time human language sounds gibberish to me,I literally can't make out words. I often have to ask people to repeat same things like 10 times in a row and this is so embarrassing. And it's impossible to train since obviously I have been hearing people talk my whole life.
The worst part is that I dunno how to even address this shit with doctors to ask for some sort of hearing aid (like speech slowing device?) because I have never heard of other people having trouble like that. The capacity of my hearing itself is fine, you won't detect anything on tests. And there is also no medicinal term either - there is dyslexia, dysgraphia, apraxia but nothing about ability to decode specifically speech.
The first time I ever heard another person mention this shit was some autism shilling blogger and I don't care honestly if it's a grifter I am just happy I am not the only person in this world with this type of retardation.

Anonymous 302503

Diagnostic criteria don't have to be met 100%
Most adult autists prefer to be on their own because they are exhausted from trying and rejection, but autists can easily have natural extroverted temperament. Autism is about cognition not character.


What's your job like? Anonymous 232819[Reply]

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Anonymous 302361

I'd be lying if I said I'd never thought about it, but he's 30-something and a research scientist, while I'm 20-something and a cleaner. He's likely not the least bit interested in me, and if he is, it's probably for the wrong reasons.

Anonymous 302467

No man in the eons of time has said "she is pretty, fun to hang out with, nice to me and also other people but sadly she can't match my career"
You're not a NEET bum or a whore, the rest doesn't matter.
You'll find hundreds of studies like this one They found that men felt the most anxious when they were the sole breadwinner in the family, and the least stressed when their women partners were contributing 40% to the household income. But as women made more money past that point, men become “increasingly uncomfortable"', etc. pp.

Anonymous 302471

I recently got a government job but unfortunately it's in a call centre. I wanna try and do my best and stay until another role comes up. I struggle with the tasks, but it's nicer than 90% of other call centres so I can't complain too much. You're not allowed to finish case notes/info in-between calls and there's a lot of info required so it can be pretty challenging.

Anonymous 302481

Screenshot 2025-03…

I work at a research library, specifically for math/physics. It's part-time and I also TA history classes at my university on the side.

It is actually really nice and I enjoy it. It works well with my schedule which can be tough because I am a full-time student who takes a lot of credit hours. Often at night there is really nothing to do so I can just do homework. I know nothing about physics + very little about math but it's not hard to bullshit if someone needs help finding something.

There are definitely a few creepy moids + comp sci types who smell AWFUL, but it's not as bad as when I worked at a public library. If anyone wants any library horror stories I am happy to share lol

Anonymous 302490

theres more to it though like matching education level. men and women will still prefer ppl on the same sociological level as them. men who dont care about you being on the same page as them are weird


Anonymous 302372[Reply]

What's the best way to cook spaghetti? Should the pasta be slightly chewy or soft? Should the sauce be mixed with the pasta or poured on top? Should you add olive oil in the water when boiling pasta or not?

Anonymous 302373

Salt should be added generously to the water.
Pasta should be as firm as possible, but never undercooked.
Olive oil should be added only after draining the water to prevent pasta from sticking together (makes it easier to reheat it the next day).
I think its more pleasing to the eye if sauce is poured on top.
Consider some finely grated cheese.

Anonymous 302374

Firm/al dente pasta is usually best.
No olive oil in water.
Sauce poured on top.

Anonymous 302385

and then use their meat for pasta bolognese

Anonymous 302390



Anonymous 302460

I like to cook the pasta in the sauce. I just add some water and I also like olive oil but its not needed. cooking it this way makes it especially nice I think cause the pasta gets more flavor ig and you get to do less dishes. don't forget to add the salt though if you try this.

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