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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 8710[Reply]

where should I start as a normie if I want to know what happens in the afterlife, particularly if it's bad and avoidable. Ideally I don't want to be immortal

Anonymous 8711

u could start with the classics like the old testament, bible, torah, koran, kitab i aqdas etc
visit ur local library/bookstore and check out their spiritual section

Anonymous 8720

What do you mean start “as a normie” this isn’t a collective idea that a niche group online possesses. No one knows

Anonymous 8721

Good news. You're not immortal. Eventually, you'll die
Just read the bible

Anonymous 8752

Your atoms will be recycled to make another babby, or maybe a tree. And eventually all our atoms will be recycled to make another big bang. You might die but your energy is forever.


Creepy comment Anonymous 8705[Reply]

I found this really creepy comment on someone's video. What does this mean?

Anonymous 8706

You're not even going to describe the video? Then hth should we know?

Anonymous 8707

It's basically a meme about Lori Lightfoot

Anonymous 8708

I think he's insinuating that she has a ton of plastic surgeries so no plastic surgeon could hide from her because that's how many surgeries she wants

Anonymous 8709

it means that even if the person they're talking about went to the most skilled plastic surgeon to have her features changed into being unrecognizable in order to hide [her identity], it wouldn't work


Darknet (and women.i2p) Anonymous 5590[Reply]

I don't really know whether belongs in >>>/media/, but does anyone here use the Darknet? Tor, I2P, Yggrasil or what-have-you. Discuss:

>hidden service recommendations

>clearnet sites on the darknet
>general darknet stories

>inb4 complaints that crystal.cafe is banned on Tor

Also side-note but the otherday on a whim I registered the "women.i2p" eepsite thinking of populating it with TERF propaganda. Any suggestions or diagrams are welcome. (Does this count as TERFposting?
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Anonymous 5636

I've been refreshing all day and still not working. Annoying as I really want to see what it's like.

Anonymous 5640

its just a retarded imageboard lel. pretty decent and not full of pedos like the rest of them are

Anonymous 5641

nvm i just checked the /b/ catalogue i take that back

Anonymous 5645

Yeah, I'm pretty disappointed now that I finally accessed it.

Anonymous 8703

>Also side-note but the otherday on a whim I registered the "women.i2p" eepsite thinking of populating it with TERF propaganda.
seems to be down, did anything happen?

Adam and Eve One F…

Jungian psychology Anonymous 8508[Reply]

For some, it can be among the most powerful tools for gaining insight into the deepest parts of yourself.

If you've ever felt like you keep repeating the same negative patterns in your relationships and life, or wondered why you're drawn to certain types of people or situations, have you used it to understand the projections and complexes that drive them?

Have you explored the transformative power of dreams, and how they can offer a window into the unconscious patterns that shape your life?

Have you used it to discover the beauty and meaning in art, symbolism, and archetypal narratives, and how they can help us connect with something larger than ourselves?

Have you explored spirituality, science, philosophy, metaphysics, theology, the occult, the paranormal, or many other topics from its' perspective, or its' many historical precedents?

Though depending on how deep you go and how honest you're willing to be with yourself, it's not for the faint of heart.

Anonymous 8509


I know its a water down version of Carl Jung's psychology, but I used to do shadow working.
Way before I knew he existed, I used to paint my dreams and nightmares.

Anonymous 8510


Anonymous 8690

I enjoy the ideas of Carl Jung a lot. I would suggest (and others did aswell) to read "Men and his symbols" first even though that is more a book on history, culture and myths from around the world than psychology for self-development or self-understanding.

His theory about archetypes that exist in every human makes a lot of sense for me. I started to categorize the people that are reoccuring in my dreams into these archetypes and try to make sense of it. Exploring the meaning of my dreams is what I like most.

Most of my dreams take place in the area where I grew up, especially the forest behind my parents house. But in my dream world it is always enhanced. Like in the forest is almost always I am there a big ass castle in the background or some mountain that is not there in reality. Do you have this aswell? It seems to be like a parallel world.


Pizzagate discussion Anonymous 4868[Reply]

I'm not even sure if I should make this thread considering how dark and disturbing the subject is. I wonder how deep the rabbithole goes. I already know some things but I still feel like I'm only at the tip of the iceberg. Do you believe in this conspiracy /x/ ? I do. If my thread gets deleted because of the deeply disturbing subject I can understand.
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Anonymous 8564

i doubt its real lol

the truth is a lot of powerful men are pedos but they dont suck the blood of children. its just another right wing cope to blame child trafficking on "da joos"

Anonymous 8574

This email is so weird.
I think parts of theory is real, there are a small number of psychopath elites who are responsible for pedo sex rings as well as snuff demand and all kinds of horrid things. Its not really ridiculous, i believe it true excluding the moloch bullshit and age reversing baby blood and all that.

Anonymous 8579


What do anons think of the podesta Brothers art?

Anonymous 8580

Honestly think it's no different that degenerates that buy lolicon pillows or whatever. The dudes who hang this on there walls are pedos, maybe it's not a deep conspiracy but this shit ain't right.

Anonymous 8674


I like Pizza. I don’t order it very often; Nor do I think frozen pizza is good. Often upsets my stomach. Try making your own pizza. Dough isn’t to hard. (Though I’m awful with bread) After that it’s just sauce, cheese and whatever else you want (:


Anonymous 8630[Reply]

Am I the only one that thinks that this woman's murderers were apart of some cult? This murder seems ritualistic

Anonymous 8631

Never thought of it, but maybe. It's very odd that so many people were involved, and how her ribs were cooked but her torso is missing. Perhaps they were eaten? And also that she was beheaded.

Anonymous 8632

The fact that multiple women were involved in the coverup and possibly in the homicide directly makes it an extremely unusual case, but it also makes it seem unlikely to have been a ritual killing. Cult murders committed by women cultists will be brutal but dis-organized rather than heavily ritualized as a rule, like in the Manson case. Women cults usually generate their internal discipline and rules by nonviolent conditioning and socially coercive means and so violence is a spontaneous explosive affair, an eruption where the conditioning breaks, rather than part of the rule. Exclusively male cult practices are more likely to incorporate heavily ritualized violence.

There are exceptions, like Ms. Robin Murphy's involvement in the Karen Marsden case. But in general Satanists deny any distinctly Satanic quality to the Marsden homicide, and claim the "ritual" there was entirely improvised so that still seems like it follows the pattern more than not.

Anonymous 8651


I don't know, but the way some people made light of it just makes me sick

Anonymous 8656


I read up on this case after seeing this thread and then shortly found out about the Diao Aiqing case too. When reading fucked up cases like this, does anyone else get a strong urge to go back in time to try and save these women? I don't have some kind of savior complex and I don't usually consider myself a person of high empathy but I guess I just find alot of these women's cases so misfortunate. For example, someone could have easily told them to go meet with someone else on that day or walk to another street, and completely have prevented their doom. Like if Junko Furuta had just stayed home that day she was abducted, she might have never encountered those sick fucks that did all those things to her. Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part, but I am really angry for these kind of cases of pure circumstance. I hope if we ever invent time machines we use them to protect women from evil moids.

Anonymous 8657

That's grotesque. Men were never moral but they used to have standards.
When the Fall River murders were publicized, the result was an international psychological crisis, the so-called "Satanic Panic," a neurotic response that is still echoed in conspiracy theories that are alive today. Because the scrotes knew deep in their bones that they were supposed to have some sort of reaction to bad people murdering young women, even if they don't have the prosocial instincts required to figure out what.


Reincarnation Anonymous 8454[Reply]

If I kill myself, is it possible to be reborn in a new place? Ideally, Japan?
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Anonymous 8581



>kills self

>ends up reincarnated in the country with the highest rate of extreme depression and suicide

Anonymous 8601

Shinto is almost only exclusively "demon" worship I'm surprised that even with a surface level understanding you don't know about the shrines and spirits of varying ethical and moral constitution.
> A polytheistic and animistic religion, Shinto revolves around supernatural entities called the kami. The kami are believed to inhabit all things, including forces of nature and prominent landscape locations.
>Kami are deemed capable of both benevolent and destructive deeds;[83] if warnings about good conduct are ignored, the kami can mete out punishment, often illness or sudden death, called shinbatsu.[84] Some kami, referred to as the magatsuhi-no-kami or araburu kami, are regarded as malevolent and destructive.[85] Offerings and prayers are given to the kami to gain their blessings and to dissuade them from destructive actions.
Spirit possessions by Kami and other lesser spirits are also common among "worshippers"
>Folklorist Lafcadio Hearn describes the condition in Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan:[34] "Strange is the madness of those into whom demon foxes enter. Sometimes they run naked shouting through the streets. Sometimes they lie down and froth at the mouth, and yelp as a fox yelps. And on some part of the body of the possessed a moving lump appears under the skin, which seems to have a life of its own. Prick it with a needle, and it glides instantly to another place. By no grasp can it be so tightly compressed by a strong hand that it will not slip from under the fingers. Possessed folk are also said to speak and write languages of which they were totally ignorant prior to possession. They eat only what foxes are believed to like – tofu, aburagé, azukimeshi, etc. – and they eat a great deal, alleging that not they, but the possessing foxes, are hungry."

It's my personal belief that Shinto is all demonic, from worshipping MT Fuji to local "deities". I had "bad vibes" in person visiting the "sacred sites" and I know people who's lives fall apart in chaos after taking on Shinto "kami" worship. Japan on the whole has a shit economy, rape centric culture and hates women, I just can't get over how demonic it all feels. In western religions you make deals and offerings only with demons not with "deities" which is why I believe Japan is deeply fucked. This is thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 8603


>Gets reborn as an autist baby on fucking North Korea

Anonymous 8648

I want to kms too, but I heard that you'll just come back and have an even worse life than your last. Don't want to really risk it.

Anonymous 8649

I came to the conclusion with this in mind during my suicidal years. I was really gonna do it, bought a gas tank and everything. To me, whenever i get bad thoughts i just literally tell myself to wait this one out. I gave up on this life, i don’t pine for anything anymore and it ironically made me happier these past couple of months to just let go of things even though i’m still here. I’m still here but i’m dead, you know?
Hopefully reincarnation does exist, and the next life isn’t so bad and doesn’t do a number on my identity and happiness as much. I look forward to the next gig my soul takes.


Anyone else think about death very often? Anonymous 8523[Reply]

It really feels like I think about death pretty much everyday. It's not even deep pondering, like I could be doing something banal such as listening to music or sitting outside having a snack and the sudden thought will come to me - "I'm gonna die one day". It doesn't exactly shock me or make me depressed but it does shake me up a little. It's like a reminder that the stuff I'm doing in the present moment doesn't matter and I feel silly thinking it does lol. Does this happen to anyone else? Do you find it really difficult to avoid the thought of death?

Anonymous 8531

You're not alone in spending inordinate amounts of time musing on your own mortality, anon.
I get told that I think too much, but it's crazy to conceptualize the idea of impermanence. Everyone that you know, love, and care for will someday pass on, and so will you. Even crazier to think that over 90% of all humans who have ever lived are now dead; we as the living are the minority. As soon as you're born, death is the only guarantee. It's only a matter of time for when that will happen, how it will happen, and we think to ourselves what we could have done to save them/save ourselves. It's a reminder that we must all go through this process, and maybe a bit more comforting to think that so many people have also gone through it.

Anonymous 8618

Yes. Every day. Idk people think it’s morbid but it’s more like to “live like you’re dying”.

Anonymous 8623

I think about it all the time. I'm not depressed but I'd really like to go ahead and kick the bucket sometimes. When I was a child I was actually pretty positive none of my decisions held any weight and that I'd get to start over my whole life.

So it'd be nice to die, if that's true. I'd like a do-over, I think I've been a pretty spineless mess for the majority of it.

Anonymous 8636

It's good mental practice imo. Contemporary life is engineered to pretend death doesn't exist; it has to be a proactive choice to think about it, else we'd forget and let live go by.

Anonymous 8644

Not much about death or its process, rather the after. I know its most likely nothing, but i flirt with the idea of reincarnation from time to time. Coming from a broken home, naturally i want another life with another body and another more fortunate life events.


The Ohio Train Conspiracy Anonymous 8521[Reply]

Has anyone else been paying attention to all of the strange things happening around the Ohio train crash?

1.) A train carrying toxic chemicals derails in Ohio

2.) For some reason authorities decide to do a controlled burn on the crash, causing toxic clouds for miles in every direction

3.) A journalist is arrested for asking questions at a press conference

4.) Strangely Netflix made a movie called "White Noise" before the crash, which has a plot that mirrors the real events that followed almost exactly. It even takes place in the same town in Ohio where the real crash happened, some of the extras in the movie even lived through the real event.

5.) The CDC changed the information they had on the chemical the train was carrying just 11 days before the crash, removing information about long term cancerous affects of the chemical. The information was untouched for 17 years before that.

6.) Residents of Ohio were issued with high tech government IDs just months before the crash. These IDs are designed to track long term illnesses in residents.

7.) The government is claiming that the area is safe to return to, and that soil and drinking water is safe. However there are a lot of videos online of toxic clouds in the area, as well as tens of thousands of dead fish in rivers in Ohio. Also supermarkets are pulling any water bottled in Ohio from their shelves.
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Anonymous 8525

It seems so suspicious. I don't think the Chinese are involved though, or if they are they're working with the US.
The White Noise movie scares me with its possible ramifications. I have no idea why predictive programming is a thing but it has to mean something.

I remember there being a LOT of food factories burning during Corona times but haven't heard much about any disasters in America since then, but maybe it was being covered up like this Ohio thing was.

I just wonder the reasoning behind burning down everything. I swear to god if it's to start having us eat the bugs, I'm starting a garden.

Anonymous 8529

Govt creating chaotic scenarios to push Draconian laws under the guise of it being for our "safety" + population control

Anonymous 8539

>Residents of Ohio were issued with high tech government IDs just months before the crash. These IDs are designed to track long term illnesses in resident.
I've never heard of this and I know a bit about the incident (from what I heard). Not saying it's not true, but can you tell me where you saw this?

Anonymous 8546

this is all clearly in preparation for the final takeover by our alien overlords that the government has been pretending to shoot down.

sidenote: it's special living in a world where i have to clarify that i am only joking, otherwise i'll end up being debated (or a cult leader).

…but, then it turns out that that's really what's happening, because that's also the world we're living in.

Anonymous 8557

This is horrifying.

I remember only randomly hearing about this, there's hardly any coverage. No news station is panicking. It's hardly talked about at all. I mention it to people in everyday life and yes, while they know of it, nobody cares.



Anonymous 4376[Reply]

Any good books about witchcraft and occultism? And something in the spirit of Pseudomonarchia Daemonum?
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Anonymous 5919


I'm not as much of a huge occult fag as I used to be, but I've read a couple of books about blood sorcery which were kind of interesting in their theories. https://archive.org/details/copy-of-enochian-vision-magick-lon-milo-duquette/BLOODM/page/113/mode/2up

I pretty much abandoned hope in getting any sort of power through magickal means to favor a more agnostic worldview; constantly reading about disciplines and what makes a good occultist is all just adding your own structure or form into something as formless as energy. Reading about satanism made me realize how corny and moid dominated most of it is anyways.

Anonymous 5979


If anyone is interested in dianic witchcraft here's The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries: Feminist Witchcraft, Goddess Rituals, Spellcasting. I'm almost finishing it and I'm finding it excellent.

Anonymous 5980

Just chant zin uru over and over again lol

Anonymous 8550

Anonymous 8551

Deeper Into the Underworld by Chris Allaun was a neat book.

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