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Have you ever felt like you had no personality, no consciousness, that you were just... Blank? Anonymous 3228[Reply]

I'll start. I have felt like I am not real on several occasions. Most recently, right now as I'm typing this. Has any anon felt this way?
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Anonymous 3406

Same, I think it's normal and healthy to not obsess over "who you are" when you're not around other people, as well as to have different "egos" that you present to different groups of people.

Anonymous 4332


Anonymous 4341

i just feel really fucking bland, nothing redeeming of me and i just feel like bore the shit out of people, and sometimes i’m just sitting there like i’m a blank slate who just listens to other people’s conversations

Anonymous 4363

I feel like I have no personality, but I'm self-aware. I can feel my personality starting to shift the longer I spend with others, even if I don't want it to. I feel like a sponge that can't help but soak up other people's selves, and the only way to avoid it is to isolate myself.

Anonymous 10784

I deal with psychosis / derealization / depersonalization / disassociation a lot. I don’t have anything mental diagnosed (I have ADHD, autism, and am suspected to have anxiety and depression) but I overall don’t know if I’d describe it as the same experience. It mostly comes about when pondering on existential questions or seeing people who say stuff like that we live in a simulation or thinking about how I have quite a few relatives getting up there in years, it’s more existential anxiety though. I’d say my experience is more of “I exist, but why do I exist? I feel like I’m being crushed and suffocated” and having this sense of tightness in my chest and impending doom. When it comes to if “NPCs” exist I’d say I’m unsure. That comes down to questions about consciousness and such that we haven’t answered, at least not yet. I read somewhere that only a minority of people have a voice in their head (around 20-30%) and I’d say I’m one of them, I have some pretty intense and lengthy internal dialogues. In the advent that something like panpsychism is true that would kinda disprove the whole idea though, at that point even the most simple minded person who barely uses their brain is conscious to some extent


Anonymous 9899[Reply]

How do you feel about Gnosticism?
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Anonymous 10756

Shamanic Journeying. If you care about books, you should check out "The Phase" by Michael Raduga. It's very straightforward and provides clear and scientific methods for astral projecting.

Anonymous 10761

What are your thoughts on that r/escapingprisonplanet subreddit? Apparently the conspiracy is based heavily on Gnosticism and trying to find a way out. Personally for me it’s kinda ruined because the people there kinda just accuse everyone they disagree with of being brainwashed or an NPC and they keep giving doomsday/great reset/5D ascension prophecies which really kills any ability to take it seriously. Plus many of them take regressive hypnosis seriously which is an extremely questionable practice. Also the David Icke butt kissing from them gets frustrating at a certain point

Anonymous 10763

I don't find it very compelling on a surface level just because it reminds me of heaven's gate and the like, and from what I know it's not based on any real evidence other than things like past life regression. It seems like bastardized gnosticism reworked for the current age. They also claim that the earth is purposefully built for suffering (correct me if I'm wrong) rather than interpreting suffering as a side affect of an imperfect world. But it is interesting that near death experiences are all very similar. In general, do you think it's possible to know if any conjectured structure of reality is real or not? I think about Pascal's wager a lot.

Anonymous 10765

Yeah, they talk about hypnosis and how “this UFO investigator found out this” but they don’t realize just how unreliable some of these methods are, maybe they just don’t care but the main reason I don’t really believe in a lot of it is how many of them are just not verifiable or how so many claim to have been a famous person in the past life or something. Or making out of left field claims like that the Earth is going into a 5 dimensional state and the “low vibrational” can’t stay according to the words of aliens or guides or whatever. This is more about regressive hypnosis than PPT though. A lot of regressions tend to contradict each other depending on the technique too, like that being too low vibe means you have to reincarnate but also there’s “healing” zones where you’re brought back to your original vibrations? Sounds like imagination more than anything

I think the model for the world you described was more Buddhist, the idea that you’re not suffering all throughout it but it’s the fault of your desires which emerge because of it. The theory has gotten pretty big cuz the subreddit was made September 2021 so it hasn’t even been 3 years but it has 64k members already. It’s also getting pretty big cuz new age ideas are getting popular again but some of them are just so awful that people would rather believe in the conspiracy.

>But it is interesting that near death experiences are all very similar.

Half true tbh, the ones that are similar are interesting but it depends on the ones we’re talking about. Ones from the East greatly vary from those in the West for example. The fact the majority of the western ones are new agey is weird though, Rick and Morty had an episode that opened with referencing death experiences and I wonder if they were right in how they portrayed it. The PPT crowd say their theory explains all the inconsistencies and while it admittedly does I feel like there’s other possible explanations

>do you think it's possible to know if any conjectured structure of reality is real or not?

Yes, difficult but not impossible. We already have many people studying near death experiences and we’re in the process of a lot of advancement with tech at the moment. Assuming the PPT people who are talking about the aliens invading in 2040 and saying the government has a plaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 10777

I’ve read recently that apparently Hinduism and Buddhism added stuff like reincarnation and Karma to their beliefs later on into their existence so now I’m curious. Are there any religions older than Gnosticism that speak on reincarnation or was Gnosticism the first? Hinduism and Buddhism seem to expand more on what Gnosticism speaks of which is why I’m asking so now I’m wondering was Gnosticisms origins are lowkey


hollywood cover ups Anonymous 10266[Reply]

anyone got creepy hollywood stories or conspiracys that arent known as much its like crack to me
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Anonymous 10669


I'd need to reformat them to be image board adaptable and they have a lot of pictures. Maybe. It's extremely image heavy and not short.

I was gonna try other sites and try reposting on reddit again on a different IP but mainstream social media seems to be a bad idea.

Trying to post about him on TikTok just with a general "he's a bad person" vague video also led to removal and this was months ago, my vid was up less than 10 mins.

This phenom is ridiculous bc I know big ego jim doesn't have "stans" to be reporting negative content about him like he's chris evans 24/7, he's not conventionally attractive, his fandom was never "cuckoo for cocopuffs crazy", and nobody likes him that much

Anonymous 10673


Anonymous 10774

Not sure if this belongs here but does anyone have any thoughts on the Erin Valenti case? I recently found out about it and BlameItOnJorge did an interesting vid on it.
>She was a tech designer, big into transhumanism and stuff like brain implants
>worked at many tech companies
>was also spreading awareness about human trafficking
>called her parents talking about “being in the matrix” and in a thought experiment game
>went missing, cops didn’t care
>Later found dead
There was a thread on the r/UnResolvedMysteries subreddit which had some explanations. Mainly
>it’s pretty common to be talking like that when you have your first accute manic episode, it’s common for the first to happen in your Early 30s (she was 33), lots of people have seen their loved ones with mania talk like that before getting help
>drugs are apparently common at conferences like the ones she was going to
>No drugs were found in her system but to be fair the police were very half assed with her case, didn’t investigate until long after and deemed it “natural causes”
>it’s likely she did some drug that doesn’t linger in your system and can’t be found or took a small amount
>cops probably half assed the autopsy.
There’s rumors her dog was dead with her too but I’m not sure of that. It’s an interesting case, but I personally think she probably OD’d on some drugs though. Apparently she also had chronic thyroid but I’m not sure if that can be fatal. There are similiar cases like Ray Rivera who said similiar stuff about being in a matrix and a movie called The Game (though his death was similar to the one a character in the movie apparently has so he may have just been trying to recreate it, he was known to be a bit off his rocker so to speak). Erin also apparently was super high energy and if you’ve seen people get high on drugs you would know they’re not exactly in the right state of mind. Apparently she was doing some stuff with brainwaves and went to a conference prior to her death (it’s rumored they talk about simulation theory and related stuff at these conferences). Also if this was a coverup from the govPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 10776

Bump because there’s porn below, don’t scroll I hope and pray it’s not CP

Anonymous 10779

This was amazing thank you


unregulated fairly safe psychedelic plants in US? Anonymous 10650[Reply]

Never done drugs or alcohol before but I really want to try psychedelics for magick reasons, but also don't wanna go to jail/spend money on stuff and get involved with bad people. Anyways, what plants grow fairly commonly across north America that aren't dangerous and have psychedelic effects and how do I proccess/injest them easily? Also, how much should you take per body weight so it is safe? I want to trip alone because I'm afraid I'd slip out as dark secret/thought and my friends would leave me. thanx

Anonymous 10771

This site might help you start researching what's available and safe usage: https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Main_Page


Greek Magical Papyri/PGM spells/rites etc Anonymous 10686[Reply]

So I have a copy of the PGM (first volume) and was thinking of casting spells for divinatory and love reasons.
Has anyone casted spells from this book?
Does anyone have experience with this kind of magick and have any advice?

What PGM spells do you recommend to cast from this book?

Any other similar good and comprehensive ritual guides of ancient non-abrahamic(yes ik it has ancient christian and jewish spells/influence) recommendations?

Anonymous 10697

I have a copy of the Spells of Going Forth by Day and it has the hieroglyphs, transliteration and translation out together for each line.

So I read the translation out loud one year and was granted the opportunity to stare at the sun and chant for several hours a day for a month or so. Last year, I read the transliteration out loud. I wonder if something similar is going to happen soon.

So if you're into Egypt, and especially if you're into sun worship, I heartily recommend this:
This one has no transliteration but pictures of some of the original papyri are there: https://www.amazon.com/Egyptian-Book-Dead-Integrated-Full-Color/dp/1452144389/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=2EGON4C1C8YNE&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.e6k4X6X1CUMAHQEHNp7KulabRzwAB3IFExXkCZ5xE7BXPsHGl0eMSVUbAaUERUhQCEmq2qQSTR2pWL2FwIOouTWUItl7aSZqXHYKuwaxaG-H_UpVSCWO07Kc5Xsd7mO0fVhFBTTMRpsZKumIMwVv2zBAB5zmPCPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 10714

thank you so much nona! I'll bookmark these and look into reading them. Religiously I am celtic pagan but I am interested/use ancient near eastern pagan magick. What were your intentions with the readings?

Anonymous 10723

Just scrolling by but man I'd kill for a friend that is a fellow Celtic pagan + browses CC. Wishing you well, Nona.

Anonymous 10747

Thanks for the links anon!


Magic Anonymous 10732[Reply]

Each thing personally affects reality.Example-eating salt and then being assalted.Find which thing and pick the categories,words,letters and symbols and get the answer to any question or not pick the words and the words that are remaining or farthest away are the answer.Find which thing and do magic.Thinking thoughts,snapping or pointing your fingers and a book with the information appears or the thing you were thinking of appears.The elements.Vitamins and minerals.Eating or drinking the same food again and again or a combination of things or not eating or drinking enough.Write a paragraph of information about subjects.Get the answer by connecting the words and other things,specifying,adding words to the words,correcting the errors,synonyms.

Anonymous 10733

>eating salt and then being assalted
what do you mean

Anonymous 10745

Eating salt and being assalted affects reality anon.


anyone here have experiences with the hat man? Anonymous 10540[Reply]

My mom saw him when she was hanging out with some friends as a teenager. he was hiding behind trees. a dark shape of a man with a hat.
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Anonymous 10588


That's just the guy from lsd dream emulator, i saw him on my dreams before

Anonymous 10592

what the fuck I've absolutely had nightmares about this guy when I was like 4-5 years old. Never again after that.

Anonymous 10598


Anonymous 10730

my older brother saw him on the preschool playground when he was 4. He never saw him again. He is a careerman now, he still swears to have seen him.

Anonymous 10741

I often saw him in the hallway in the dark when I was a kid. I wonder if he is on the autism spectrum like me and that is why he stands around awkwardly. I would fuck him.


Brilliant minds Anonymous 10734[Reply]

The causes of having a genius,omnipotence,superpeople,great minds.To get a starship.A replicator.A miracle.The need.Air smog.Each thing has a spectrum.The parts of the spectrum of each thing that have the opposite reaction to the parts of the spectrums which cause aging,retards,sickness,etc,etc and there's the other parts in the middle (example - the berry spectrum has the healthiest berries and poisonous berries and the other berries in the middle).Cravings.The elements.Vitamins,metals and minerals.By taking a supplement.Eating or drinking the same thing again and again or a combination of things or not eating or drinking much.Problems to get,find or make foods.Having smart or physical body's to get the things eaten.Processed and natural foods.


Celto-Teutonic paganism thread Anonymous 10725[Reply]

Any other Celto-Teutonic pagan nonas here? I'm using the term Teutonic because the term Norse paganism is not accurate imo and I think the Celtic and Teutonic practices have plenty of overlap as the two cultures lived fairly close to eachother. I am not talking about Wicca or witchtok/tiktok pagan shillery, nor himmler-muh-aryanlarpy shit.

Personally, I venerate Frauja and Wotan and Ziw primarily and venerate Wotan on Weds and cast spells related to Ziw and Frauja on their related days. I have been reading stuff like Dumezil and Eliade and it has helped my understanding a lot. I've also looked into Vedic/Hindu traditions and the ancient near eastern traditions as I feel like they have some overlap.
What does your practice look like? What advice do you have for newcomers?
What books or videos or resources do you recommend?
Do you venerate a specific God or Goddess?
What do you think of the modern pagan communities?
Are you part of any religious communities irl or online?
Do you practice magick related to your faith (seidr, druidry etc)?

Opinions from other related traditions welcome, I'd love to hear some perspective from Romuva, Hellenist or Rodnover nonas!


Anonymous 10623[Reply]

Do you believe in subliminals?

I have been listening to them on YouTube on and off for 5-ish years. At younger age I noticed stronger physical results (eye color change, jawline, better side profile etc). Now that I started again I also used ones for my hair, weight, shoulders, beauty and to learn. I didn't take pictures this time but 99% sure my hair is getting better.
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Anonymous 10637

i don’t know about eye color thing but that’s how it got me into subliminals and one time i was meditating on the love subliminal by quadible integrity and i ended up having a full blown kundalini awakening. apparently i was meditating for four hours and it was intense

Anonymous 10715

Used to use subliminals a lot with breaks here and there. Honestly they didn't work, but you can certainly gaslight yourself into thinking they do. I was listening to this one to get wider shoulders and was doing a manual labor job at the time so, duh they got bigger. My beliefs around them are that you can gaslight yourself for appearance stuff. They can definitely aid you for mindset related things however.

Anonymous 10716

been doing subliminals for over 10 years now, they work, it just takes a really long time.

Anonymous 10722

Ive been listening to sublminals for 2-3 years now, honestly i think they do work, however the ones that supposed to change your appeareance seem to be useless on me kek

Anonymous 10724

no that shits retarded

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