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The S.C.U.M Manifesto Anonymous 10481[Reply]

Has anyone read it? What were your thoughts on it?
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Anonymous 10495

tranny above doesnt know what "nona" means

Anonymous 10504

I've only read excerpts but it seems dank apart from the alleged sissification part kek
Not necessarily paranormal but she did shoot Andy Warhol and was sentenced to 3 years. He didn't die immediately but his death was due to complications from it (decades later!)

Anonymous 10505

i don't think anyone actually takes solanas seriously even radfems

Anonymous 10517

Where can I read it

Anonymous 10518


Tech Paranoia Anonymous 5369[Reply]

It probably seems hypocritical but I’m someone who is online nearly 24/7 but extremely paranoid about things such as online tracking, social media using my data, etc. I only have Discord because all my friends do but I fucking hate it because there’s practically no privacy. I want to get more secure and private online but I don’t know where to start. Are college classes good at all or run by feds?
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Anonymous 5646

If you're using consumer VPN I'd bet a lot of money on it being a honeypot. Especially the ones with suspiciously large amounts of budgeted ad-time. Good for hiding from your ISP and nothing else.
The low effort solution to data privacy is to just not use the internet for anything private. Having a low profile is a better defense than high profile + loads of security effort. Don't use socmedia & don't download anything off of the internet and you're less at-risk than most of us.
Hardware-level backdoor in over the counter phones regardless of make. Manufacturers were quietly began to install after the FBI got demickey so don't put anything important / illegal on a smart phone. Not sure why you'd want to anyhow.

Anonymous 5785

It's an issue if you're wanted for a crime, but for general privacy, it's a good help. Google won't subpoena your logs to get ad data.
Discord kind of worries me: no privacy at all, they own anything posted.

Anonymous 5787

I used to be tech paranoid before but honestly i don’t see a point in that anymore. We’re all fucked so who gives a shit? Everyone allows access to their locations and their data and everything. Millions of people. I am not paranoid about it anymore. Honestly the way i look at tech paranoia is either someone who is genuinely paranoid which is someone i’d rather avoid or a criminal that i would also rather avoid. This is the new world order, s. Embrace it 666

Anonymous 5875

this is exactly where I'm at as well

Anonymous 10503


>i dont know how you guys know so much about computers and computer privacy.
I'm studying in IT school with specialty in programming and cybersecurity. Ez.

I also don't have friends outside hackerspace (C.C is the only female space I have left these days).


Anonymous 1430[Reply]

Do you believe in Aliens?
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Anonymous 9775

I'm confident there's like bacteria or viruses or similiar microtiny lifeforces are out there. Not sure about any intelligent lifeforces. And tbh idgaf. As long as aliens aren't paying for or threatening my basic needs/existence it's completely uninteresting to me wether they exist or not.

Anonymous 9777


Aliens and demons are the same thing. I mean what do you think are beings that possess, abduct people, and reveal them secret knowledge?

Anonymous 9778

There's probably alien crabs somewhere. Look up carcinisation.

Anonymous 10489


Holy trips

Anonymous 10490

This is literally the plot of Doom


Blessings thread Anonymous 8311[Reply]

>if you are a wizard and you would like to grant blessings
Be as transparent as your practice allows and keep it cozy. You may politely deny or ignore a someone else’s request if you are not comfortable with it. You are forbidden from casting unwholesome magic in or at this thread

>if you are looking for a blessing

Simply ask for a blessing. Do your best to specify what you need, but please keep it cozy. If you don't specify, any of our wizards may bless you with whatever beneficial things they see fit.
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Anonymous 10239

I would like a blessing.

Please let me be happy and reclaim and surpass what's happened to me into a healthier, successful life. I want to move on from this and what it's done. I am a better person than I was back then, and my intentions were good, but I can't live with this forever. I want to live, to love, and to smile again. Thank you.

Anonymous 10240

I would like a blessing

I would like to get a job, soon
I would like to find love
I would like to get out of here

Anonymous 10244

i would like to be blessed with a man i find attractive who loves me so much he skins me alive and wears me so i don't have to feel the pain of existing anymore.

Anonymous 10487

Please bless me with a rhinoplasty soon. I really want one but I can't afford it right now

Anonymous 10488

I would like to get a blessing for my summer work trip, so it would interesting, enjoyable and memorable (and so I would have to eat during it, it is important for as for genetically sick person)


the worst thing you've ever done Anonymous 10420[Reply]

what's the worst thing you've ever done in your life? do you feel guilty? did you get away with it?
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Anonymous 10428

i dont know all the lore but i think its some troon that would schitzophrenically post on lolcow and would post poop?

Anonymous 10429

Blaine is some tranny discordfag who constantly shits up 4chan particularly r9k by constantly posting racebait fetish porn threads I'm not even sure if he comes to CC but he's a severely mentally ill degenerate. I don't think the tranny posting shit is him but who knows.

Anonymous 10445

lmao i almost forgot about blaine

Anonymous 10446

i remember like last year a lot of girls on here were calling him out? like every time somebody posted something mildly male-like it would get at least three replies saying things like "kys blaine ywnbaw"… a truly paranoid time, haha

Anonymous 10480

Blaine posts on CC too or at least used to, he used to namefag when he first posted.


True Crime Community Anonymous 1937[Reply]

Any anons in the tcc?
Any outsiders willing to voice their opinions?
Why is true Crime so popular, especially with the woman audience?
How do non-Americans feel about the subject?
Do you have a favorite killer?
Who do you think is a handsome killer?
Why would you be attracted to a serial killer?
139 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 9962

>Why is true Crime so popular, especially with the woman audience?
Morbid curiosity. I also find it makes me feel grateful for being at least not murdered/raped etc. Also I like knowing the depths of depravity humans are capable of. I used to think it was exclusively males but I'm getting more into forms of crime by women (and not just ones you'd obviously be sympathetic to if you weren't a massive sexist - e.g. Aileen Wuornos). These forms of crime have much more complex but equally sinister nature (think women with Munchausens by proxy, cluster B personality disorders etc.).
>How do non-Americans feel about the subject?
idk if Canadians really count as non-Americans, but I think the Canadian justice system treats them too lightly. I think Singapore deals with criminals the best, which is why I felt the most safe and free when I lived there out of anywhere.
>Do you have a favorite killer?
Aileen Wuornos and Jodi Arias
>Who do you think is a handsome killer?
Ed Kemper
>Why would you be attracted to a serial killer?
I wouldn't - I'm not even attracted to non-vegans, let alone serial killers of humans.

Anonymous 9963

god these guys were the absolute worst. that was probably the only internet shock video involving not animals that really disturbed me.
i swear you can see how low iq and psychopathic this guy is just by the shape of his tiny beady eyes. what a creep.

Anonymous 9971


Am I the only one that thinks one of the toolbox killers look like a reptilian?

Anonymous 10402

>Any anons in the tcc?
I lurk .. to me the tcc is interesting enough as a community to be its own hyperfixation. I'd never admit to knowing about it irl though
>Any outsiders willing to voice their pinions?
I can see why people hate it but I think it's human nature to be curious
>Why is true Crime so popular, especially with the woman audience?
As a previous anon said, women aren't a hive mind. Everyone has their own reason, but if say living in a terrifying violent world can make a person curious about crime
>How do non-Americans feel about the subject
Crime happens everywhere
>Do you have a favorite killer?
I would never tell you
>Who do you think is a handsome killer?
Eh I can see why some ladies are obsessed with Ted Bundy & Richard Ramirez, they are very stereotypically handsome. Once again I will never tell you my own opinion.
>Why would you be attracted to a serial killer?
Unfortunate brain

Anonymous 10823

Israel Keyes is fascinating and scary to me. He's an extremely intelligent psychopath, he hid a bunch of random kill kits all over the U.S. and killed indiscriminately. Despite that, he did seem to love or at the very least have some affection for his daughter.


Unhinged thread Anonymous 9953[Reply]

Any other seriously mentally ill and unhinged and disconnected nonas on the board? Like others with schizophrenia, DID, ASD or other serious mental issues? How's it going?
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Anonymous 10385

I believe they believe it, but it's peak delusion and it seems to only happen in extreme cases of child issues though more often now due to media making it "known" through movies and books where the kid hears about it then probably uses it as a cope for their outbursts and whatnot (or takes on the persona of their imaginary friend to fight those harming them and suddenly the friend is "real") then the delusion gets more and more "real" to them as time goes on and into adulthood they're essentially a skitzo with their beliefs and need extreme therapy to snap out of it. Whatever anti delusional therapy entails plus whatever issues caused them to feel the need to put on certain personas in the first place

Anonymous 10386

Double posting but I should add, I'm not trying to talk from any point of malice, just my observations from knowing someone who definitely has it as opposed to a faker. Also I'm not exactly totally fine myself in the head so I'm not looking down on anyone who believes they've got a split personality.

Anonymous 10396

>implying carrey anon is "DID" when she has repeatedly stated she's bipolar bpd and has neurodivergent tendencies
>carrey anon has also repeatedly stated she does not have schizophrenia either
you respond to the wrong post number?

Anonymous 10400

Agreed anon. When the movie Sybil came out in the 70s, there was a huge influx of DID cases, and the same thing happened in the 80s during the Satanic Panic, where one woman claimed "satanic ritual abuse" and suddenly the phone lines all over the country were lighting up with the same claims.
I don't know what spurred the Tumblr DID hysteria in the 2010s (they also tried to bring back satanic ritual abuse victim for bonus points), but TikTok kids are definitely carrying the torch for this cultural disorder.
If it does exist, it's definitely not the way these internet munchies portray it (advanced roleplay/kinning or what the fuck ever).

Anonymous 11062

Dose visual snow count? Very rarely I see bugs moving in the corner of my eyes when I am ready tired only to turn around and see is just a speck of dirt/paint or just a strand of my own hair who moved because of the breeze, my only guess is because I have a deep fear of bugs


Anonymous 10390[Reply]

Anyone have a tulpa? I've had a tulpa for about 8 years now but lately I've been feeling very strange. That being said I have a question. Are tulpas demons? Did I summon a frickin demon?

Anonymous 10391

Tulpas aren't real.

Anonymous 10392


Kek, what's your tulpa like and what do you mean by feeling strange, nona?


/omg/ -Occultism & Mysticism General Anonymous 9406[Reply]

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Anonymous 10309

a bit of both. study by reading books or having a teacher can help to open the door by making it easier to see patterns. Divinity is all around us at all times but we are blinded to it. We were raised by forces jealous of truth and jealous of the spirit placed within all of us by the mother divinity. It instilled a set of false axioms meant to break the tie between our body and our spirit. Once the door has been opened (or inner eye, veil parted, whichever vocabulary you use to describe this) you will be able to see and hear the divinity in the world. It may appear in dreams, coincidences or synchronicities, or omens. Occasionally you may even receive a visit from a divine emanation in one of her many forms. You can also encounter divinity through logic such as mathematics or through art.
I would recommend most of the books in the OP. most things are tainted with some falsehood, so allow your heart to lead you to truth and follow whichever path the divinity sets before you.

Anonymous 10310

Thank you for your reply. Is there a good book that resonates with you especially? One that has emphasis on mother divinity? A lot of books I come across are very masculine.

Anonymous 10313

i liked the book by zuzana budapest in the OP under dianic wicca. You'll see I took a lot of inspiration from her. Mary Daly is good too.
The one that most resonated with me and broke me out of the spell of lies was reading the gnostic version of genesis. I had been raised catholic but since very early realized that the god of the bible was evil. It is especially obvious in genesis: the lie that women were borne from man's rib (and not the other way around), the curses the male god places on humanity like flooding the earth or killing innocents in egypt. He is jealous and vengeful. very unlike a creator and more like a usurper trying to control a creation that is not his. Even from a young age it felt like a trick. Reading the gnosic version is much closer to the truth, though i think their conception of material reality as evil is an oversimplification. the thunder perfect mind is a poem from the nag hammadi library, i think, which has a lot of hidden truths.
Unfortunately lots of traditions about the mother divinity were passed down orally, suppressed, eliminated, or assimilated. If you look, youll find fragments of her in your own culture. Take these fragments and follow them. She is not a vengeful goddess, don't worry too much about doing things the perfect way, just do what you can and she will show you the rest. Ask the women in your family, look at the female figures in your religion, or even look to history or mathematics and philosophy. You'll find her.

Anonymous 10365

About the flooding, according to Plato's work Timaeus in ancient times there where many floodings that actually destroyed civilisations and their accumulated knowledge which they where desparate to pass on to the future generations to the point that underground libraries where built like the ones in Egypt.

Anonymous 10370

Can someone recommend me an introductory book?


cult thread Anonymous 10134[Reply]

let’s talk about cults. all kinds, christian, new age, satanic, online, etc.
conspiracies are okay as long as they actually have some kind of evidence that isn’t pure speculation.
a list of some of the worst ones still active:
>The Order of Nine Angles
>The FLDS church
>The process church of the final judgment
>manson family
>Kali Yuga Acceleration
>The moonies
all of these groups and their offshoots are implicated in criminal activity. many are also extremely suspicious and well connected
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Anonymous 10322

I joined it :)

Anonymous 10326

Aliens aren't real

Anonymous 10327

what does it have to do with aliens?

Anonymous 10362

That YouTube channel has an email in their bio. I will contact them and report back.

Anonymous 10364

what happened?

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