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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 9156[Reply]

>im a Taurus woman
>a Cancer man likes me
Should I give him a chance?
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Anonymous 9170


I can't believe people still believe in this stupidity

Anonymous 9178

There's more to compatibility than birth sign. You would have to look at both of your birth charts. I know a lot of Cancer mars men (mars rules anger/sex) and they're way too emotional and passive-aggressive for me. Very catty men. And I have a scorpio sun & venus.

Anonymous 9179

With all that cancer, he probably has a mommy kink. His Leo mars shows passion, his praise kink and his huge eog. All that air creates a know-it-all.

Anonymous 9180

there's already an astrology thread, learn2read and ask in there

Anonymous 9183

Sun square moon: tense, emotionally turbulent, sensitive, likes conflict, tension at home/between the parents


Intuition Anonymous 8918[Reply]

Is your intuition ever scarily accurate? I’ve intuited running into certain people. I went to the library 3 days ago because I just knew my crush would be there even though he’s a commuter who didn’t attend class that day. I don’t know how I knew that. I just followed wherever my body took me because I knew it would take me to him. Another example, there’s someone that I know I will run into on my campus (who doesn’t live anywhere near it) by the end of the month. I’ve known it for months and I’ve been trying to avoid running into this person but I know it’s the universe’s will we run into each other.

Anonymous 8919

how do you develop better intuition? I can usually tell that something horrible is going to happen on days when horrible things do happen but that's not really useful

Anonymous 8922

Nta but you could try to be more observant. Pay attention to your surroundings, notice patterns, signs etc. also you can learn from past situations and their patterns too.

Anonymous 8939

yes, extremely accurate. I usually get an intuitive sense about people and are very sensitive to their energies, as well as the energy of places. Here is one instance that I find particularly eerie:
>go to the beach with my family.
>didn't want to go into the water
>sensed that there was something uncanny about this place
>sister and her friend went swimming in the water
>sisters friend kept complaining about how she felt that something was dragging her down
>a week or so later, we find out that someone had died in those waters before they had gone swimming in there..

Anonymous 9182

there are some spiritualities (Indigenous matriarchal ones for example) that believe women possess intuition like a 6th sense that men aren't able to tap into. And that it can be honed with practice.

I have pretty powerful intuition, always have since I was a kid. I started doing tarot readings when I was little for fun, and they ended up really scarily accurate. It's all intuition based, the way I read them. I freaked out several family members- aunts uncles, mom, grandma with my readings to the point where they were made uncomfortable. I've predicted severe illness, infidelity, and minor issues too with my card readings. I get told a lot that my tarot readings aren't any fun because I don't sugarcoat bad things. In fact I think I have more of an ability to predict bad things than good.

I am also really good at reading people, which I usually pass off as being a perk of being a wallflower, but I can even guess people's first names when I've never seen them before sometimes. Sometimes I even get such a powerful feeling that a person or animal's name is 'wrong' somehow to the point where I have a hard time using the name they give me. Like, one time I was riding a trail horse with a name like Red or something, but I could not stop calling her Daisy- in my mind, when I was petting her or riding her. It was really weird. Probably sounds retarded but I wonder if it's some kind of weird intuition or something.

At this point I always listen to my intuition. If I get a bad feeling about something. My husband believes I have very strong intuition as well, and always listens to me if I decide to cancel a plan or leave something early because it's never steered us wrong. I think it's the closest thing to a religious belief I practice- if I get a gut feeling about something I don't do it, or if someone gives me bad vibes I gtfo.

typing this out makes me feel like a knob tooting my own horn


Anonymous 8909[Reply]

I have a feeling that my family is cursed or very unlucky. Starting two years ago we have just had a string of bad incidents. Every time an incident is over and we have maybe a month or so of peace, another unfortunate event happens again. I was talking about it with my younger siblings and I'm scared that I will inherit this bad luck. Looking back, our whole existence starting from my parents marriage has been unlucky. How do I put an end to this? Will it end if my family is dead? I want to distance myself from them, but my family relies so much on me and I don't think they would be able to handle themselves if something else were to happen.
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Anonymous 8911

Did the curses start when you moved to a new home? Maybe your home is cursed.

Anonymous 8941

this could very much be a plausible explanation. Recently my family moved to a new house c. 2021. My mum believes in spiritual cleansing and saged the entire property before we moved in to get rid of 'bad energies'. in spite of this, moving into this property heightened a lot of the tension between each of us and corresponded with a string of major difficulties in each of our lives, including my dad having a heart attack.
Have you ever tried getting a birth chart reading, or gone to a clairvoyant of sorts to seek conformation about this? Perhaps you could try to figure out if there is any astrological or other adjacent phenomena which is related to these incidents and events?

Anonymous 8956

What kind of things are fucking your family over?

Are we talking about 'act of god' events? The type of shit that is absolutely unavoidable? (eg: getting struck by lightning)

Are we talking about things that are totally within your control to prevent? (eg: you can't pay rent because you made a dumb purchase and went overboard with the spending).

Or are we talking about things that are technically mitigatable, but it's easy to take an "it could never happen to me" stance, so you don't really put in the effort to keep yourself safe? (eg: leaving your house unlocked, not having an alarm system, and then calling it 'bad luck' when someone robs you).

Asking because I always considered myself a lucky person.
Then I had a string of really awful, truly unlucky things happen to me.
Then I fell in a rut of blaming everything on bad luck, when something went wrong, and it stopped me from taking accountability for my own actions (eg: staying with a boyfriend who raped me and then acting surprised when he continued to be abusive, because I am an insecure clown).

Not saying you're to blame for your family's shit lol. Not saying your family is 'deserving' of your bad luck at all. I'm really sorry to hear that you guys are dealing with a lot of crap.
The reason I bring up accountability is because in my experience, when things are going bad, it is far more empowering to do what you CAN to mitigate future issues and protect yourself, than to worry about curses and shit. You feel me?
And if you can pinpoint the exact type of bad events in your life to 'acts of god', 'mitigable', and 'within your control', it might help you to gain a sense of power over your situation.
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Anonymous 9010


Most recently a car accident that left my mom unable to walk. It happened right after my sister got out of the hospital after being in and out of a coma for 6+ months. My brother had dental surgery at the same time of the accident so now I'm stuck nursing both of them. And this is all just in this month.

Anonymous 9012

For some more realistic ideas, since you mentioned moving into a new house, it could be lead poisoning, carbon monoxide poisoning, or any other kind of chemical that fucks up your health (including your natural immunity) and concentration (hence the accident, bad mood etc.)

pepe dragon.png

Performing witchcraft on moids. Anonymous 8749[Reply]

Have you done it? I have only done basic things like influence them to contact me, candle stuff or whatever. Was a mistake both times.
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Anonymous 8849

Okay. My obsession is kind of lessening anyway. It's no longer obsession, more fascination. What do I do with the letter?

Anonymous 8873

Burn it, hide it away somewhere. I wrote a moids name on a paper once, folded it and stuffed it between stuffed animals and forgot about it. Not exactly a perfect method, but its kind of like a "set it and forget it" kind of thing. When you dont obsess over things they always come in much easier.

Anonymous 8877

Thanks, I already hid it away a week ago

Anonymous 8902


seconding this

Anonymous 8982

i want to make a moid obsessed with me. i’m already practicing manifestation/LoA but I want something stronger like a spell. i am completely aware of the consequences, i just want someone who is more familiar with witchcraft to guide me as i am having no success so far with finding a spell or ritual that can provide me what i want right now. nonas of /x/ please help me.


reoccuring girl in my dreams Anonymous 8971[Reply]

i posted this a few months back but it was almost immediately deleted and i have no idea why, so i'm trying again.
whenever i have a bad dream, there's always this girl in the background of them. they usually aren't even typical nightmares of monsters and death. the dreams at the least of me being inconvenienced- for example, just some nights ago, i had a dream that i almost got bumped into the road while waiting for a bus, and when i looked back, the person who bumped me was that girl. that is the closest that she's ever actually been directly involved in my dreams, usually, she's just hanging around in the background. like i'll dream that i'm hurrying to get ready because i'm late for something and i look outside and she's a pedestrian on the sidewalk, etc.
i used to have vivid dreams about my sexual assault, and she'd always be there too, even though i never saw her during the real thing. i have never seen this girl in real life. she is incredibly average, and unnoticeable in a crowd- the only reason why she's significant is because she's always there in my bad dreams, for some reason. she's been here forever and honestly i never thought much of it but now that i make this correlation i'm kind of freaked out- i told my friend, and she suspects that it's someone i wronged in the past that's haunting me. why is this girl who i've never seen irl haunting my dreams?? i'm open to anyone's theories.

Anonymous 8972

I think it’s because there is a dream journal thread already at >>3081


Weirdest people you've met online Anonymous 2178[Reply]

Tell us about them
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Anonymous 8884

had to what?

Anonymous 8928

wow, i didn't expect to actually recognize the url. but my only relation to her was reading her already years-old callout found while stalking my mutuals' blogs.

Anonymous 8929

had to make my Instagram private and change my usernames on all my social medias because I was afraid he would find my real name and continue to stalk me

Anonymous 8964


Anonymous 9140

Woman around my age who was very into reincarnation (partly typical New Age simplified mix, party her own “experiences”). We met through some shared interest (not esoteric-related). She began to reveal more about her past lives and how she was some famous people or involved with others like that. She also claimed I’m her lost sister from some other dimension and we have some time powers and shit. She wanted to know who I was in my past life. Sometimes she would share videos on her socials how she or her foreign friend contact spirits (aka doing silly faces and talking with weirdly changed voice).


Michelle Carter case Anonymous 2042[Reply]

In your opinion, should what Michelle Carter did be considered illegal or was she just being unethical but overall not guilty?

>Conrad Henri Roy III was an American man who died by suicide at the age of 18. His girlfriend, then 17 year-old Michelle Carter, was accused of encouraging him in text messages to commit suicide. The case was the subject of a notable investigation and involuntary manslaughter trial in Massachusetts, colloquially known as the "texting suicide case". Roy had seen numerous mental health professionals, and he insisted that he wanted to die. Carter and Roy had both been prescribed psychiatric medication. The case raised questions pertaining to the nature and limits of criminal responsibility.
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Anonymous 5490

I don't know what kind of sentence she should have gotten but I do think she has some culpability. Looks like she got involuntary manslaughter and 15 months, I think that's quite fair. That's the minimum any bully should get when one of their victims kills themselves and that's exactly what she was.

Anonymous 5502

I wouldn’t classify her as a bully honestly, she was a disturbed teenager— they both were and i don’t think she thought far ahead about the consequences probably having a fried low empathy young brain she did. Sometimes people who are at their lowest are joined at the wrong time and place and shit like this happens

Anonymous 8959

Absolutely guilty.
I've been suicidal enough to know that you aren't 'you' anymore when you're like that. You're on the backburner, while your depression drives the meat mecha.
In that state, you are incredibly susceptible to bullshit.

The idea that a person might not be guilty of a crime after convincing a mentally-unwell and vulnerable person to end their life is insane.

I get that some of you whores have rough lives and you wanna take it out on the people who hurt you (honestly, fair enough. There are people I'd like to strangle, myself). But let's not pretend it's ok to do shit like this to someone who never did you harm.

Anonymous 8961

Nah not guilty, both were retarded teenagers and wasn't he suicide baiting constantly and she told him to just get it over with? Shit like that happens everyday, it's just that this time the person actually did it.

Anonymous 8962

I agree


What are the darkest thoughts you have? Anonymous 5684[Reply]

Tell CC what you can't tell anybody else.
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Anonymous 8040

What kind of meat would you want to be made into? Sausage links, hamburger, etc?

Anonymous 8054

edgy shit:
I used to be very careless with my health. I would stand up just to immediately faint, and sob… It was a terrible feeling to be so incapable, but I could see myself as an external observer and how attractive it was from the outside.
There's someone I love, and he's already very weak, but I want to see him become weaker. I want to swap sides, I want him on the edge of death, where I was.
I'll never speak to him, I embarrass myself so badly whenever I speak. I wish I had him alone, just watching him slowly fade.

Anonymous 8071

I got strangled once and passed out and it was lowkey fun, it wasn't sexual at all

Anonymous 8078

i have an intense fear of losing my teeth and i some how represed it into something sexual and have fantasies of having my teeth being pulled out by a guy, its certainly intensified over time to different fantasies of being chopped up or killed during sex

Anonymous 8946

It seems like every day there’s another mass shooting or mass killing in the US. I keep thinking that I wish it would happen to me. I want to die so bad but I don’t think I could ever kill myself. If while I was at work or walking around outside and someone shot and killed me out of nowhere I’d be thankful.

Screen Shot 2022-0…

Profiles of dead people online Anonymous 6652[Reply]

Can anyone find me some interesting profiles owned by dead people or maybe also schizophrenic people?
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Anonymous 7998

seems like a delusional narcissist, how did he die?

Anonymous 8018

He is likely still alive

Anonymous 8053

Yeah I saw that, but is there any obit or article about her death? I read the whole thread and I don't think she's dead

Anonymous 8358

Anonymous 8923


I once came across a kitty0706 comment in an old Sonic Sez video.
It was a HUUUUUGE gut punch.


Aphrodite Altar Anonymous 8535[Reply]

i'm currently working on an aphrodite altar!! i will be adding candles, seashells(real ones), aquamarine, rosequartz, pink sand, apples, pretty vintage things, mirrors, myrtle, roses, lavender and of course a statue of herself.

is there anything else i should add?

Anonymous 8538

keep your jewelry box on there! stuff you like to wear semi-regularly

Anonymous 8594

Start offering

Anonymous 8838


Don't feel like you have to add lots of things dedicated to her, I think she'd appreciate quality over quantity.

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