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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


ways to fuck with my roommate Anonymous 10526[Reply]

i cant stand my fucking roommate, she made my life very hard. luckily i'll move out in a month. what are ways to subtle fuck with the house that will at least cause her annoyance?

Anonymous 10527

I know that's not what you want to hear, but unironically just let it go, you won't have to interact with her again and you can just stay out of trouble. You gain nothing from trying to fuck with her. The satisfaction won't last for very long if you even feel it at all. It'll only feed the hateful thoughts inside you.


How to summon incubus Anonymous 3269[Reply]

How do I summon incubus, I'm really horny, also needs to be white.
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Anonymous 5375

I did that ritual with the letter about a month ago. I've been having a lot more sexual dreams recently, with quite attractive men that seem to shapeshift. I'm pleased with this outcome, it's fun to dream right now.
Donald Tyson has a great book called Sexual Alchemy that goes over everything you need to know about having relationships with spirits. You can find it on libgen easily.

Anonymous 5377

Meditation is great for the bond and learning how to lucid dream will allow you to contact your partner more easily.

Anonymous 5383


>unironically inviting a male vitality-sapping demon into your house

Anonymous 10523

this poster's definitely a moid.

Anonymous 10525

99% of the time it's scrote seething when someone on the internet tries to shame a woman for only being attracted to white men. you do the math

Desperte a bruxa e…

Witchcraft General Anonymous 1359[Reply]

Can we start a witchcraft general?

Post witchy photos, media, tips, spells, etc.
Has anyone ever had any spells work?
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Anonymous 9658

idk if your still here but this folder in the 4moids occultism library has lots of books.

Anonymous 9676

It is a blue moon tonight, what magical ritual should I do?

Anonymous 9677

depends on what you want to accomplish. might be a good night to try astral projecting somewhere or at least tracking dreams. You could meditate on an entity or maybe a tarot card and see what it says to you in your sleep.

Anonymous 10250


Happy Ostara/Spring Equinox! Coming back to this unactive thread still makes me sad. I wish I could share my festive plans for today but I really don't have any

Anonymous 10520

girlies, don't do this type of thing. My grandma did defensive type spells to reverse it and send it back and she didn't end well in the afterlife. She came back in dreams as a begger or tried to give my mom rotten meat. We eventually managed to help her but very few people know what to do, especially in you are western europe or america. You will just get contaminated. My other grandma didn't croak yet but I think she's also going down down the moment she does. And nobody is going to help her.


fucked up websites Anonymous 10412[Reply]

what are the most fucked up websites you've come across? what made them fucked up to you?
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Anonymous 10510

What is the url

Anonymous 10511

something like cute dead guys but i wont post here since last time i was banned for 1 day

Anonymous 10513

would've it been better if they were actually cute

Anonymous 10514

Anonymous 10519

Never forget when girls here on cc rated the cute ones before it got wiped out


The S.C.U.M Manifesto Anonymous 10481[Reply]

Has anyone read it? What were your thoughts on it?
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Anonymous 10495

tranny above doesnt know what "nona" means

Anonymous 10504

I've only read excerpts but it seems dank apart from the alleged sissification part kek
Not necessarily paranormal but she did shoot Andy Warhol and was sentenced to 3 years. He didn't die immediately but his death was due to complications from it (decades later!)

Anonymous 10505

i don't think anyone actually takes solanas seriously even radfems

Anonymous 10517

Where can I read it

Anonymous 10518


Tech Paranoia Anonymous 5369[Reply]

It probably seems hypocritical but I’m someone who is online nearly 24/7 but extremely paranoid about things such as online tracking, social media using my data, etc. I only have Discord because all my friends do but I fucking hate it because there’s practically no privacy. I want to get more secure and private online but I don’t know where to start. Are college classes good at all or run by feds?
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Anonymous 5646

If you're using consumer VPN I'd bet a lot of money on it being a honeypot. Especially the ones with suspiciously large amounts of budgeted ad-time. Good for hiding from your ISP and nothing else.
The low effort solution to data privacy is to just not use the internet for anything private. Having a low profile is a better defense than high profile + loads of security effort. Don't use socmedia & don't download anything off of the internet and you're less at-risk than most of us.
Hardware-level backdoor in over the counter phones regardless of make. Manufacturers were quietly began to install after the FBI got demickey so don't put anything important / illegal on a smart phone. Not sure why you'd want to anyhow.

Anonymous 5785

It's an issue if you're wanted for a crime, but for general privacy, it's a good help. Google won't subpoena your logs to get ad data.
Discord kind of worries me: no privacy at all, they own anything posted.

Anonymous 5787

I used to be tech paranoid before but honestly i don’t see a point in that anymore. We’re all fucked so who gives a shit? Everyone allows access to their locations and their data and everything. Millions of people. I am not paranoid about it anymore. Honestly the way i look at tech paranoia is either someone who is genuinely paranoid which is someone i’d rather avoid or a criminal that i would also rather avoid. This is the new world order, s. Embrace it 666

Anonymous 5875

this is exactly where I'm at as well

Anonymous 10503


>i dont know how you guys know so much about computers and computer privacy.
I'm studying in IT school with specialty in programming and cybersecurity. Ez.

I also don't have friends outside hackerspace (C.C is the only female space I have left these days).


What's the worst thing you have ever done? Anonymous 4763[Reply]

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Anonymous 10369

would you believe me if i said both?

jk, the zodiac

Anonymous 10388


got involved online with a guy in his mid teens when I was in my early 20s. They guy looked/acted and sounded like he was over 20, had a full face of facial hair, deep voice etc which is why I believed (as did my online friends at the time) that he was in his 20s. found out he wasn't but didnt think it was a big deal at the time, in hindsight it was probably grooming. Honestly, the fact that I blew any chance of being an e celeb before I even tried with this dumb bullshit bothers me way more than the guilt. But there is some guilt. It eats at me, it really does.

Anonymous 10389

for legal reasons I'd like to specify that when i found out his true age I stopped doing anything with him but we still talked as friends a good while after that when I should have just blocked him

Anonymous 10479

I neglected two pets. Suffering each day thinking about them is far less punishment than what I really deserve. I was a child but that's no excuse

Anonymous 10493

Never told my mum about my dad molesting me. They were both abusive but my mum was only verbally abusive; after I graduated college I cut them both off and I still worry about what he might've done to her once I was out of the picture


Anonymous 1430[Reply]

Do you believe in Aliens?
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Anonymous 9775

I'm confident there's like bacteria or viruses or similiar microtiny lifeforces are out there. Not sure about any intelligent lifeforces. And tbh idgaf. As long as aliens aren't paying for or threatening my basic needs/existence it's completely uninteresting to me wether they exist or not.

Anonymous 9777


Aliens and demons are the same thing. I mean what do you think are beings that possess, abduct people, and reveal them secret knowledge?

Anonymous 9778

There's probably alien crabs somewhere. Look up carcinisation.

Anonymous 10489


Holy trips

Anonymous 10490

This is literally the plot of Doom


Blessings thread Anonymous 8311[Reply]

>if you are a wizard and you would like to grant blessings
Be as transparent as your practice allows and keep it cozy. You may politely deny or ignore a someone else’s request if you are not comfortable with it. You are forbidden from casting unwholesome magic in or at this thread

>if you are looking for a blessing

Simply ask for a blessing. Do your best to specify what you need, but please keep it cozy. If you don't specify, any of our wizards may bless you with whatever beneficial things they see fit.
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Anonymous 10239

I would like a blessing.

Please let me be happy and reclaim and surpass what's happened to me into a healthier, successful life. I want to move on from this and what it's done. I am a better person than I was back then, and my intentions were good, but I can't live with this forever. I want to live, to love, and to smile again. Thank you.

Anonymous 10240

I would like a blessing

I would like to get a job, soon
I would like to find love
I would like to get out of here

Anonymous 10244

i would like to be blessed with a man i find attractive who loves me so much he skins me alive and wears me so i don't have to feel the pain of existing anymore.

Anonymous 10487

Please bless me with a rhinoplasty soon. I really want one but I can't afford it right now

Anonymous 10488

I would like to get a blessing for my summer work trip, so it would interesting, enjoyable and memorable (and so I would have to eat during it, it is important for as for genetically sick person)


the worst thing you've ever done Anonymous 10420[Reply]

what's the worst thing you've ever done in your life? do you feel guilty? did you get away with it?
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Anonymous 10428

i dont know all the lore but i think its some troon that would schitzophrenically post on lolcow and would post poop?

Anonymous 10429

Blaine is some tranny discordfag who constantly shits up 4chan particularly r9k by constantly posting racebait fetish porn threads I'm not even sure if he comes to CC but he's a severely mentally ill degenerate. I don't think the tranny posting shit is him but who knows.

Anonymous 10445

lmao i almost forgot about blaine

Anonymous 10446

i remember like last year a lot of girls on here were calling him out? like every time somebody posted something mildly male-like it would get at least three replies saying things like "kys blaine ywnbaw"… a truly paranoid time, haha

Anonymous 10480

Blaine posts on CC too or at least used to, he used to namefag when he first posted.

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