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Anonymous 1808[Reply]

who really runs this world? are the Illuminati legit?
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Anonymous 10614

kys polfag

Anonymous 10616

Why jews?

Anonymous 10643

Go back to pol

Anonymous 10708


You have a lot to learn.

Anonymous 10709

go and watch Inside Job in netflix so we can storm conspiracy ideas based on it

images (3).jpeg

Anonymous 10677[Reply]

The CEO of YouTube passed away recently of Cancer. I personally believe the swamp took her out because she outlived her usefulness. There are 3 ways the swamp takes people out cancer, cardiac arrest, and suicide.
One person I talked to that I suspect of being apart of the swamp did a Freudian slip and talked about a guy she knew who got cancer and there was nothing wrong with him before. Really makes you think

Anonymous 10678

it could also be that she lived a very stressful life being the CEO of various large monopolies and was also 56 years old.

> got cancer and there was nothing wrong with him

yes that is how being sick usually happens, you are not sick, and then you get sick

Anonymous 10684

>There are 3 ways the swamp takes people out cancer, cardiac arrest, and suicide.
I mean, cancer and cardiovascular disease are literally the two leading causes of non-accidental death. So like, other than suicide, that's really just the main ways people die.

Anonymous 10694

it is odd her son died so abruptly before her death. it's also pretty crazy that she worked so long at such a corpo pod person job just to die so young - what was it all for?

Anonymous 10695

Sometimes it's a phenomenon that parents die shortly after their children or vice versa, it happened with Sinead O'Conner after her son died, and Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher

Anyone here into Hypnagogic Archive? Anonymous 10003[Reply]

Just finished season 1 of HA and I feel like Ellis is such a dreamboat.

Anonymous 10009

what is it about

Anonymous 10010

Didn't know it had seasons, though it was just a website.

Anonymous 10047

Basically, it's a series about the conflict between nostalgia and innovation. I think thats what its about, what I got from the Wendigoon video. But it has this character called Ellis who basically looks like a hot Emo

Season 1 started with "Reefer Melody," season 2 starts with "Reciever"

Anonymous 10387

slay, queen

Anonymous 10688

OMG, new Ellis material… I am hyperventilating right now

Ministry of Humanity Anonymous 10670[Reply]

Found this weird youtube channel. Is an art project or ARG?

Anonymous 10671

They also have a website:


Creepypasta Thread Anonymous 10651[Reply]

Let's write some short horror stories and post them here

Anonymous 10652

The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door.

Anonymous 10663

There was a man named Mr.Teeth. We still don't know much about him.


Does Anybody Else Believe In The Fluoride Theory? Anonymous 10648[Reply]

Basically the theory is that the reason fluoride is put in the water supply to lower our immune systems and keep us docile.

I feel like I’d be a lot more aggressive, but something always seems to be holding me back, even if I know I won’t get in trouble for a little jab or insult once in a while.

Anonymous 10649

Fluoride is bad for the pineal gland


Omnipresent daytime sense of doom Anonymous 9220[Reply]

I just hate the sun. Whenever it's daylight outside I can feel every second of my life tik-tok-tik away. Slowly. Like nails scraping away at a rusted board.

I genuinely feel uncomfortable during the daytime. Every day. All my life. It usually isn't so bad as to interfere with my daily life, but it's still uncomfortable. Particularly during sunsets, I get this horrible feeling of impending doom. I cannot properly describe it, it is like a terror you can see from a distance. Far enough yet not to panick but close enough to want to do something about it. Except nothing ever comes.

But this feeling always goes away during the night. It doesn't matter what time it is during the day. When the sun is out, I feel stress 10x worse. I can (by thumb) measure the time that has passed since I started studyin, the time left for me to finish the assignement, if I am at home it makes me feel bad for missing out on some fun, if I am outside it just makes me feel annoyed somehow. But at night I feel at peace.

In a weird way, I feel like this song captures this feeling fairly well, I listen to it almost every day since I found it.

Sorry for the weird post, I just needed to vent my feelings once. Feel free to reply with whatever and feel free not to. Not like I want any type of advice or consoling.
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Anonymous 9328

>The sun feels like it is watching me and is heating up the world. it feels like a fire about to happen.

I get this EXACT feeling except I find it comforting - like god is watching me and is about to let me return. I love warm weather and summer for this reason

Anonymous 10551


You guys should read SCP-001: When Day Breaks. IIRC it’s pretty disturbing though (just a warning)


Anonymous 10552

Literally read any other 001, When Day Breaks is shit and has no business being a 001 in the first place

Anonymous 10557

Sorry, I read it years ago and the thread topic reminded me of it. I’m no longer into SCP and haven’t read any of the other 001 stories

Anonymous 10640

i thought it was only me but i get a lot of anxiety at noon. it starts to dissipate at 5 pm. every. day.


Pizzagate discussion Anonymous 4868[Reply]

I'm not even sure if I should make this thread considering how dark and disturbing the subject is. I wonder how deep the rabbithole goes. I already know some things but I still feel like I'm only at the tip of the iceberg. Do you believe in this conspiracy /x/ ? I do. If my thread gets deleted because of the deeply disturbing subject I can understand.
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Anonymous 8574

This email is so weird.
I think parts of theory is real, there are a small number of psychopath elites who are responsible for pedo sex rings as well as snuff demand and all kinds of horrid things. Its not really ridiculous, i believe it true excluding the moloch bullshit and age reversing baby blood and all that.

Anonymous 8579


What do anons think of the podesta Brothers art?

Anonymous 8580

Honestly think it's no different that degenerates that buy lolicon pillows or whatever. The dudes who hang this on there walls are pedos, maybe it's not a deep conspiracy but this shit ain't right.

Anonymous 8674


I like Pizza. I don’t order it very often; Nor do I think frozen pizza is good. Often upsets my stomach. Try making your own pizza. Dough isn’t to hard. (Though I’m awful with bread) After that it’s just sauce, cheese and whatever else you want (:

Anonymous 10633

Was it real or fake in the end?

Screenshot 2023-04…

uncanny/weird sites thread Anonymous 8858[Reply]

/x/ removed uncanny sites ?? i cannot find…
send links i nedd
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Anonymous 10359

Anonymous 10360


Maybe it's off-topic since I wouldn't call it a 'weird' site. It's more an art collage than a website. Makes me miss old internet things…

Anonymous 10440

Anonymous 10531

20230429 201214 98…

Anonymous 10631

Funny pic lol
Poke da eye


I want to start worshipping Gods Anonymous 9680[Reply]

Does anybody else here worship the Greeks? How do you get started? Do I just make an altar and start praying? Can an altar be anything?
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Anonymous 9972

Why do you want to worship the Greek gods?

Anonymous 9983

Literally no reason. It's a stupid impulse.

Anonymous 9996

Might I suggest just try sending love and appreciation towards a creator God? Or at least not the Greek/Roman gods cause they hate women and all stories are of them being assholes. No need for rituals or anything, just take a moment to send a thanks for life and your blessings and then wish for whatever you want from specific to general sending of help or easing of burdens. I find a personal connection is nicer than the rigid rituals of old and just freely asking for things has gotten them for me. Granted I haven't asked for anything too crazy but they happen from me finding a killer new phone deal the day mine broke (phone I wanted that's not even sold in my country), to consistently catching buses when normally I have shit bus luck now that I pray before leaving, and a freak situation happened which saved me from an ex I was too scared to leave making him leave for me while I kept everything after he'd done stuff to ensure I couldn't have rights to my things.
If you're looking to fill your worship hole and get things honestly I feel praying to the Creator is the best option and on the right track cause shit does happen. I got a friend to try and they're experiencing the same wave of good things and wishes granted so it's not just me being crazy from what I can tell. Meanwhile I know I ranted at Zeus and the others as a small child reading the stories and nothing happened so honestly I think they're a dead end spiritually. Plus they're all dicks

Anonymous 9998


I'm sure you can get creative, seeing how these Gods are no longer a coherent religion, but romanticized relics of the past.

An idea would be to look into what other people who worship a certain god/dess do. If you'd like something handy and quick to orient yourself how to honor a god, here's a fantastic blog that has handy cheat sheet guides how to approach every Olympian god and more minor deities. It's got interesting details but is still concise.


Picrel is an example sheet on Artemis from the same blog. Devotional acts are, I assume, the best way to show worship. Fortunately, this doubles as self-improvement in the name of your god or goddess, so you can't lose even if you abandon your interest in Greek deities. May you pick the most suited patron for what's best in your interest. Best of luck anon!

Anonymous 10604

Like half of the Greek gods were Marty Mcfly and he's been sealed into a sonic the hedgehog so you can't really.

You can worship anything sort of, even moon watching can be like worship. People need something to focus on, people worship cable. You should choose your output-inputs wisely if you can.

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