Conspiracy theories Anonymous 386[Reply]
Which ones do you believe in?
145 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.Anonymous 10922
I’m a flat earther but I think space would be cool if it were real. It really has the best urban legends. Like Voyager 1 being possessed and spamming gibberish. Black knight satellite conspiracy, lost cosmonauts, dark side of the moon, etc.
Neurowarfare absolutely exists and it’s likely that the government can already read minds. Just look at what’s commercially available right now, with many people saying they get ads for things they’ve only thought about, it’s not imagined or coincidental. Another logical conclusion (though not necessarily true) is that a great way to make the public think the government can’t successfully fuck with people's minds is to make sure that all the ridiculous and embarrassing failures get leaked and publicized widely and make it a bit of an embarrassing laughing stock, while making sure no-one hears of the successes. Just think about how much was redacted from the MKULTRA stuff.
Anonymous 10975
>>10922people bring up MKUltra as if it's not 36 years away from being 100 years old LOLE like get with the times old man… thjey're already readinog your mind and fucking with youyr brain to the point you beciome part of the hive bnefre you can even resist, All WIRELESSLY
Anonymous 10977

I wholeheartedly believe that African swine fever virus was manufactured in labs for pork industry, so pork producers could easily get rid of each other.
ASF kills pigs very quickly, is highly contagious, there's no vaccines against it, but humans are not affected by this shit at all, which is really weird, because a lot of zoonotic diseases can spread to humans easily. Also there are no close relatives of ASF virus, it doesn't belong to any known family of viruses.
As I said, there's no vaccines, serums and drugs against it, so the only decision is to kill pigs as quickly as possible, burn the pig farm down and quarantine workers for few months. I worked on pig farm belonging to one huge company (in my country) and it's known fact, that they get rid of smaller farms by bringing ASF virus on them, so smaller farms have no choice but to kill all pigs.
Also, because of risk of infecting ASF, pig farms have complex system of biosecurity that allows a great control over workers, even outside of the farm. From my example, we were prohibited to eat pork from other companies, because long time ago they contracted ASF and therefore their production could be dangerous. Because of biosecurity we had to work in space, isolated from big world, we couldn't bring any means of communication with us (phones, computers, etc.), we had no idea what happened outside, we couldn't go away from our work places, even during emergency, we were completely stuck and isolated. We couldn't bring even our clothes, we had to bath together and wear shitty factory clothes. If something happened to us, no one would know.
And of course, ASF biosecurity protocols don't allow any trespassers, so it's very hard to get on pig farm unless you're its worker. I think, it was done, to prevent any sort of vegans and animal right activists from visiting farms, because if wide masses saw what happens on pig farms daily, they would stop consuming pork in a minute. But they don't see it and wicked cycle repeats itself.
Anonymous 10980
>>10977i hate humanity & animal agriculture so much it's fucking unreal
Anonymous 10985
>>10975You understand the MK Ultra was only brought up because of the redactions that were in the release, right? Maybe next time you post you could add a little bit more content instead of just self-aggrandizement.
>>10977All the pig farms have been on in the US have been pretty good on caretaking, but they are extremely biosecure. I never saw any mistreatments of the pigs or anything. But I have the same feelings about the avian flu. The only difference is that they use avian flu to go after backyard chicken keepers and I don't know if ASF is used to punish small swine production. Maybe because it's less common?
There has never a case of chickens catching avian flu from wild birds, but many backyard flocks were euthanized because of the belief that they had avian flu. There's only recently been a case of a human catching Avian flu, and he was like 65 years old with comorbidities. I really think it's just to make sure people don't produce their own food from healthier flocks and happier chickens.