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uncanny/weird sites thread Anonymous 8858[Reply]

/x/ removed uncanny sites ?? i cannot find…
send links i nedd
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Anonymous 10359

Anonymous 10360


Maybe it's off-topic since I wouldn't call it a 'weird' site. It's more an art collage than a website. Makes me miss old internet things…

Anonymous 10440

Anonymous 10531

20230429 201214 98…

Anonymous 10631

Funny pic lol
Poke da eye


/tig/ - Targeted Individuals General (Electronic Harassment, Gang Stalking, Psychological Terror) Anonymous 3897[Reply]

Targeted Individuals are people reportedly being targeted by various forms of Gang Stalking, usually done by the governments, powerful criminal gangs and federal structures (of various countries since gang stalking isn't exclusive to one country). Reported effects of being a victim of banned psychotronic weaponry include thought insertion (zombification), hypnosis, hot flashes, uncommonly feeling contractions and pressure in your crotch (tele-rape).

Post your experiences with Gang Stalking (being a TI, knowing a TI IRL, etc)
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Anonymous 10622

Im glad there's a thread here so i don't have to continue reading the word "kike" 100x between "take your meds" and the few actually decent posts. My husband has witnessed what they do to me, at least as far as the stalking, noise campaigns, break ins, and drugging go. I only had v2k for a few days once. Very odd.

Anonymous 10630

It is him and the royal court order of jesters because Justin Trudeau comes from a family of Scottish Rite Masons allegedly. Also a lot of my gang stalkers are jesters.

Anonymous 10757

I can finally post something a bit longer, because I have access to a smart phone and not just a shitty flip phone.

> stalked and harassed since at least 2021

> only heard about gang stalking because of a woman that I thought was a schitzo who fried her brain with meth at the sober home i was living at
> all together there were three separate women out of seven claiming to be TIs
> buy a car because I work either really early (like 3 and 4 am) or work in the afternoon and get off late (11pm and 12am) and I'm getting followed to and from work by guys who look like ms-13s
> get kicked out of sober home by the owners for buying a car and only half of my rent
> kinda sperms out because it's December and ever offer to pay $150 of the $300 I owed and tat is pay the rest before Xmas
> owners record me and send it to everyone in the house with weird rumors about me relapsing and buying heroin at NA
> my grandma is an idiot and calls the owner and threatens him
> owner bragged about having "secret" or some other high security clearance
> live in a couple other sober homes and get my life together
> move into room with husband and pets at an apartment owned by some new age hippy
> realize apartment is really weird: barely any food, no silverware except for butter knives, the cat and dog the hippy apparently owned were missing, the doorknob on our door had no lock, no TV, no microwave, no vacuum or cleaning supplies, etc
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Anonymous 10758

And this is what happened just this summer.
> decide I need to get out of this giant military town filled with intelligence agencies and private security companies on every corner
> husband agrees
> keep hearing about one particular city with a great punk scene
> my boss and therapist were both from there and made it sound like heaven
> husband and I visit and agree to move there,
> can transfer with my job and so can husband
> try finding apartment but keep getting rejected
> my credit score looks awful and was showing $40,000 in debt which was in no way accurate (I got it fixed)
> try apartment locators but they eventually quit calling my husband and me
> find tiny home for rent by owner through Airbnb
> is perfect and super cheap
> move in by husband needs to watch our niece while his sister is out of town for three weeks
> there's a few other tiny homes and RVs on the large property
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Anonymous 10846

Update a creepy white van with tinted windows and no licence plate has been driving around my street with the driver looking directly at my house. Whoever's driving this vehicle has done this like 3 or 4 times in the past month.


I want to start worshipping Gods Anonymous 9680[Reply]

Does anybody else here worship the Greeks? How do you get started? Do I just make an altar and start praying? Can an altar be anything?
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Anonymous 9972

Why do you want to worship the Greek gods?

Anonymous 9983

Literally no reason. It's a stupid impulse.

Anonymous 9996

Might I suggest just try sending love and appreciation towards a creator God? Or at least not the Greek/Roman gods cause they hate women and all stories are of them being assholes. No need for rituals or anything, just take a moment to send a thanks for life and your blessings and then wish for whatever you want from specific to general sending of help or easing of burdens. I find a personal connection is nicer than the rigid rituals of old and just freely asking for things has gotten them for me. Granted I haven't asked for anything too crazy but they happen from me finding a killer new phone deal the day mine broke (phone I wanted that's not even sold in my country), to consistently catching buses when normally I have shit bus luck now that I pray before leaving, and a freak situation happened which saved me from an ex I was too scared to leave making him leave for me while I kept everything after he'd done stuff to ensure I couldn't have rights to my things.
If you're looking to fill your worship hole and get things honestly I feel praying to the Creator is the best option and on the right track cause shit does happen. I got a friend to try and they're experiencing the same wave of good things and wishes granted so it's not just me being crazy from what I can tell. Meanwhile I know I ranted at Zeus and the others as a small child reading the stories and nothing happened so honestly I think they're a dead end spiritually. Plus they're all dicks

Anonymous 9998


I'm sure you can get creative, seeing how these Gods are no longer a coherent religion, but romanticized relics of the past.

An idea would be to look into what other people who worship a certain god/dess do. If you'd like something handy and quick to orient yourself how to honor a god, here's a fantastic blog that has handy cheat sheet guides how to approach every Olympian god and more minor deities. It's got interesting details but is still concise.


Picrel is an example sheet on Artemis from the same blog. Devotional acts are, I assume, the best way to show worship. Fortunately, this doubles as self-improvement in the name of your god or goddess, so you can't lose even if you abandon your interest in Greek deities. May you pick the most suited patron for what's best in your interest. Best of luck anon!

Anonymous 10604

Like half of the Greek gods were Marty Mcfly and he's been sealed into a sonic the hedgehog so you can't really.

You can worship anything sort of, even moon watching can be like worship. People need something to focus on, people worship cable. You should choose your output-inputs wisely if you can.

The Owen Benjamin Cult Anonymous 10594[Reply]

Here's a deep dive into the topic

Anonymous 10595

Don’t know what this means, but I know I’m part of the Breaking Benjamin cult.


Castle of the dark mother Anonymous 10590[Reply]

This castle in Belgium was owned by a coven of witches and was known to have various dark at evil things take place at it.
Here is the video https://youtu.be/Ue9M2zTzmA0?si=BSwVEGomU0GDV8ix

Anonymous 10591

I wish i had a witch mother.

Zodiac Signs.png

Im new to astrology. Your experiences! Anonymous 10512[Reply]

What are your experiences with other people (for example your bf/husband) and their character resembling the attitudes commonly attributed to their sign?

I know a cancer guy and he fits almost perfectly with the description given in the internet (like being very empathetic and family oriented but also having mood swings especially during a full moon).

It makes me wonder if there really is something to all of this. I have never paid attention to Astrology up until now.

Anonymous 10533

I have some experience with guessing people's rising or moon sign correctly

Anonymous 10586

it's very real, go to a website like astro seek dot com and generate charts for people whose full birthday you know and it will give you a decent gist of what everything means, looking further into someone's placements other than just their sun sign, and noting the "aspects" planets make with each other in their own chart, and in relation to the charts of others, will show you just how real it gets


I want to learn magic Anonymous 10497[Reply]

Where do I start?

Anonymous 10498

use the general threads

Anonymous 10579

Depends. What kind of magic are you interested in? You could try IIH by Franz Bardon before choosing a system that picks your interest.

Anonymous 10580



Anonymous 10609


how can i fix myself? Anonymous 10558[Reply]

i feel like i'm barely alive, and i don't know what my problem is. i have a lot of issues with focus and motivation. i was diagnosed with adhd when i was 13, and i've tried many medications for it up through university, but none helped. i have trouble with basic hygiene and taking care of myself. when i google stuff related to "cant brush my teeth every day" kek everything that pops up is about depressed people who struggle with feeling worthy and deserving of caring for themselves. i don't hate myself, and i really want to be clean and look nice. i just don't do it.

i see some bipolar traits in myself. my father has bipolar type two. my grandfather is schizophrenic, and i am terrified of developing this. i do swing between extreme optimism and extreme despair. i oscillate between extended periods of insomnia and sleeping for 20 hours a day. when i am in this despair mood, i lose my personality and i am incapable of reacting to things. my mind becomes blank and i do not understand what to say in basic conversation, because i cannot think of any response at all. my insight is always severely impaired in both states of despair and optimism. i do not have any clarity of thought. my thoughts are either chaotic gibberish word vomit that happen too fast for me to even understand, or my thoughts are so slow that my internal monologue vanishes and i am not able to put any words together at all. right now i am on day 3 of this high-energy insomnia thing
i try hard over and over to fix my sleep schedule, but i don't wake up when i set an alarm. i really want to set a regular bed time, but then when it comes time for me to go to bed, i can't sleep/don't want to sleep and i dread it because i know i will not wake up until the next evening. and i hate sleeping during tne day. makes me feel sadder and weirder. last week i somehow felt tired at 9 pm, and i was so proud of myself. i went to bed at 9! but then i woke up at 10 PM the next day lmao.

sometimes i get a burst of motivation to start an art project, but then i end up getting distracted and starting some other new thing, and nothing ever actually gets finished. i always genuinely believe i am about to finish something this time for real, which never happens. i can focus on something for maybe 30 minutes tops, and then i can never look at it again. during these periods i feel good about my life and believe there is actually nothing wrong, and that i am doing okaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anonymous 10562

> be a man and get over it

Anonymous 10563


it's not over right now

Anonymous 10571

damn are you me

Anonymous 10572

This post doesn't belong on /x/ you newfag.

Anonymous 10578

I posted this when I saw the thread before I went to bed but I didn't really read it until I saw it was still up in my tabs. I feel almost exactly like this, down to having thought I had bipolar disorder. I saw a therapist who tried to gaslight me into thinking I was bipolar, but people with bipolar who take Strattera usually have a psychotic break. All it did was make me feel really cold and stop eating and hate everything around me (quietly). I also struggle with maintaining friendships and I hate meeting new people. Every new person I meet is a new person I have to keep up with any I keep ghosting people without meaning to or when it gets too overwhelming and I feel bad so I just avoid meeting new people even more. Doing anything, literally anything feels like I'm reaching into my mouth and trying to tear out my teeth. It doesn't matter how much I want to do it, I'm lucky if I force myself to even try to start it. Most days I just sit there and resolve to not do anything until I do some task and I can just sit there, waiting to build the resolve to do it and sometimes that means I just sit there doing nothing for hours. I honestly thought I had brain cancer or something until I was diagnosed with ADHD.

disappearing door.…

have you ever seen a painting move? Anonymous 10544[Reply]

Anonymous 10545


Is in my living room and I swear to any higher being, I saw her eyes move late night when I was 11 or 12 years old.

Anonymous 10565

Dante Gabriel Ross…

This painting in my mom's house

Anonymous 10582


How very strange that you mention this painting. Today I came across it and another work of that artist on YouTube. This one in particular was haunting since it shows his muse dying from overdose.


Will pay to harass Anonymous 10315[Reply]

Is anyone here willing or able to make someone’s life hell with just their name and phone number? This hag at my job needs to be punished
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Anonymous 10329

Fedpost made by glowie.

Anonymous 10548

a dog.jpg

have you ever heard of a little quote called ''we are not your personal army''

Anonymous 10549

Homie, this is crystal cafe. Why dont you harass a moid and leave the bitch alone

Anonymous 10550

Homie, this is crystal cafe. Why dont you harass a moid and leave the bitch alone

Anonymous 10553

, I feel your pain. I honestly would kind of enjoy harassing a moid. What's his number?

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