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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 298312[Reply]

thoughts on this?
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Anonymous 301620

>changed nothing
>largely forgotten after a few weeks
>didn't even get to actually enjoy any of his 15 minutes of fame on account on being in jail
>will now spend decades if not the rest of his life in prison

Was it worth it?

Anonymous 301633

>activiely being suppressed by all major media and government just delaying his case because they kept fucking up

Nah dude it’s a wait for the court date at this point.

Anonymous 302005

dosen't he come from a wealthy family tho

Anonymous 302011

Irrelevant, it only goes to show how those who are better off are still stepped on by the 1% that control the resources

Anonymous 302457


yall fanatics are completely retarded


Crochet/knitting/sewing etc Anonymous 137729[Reply]

A thread dedicated to garment and textile making, including, but not limited to, crocheting, knitting, and sewing.
Share patterns, questions/advice, what you're working on, etc.
Questions to get started:

>What craft(s) do you enjoy

>what is your skill level
>how long have you been at it
>what got you into it
>what have you finished recently
>what are you working on now
>what do you hope to make in the future
>what materials do you prefer using (brands, fiber, etc)
>how often do you get to participate in your craft?
>any other online spaces oe resources good for discussing your craft?
>what do you think is beneficial about your craft
>advice for any beginners
40 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 218854

>beginner amigurumi projects

Anonymous 219125


I think not much at all. I'm a beginner crocheter and have completed like 7 simple amigurumi + 2 beanies, and I'm going to make this one now.

Anonymous 298191

I love sewing and making things and the creativity that comes with it!

My only income right now is self-employed, sewing covers and stuff for boats and outdoor things. I don't love it.. I want a chance to make creative things again.

Anonymous 298908

>What craft(s) do you enjoy
Knitting, crochet, sewing. I've tried spinning wool into yarn and dyeing yarn, too.
>what is your skill level
I'm best at knitting, bad at crochet, medium good at sewing, and bad at spinning wool and dyeing yarn lol
>how long have you been at it
Since I was a kid for knitting, for 6 months for sewing, 3 months for the other stuff
>what got you into it
My grandma taught me how to knit. I wanted to learn how to sew so I could tailor some of my clothing. Crochet and other fibercrafts came from knitting, I guess
>what have you finished recently
A wool soaker for my friend's future baby. She wants to cloth diaper but a lot of the commercial wool soakers are way too expensive
>what are you working on now
More wool soakers lol
>what do you hope to make in the future
I want to make some fingered gloves at some point.
>what materials do you prefer using (brands, fiber, etc)
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 302009

when did the crochet community became so political, it seems to be a rather recent thing


Anonymous 301887[Reply]

Anyone here have a pet rabbit? Thinking about getting one or two.

Anonymous 302004

i never understood the appeal of rabbits, they seem so much less interactive in comparison with cats and dogs


Anonymous 25966[Reply]

Has anyone ever been famous or become known poster on 4chan? Do you regret it?
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Anonymous 301829

>Kek they always assume there’s something wrong with you just because you happen to be a chick on 4ch
i mean are they wrong if is not that is probably some emotional issues like coming from a broken home or avoidant disorder, no normal healthy person goes on chan websites in the first place

Anonymous 301831

that happens to everybody who posts on chan about anything that happens to be slightly feminine, or they are a bit to autistic about the thing they like

Anonymous 301832

Yes, on /a/ I was a known namefag and avatarfag, never posted my actual face. I was known for hating on part 5 of JoJo Bizarre adventure and drawing some of the characters being tortured. No regrets, I loved to see 5fags seethe, gained some friends back then too

Anonymous 301835

Part 3 is the definitive ending to me

Anonymous 302002

my bad ''draw your own reaction on this cartoon template'' became popular for a short while on Spanish speaking facebook, i didnt find out until way later when i image search my own drawing


Anonymous 149385[Reply]

Have you ever pretended to be a man online?
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Anonymous 299004

>women hide their identities on the internet so they don't get men simping or harassing them
>it looks like mostly men are posting
>men think they're the default on the internet

Anonymous 299136

Elle suit.jpeg

I pretended to be a boy on a forum for girls back in the day because I wanted to woo them.

Anonymous 299160

I dont know why everyone is doubting you. I do the same and depending on the angle I use it tends to work pretty well in making them feel ashamed of themselves for a few seconds at least

Anonymous 301611

When interacting with larger groups for niche hobbies i become John Weewee from Penistown, helps avoid sexual harrasement

Anonymous 302000

the only time id said i was a woman i gotten a dickpic in my dm, i just dont ever mention and my gender and people just assume i am a guy or a gay guy for whatever reason, i guess that is better than having weird moids on your ass tho


Anonymous 301898[Reply]

any nonas here into photography? if so, any tips? i like to take landscapes but i'm not sure how to take photos of other stuff lolll

Anonymous 301998

well why not start with having the subject in the frame, just a thought


Women Furries Anonymous 295673[Reply]

What's your opinion of women furries?
I follow a lot of princessfurs, something about them tickle my brain.
This is just a indirect way of me asking if there are other furries that browse cc.
49 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 300936

I love female furries made by female artists because they look cool and cute and I hate when moids make them a fetish like literally everything else

Anonymous 301421

Maybe we could do a furry friend finder or art swap buddy finder thread? I'd love to exchange some silly furry doodles.

Anonymous 301815

gross, why you got to stack degeneracies, being a furry is not enough for you, what the heck

Anonymous 301816

most of the artists in that spaces are women for some reason

Anonymous 301997

i do not like them, they are so weird


Anonymous 301811[Reply]

Any nonas here into martial arts ? How is it helping you and why did you chose your martial art ?
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Anonymous 301871

No you’re right! I hate when they just hug each other for 3 rounds. I wish the refs would break it up more often when there’s no real damage being done
It might not look like much but it takes a lot of full body strength and energy to control your opponent like that. I’ve never wrestled though so it’s not like I can really say.

Anonymous 301874

A wrestling match is seven minutes. A boxing match is almost 50 minutes. There's no way the average boxer has less endurance than the average wrestler.

Anonymous 301875

Oh you’re right, I wasn’t even thinking about that. I mainly watch ufc and there’s some superhuman grapplers like Merab. I’ve seen too many of my favorite strikers get mauled because they gas too quickly

Anonymous 301877


Are you this nona from lc?

Anonymous 301996

martial art is soooo 2000 and 10


Mirage of justice Anonymous 301754[Reply]

as self
My name was always their villan
Calculated; not a monster
Previously nieve
triumphantly slain
by the passages they repeat

Scriptures of my own
pinned on corkboards
Each utterance
my hands leading damascus across stone

My safety pulled out
My name gushing from their necks

Anonymous 301980

more weird religious poetry on this site pls & thanks


Anonymous 301937[Reply]

post your dream custom cakes
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Anonymous 301942


Anonymous 301949


I can only dream

Anonymous 301965


Anonymous 301966

Fairy house birthd…

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301978

Moved to >>>/img/29787.

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