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Zodiac Signs.png

Im new to astrology. Your experiences! Anonymous 10512[Reply]

What are your experiences with other people (for example your bf/husband) and their character resembling the attitudes commonly attributed to their sign?

I know a cancer guy and he fits almost perfectly with the description given in the internet (like being very empathetic and family oriented but also having mood swings especially during a full moon).

It makes me wonder if there really is something to all of this. I have never paid attention to Astrology up until now.

Anonymous 10533

I have some experience with guessing people's rising or moon sign correctly

Anonymous 10586

it's very real, go to a website like astro seek dot com and generate charts for people whose full birthday you know and it will give you a decent gist of what everything means, looking further into someone's placements other than just their sun sign, and noting the "aspects" planets make with each other in their own chart, and in relation to the charts of others, will show you just how real it gets

Blue Eisenhower November Anonymous 10032[Reply]

What is Blue Eisenhower November (also known as "BEN")?
There's stuff about it that goes back to 2020 and 2022. Seems to be something to do with the afterlife and the future leaking into the present.
Post anything you have heard about it. I can find lots of snippets of things across various sites but that's it. Any help would be appreciated if anyone here is more knowledgable..
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Anonymous 10311

how? what did you actually get from it?

Anonymous 10328

I'm literally so obsessed with this video

Anonymous 10336

On earth as it is in heaven

Anonymous 10574

Why is this topic banned on 4chan?

Anonymous 10581

You can actually get banned on 4chan?


I want to learn magic Anonymous 10497[Reply]

Where do I start?

Anonymous 10498

use the general threads

Anonymous 10579

Depends. What kind of magic are you interested in? You could try IIH by Franz Bardon before choosing a system that picks your interest.

Anonymous 10580



Anonymous 10609


how can i fix myself? Anonymous 10558[Reply]

i feel like i'm barely alive, and i don't know what my problem is. i have a lot of issues with focus and motivation. i was diagnosed with adhd when i was 13, and i've tried many medications for it up through university, but none helped. i have trouble with basic hygiene and taking care of myself. when i google stuff related to "cant brush my teeth every day" kek everything that pops up is about depressed people who struggle with feeling worthy and deserving of caring for themselves. i don't hate myself, and i really want to be clean and look nice. i just don't do it.

i see some bipolar traits in myself. my father has bipolar type two. my grandfather is schizophrenic, and i am terrified of developing this. i do swing between extreme optimism and extreme despair. i oscillate between extended periods of insomnia and sleeping for 20 hours a day. when i am in this despair mood, i lose my personality and i am incapable of reacting to things. my mind becomes blank and i do not understand what to say in basic conversation, because i cannot think of any response at all. my insight is always severely impaired in both states of despair and optimism. i do not have any clarity of thought. my thoughts are either chaotic gibberish word vomit that happen too fast for me to even understand, or my thoughts are so slow that my internal monologue vanishes and i am not able to put any words together at all. right now i am on day 3 of this high-energy insomnia thing
i try hard over and over to fix my sleep schedule, but i don't wake up when i set an alarm. i really want to set a regular bed time, but then when it comes time for me to go to bed, i can't sleep/don't want to sleep and i dread it because i know i will not wake up until the next evening. and i hate sleeping during tne day. makes me feel sadder and weirder. last week i somehow felt tired at 9 pm, and i was so proud of myself. i went to bed at 9! but then i woke up at 10 PM the next day lmao.

sometimes i get a burst of motivation to start an art project, but then i end up getting distracted and starting some other new thing, and nothing ever actually gets finished. i always genuinely believe i am about to finish something this time for real, which never happens. i can focus on something for maybe 30 minutes tops, and then i can never look at it again. during these periods i feel good about my life and believe there is actually nothing wrong, and that i am doing okaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anonymous 10562

> be a man and get over it

Anonymous 10563


it's not over right now

Anonymous 10571

damn are you me

Anonymous 10572

This post doesn't belong on /x/ you newfag.

Anonymous 10578

I posted this when I saw the thread before I went to bed but I didn't really read it until I saw it was still up in my tabs. I feel almost exactly like this, down to having thought I had bipolar disorder. I saw a therapist who tried to gaslight me into thinking I was bipolar, but people with bipolar who take Strattera usually have a psychotic break. All it did was make me feel really cold and stop eating and hate everything around me (quietly). I also struggle with maintaining friendships and I hate meeting new people. Every new person I meet is a new person I have to keep up with any I keep ghosting people without meaning to or when it gets too overwhelming and I feel bad so I just avoid meeting new people even more. Doing anything, literally anything feels like I'm reaching into my mouth and trying to tear out my teeth. It doesn't matter how much I want to do it, I'm lucky if I force myself to even try to start it. Most days I just sit there and resolve to not do anything until I do some task and I can just sit there, waiting to build the resolve to do it and sometimes that means I just sit there doing nothing for hours. I honestly thought I had brain cancer or something until I was diagnosed with ADHD.


Dark Energy Anonymous 8940[Reply]

Have you ever come across someone, something, or a particular house/place with a "dark energy" or aura? for some reason, you feel an overwhelming sense that there is something uncanny, malevolent and sinister which emanates from this person/place/object/area etc..
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Anonymous 10434

My family came from the jungles of South America. They told me stories of a haunted river where you hear ghosts crying. Also witches that put curses on people. The type that give bad luck, sickness and misfortune.

Anonymous 10521

idk how to format
let me share this - I "dreamt" of demonic beings (fallen angels) at least 4 times. I'll share the two extremes ones i.e the easist to resist / hardest. I was fully conscious both times. I probably slipped out of my body and this allowed them to "interact" with me. Idk what I looked like but i was basically just a set of eyes.
I spawned on a small path that lead to a village dirt road. i was behind a fence and not visible to ppl on the main dirt road, if we faced in the same direction. Two small gipsy-presenting boys (they can shapeshift to whatever race/age), around 5? y.o playing/ joking with each other appeared from behind the fence. They could not see me. Immediately my heart started beating really fast and I was panicking. They stopped and turned around. My body which was already invisible was petrified instantly. It's like the air turned into nails and just held me still. I knew I had to move to cross myself or ask for God but it's like I was sealed. I just had this awareness that I could still move my eyes so I crossed myself with my eyes and the entire scene just burst into nothingness. I woke up.

Anonymous 10522

idk how to start this. I think it's the oldest dream. It happened in HS but it's one of the worst feelings I experienced. I'll keep it short.
In the dream, I was in my hometown at night, sliding very low on the pavement. My body felt like a cloud of gas with two eyes. It was night but I could see everything.Everything was dark but in high contrast so I could perceive everything. I was very close to one of my relative's house and I was looking through the fence at her yard but the objects were strange, like the space was messed up somehow. For example she has an old school water well in her yard but in my dream it was hanging in the air and you had to climb a spiral staircase to reach the fountain and get water. It made no sense, the fountain was disconnected from the ground, how could there be water? I was just standing there, looking at it. And then, two beings came upon me.
First, these dreams are very rare, maybe 3 to 5 years apart or even further. The demons were always male and came in pairs. Once two beautiful blond 17-18? y.o, once two gypsy 5 y.o and once older black men. The two blonde ones actually used glamour to shimmer in the night, but I digress.
The worst ones I encountered were women-like. I don't remember what their features looked like, just the texture of their bodies. I shudder just thinking about it. I don't even know to to express it. It's like they were sculpted from wood, fully dressed, and painted over in color. The cloak of the one in the front was blue, like a sky blue. The one slightly behind her was in darker colors. Thinking back, she must have been lower in the ranking or a follower of some sort. They were dressed like bible people or roman fashion, idk. They moved normally but I knew they were wood because of the cracks in their bodies. Also, i think the paint was chipped here and there and I could see the brown wood underneath. I think the face was chipped also. I can't remember what they were wearing on their head. It must have been a head covering of sort but I think the hair was visible. Sculpted wood hair.
Their faces, as they gazed upon me were so cruel. The smile… not perverted but really corrupt. They weren't taller than average women, but I was looking up at them like they were ski scrapers, that's how big the difference between us were.
There was so much hatred and oppression in their faces, it felt like an entire building fell on my body. I woke up in my studio apartment Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 10559


im sorry i never replied to this and it’s probably too late now. rehab friend improved her energy literally through therapy and quitting drugs and time. all i can say is focus on improving yourself. a lot of this energy stuff, as previously mentioned in this thread, is people picking up on the negative emotions, difficult pasts, and insecurities/hatred you are hiding, usually also hiding from yourself. be honest with yourself and help yourself, and you will become lighter.

Anonymous 10577

When I was little and I'd visit my grandparents in the countryside for the summer, there was this one portion of the road that I always hated to go on. I used to throw fits in the car whenever we drove on that one section. I grew out of it, of course, but years later I learned that when they were constructing that road, they built it over a graveyard and neglected to move any of the bodies, only the headstones. Now when I visit, I try to drive very very slowly over that portion of the road because I don't want to disturb anybody beneath it.


Strange things you’ve heard or seen Anonymous 10568[Reply]

I think I just heard a meteor burn up or hit the planet. I sleep with the window open and I hear vehicles drive by all the time, but this was different. It was like something streaked by through the air and then popped. Not a big explosion but a pop sound.
It’s funny because the only other witness is my cat. He heard it too,

Anonymous 10569

I have a sixth sense that's not always right, but when it's accurate, it's painfully accurate. There are times within my personal life and within the world where tragedies and major events have occurred and I can feel the spiritual buildup in my entire body that something bad is going to happen. Usually the image is not clear as to what will happen, but the premonition is very much there.

disappearing door.…

have you ever seen a painting move? Anonymous 10544[Reply]

Anonymous 10545


Is in my living room and I swear to any higher being, I saw her eyes move late night when I was 11 or 12 years old.

Anonymous 10565

Dante Gabriel Ross…

This painting in my mom's house

Anonymous 10582


How very strange that you mention this painting. Today I came across it and another work of that artist on YouTube. This one in particular was haunting since it shows his muse dying from overdose.


Omnipresent daytime sense of doom Anonymous 9220[Reply]

I just hate the sun. Whenever it's daylight outside I can feel every second of my life tik-tok-tik away. Slowly. Like nails scraping away at a rusted board.

I genuinely feel uncomfortable during the daytime. Every day. All my life. It usually isn't so bad as to interfere with my daily life, but it's still uncomfortable. Particularly during sunsets, I get this horrible feeling of impending doom. I cannot properly describe it, it is like a terror you can see from a distance. Far enough yet not to panick but close enough to want to do something about it. Except nothing ever comes.

But this feeling always goes away during the night. It doesn't matter what time it is during the day. When the sun is out, I feel stress 10x worse. I can (by thumb) measure the time that has passed since I started studyin, the time left for me to finish the assignement, if I am at home it makes me feel bad for missing out on some fun, if I am outside it just makes me feel annoyed somehow. But at night I feel at peace.

In a weird way, I feel like this song captures this feeling fairly well, I listen to it almost every day since I found it.

Sorry for the weird post, I just needed to vent my feelings once. Feel free to reply with whatever and feel free not to. Not like I want any type of advice or consoling.
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Anonymous 9327

I go out after sunset to run and exercise because when its light outside i feel like Im being watched always. In the dark I feel anonymous.
The sun feels like it is watching me and is heating up the world. it feels like a fire about to happen. Part of this may be the doom of global warming.

and here is some music about the sun exploding.

Anonymous 9328

>The sun feels like it is watching me and is heating up the world. it feels like a fire about to happen.

I get this EXACT feeling except I find it comforting - like god is watching me and is about to let me return. I love warm weather and summer for this reason

Anonymous 10551


You guys should read SCP-001: When Day Breaks. IIRC it’s pretty disturbing though (just a warning)


Anonymous 10552

Literally read any other 001, When Day Breaks is shit and has no business being a 001 in the first place

Anonymous 10557

Sorry, I read it years ago and the thread topic reminded me of it. I’m no longer into SCP and haven’t read any of the other 001 stories


Will pay to harass Anonymous 10315[Reply]

Is anyone here willing or able to make someone’s life hell with just their name and phone number? This hag at my job needs to be punished
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Anonymous 10329

Fedpost made by glowie.

Anonymous 10548

a dog.jpg

have you ever heard of a little quote called ''we are not your personal army''

Anonymous 10549

Homie, this is crystal cafe. Why dont you harass a moid and leave the bitch alone

Anonymous 10550

Homie, this is crystal cafe. Why dont you harass a moid and leave the bitch alone

Anonymous 10553

, I feel your pain. I honestly would kind of enjoy harassing a moid. What's his number?


Michelle Carter case Anonymous 2042[Reply]

In your opinion, should what Michelle Carter did be considered illegal or was she just being unethical but overall not guilty?

>Conrad Henri Roy III was an American man who died by suicide at the age of 18. His girlfriend, then 17 year-old Michelle Carter, was accused of encouraging him in text messages to commit suicide. The case was the subject of a notable investigation and involuntary manslaughter trial in Massachusetts, colloquially known as the "texting suicide case". Roy had seen numerous mental health professionals, and he insisted that he wanted to die. Carter and Roy had both been prescribed psychiatric medication. The case raised questions pertaining to the nature and limits of criminal responsibility.
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Anonymous 8962

I agree

Anonymous 10534

I don’t believe you have ever been suicidal. If you were, you wouldn’t use something like “rough lives” as an insult.
To be clear, I think she is guilty as well.

Anonymous 10535

Nah. It's a dumbass moid doing dumbass moid things. It is not her moral responsibility to mother him out of killing himself.

Anonymous 10536

literally this. her bf sounded exhausting and insufferable - it's insane to hold other people responsible for the decisions someone makes when taking their own life. also the government of canada literally listens to basically any plea to kill themselves - why is it okay for them to do that but we expect a child to exercise more rigorous discretion?

Anonymous 10539

I remember this case back when it happened. And I remember reading the text logs. And he honestly sounded like such a burden, and a pain in the ass. And I can definitely see a young teenage girl getting frustrated with his constant suicide baiting. I think the Glee stuff is just made up for the documentary that was apparently made.

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