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JF gariepy sacrificed his wife? Anonymous 10115[Reply]

This white nationalist YouTuber, JF gariepy, is making the headlines after his wife mysteriously disappeared. He is allegedly backed by Epstein and allegedly has masonic connections. Is it possible that he sacrificed his wife?
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Anonymous 10339


The lack of self awareness with this fugly moid. "Being a manslut isn't bad guize"

Anonymous 10346

Gariepy has alluded to having children with random women and calling them 'projects'. He's not capable of seeing anyone as a human besides himself.

Anonymous 10347

Reposting here for Gariepyfags

Has anyone else listened to any of the interviews JF gave after Élora went missing? I'm aware of three, but I 'll post with links and timestamps to events I found interesting.
First of all, this is his interview with The Crucible. He mentions some beef with Ramzpaul betraying him by implying he is guilty of murdering his wife, but I'm not sure if that was an interview too or if Ramz was just talking about JF on his show. Either way, the host on The Crucible was acting in a way that made JF feel like he was being believed and he was comfortable talking about some of the details of Élora's disappearance. Comments have been disabled.

[3:59] JF says that Élora could be dead, or she could be having so much fun at parties that she doesn't know anyone is looking for her
[6:30] JF talks about how his wife did something similar (leaving for a trip/hitch hiking) in 2021 from "our current location" to Quebec "which is more than ten hours of driving".
[8:00] He talks about how on June 17th in the early afternoon, Élora asked him to drop her off at a gas station close to a bridge that a lot of truck drivers go to. He mentions she had done this in the past. He keeps talking about how he dropped her off in front of cameras and that was the last time he personally saw her. He says he knew she was alive on the 18th and 19th of June because they tried to call each other and also texted, but that the last contact was via text on June 19th before he says she decided to get rid of her cellphone. He says she was spotted by other people on June 19th in New Brunswick.
[11:26] JF says he informed her family on June 17th "that she was going toward them" because "she was probably heading west".
[11:49] He says that her family's position on the matter "is that you cannot retain a woman against her will" and then goes on to say, "They have always been clear to me that they don't want me to beat Mama JF, they don't want me to intimidate Mama JF"
[12:50] He says that as of June 19th, her family is also looking for her
[13:48] JF says that Élora had been collecting survival gear but he didn't think she had packed it with her when she left because she had packed so lightly, said that he "wouldn't think that she was going for extended survival in nature".
[15:20] JF says that he wouldn't be worried about her being able to pass over the border through "networks of smuggling" and then states Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 10348

Lauren DeLaguna's interview follows. It is very apparent that JF didn't know who she was and that he only came on the interview to speak to an attractive young lady. He was able to be comfortable for the first half because he really wanted to be able to talk about himself to a woman. He gets pissed off at her eventually once they start discussing Élora and then he rage quits.

[13:36] JF talks about how he worked in a psychiatric clinic and the women he would meet there
[17:32] JF asking Lauren what kind of men she is attracted to
[22:06] superchatter asks JF about if his children are safe, he just says “yeah”.
[25:29] Lauren asks JF if Élora was the only woman he had children with and says he already told her he wouldn’t answer any questions about children, then implies he has a lot of children and calls them “projects”.
[28:45] Lauren asks JF how he has been getting on after his wife’s disappearance, mentions she heard his fridge was empty and then JF gets mad about his fridge, does damage control about the contents of his fridge
[33:14] JF describes what Élora was wearing when she went missing
[35:28] Lauren asks JF if he can show his final texts with Élora and he refuses because the police would have his texts if they wanted them
[39:58] superchatter asks why JF’s wife would leave the children. Lauren says his wife committed a crime by leaving the kids, JF blows up and insults her intelligence, then rage quits
[41:40] Lauren’s friends were listening in the background the whole time and start making fun of him for being guilty

Anonymous 10349

The last interview I'm aware of is the one on The Dick Show. JF starts out pretty uncomfortable but Dick seems to get JF comfortable by acting shockjocky and disparaging Lauren's interview. He seems the most comfortable in this interview out of the three and says some pretty weird things. One of the comments under this video that I found interesting:
>The two weeks she left last year she went to her family and stayed in contact, and JF's streaming revolved around publicly looking for a replacement wife to try to make his wife jealous, complete with a countdown until she returned.

[6:33] “It was happiness for four months” after Élora disappeared
[8:20] JF talks about how he had to have the house sterilized because women leave an imprint on the house
[8:52] JF brags about how he has so much technical knowledge of the way police investigate crimes
[12:02] JF says he doesn’t have an opinion on whether or not he would like his wife to come back home because he is a libertarian, then says he is getting lots of attention from women after having been suspected of killing his wife
[26:53] Dick asks JF what he should do if he wanted to kill his own wife and get away with it, further emboldening JF to talk about himself and his perceived knowledge about getting away with crimes
[32:07] Dick tries to make JF more comfortable talking about Élora by telling his chat that JF is not incriminating himself, then JF talks about how sure he is he won’t go to jail
[33:23] JF expresses he was angry at Lauren during the interview because she accused him of not having any food in his fridge (lol)
[34:53]“There are grief periods that you have. Not necessarily the grief of knowing that she is dead, but the grief of having control over your wife, the grief of, yeah, you’re gonna have to keep living without knowing.”
[35:45] JF expresses that he is afraid of a future where someone will replicate his DNA and have it “spread all over a murder scene”, then says he has 24/7 tracking and filming of himself and keeps a camera above himself while he sleeps

too pretty for pri…

What are your thoughts on the Cameron Herrin case? Anonymous 4252[Reply]

Is it possible to be "too pretty for prison"? For those who don't know, here are two youtube vids to fill you in.


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Anonymous 10224

He's ugly as fuck, looks inbred. Tiny hat.

Anonymous 10225

He doesn't look inbred but that shitty puffy hair is pissing me off

Anonymous 10228

in the eyes of God you are never too pretty for anything lol

Anonymous 10231

God isn't real christotard.

Anonymous 10282

people project their fantasies onto others, but it is just that, a fantasy, it is kind of "objectifying" him

keep his pictures if you must, but remember he is a bad person who hurt someone and belongs there


Cyberstalking Anonymous 140[Reply]

I do it, do you?
I love finding hidden accounts and secret blogs and I dox just to see if I can (but never post it or interfere with the person otherwise)
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Anonymous 10298

If you have his middle name and birthday that can help you tremendously when it comes to narrowing him down. Associates and family members can help too, I can count on both hands how many people I've managed to find just by snooping through their family members profiles kek especially boomers.

Also note their locations, names and other family members they associate with. You can easily build a loose family tree which can help in gaining more leads in my experience.

Anonymous 10507

Anonymous 10706

Sorry for necro but anyone know if they brought back spy.pet (discord scraper) in any way? Also anyone know how to see into a privated twt? Considering playing the long con and making a fake twt identity in the same community of the person im trying to see and then requesting but that might be a lot of effort if it doesn't end up working

Anonymous 10798

twitter ? i dont think you can do that unless you are accepted into the account. Best you can do is just reading the replies people send to this account I believe.

Is there still a way to identify who is behind a twitter account ? The account I'm thinking about is not private but 0 tweet just a bunch of followings. Pre-elon it was possible
to see a few letters/numbers from the email address or telephone number by trying to log into the account. It doesn't work anymore, but there has to be another way to get the localisation, email or whatever

Anonymous 11035

did anyone have any success in paying someone online to find more stuff? i think i found all i can by using already made osint resources and the sort, even part of his name and picture of his face but i cant find a facebook or instagram no matter how much i tried. how expensive would it be? would it be cheaper if i share what ive already found out so far, so that they have a better start?


Tarot Reading on Youtube Anonymous 10256[Reply]

Any tarot YouTubers that you watch regularly? Do they resonate with you?

>Shadowplay Tarot https://www.youtube.com/@shadowplaytarot (resonate, most of the time)

>Mystic Rose https://www.youtube.com/@mysticrose123 (resonate, most of the time)
>Charmed Intuition Tarot https://www.youtube.com/@charmedintuitiontarot/videos (watching because comfy and her stuff is cute)


Mind control Anonymous 10027[Reply]

Do you guys believe in if? Do you think you've ever been subject to it? Do you in general believe our behavior and thought process can be altered via subliminal messages in media and audio?
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Anonymous 10033

I don't think we're in control of our thoughts or feelings generally (but I'm not sure to what extent anyone else is either). Have you ever actually watched your thoughts? They just come up from nowhere and disappear to nowhere. People flip their shit over what the "original cause" could be when it comes to god but that same problem shows up even in a domain as intimate and common as our own thoughts.

Anonymous 10045

I believe in it and feel i've been exposed to subtle attempts at it before. I've never heard a non-crazy person attempt to explain it at any serious depth tho.

Anonymous 10068

CIA MKUltra'd me years ago AMA

Anonymous 10070



Anonymous 10255

You dont have to "lose" your own mind control to perform someone else's will. You are not immune to propaganda.


Manipulation Anonymous 787[Reply]

>What's the most extreme manipulative scheme you've completed?
>How did it affect the people involved?
>Would you do it again?
>Do you feel guilt manipulating people?
>What are your feelings in general regarding manipulation?
>If others were severely harmed in some way because of your manipulation, would that matter to you? Why or why not?
>Have you been manipulated in an as extreme way as you've manipulated others? What happened and how did it affect you?
>Do you take pride in manipulating people?
>Do you feel like emotional abuse is inherently wrong when it is purposefully inflicted? Why or why not?
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Anonymous 6694

>it's just that women are more emotionally intelligent and thus have more options. Men will absolutely fuck you over emotionally
This. I would say that more than half of all men consciously try to "manipulate" people (by which I mean friends and gfs, not vendors at the flea market), and the only reason it doesn't go anywhere is that they suck it. They don't feel remotely bad about it, quite the opposite, they do it to try to live up to the power fantasies that society has encouraged in them. Unfortunately for them, they have no talent so these ploys usually just amount to more laborious ways to piss people off. There aren't that many that could manipulate others for meaningful gain.

Anonymous 6706

Pretty much this. So many people can only think of "manipulation" in this cringey abstract way, like they're a high ranking CIA member or a Game of Thrones character trying to protect themselves and further their tangible interests, but the reality is most people (particularly most people in places like this) don't have nearly an interesting enough life for there to be some manipulation worth doing. If you're reading this you're probably just a community college art student or something, there's not much to be gained by manipulating people. You'd be way better off if you just kept doing a reasonably good job at your occupation and try to be friendly and fun to be around.

Anonymous 10247

what would you do (LEGAL and NON-SUPERNATURAL) to someone who you live with that would destroy their ego or cause them to begin to doubt themself/their ability to accurately perceive reality? urgent

Anonymous 10248

oops. bump

Anonymous 10251

i'm too socially retarded to even try to manipulate people so i don't bother. i've had scrotes accuse me of being manipulative because i was honest about my feelings and how they were treating me.


Intrusive thoughts and bad intentions Anonymous 2002[Reply]

Post your temptations here
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Anonymous 9993

I find I can soothe my separation anxiety and loneliness by fantasizing about kidnapping my exes and just trapping them in my basement. I wouldn't do anything sexual really - it's just nice imagining I could talk to them an be near them whenever I want

Anonymous 9995

This does actually work. It took time but I was able to slowly disconnect from some thoughts.
But honestly I still engage with highly violent thoughts cause it's cathartic. Especially with the men in my city, my culture, the internet, etc. Plus it's funny cause the most violent stuff I imagine against one guy is literally just me wishing a dude larger than him would just do what he did to me. Or like imagining a group of guys beating him up and him having to deal with the terror of not knowing if he was going to survive that beating like he did to me and at least 2 other former girls he was with for his entire adult life. I don't want him dead I'd just want him to life with the haunting fears he gave women. It's probably not the healthiest long term but it's better than any self inflicted hatred

Anonymous 10048

Making big cuts in my arms and make my father watch as I make them (he's hemophobic)

Anonymous 10238

Flying to California, breaking into an empty Los Angeles mansion, and then shooting myself on some rich persons balcony or roof and dying there

Anonymous 10245

Get a gun, shoot myself
Unfortunately it's not that easy here
Slit my wrist every time I hold a knife


Suicide Anonymous 480[Reply]

How would you do it?
What's the most effective method with minimal pain? I'm a puss.
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Anonymous 10156

I wish i could find a painless way to die. My mind is fucked up from meds and my life is looking bleak (jobless at 23) and my art is taking me no where. Dude i like rejected me too. I genuinely want to leave earth.

Anonymous 10158

jobless at 23 is honestly not that bad. you can find a job - ask around your neighborhood, see if anyone needs a babysitter, hell you could work at mcdonalds. jobless at like 30 or 40 is an issue but 23 ?? ur gonna be ok nona

Anonymous 10226

Screenshot 2023-09…

do any nonas want to form a pact I'm scared of dying alone

Anonymous 10243

>t. serial killer

Anonymous 10269

i'd like to do it in a painless way like with a shotgun to the head, but i only have access to ineffective methods (pills) so i gave up.


Anonymous 10159[Reply]

Was there any other way out for her? Would you have done the same?
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Anonymous 10185

the meds deedee was giving her were legitimately making her weak and ill, though. they made most of her teeth fall out, too.

Anonymous 10192

There is no escape from this situation, an abusive mother who beats you to near death for her own selfish motivations, unless a kind man takes enough pity on you to save you. Even that comes with its own problems; all scrotes are disgusting pedophiles, rapists, adulterers and murderera. At least she tried to escape.

Anonymous 10207

>Was there any other way out for her?
Yes, she could have done what her mother did and made it look natural. Stab someone 20 times and you sealed your own fate. She's retarded, but she's pathetic enough for people to feel bad for her, meanwhile her ex-scrote is gonna rot for the rest of his life. As he should. He was a particularly vulgar, nasty scrote.

Anonymous 10215

Do you guys really think that no medical professional would have responded to her saying like hey I am not sick? That is really bleak. I am not sure how to feel about that.

Anonymous 10216

and get herself life in prison for medical fraud? lol, no.


Does anyone else wish magic was real and or to be a magical girl? Anonymous 2224[Reply]

For me its a bit of a chunni rant. I hate this world simply because magic isnt real. I dont mean as in wicca/pagan. I mean more of magic as in the showy magic in anime and games. The stuff that defies science and controls nature or just is pure energy.

Even though as I get older theres still a part of me that wants to be a magical girl.
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Anonymous 4140

I still wish it was real. Wanted it to be real so badly as a kid and in my teenage years, especially when I started getting into anime and books about magic.

Anonymous 10084

Still wishing I had magical powers

Anonymous 10105

I had a wicca phase as a tween, and a magical girl phase as a teen. During my magical girl phase I would regularly dream that I was Sailor Jupiter or Sailor Uranus from Sailor Moon. They were some of the most fun, liberating dreams I've ever had.

Anonymous 10211


>Does anyone else wish magic was real and or to be a magical girl?

Nice try kyubey

Anonymous 10213


being meguca is suffering

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