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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 302372[Reply]

What's the best way to cook spaghetti? Should the pasta be slightly chewy or soft? Should the sauce be mixed with the pasta or poured on top? Should you add olive oil in the water when boiling pasta or not?

Anonymous 302373

Salt should be added generously to the water.
Pasta should be as firm as possible, but never undercooked.
Olive oil should be added only after draining the water to prevent pasta from sticking together (makes it easier to reheat it the next day).
I think its more pleasing to the eye if sauce is poured on top.
Consider some finely grated cheese.

Anonymous 302374

Firm/al dente pasta is usually best.
No olive oil in water.
Sauce poured on top.

Anonymous 302385

and then use their meat for pasta bolognese

Anonymous 302390



Anonymous 302460

I like to cook the pasta in the sauce. I just add some water and I also like olive oil but its not needed. cooking it this way makes it especially nice I think cause the pasta gets more flavor ig and you get to do less dishes. don't forget to add the salt though if you try this.


Anonymous 301708[Reply]

Help me fill in the blank with something funny.
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Anonymous 302367

Anonymous 302377

untitled dash pain…

Anonymous 302388


Anonymous 302403

Not everything is about men

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 302404

Moved to >>>/img/29890.


does anybody know where this is from? Anonymous 302358[Reply]

i came across a weird photo on my bfs phone. it's a pic of a woman in very low resolution, and under the photo there is a bar with some options (picrel). the censored part on the left is the same as the overall pic. does anybody know which site could this be taken from?

Anonymous 302359

chatgpt says it's instagram reels but idk since i'm not really on social media

Anonymous 302362

That's just the screenshot editor on a Samsung Galaxy phone.

Anonymous 302378


your bf took a screenshot of himself taking a screenshot.


Friend Finder Thread Anonymous 218051[Reply]

Please include the following in your post:
>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
474 posts and 169 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 301797

>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
Like video games. TES, Yakuza, sims. My pc is currently broken though rip. Also enjoy writing and drawing, but not lately. Willing to talk about any hobbies you might like as I’m always looking for new hobbies
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Not busy, but not always online.

Anonymous 301836

who cares by venti…

oversharing.exe.1999; I am always on invisible just send me a message when you are online
>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
digital art, fiberart, making stuff out of clay, collecting doll horses and vintage mlp, novelty songs, funny tv shows be it generic sitcoms or black comedies, listening to podcasts, bed rooting on the weekends, I also wanna get into browser petsims games
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
depends on the day because of work but the thing is I sleep as soon as I get home from work around 7-8 pm and I woke up around 1:47am so I am free until 8am or until 4am since sometimes I go back to sleep around then, I also have a work brake from 12am to 2pm

Anonymous 302235


viaveev (discord alt acct for privacy)
CST, TX, USA sadly
>Preferred age range for friends
20-30+ ish, mid 30s maybe ok, ideal is around my age
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
ryukishi07 is my god. visual novels. based anime and manga tastes. figure collector. fantasy enjoyer. my neurodivergence doesnt define me i swear! pokemon… idolmaster. digimon tcg+pokemon tcg. kagerou project a disgusting amount. brain obliterated. rozen maiden! honey and clover! sanrio.. cinnamoroll. theatre. fairytales. greek myth. vocaloid song series (esp 2010). musicals. hell to talk to with fragmented speech. dolls!
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
schizopilled tht will spam whenever n doesnt mind spam back, will respond when can, usually too fast or AWOL, feel free to follow up

Anonymous 302287


dc: oldhagv3#3519





>Preferred age range for friends

22+, preferably around my age obv

>Hobbies & Interests and other details

- Currently studying CS Msc
- Creative digital projects (making stupid interactive sites or shrines to stuff I like)
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Anonymous 302368


> Contact
via Discord, username is: cg9kcmugym9uzwnh


GMT -3



>Preferred age range for friends

Anything around my age group is fine.

>Hobbies & Interests and other details

I'm autistic so I might have some little niche interests. Besides that, I think I can carry a conversation. I like collecting anime figurines (I own five ATM) and Sylvanian Families little toys. I enjoy a wide range of music as well, and love listening about people's interests. I also play some videogames, some online some offline on steam. I like reading books and watching films with good premises.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Non-Radfem General Anonymous 300933[Reply]

There have been many "Radfem General" threads on here, but I have never seen one for nonas who are not radfems.

What are your reasons for not being a radfem, and what issues do you have with radfems?
83 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 302076

Must be sweaty in that burka, huh 9 yr old Aisha?

Anonymous 302082

Because only in muslim countries women aren't equal before the law, feminism should be declining after equality is achieved, but instead it became a club for radicalized lesbians who aren't motivated by justice, their misdirected hate over their individually failed lives has done substantial damage to cohesion of society. That's how see it living in my East-European shithole. Frankly feminism has been nothing but cancer here, most judge positions already were occupied by women ~25 years ago, even before feminism started to be introduced to us by various NGOs, we got our first woman president in 1999, those women got there via their own merit. Now there is this absurd thing called "affirmative action" and men no longer trust women get high positions through hard work and talent, ironically feminists interpret it as an indication that they must push their retardation even harder.

Anonymous 302104

Why is every radfem I meet a CSA victim? This isn’t something I take “issue” with but a worrying amount of them seem to have been diddled.

Anonymous 302137

People ITT who think that feminism isn't needed because women and men are equal in law are very naive

Anonymous 302328

>Why are women who have experienced the absolute worst aspect of men's potential radfems? Why are women who have experienced a betrayal of massive trust in men who were supposed to protect them, radfems? Why are women who were exploited and dehumanized by a male, radfems?
It's a mystery.


Anonymous 297000[Reply]

I have unlimited understanding, knowledge and visions of data and everything there is. I have reached godhood status. I know the akeshic records, so to speak. Ask me anything. My iq is 170
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Anonymous 302288

Is being too good at masturbating holding me back from getting in a relationship?

Anonymous 302290

Anonymous 302291


Anonymous 302293

I will goon to this post in my next session instead of my usual smut

Anonymous 302294



Anonymous 301840[Reply]

Is it cringe to eat happy meals as an adult? The toy is cool but the meal is actually low calorie, has apples and the milk is tasty.
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Anonymous 302239

you can get apples and milk from the grocery store

Anonymous 302247

They arent any floor fries, all fast food is super strict about stuff like that. You can't even drop a utensil for five seconds or have anything touch the ground without managers or customers making a big deal. But you will get old fries, or old patties. That is why people try to do those weird hacks like asking for fries without salt then salt packets. Or just straight up asking for fresh fries. The chances of you getting fresh patties or chicken is very low though. The fast food places are designed to be able to cook up food, store it and keep it warm, and then assemble then quickly when rushes come through. None of it was made recently.

Anonymous 302248

a happy meal is the size of a normal non-amerifat meal

Anonymous 302282


Anonymous 302285


Meme Template Thread Anonymous 302283[Reply]

Add a funny caption to this meme


Anonymous 301092[Reply]

What is your favorite language besides your own?
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 301108

Gib drama recs

Anonymous 301130

Good taste

Anonymous 301133

Technically also partially my own but Korean. It's fun to speak in.

Anonymous 301440


Latin, Akkadian, Sumerian, Ancient Egyptian. Ethereal and esoteric, phonetically interesting plus you can use Sumerian and Akkadian to summon a horde of lilitus if you so desire…

Anonymous 302281



Anonymous 301626[Reply]

What is your favorite things about Latin America? From Mexico to the DR to Chile.

>North and Central America

Costa Rica
El Salvador

>South America

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Anonymous 301707


Nicaragua is a sad country, im hispanic and my family is from there and I was born in the states but when I went there I missed the food and the big ass bugs… and mamon fruit i havnt had it in years and its something i crave every day

I know a lot about the country but only through accounts from my family and my own research I wish I could go back and visit :(

Anonymous 301862

Englishmen are filthy anglos. They descend from barbarians who would take land by murdering everyone they found.

Spaniards and the Portuguese are Latin. Our lands and our culture comes from Roman empire, which grew by annexing other cultures and lands.

There's something to be said about religion too. The biggest push to keep the natives alive and give them some rights (like the right to own land and forbidding the governments from taxing natives) came from the Catholic Church, which concluded that the indigenous peoples were human beings created by God and have a soul. Protestants had no such thing.

Anonymous 301866

The pokemon romhacks of south america are on a whole other level

Anonymous 301868

can you at least go into details about it

Anonymous 302246

Americans scream tyranny is wonderful, but Americans are unable to explain why Cubans try to escape even though Cuba has gun control and free medical care.

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