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Anonymous 288085[Reply]

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Anonymous 301465

if by moids you mean your mom and by rice you mean strap-on, and by eat you mean fuck, then yes, I do indeed like to eat moids with my rice.

Anonymous 301469

>Oke so not to derail
too late nona, this thread is about rice and the culinary possibilities it entails. No other discussions will be tolerated. You're going straight to prison for that one, no bail, no trial. Please choose a gang you wish to join prior to incarceration from this list here, unless you wish to remain gang-less and be forced to eat lunch alone and risk getting judgemental stares from across the dining hall every time you eat.

Anonymous 301470

my beautiful angel of an ex and 100 mice

Anonymous 301471

>is this what you wanted to hear pickme chan?
The way you worded it is weird, but at least you tried.

Anonymous 301475

chicken and broccoli


Which fast food chain has the best burger? Anonymous 273944[Reply]

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Anonymous 301181

Anonymous 301207

This. I always feel terrible after eating fast food burgers.

Anonymous 301212

Can you make this without egg? I am allergic to eggs

Anonymous 301473

Max, a Swedish chain. It's way better than any fast food I've had outside of Sweden. Better than Five Guys, KFC, McDonalds, etc

Anonymous 301478

Not to be shilling my country but honestly everything from there is good. I've had the nuggets, chicken burger, vego burger, normal burger, just fries, etc and everything I've had is good. Their milkshakes are fantastic too.
Yeah, it sucks that it's just a Sweden thing but I'm guessing it's because we want the meat to be ethically sourced which most countries don't.
Yeah, Ikea's food is very good too, though I feel like the produce has decreased in quality.


Nichole from Class of '09 is my ideal self Anonymous 301426[Reply]

I can't describe how much I identify with her, how much better my life would have been if, instead of being a stuck up naive little girl until 25, I'd said what I thought and very clearly told everyone who wanted to take advantage of me to fuck off, if I'd given no importance to what others were thinking of me and I'd had the courage to do the opposite of what my parents wanted me to do.

Sorry if you think /feels/ would have been a better place to post this.

Anonymous 301434

Just watch a Let's Play on youtube
Also, check out these animated shorts

Anonymous 301439

another class of 09 nona, Jecka is my ideal self xD

Anonymous 301441

It's just a visual novel, you can either pirate it or watch a let's play online.

Anonymous 301453


Literally just Patrick Bateman for women.

Hates the opposite gender? Check.
Insanely rude? Check.
Egotistical? Check.
Attractive? Check.
Drug addicted? Check.
Hates almost everybody around them? Check.
Money obsessed? Check
Looked up to as "literally me" by many? Check.

I could go on and on, but the biggest difference is obviously gender and that one of them is far more open about what they think. But I repeat myself. Overall, almost every character in the Co09 and AP is absolutely messed up in the head and I personally do not wish to look up to every single aspect of their personality, but some parts, such as Nicole's wariness of being taken advantage of, can be useful to some extent. To be able to sacrifice a little bit of kindness for safety can go long way, but not to the point of turning everybody against you and being an asshole, such as in the prison and Ari routes, where even Jecka starts to hate her.


Brazilian anonettes Anonymous 154423[Reply]

Where are you? This place seems more active and interesting than most of brazilian chans nowadays.
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Anonymous 295993


Cadê o Magali??? Alguma anã sabe de algo?

Anonymous 296963

Ja voltou

Anonymous 297189

where do you get your clothes?

Anonymous 297210

i dont think this nona is still here but cola num HH da UFSC né porra

Anonymous 297323


that's unfortunate


Gen Y women Anonymous 230927[Reply]

any Gen Y women here who remember the fun days of 4chan like 2007-2010?

There was sexism back then, but nothing like today. The manosphere/mgtow/incel/red pill destroyed that place. Likewise, I feel Gen Z engage in lots of bullying.

I used to pretend to be a guy circa 2007 and never admit to being a woman and it was fun. I also feel this was before politics and echo chambers. /pol/ destroyed 4chan. I remember before /pol/ existed.

Anyway, this is my first post ever here. Just want to get this off my chest. I feel bad that I can no longer enjoy a message board I grew up on.
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Anonymous 297605

what do you even go on there for isn't it just all porn

Anonymous 297630

Millenial here, joined 4 chan in 06
It was always shit, it's just you were a kid and didn't develop a proper sense of empathy until you were older.
Do you remember "an hero"? Where they found out a 13 year old boy commit suicide, so they prank called his grieving parents for years, desecrated his grave, and mocked his death into meme status?
Yeah. It was always a scrote infested shithole.

Anonymous 297631

i can't believe that it's even worse now. being full of ai slop on every board and no genuine/funny interactions does that to you i guess

Anonymous 297634

I was born in 1995 (so, just barely a zoomer) and I remember early 4chan from when I was a kid. It was even worse than it is today - far worse, in fact. You would see CP posted every single day on many boards.

Anonymous 301449

I still think 2007 was worse in this regard, but the same cp site with the same picture is posted a dozen times a day on /b/ now. It's probably a honeypot, but it's disgusting either way.


Anonymous 301092[Reply]

What is your favorite language besides your own?
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Anonymous 301101

hungarian looks and sounds super cool

Anonymous 301108

Gib drama recs

Anonymous 301130

Good taste

Anonymous 301133

Technically also partially my own but Korean. It's fun to speak in.

Anonymous 301440


Latin, Akkadian, Sumerian, Ancient Egyptian. Ethereal and esoteric, phonetically interesting plus you can use Sumerian and Akkadian to summon a horde of lilitus if you so desire…


Anonymous 296675[Reply]

Anyone here feel a sense of relief that they aren’t the only ones still at home
Do you feel the stigma is dying down now
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Anonymous 301354

We'll all be living in caves after everything is outlawed, but then you can be sure that living in caves will soon be banned in order to protect endangered bats.

Anonymous 301355

covid 3.0 cave edition

Anonymous 301362

The elites have turned everyone into criminals, liars, hypocrites, and cowards.

The only good thing about living in a police state is that no one can take the moral high ground on anything.

Anonymous 301371

Almost no countries on that map ae former ussr countries, what are you talking about?

Anonymous 301406


Google sued by Russia for over $20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Anonymous 300625[Reply]

Thoughts on this? Do you think this will be taken seriously or will Google just shrug it off? How high do you think it will go? It’s doubling every week as well. Did you know what a decillion even was prior to this (I did!)? I haven’t followed this situation in a while so feel free to share any updates I just find this very funny


Anonymous 300645

Russia is a a deeply unserious country

Anonymous 300691


Anonymous 300699


Anonymous 301391

That's not saying much at least not compared to land of the corporations

Anonymous 301395

Who cares lol? What's Russia gonna do? Even if it was somehow unlawful to ban blatant lies, if Russia expects Google to obey these nonexistent laws maybe they should start by obeying the existent laws themselves kek


Anonymous 273609[Reply]

Is hookup culture and casual sex ever worth it?
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Anonymous 301334

The words I write are fake
Each post is just a mistake
The bots create and reply
Real voices slowly die

Anonymous 301345

most retarded argument i've ever seen itt. are any of you even real

Anonymous 301356

Fuck don’t remind me of them. On par with dolphins, the rapists of the seas

Penguins live a miserable existence. Imagine a long march in an icy landscape
Imagine starving to protect your eggs and keep them warm for months
Imagine every time you want to hunt for food, there’s a risk that the first penguin who jumps dies and gets eaten by an orca or leopard seal

I’m glad I wasn’t born a penguin

Anonymous 301361

Obviously not.

Anonymous 301379


racist nona


I Hate Kids and Women Who Have Them Anonymous 296906[Reply]

Does anyone else feel this way? I just see a woman with a kid and I feel almost betrayed in a way. Like I fought so hard for abortion rights and you decided to have some moid's crotch spawn. I know it isn't rational, but I can't be alone in feeling this way.
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Anonymous 301206

One of the reasons the US is collapsing now is that Americans think that decay will be stopped by becoming Fascists and Communists. Americans think the US will be improved by expanding wars, increasing the debt, and adding more tyranny when the reason the USA is crashing is because the US has wars, is in debt, and has a police state.

Americans say that they love freedom, but then they turn around and say they need the government to give them free Obamacare, build a wall, protect the US from Yemen, wiretap their phones, arrest people for feeding the homeless, stop farmers from plowing fields, force people to get rid of dogs, ban vaping, and torture suspects.

Every country has the government it deserves.

Anonymous 301335

Exercising my right to abort also means to have the right to not abort, you know? Othewise we should have made abortions mandatory

Anonymous 301336

There isnt a logical reason to do anything really
Eating food is just your monkey brain telling you that you'll die otherwise, same for breathing
Living at all boils down to your genes forcing you to go through this hellish experience we call life for an poportunity to pass on your genes.
If there is no need or reason to pass on your genetic material, might as well kill yourself, because there is no rhyme or reason to life

Anonymous 301372

Sorry but youre on the same level as moids who hate women for not having kids

Anonymous 301378


The point of life is bliss. This is obvious to anyone who's not retarded. There. Now you know what's logical and what's not dumbass

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