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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Turpin Case Anonymous 2833[Reply]

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Anonymous 2891

man i'd love to read their journals

Anonymous 2892

it makes make sick the size of the parents look at the moms chubby leggs ……my god

Anonymous 2893

I bet the mom will have to be kept in solitary for the rest of her life, female inmates will fuck your shit up for hurting children.

Anonymous 4768

One of the most horrifying cases I've heard of, things like this hurt me so bad and make me wish I had gone into child services

Anonymous 10907


Many updates on the Turpin Case. After the trial some of the children ended up with abusive foster parents:
>Foster parents of several Turpin siblings sentenced on child abuse charges
>The six youngest Turpin children were placed with the Olguin family at various times beginning in 2018, a lawyer for one of the Olguins previously told ABC News. Four were still living there at the time of the arrests, according to the attorney.

Jennifer Turpin, eldest sister of the family, just got married a few weeks ago to a dude that looks 20 years older than her. The theme of the wedding was gothic.
>Jennifer Turpin, Who Escaped 'House of Horrors,' Marries in Gothic Wedding Celebration Attended by Her Siblings
> The eldest child of the Turpin family has tied the knot.

>Jennifer Turpin married husband Aron (she has kept his last name private) on Oct. 27 at The Miller Gardens in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., she revealed in an Instagram reel posted on Nov. 9. "10/27/2024 Wedding Day 🥰🖤💍," she captioned a video of her big day.

>The couple's Gothic outdoor ceremony was attended by her siblings. Turpin confirmed that she invited her 12 brothers and sisters in a response to an Instagram comment asking if they were in attendance. "We did. I just can’t post most out of respect/privacy ❤," she replied.

>Her video showcased the many unique elements of the wedding which took place just days before Halloween including custom glassware with skeleton versions of the bride and groom, a coffin ring box, napkins that read "Till Death Do Us Part" with another skeleton rendition of the couple, and black and red floral arrangements.


Anonymous 856[Reply]

>no monster boys thread up
let's change that
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Anonymous 4987


Anonymous 5009


Anonymous 5010


Anonymous 5011


Anonymous 10900


Remember to kiss your local fish boy today and every day until you're no longer breathing.


Dark Energy Anonymous 8940[Reply]

Have you ever come across someone, something, or a particular house/place with a "dark energy" or aura? for some reason, you feel an overwhelming sense that there is something uncanny, malevolent and sinister which emanates from this person/place/object/area etc..
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Anonymous 10577

When I was little and I'd visit my grandparents in the countryside for the summer, there was this one portion of the road that I always hated to go on. I used to throw fits in the car whenever we drove on that one section. I grew out of it, of course, but years later I learned that when they were constructing that road, they built it over a graveyard and neglected to move any of the bodies, only the headstones. Now when I visit, I try to drive very very slowly over that portion of the road because I don't want to disturb anybody beneath it.

Anonymous 10808

I used to faint at this particular place in the town where my grandma lives anytime I went there. It's like a little square and one one side there's a medieval gate into a pakt where's a castle and on the other side there's a mini zoo for injured wildlife. For couple of years anytime I went there I fainted or got close to fainting. Very strange because I never fainted anytime anywhere. Now that I'm an adult I can go there no problem.
I also sometimes sence when I'm outside that there's a dead animal near. Not my the smell lol it's usually more far away to smell it, but it's like something leads me to the dead animal if I don't focus on where I'm going and just wander.

Anonymous 10818

I've always hated going to the cemetery where my great grandmother is buried, even as a child I hated it. I always felt I was being watched. I haven't been in years and I feel guilty for not visiting her resting place but I don't like the energy there. It feels heavy.
I worked at a school that had this oppressive feel over it. A dark cloud. I hated it there and only worked there a year. It was the worst teaching year as well as personal year of my life. Everything about the place was just off.
I had a neighbor who was an energy vampire. She was too overbearing, too much, had crazy, manic eyes. My first few interactions with her just being friendly trying to welcome her absolutely zapped me, so I stopped contact and mentally put on a suit of armor if I HAD to deal with her. She had bad energy, and as an energy vampire she would attempt to take it from anyone. Smothering, overwhelming, demanding. The frigging yard man banged on my door one morning freaked out about her.
As a child I woke up to see a tall dark figure in my doorway. It was broad, had horns, and was nearly as tall as the door. I threw the covers over my head, then peeked out. It had come closer. So like any child, I yelled for my mom.
The next incident was the worst. Again, as a child, my dad was gone somewhere so I was sleeping in their bed with Mom. In my sleep I remember something whispering in my ear, "Hit her." I resisted and didn't, and the whisper told me to again. So in my sleep or twilight sleep I hit her in the stomach. I've never felt so guilty. Ever.
I hope the shadow figure and the whisper were just weird figments of an overactive child's imagination. In my teenage years my dog stood in my doorway and stared and growled at something in my room when I was home alone and in a different room but could see him. I haven't had anymore experiences like that and as I've gotten older and I've
visited their home when they weren't there I have conducted actions and spoken things for protection although I don't feel anything dark there and never have.
I truly believe there is bad, negative energy in places and in people. When it's in places idk if it's a place of bad things have occurred, unresolved anger or trauma, burial grounds, or even some kind of portal or cursed land.

Anonymous 10874

My great grandmother's old dresser, which was kept in the same room where she died. I inherited it and kept it in my spare room. Whenever I looked into its mirrror, I always felt that I was not truly looking at my reflection, but some distorted perversion of it. Nobody in my house felt comfortable around that thing, especially in the dark when someone slept there. We ultimately got rid of it by selling it off.

Anonymous 10899

I get “bad vibes” from people occasionally and it’s usually proven right: energy vampires, narcissism, cheaters, abusive, etc.

I’ve had a feeling of profound terror/fear for no obvious reason twice in my life. First was driving through a small town. The vibes were, as the kids say, absolutely rancid. Even without getting out of the car once, I was scared just being there and wanted to leave asap, which I did.

The second was when I was working a restaurant. A man, about mids 30s, came in to order food. I felt absolute dread the moment he walked in and was deeply afraid of him. He looked like an average dude, was “pleasant” enough in his interactions (maybe a little too charming), didn’t do anything “wrong”. But even my male coworker agreed with me when I said there was something off about him. Long after he left the restaurant, I was creeped out for the rest of the night.


Spell to get pregnant Anonymous 10689[Reply]

Hello everyone I’m kind of a boomer so sorry if I’m acting like a retard, anyway imasking for help , I need spells to get pregnant please , ( I’m fértil and healthy, but i don’t know why I’m not getting pregnant I’m 30)so any kind of help would be welcome , thank you
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Anonymous 10719

The secret ingredient you are missing is sexual intercourse with a member of the other sex


Thank you so much I’m actually doing that now

Anonymous 10858

Take high-quality omega-3 supplements OP, that's what fixed it for me after 3 years trying

Anonymous 10893

what awful "advice"

Anonymous 10894

If you're fertile and healthy,simply track the ovulation cycle, no spell necessary. Certain teas make you more fertile also


Scary Phone Numbers Anonymous 10891[Reply]

Know any phone numbers that do creepy or wierd things when you call them?


Period blood magic Anonymous 2079[Reply]

Does anyone know about this supposed spell that is supposed to bind a male to you forever? E.g slipping a drop of period blood into coffee/tea/wine before serving it to him. I’m fascinated it seems so sick. And if anyone has ever tried it please share story.
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Anonymous 2115

Lol, that plant is literally called stupid-turnip in my native language.
No shit it makes men do anything, it has scopolamine inside - it is used by thieves, drug lords and human traffickers to turn anyone into a walking dummy.
People can suffer from amnesia for days, weeks, months. That shit is insane.

Anonymous 2116

I misread the post.

Anonymous 2119

Woh that's pretty interesting, I didn't know it was that powerful.
If you don't mind me asking, what is your native language?

Anonymous 10886

i sometimes want to try this just to see what happens. probably nothing will come of it but still intriguing

Anonymous 10889

there's an insane vice documentary on it/scopolamine (it's called "world's scariest drug")

Kesha White Thread Anonymous 10850[Reply]

Are these games just surreal horror, an ARG or real mental illness from the dev?

Anonymous 10873

Most likely to just be surreal horror, looks pretty cool.


ways to fuck with my roommate Anonymous 10526[Reply]

i cant stand my fucking roommate, she made my life very hard. luckily i'll move out in a month. what are ways to subtle fuck with the house that will at least cause her annoyance?

Anonymous 10527

I know that's not what you want to hear, but unironically just let it go, you won't have to interact with her again and you can just stay out of trouble. You gain nothing from trying to fuck with her. The satisfaction won't last for very long if you even feel it at all. It'll only feed the hateful thoughts inside you.


Tarot Readings Anonymous 6248[Reply]

Post your question, age, sign, and an image of your choice and get a free tarot reading.
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Anonymous 10740


19, Aquarius sun, libra rising, Taurus moon

How is this semester going to go? I need some good news.

Anonymous 10829


This guy I met last week invited me to this drinks party he is hosting and I did a yes/no reading for whether I should say yes. I got chariot, ace of pentacles, and queen of wands reversed. I have a hard time making out what this means because I know usually the chariot is a "yes" type of card about making progress and moving forward, but it can be cautionary when it comes to love/relationships. Does this also apply to social events too? We met under a romantic context (Hinge), but I don't get the feeling he is that into me so I'm seeing this as more of a social thing.

I interpret ace of pentacles as a "yes" too. I have a hard time interpreting what the queen of wands reversed would mean in this context as well.

Anonymous 10831

It’s so easy, chariot, ace of pentacles and queen of wands reversed he’s going to want sex and you’ll eventually reject it, he’ll try to make you look like a cunt banshee/prude/ungrateful because with the ace of pentacles it almost felt like he wanted to “do you a favor” so to speak, if you know what I mean? Not in a good way. If you proceed, I would be extremely wary, and with the chariot and ace of pentacles upright it would be advised to not go forward with any propositions just because you’re lonely or desperate, don’t forfeit your standards and also if you go, if you manage to evade this situation (not 100% this will happen just how I’m interpreting) you’ll make some helpful connections, possibly something that can help with business/career/finances

Anonymous 10841


28F/Libra sun/Leo moon/Cancer rising

Anonymous 10871

will i ever catch a break financially? I just got myself into even more debt and I am in dire straits. I feel like every time it gets better, something happens to make it worse. It is probably my fault but phew


Anonymous 10117[Reply]

Anyone else find this art disturbing? I found it on the rule 34 and i didnt know that exist a fetish about eye injury. Idk but it's strange and i don't find anything about the artista.
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Anonymous 10229

i find it intriguing but knowing its rule34 is a bit strange? my curiosity is peaked about who the artist is though and tbh if i didnt know it was r34 i wouldve though it was vent art

Anonymous 10855

>>10121 Shame, honestly, pomni has a unique and cute character design.
>>10119 I just use e621, its got bizarre but not disturbing content But I hope amputation fetishists get the help they need.

Anonymous 10857

not really related to your post but i wish i had a friend to browse weird places like r34 with just for fun

Anonymous 10862

Me too anon. I had some of my best chuckles browsing weird shit over there. I would friend you..

Anonymous 10868


Very outsider art-ish. Sometimes hard to tell if fetish material is intentionally or unintentionally creepy sometimes

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