Anyone else getting weird dreams recently?? Anonymous 10529[Reply]
I remember my dream from last night. I can't remember all the details, but I'll summarize it as best I can.
I was at school, or at least at a school (I dropped out), and I was me, but not at the same time. I just looked a little different; I basically had my dream body. Me and this group of people stopped at some random location, I belive it was an apartment of some sort, and this guy comes up to me and we start chatting (he used my real name and acted like we were besties). We eventually get into one of the apartments with a few others, and while I was sitting, he laid down on my chest, and we watched YouTube together. Thats basically all I can remember. Nothing crazy is happening but me and some randoms hanging out. After that, I woke up crying and in a cold sweat.
I just want to know if anyone else is having weird, vivid dreams for some reason…