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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Lolcow Bunker Thread #33 Anonymous 291755

Check status.lolcow.farm for updates.

Don’t reply to bait. Report and ignore.

Previous bunkers:
#32: >>>/b/291176
#31: >>>/b/290574
#30: >>>/b/290009
#29: >>>/b/289405
#28: >>>/b/288793
#27: >>>/b/288185
#26: >>>/b/287549
#25: >>>/b/286819
#24: >>>/b/286074
#23: >>>/b/285425
#22: >>>/b/284684
#21: >>>/b/283962
#20: >>>/b/283399
#19: >>>/b/282862
#18: >>>/b/282280
#17: >>>/b/281721
#16: >>>/b/281147
#15: >>>/b/280589
#14: >>>/b/280053
#13: >>>/b/279524
#12: >>>/b/278937
#11: >>>/b/278386
#10: >>>/b/277804
#9: >>>/b/274951

Before bunker #9 was made, we initially used this thread:

Anonymous 291760

It sucks so much that the null/laika milk will be all dried up by the time the farm is back

Anonymous 291763

I just bleached and dyed my hair, and rinsed it and for some reason the back did not lighten as much as the front. I know you're not supposed to put bleach and dye on wet hair but I'm gonna do it and try again. I'm also going to try to blow dry it to make it lift faster on the back. Please pray for me.

Anonymous 291764


Anonymous 291765

Post a pic after your hair breaks and falls down

Anonymous 291769

You're hoping for my downfall but my hair Will be fine. The moisture from rinsing it dilutes the bleach anyway.

Anonymous 291770



Anonymous 291772

Shitty admin, shitty site

Anonymous 291773

That's smart and sounds delicious. What's your favorite fruit to eat this way?

Anonymous 291774

Admin's gotta wait till the weekend is over for the cloudfare fees payment to clear

Anonymous 291775

You really shouldn't use heat when you're already doing two damaging things to your hair…..

Anonymous 291776

>blame women if their husband is abusive because "they should have known"
Yeah that was wrong
>mask-off conservative homophobia
Hardly relevant, who gives a shit
>brag about sending their husbands lolcow screenshots
Actually retarded, true
>admit to larping as lesbians and calling their nigel their “wife” in order to shove him into conversations on LC
Either stop sperging every time someone mentions their husband or expect more people lying to get off the radar, simple as
>accuse women of being lesbians or "hating themselves" if they don't want to talk about nigels
Very retarded, true

Anonymous 291777


Maybe I'm getting burned out with animesque art but all these characters look completely identical to me

Anonymous 291778

I've been usually getting the tru fruit raspberries, sometimes I'll get brookside blueberries
But if I wanna eat the tastier ones (hershey does a cookies and cream covered strawberry) It comes out to like 3 peices but they're big strawberries for what they are.

The question was about my favorite and I rambled, Strawberries and raspberries.
Not in the question but also watermelon, just fills a ton of space in my tummy which i guess satisfies the munchies enough.

Anonymous 291779

I'm heartbroken about this. I have had covid for almost two weeks now and the null/laika milk was keeping me strong while I waste away in my room

Anonymous 291780

It's ok, I'm gonna blow dry my hair right after I finish dyeing and doing a hair mask on it anyway.

Anonymous 291782

here lies bleachnona's hair, gone too soon

Anonymous 291783

There's one kiwi bravely fighting to keep her thread going on KF. They posted some interesting stuff about her orbiters, and about this new yaoi AU Fanny's making, where Lynn is a male and so is Cy. In true Fanny fashion, though, male Lynn still has his intact dick and Cy is way less violent. She really can't bring herself to hurt men.

Anonymous 291784

My hairs not that weak, it'll be fine. I'm using one of those 2-1 dues anyway so the volume of the bleach probably isn't that high.

Anonymous 291785

I miss the book thread, the one on here is completely dead.

Anonymous 291786

Post about it here that’s what I’ve been doing.

Anonymous 291787

I want to eat beef, rare

Anonymous 291788

Ugh same, I could go for a steak. Maybe ill try cooking one tomorrow, seems ez enough

Anonymous 291789

>visiting my parents for a week
>hotel and flight surprisingly cheap
>hmm i should call the hotel just to make sure they have my reservation since i booked thru a 3rd party
>hotel initially cannot find my reservation
>turns out i only booked 1 night, the last night, not the 6 others i need leading up to it
>the rest of the stay is over $600
killlllllll myselfffffffff i dont even want to see my family and now its costing me almost $1000

Anonymous 291790

Fanny should’ve had male Lynns dick be cut off like the guy from game of thrones. Similar amount of nerves.

Anonymous 291791

What strength developer did you use? I beg of you n0nny please give your hair at least a few days before bleaching again, and do not blow dry - you risk burning your scalp as well as frying your hair, and you might dry out the bleach which will not give an even lift.

Anonymous 291792



Anonymous 291793

dont your parents have a guest room?

Anonymous 291794

Ooof, sorry n0nnie. What now? Can you use that as an excuse to not go?

Anonymous 291795


No idea, I just used picrel which is one step lightening and due so it doesn't say the volume. I think you're right about the dryer drying out the bleach, I stopped using it after a few minutes. I'm doing 30 more minutes but after I'm gonna get a second opinion on if it's evenly lightened.

Anonymous 291796

Check an area every 10 minutes to keep an eye on the lift if you have the bleach on already. If you have textured hair maybe look into getting a bond repair kit as this could help with any potential damage and restore your curl pattern (but cannot perform miracles kek)

Anonymous 291797

greetings cottage …

>Update from the Lolcow Bunker MC server:
Farmers have been hard at work lately! Cowtown has continued to grow and prosper, our cowlonies line the isles of the Sea of Cows, industrialization of Shroom State nears completion, a PVP arena has been constructed to work out infights, and an agricultural compound on the shores of the northern continent is being raised to feed our hungry little town.

With all that work, we decided to start building cottages on a scenic river island in the middle of a cherry grove, so that after our long days of toil we can relax in nature! Picrel is a section of Cowtown's own rustic cottage county!

Thank you again to all anons that decided to join the LC Bunker MC server! It's been a pleasure hosting everyone, and it's great to be able to play together and have fun!

If you were playing before but had an issue with the whitelist, please reply to this post with the first two character and last last character of your username and I'll see if I can sort it out!

Anonymous 291798

I need discord nona’s milk….

Anonymous 291800

my grandmother w/ dementia (who's in depends 24/7) lives with them, i wouldn't stay at their place in a trillion years
it would be a good reason if i actually couldn't afford it, but itll just make money tight while im down there. im also trying to surprise my mom for her birthday and it would break her heart if i had the flight booked but then canceled

Anonymous 291801

All the pictures are of the same guy anon

Anonymous 291802

Sorry for retardation but how do I join? Also is there a discord or something like that too? Aaaaa stop cockblocking me flood detection I just wanted to add to my post

Anonymous 291804

Sometimes I wish I had a Nigel, but I don't really want to have sex with a man. I would like to have him give me beautiful flowers, write me poems, hold my hands and hug me and stuff, that's all very appealing but the actually sex part I very much would rather do with out.

Anonymous 291806

Why would you be so open about using this site in public, especially on Tumblr? The irony about dumb women lol. Hope no teenage troons come after her for associating with a TERF site.

Anonymous 291807

I just washed out the bleach and dye. I processed it for a total time of 1 hour 30 mins, and my hair is still intact! I actually had like no shedding during the second rinse which is funny because my hair does shed a lot. Anyway, I'm gonna do a hair mask now and then blow it out.
Thanks anon!

Anonymous 291809



Anonymous 291810

You have such a bitter heart

Anonymous 291811

Speaking of hair dye I tried dyeing my hair black, with blue in the sun (my hair is already almost black) and it didn't even change my previously washed out processed hair at all. I even got a reputable brand. What the fuck. I was hoping it would at least take me to jet black if I couldn't get the blue light in the sun. Now it's just lightest possible black/darkest possible brown. Should I redye with jet black dye? I used semi-perm.

Anonymous 291812

That's some strong hair. I did a bleach today for 25 mins. I usually dont do longer or else my hair gets frizzy after a deep conditioning. What hair mask do you like?

Anonymous 291813

How much do you guys trust Steam reviews? I guess I can only take them into account if they say the game isn't actually running, I don't think I can trust most users' taste

Anonymous 291815



Anonymous 291816


i know the bitch who made this post will see this so i wanted to personally tell you that i can't stand bitches like you. absolute dumbass

Anonymous 291817

Kek are you >>291805 ?

Anonymous 291818


Checking in, still in the dark pit of despair

Anonymous 291819

I know most of these people because they post about lurking/posting on LC as if it’s some seedy edgelord radfem deepweb site. They’re easy to clock on LC but you can’t say anything about it. I wouldn’t be mad if they integrated but they’re still stuck in their tumblr cringe ways.

Anonymous 291820

how the fuck do i convince my dad to stop killing rat snakes? leave them the fuck alone god i’m tired of this shit

Anonymous 291821


To the who is fatigued and tired, i dont want to be dramatic, but since you mentioned strange white cell counts in your results it could be leukemia (it happened to me) so you need to see hematologist as soon as you can. Do you have bruises, hair loss, weight loss, irregular periods, fevers? Also get checked for dengue.

Anonymous 291822

I hate this little freak. Wanna punch him in the face and break his ugly teeth.

Anonymous 291824


i’m waiting for my tarot to be read and i don’t want to be entitled but it’s so annoying when i get it two weeks later but they’e online.. i feel like such a bpdfag for being excited for a reading that isn’t urgent even though i don’t have bpd lmfao. i wish i could read for myself but it’s so hard, it’s way easier reading for other people

Anonymous 291825

I can never trust any reviews about anything. I feel like most people that review have bad taste or at least way different taste than mine
those are two different anons

Anonymous 291826


>typed in one user
>entire tumblr is them lusting after some ugly balding moid streamer with a wife and child

Anonymous 291827

Fr it's fucking embarrassing, why would you ever brag about browsing lolcow off-site like it's some hardcore shit

Anonymous 291828

Who is it?

Anonymous 291829

MOON?? disgostang

Anonymous 291831

Most steam reviews end up being bullshit. I play the game myself. I never trust steam reviews because it's usually memes and idiots trying to get the most likes.

Anonymous 291833

Lot's of pick-me zoomer girls brag about using lolcow sites on TikTok, it's the new "r9kcore"

Anonymous 291834

I laughed out loud at this, holy shit. Girl, love yourself.
I don't know, I just hate his stupid face.

Anonymous 291835

If you want something more accurate look up the game on Backloggd. It's usually people giving genuine reviews and not trying to be funny for awards and Steam clout.

Anonymous 291836

Screenshot 2024-09…

Anonymous 291837

I miss the ugly man psyop thread so much, all the anons there were so cool. Is there a similar thread here?

Anonymous 291838


I just finished looking at the tumblrs and it's all 18-20 years olds and a tif (whose into bungou stray dogs of course) posting like edgelords and obsessing over the usual moid anime slop

Anonymous 291839

So you just want a male friend cuz you're gay?

Anonymous 291840

My fucking god. I wonder if they're new… it would explain the seemingly sudden pivot into utter dogshittery lolcow has gone through the last few months.

Anonymous 291841

>it's all 18-20 years olds
zoomers have no sense of opsec but i think a lot of them just don't care anymore

Anonymous 291842

It’s not the same.

Anonymous 291844

low side ponytails on men look so slutty

Anonymous 291845

thats because the only guys wearing that hairstyle are megane bishi anime guys

Anonymous 291846

I'm a zoomer and I integrate pretty well. It's not even that hard, all I do is just enjoy anonymity and type properly but unfortunately zoomers revel in attention and standing out. ALso doesn't help that I've been exposed to board culture since I was 10 unironically.

Anonymous 291847

I think they self-post on LC too in the discourse threads. There was an account called icehaus that was in the fujo discourse threads. Another one called hatesworker in the troon discourse threads.

Anonymous 291848

ive seen alt men wear them irl, regardless they are definitely massive whores

Anonymous 291849

Oh absolutely. I keep finding self-proclaimed farmers on tumblr and they make it into a sort of edgy personality trait. Some of them are tifs like the other nona said. I've found quite a few who are teens too which makes it mega annoying. It's pretty sobering seeing the blogs of the people who shit up lolcow honestly.

Anonymous 291850

So we're all just older tumblr women?
Damn thats a little sobering.

Anonymous 291851

What’s up with the swaglet girl? The radfems on tumblr seem to keep her as their little tif pet.

Anonymous 291852

speaking of tifs, does anyone remember ritard?


I'm trying to get my own Nigel and he's a STEM cutie that wears suits and ties, but I also don't really care for sex, I just want hugs and kisses.

Anonymous 291855

always have been
my account just turned 12

Anonymous 291856

But why would tifs use this lolcow? They dont hate trannies let alone shit on moids, and subconciously moralfag over women being big meanies. So what do they do on lolcow?

Anonymous 291857

>STEM cutie
lol. lmfao even

Anonymous 291858

They use it so they can claim to be a femcel hikki neet tomoko lainpilled schizoposting whatever on tumblr despite being 18 and living with their parents kek

Anonymous 291859

I'm going to bet there is a considerable amount of gendie women on /snow/ and /w/, and probably the most on /m/ out of all the non-cow boards.

Anonymous 291860

I guess I am bi, but I don't think I could realistically ever pull a girl. But this wouldn't be like a male friend, the ideal would more so be an asexual boyfriend.
I hope your STEM Nigel isn't a degenerate creep in secret or anything, and it works out for you nona.

Anonymous 291861

Also the book I want to talk about is a depressing nonfiction book, I don’t want to kill the vibe of the thread.

Anonymous 291862


jesus she is schizo levels of obsessed with him. I was not expecting him to be so repulsive looking when I googled him.

Anonymous 291863

I simply do not play video games that don't let me play as a woman or don't cater to my interests. They do not interest me, simple as.

Anonymous 291864


Anonymous 291865

yes kek she has been my personal cow during her vocaloid days and her post history was so funny. her art is so fucking shit and hasn’t improved at all in years which is an incredible feat. last i saw she posted on 4chan a while ago i think it was on /tttt/

Anonymous 291866

I’m drunk as fuck and i miss shaytard posting

Anonymous 291867

holy shit this girl is my personal tumblr cow

Anonymous 291869

>>291863 same like I want to play Sekiro but I don't think I can handle being a pixel moid for a whole game

Anonymous 291870

So who is the moid streamer she's obsessed with?


Thank you nona, I hope the same too.

Anonymous 291872


this fucking creature

Anonymous 291873

I've been mostly off the bunker threads because of work, so I had no idea about Null/Laika or who she was. This is what happened to polyglotplatypus? Fucked up.

Anonymous 291874


OVER THIS GUY? It needs to be illegal to thirst over guys this gucking ugly and smelly looking.

Anonymous 291875

What streamer is she talking about? When I looked up "moon streamer" found some Overwatch streamer named moonmoon unless that's him?

Anonymous 291876

I wish had LSAs userbase. While there are certainly a lot of irritating fags there, there are also a lot of clever and humorous older women. We get the tumblr 18 year olds tifs instead and the faggots too. LAME.

Anonymous 291877


I can now say I have never stooped this low.

Anonymous 291878

What I imagine when an anon mentions their Nigel.

Anonymous 291879

That can’t be. Although considering the source, I can’t really say I’m that surprised.

Anonymous 291880


You put the boom boom into my heart
You send my soul sky high when your lovin' starts
Jitterbug into my brain (yeah, yeah)
Goes a bang-bang-bang 'til my feet do the same
But something's buggin' me
Something ain't right
My best friend told me what you did last night
Left me sleeping in my bed
I was dreaming
But I should've been with you instead
Wake me up before you go-go
Don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo
Wake me up before you go-go
I don't wanna miss it when you hit that high
Wake me up before you go-go
'Cause I'm not planning on going solo
Wake me up before you go-go
Take me dancing tonight
I wanna hit that high
Yeah, yeah

Anonymous 291881


I don't want to make a vent thread here because half the posts reek of tranny or underage, missing the real grizzled middle aged woman solidarity. Am depressed, am drinking, feel like shit. How is your weekend so far guys.

Anonymous 291882

he looks like a pedo middle school history teacher

Anonymous 291884

She follows me and this is true. The first time I got the notification that she followed me I thought this was a joke.

Anonymous 291885

I think I'm gonna hurl. Mods can you please spoiler both of these revolting things.

Anonymous 291886

Even her followers seem disappointed she won't mutilate yaoilynn's dick. How come they haven't made the kiwifarms thread public yet? Are they waiting for lolcow's investigative labour to come back first lol?

Anonymous 291887


Anonymous 291888


I am also depressed and drinking kek.

Anonymous 291889

What are you drinking? I'm not much of a drinker but I like Pina colada
I had to go prove to the government that I am unfit for work so that sucked. The woman was trying to make me feel better I guess with some of my answers but it came off as her being perplexed by how much of a sperg I am.

Anonymous 291891

I used to be in a discord server with this girl. Sadly I don't remember much of her because I left shortly after she joined.

Anonymous 291892

my nigle told me weeks ago someone in moon's discord channel had posted about the ugly man psyopp….. im skeptical tho b/c moon is so bald and ugly, why would a bring that up if she has a parasocial crush?

Anonymous 291893

Isn't this the guy from the Boogie documentary? The one that was talking about how Boogie didn't need to buy him and their other friends food, and said something like "I think he'll be fine as long as he stops saying the n word"?
I usually use Aztec clay as a hair mask, but the dye came with a tube of hair mask so I just used that. Tbh I know nothing about hair care so I can't say if either are good. I just buy what other people say is good and slap it on my head.

Anonymous 291895

It's stupid because it even makes more sense going off of her characters personalities for gayLynn to become a eunuch. Cartman is supposed to be a weird repressed homophobic bisexual, removing the dick and balls makes perfect sense.

Anonymous 291896

this post is just an amalgamation of everything said in these godforsaken threads

Anonymous 291897

Stoned as well.

Anonymous 291898

> I like Pina colada
And getting stuck in the rain? If so, you're the lady I've looked for, come with me and escape.

Anonymous 291899

I just assumed the nigel bit was ironic

Anonymous 291900

i dont envy the mental illness but i wish i was that tall

Anonymous 291901

I swear I’ve seen him posted in the irl husbando or unconventional attractions threads.

Anonymous 291902

out of alcohol so just depressed and sobering up

Anonymous 291903

thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt, but i was being mrs deadass about this

Anonymous 291904

I am the ugly streamer's height, the thought of looking it in the eye makes me want to wretch.
Oh no…..

Anonymous 291905

A bit worried because found out ny teeth are worn out from grinding them.

Anonymous 291906

I want to start working on my game but i am not yet at the drawing level i want to be in. I will keep grinding through the rest of the year and make it my 2025 goal to start working on it, even if the art sucks.

Anonymous 291907

If you guys don't blow dry your vagina after you shower, you should. The hot air feels so good and it prevents yeast infections

Anonymous 291908


I was checking the notes of her posts and I recognized one who was frequently liking them. Her whole deal is that she gets scrotefoiled on LC and how much she makes others seethe. I’m convinced she sends her own anons.

Anonymous 291909

its kinda ironic that lolcow has so many cowish anons

Anonymous 291910

If i was dictator, thristing or being attracted to these creatures would classify as mental illness and shit like the unconventionally attractive threads would be environmental abuse (betrayal to women's mate selection) and terrorism (handmaidenism).

Anonymous 291911

So I want to be a mime for Halloween and I still have some considerations. I was thinking of wearing a red beret instead of a black one, because I have black hair. I think the red would contrast nicely. Would that make me look edgy, like a military dogwhistler type?

Anonymous 291912

no it would make you look like a mime

Anonymous 291913

that sounds so cute, the red baret would be cute, especially if you have like a little scarf tied around the neck. i was a mime the one time i went to a halloween party in college

Anonymous 291914

Screenshot 2024-09…

i'm drinking one of these and getting taco bell. it's chilly and i'm cuddled on the couch with my cats and dog. life is alright.

Anonymous 291916


redrawing my lc kau from the draw board
that's what happens when we stray too far from pt's grace, hate /ot/

Anonymous 291917

listening asmr

Anonymous 291918

>queef xtreme

Anonymous 291920

your style is so recognizable

Anonymous 291921

/ot/ is extremely important. Tismo women need a place to congregate, away from moids and totally normie women.

Anonymous 291922

I think I’m finally ready to leave social media. I just watched a video explaining how fucking addictive TikTok and anywhere else you scroll is and I did already know that but putting the hours I’ve wasted into perspective makes me not want to waste any more.

Anonymous 291923

Your post is the first to make me realize why the mascot is called Elsie… I just might be retarded.

Anonymous 291924

That reminds me of an anon in the confessions thread years ago who said she knows some tumblr users who purposely cause chaos and infight on LC. I wonder if there's a connection.

Anonymous 291925

I just realized from your post it was Elsie. I thought it was Elise.

Anonymous 291926

idk what to tell you, some ppl just think trolling is fun

Anonymous 291927

I find tifs so interesting. How does being on lolcow help their moid larp? Why dont they use 4chan? Also how can they use lolcow and not peak?
I know not all gendies are the same, but comparing most cows to gendie/woke standards, wouldnt they not be considered weird and having a website dedicated to shit on people would be bigoted?

Anonymous 291929

You have to understand that there’s a new wave of tifs on tumblr that think they’re too cool for the majority sjw-type tifs. Usually they’re lesbians that never had female friends but they are also newfags so they think lurking on any image board is a male activity. Most of these don’t associate with tims and have become aware of the reality but are too deep into the cult that they don’t say anything. These types of tifs slowly regress into the post-post-modernist types that are trans ironically.

Anonymous 291930

I don’t think tifs lurk LC to larp as moids. It’s just en vogue with teens online rn to be interested in image boards and lolcows. When Chris Chan blew up a few years ago with normie zoomers I noticed a huge uptick in kids using the term lolcow and larping as 4chan users. They just think it makes them look cool and that’s really it.

Anonymous 291931

I'm not falling for these emergency room tricks

Anonymous 291932

I really wish there was /mu/ but without moids. Woman /mu/, not necessarily to solely discuss women musicians but rather a music board on a women's imageboard.

Anonymous 291933

ocdfag lineart innit

Anonymous 291934

Make it more popular and post in the music threads on media. There's some 5x5 and current listening threads.

Anonymous 291935

nonas i have a confession: after being a radfem i have become a tif and blackpilled/pinkpilled feminist

Anonymous 291936

pick one

Anonymous 291937

Why not just be butch or GNC? If it's body dysphoria just work out dood

Anonymous 291938

Great (?) conclusion I just came to, if you are depressed it literally cannot get worse I think. Enjoy your drink!
AYRT, if you like those try long island iced teas or tequila sunrise. I made rum and cokes but then got lazy so finishing off some Coronas now. Wish we could drink together nonacita. Did the appointment go well?
If you are depressed drinking and drugs will actually make the comedown worse so you're better off. Love u

Anonymous 291939

Only a retard would interpret the blackpill as "I must LARP to be a man". Sorry about your mental retardation.

Anonymous 291940

Its not a trick I swear lmao. I started doing it cause sometimes my pubes get long and blow drying gets them bone dry vs using a towel. It feels nice, just try it!

Anonymous 291941

When me fling it 'pon the right boy, catch it 'pon the left
Pump it like cardiac arrest
Skin to skin, negative AIDS test
When you see baby born is a miracle to how mi pussy blessed

Anonymous 291942



Anonymous 291943

it's not dysphoria i just dont care and i like the troon community, im more of a theyfab that does nothing to be gnc

Anonymous 291944

NTA but does working out really help? I'm not a tif and never have been but I am plagued by certain things and understand why some of them do what they do kek.

Anonymous 291945

I don't know if this corny sort of thing would help anyone else, but leaving my home more unironically helped me get over my self esteem issues regarding cellulite on my thighs. I saw women of a variety of ages and weights, and realized how common it was to have it in varying degrees and felt better.

Anonymous 291946


congrats you're the second one

Anonymous 291947

wtf does that mean

Anonymous 291948

Weightlifting helps. I've internalized this weird mindset that if I'm ugly I should at least be strong at very young age.

Anonymous 291949

is this the next move for /2x/ nonas?

Anonymous 291950

I want LC to come back so I can post in the language learning thread. A shot in the dark here but is anyone else here learning a foreign language?

Anonymous 291951

Maybe it's cause I've mostly been visiting /m/ or maybe it's just baiters, but these threads have definitely been dumber than LC on average.

Anonymous 291952

>autistic women are a third gender
I genuinely believe that many autistic women suffer from mild androgenization, whether it's pre-natal exposure or disregulated hormones, a lot of them have the symptoms of PCOS. It doesn't make them a third gender but might explain why so many become TIFs

Anonymous 291953

I got some kitten scented perfume that someone on /g/ liked and it smells horrific. Its sickly sweet and awful.

Anonymous 291955

videoplayback (3).…

Have any of you tried this? It reminded me of some of you lol

Anonymous 291956

I should try it. My thing is that I feel so scrawny and unelegant like a rat, not pleasant and curvy like I "should" be I guess. If I become a roidstacy then at least I can be powerful

Anonymous 291957

Let me get my last kpops out before lolcow goes back up

Anonymous 291958

>many autistic women suffer from mild androgenization
Where did you get that from?

Anonymous 291959

That’s a crock of shit. We’re not androgenized, you’re probably thinking that because most of us don’t wear makeup so you think our natural state is some sort of intersex. As for our personalities, it’s harder for us to keep up with the expectations of female socialization. We are in no way less female than you.

Anonymous 291960

How the hell do you horseshoe this hard?

Anonymous 291961

Anonymous 291962


Anonymous 291963

getting to the real world and getting bullied by normie women while being psychotic

Anonymous 291964

I wish the same for /lit/. Though I wouldn't be against only talking about woman authors and the like, especially since actual /lit/ is overrun by moids who have never read women.

Anonymous 291965

It makes sense. Black and white thinking is an autistic trait, it makes sense that they can’t relate to female gender roles. Also very autistic because if she had female friends she would realize women have personalities.

Anonymous 291966

Just talk about it here.


>It's even worse when you see there being a societal push for more acceptance of women's body types, but the needle hasn't really moved for men in the same way

Anonymous 291967

That goes without saying, but how the fuck do you even get to such a point without seeing the irony.

Anonymous 291968

I started losing weight and can’t stop now because its a little addicting how easy it is. I’m trying to tell myself to stay at the weight I was from before I got sick because it’s probably healthier and also if I lose any more weight my clothes won’t fit, but I still in my head have a subconscious goal to go below 110. My doctor told me I am edging in on underweight territory. But I look so much better this way, I carry fat in an unfortunate way (saddlebags). I’m not anachan right? I still eat all the foods I used to, just smaller portions, and it’s not like I feel hungry. Is it okay in your opinion to be 105-110 at 5’3-5’4? I feel like that’s fine but I’m starting to suspect my thinking is getting skewed.

Anonymous 291969

I just finished watching Hard Candy and dear God, all men need castration

Anonymous 291970

I made friendship bracelets with my best friend and they're cute, I also got to talk with a cousin we didn't know of for a while and now I will sleep because my aunt will visit us tomorrow.

Anonymous 291971

It's mostly antedotal but I've come across multiple autistic women who exhibit the physical symptoms of PCOS, like higher BMI, hirsutism, and weird body fat distribution but this isn't universal or always due to endocrine disorders.
Lol calm down I didn't say this was true for everyone and it wouldn't make you less of a woman anyways.

Anonymous 291972

Watching a video of someone playing inzoi and I'm not sure I see the point in it. The graphics are impressive, but I still haven't understood what the concept is supposed to be.

Anonymous 291973

I just want y and cm back but that ship sailed many, many years ago.

Anonymous 291974

whats that, a movie?

Anonymous 291975

You're thinking is skewed because your focused too much on the weight and not the body composition. Now that you've lost the weight you wanted to, it'd be a good idea to start working on growing muscle mass and toning your physique through regular weight-lifting and exercise. If you think you look good now at 110lbs, you'll look even better at a toned and fit 125lbs. Your figure will be more impressive as well. I think it's fine to be on the lighter side, but we should all strive to have a certain level of strength.

Anonymous 291977

I'm drunk and just ate 3 pain au chocolates from aldi. Idk how to feel about this

Anonymous 291978

How do i find goofy funny wholesome friends? like the autistic and fat nuns from sister act

Anonymous 291980

Maybe it’s from all the chicken nuggets they eat.

Anonymous 291981

Anonymous 291982

>how easy it is

Anonymous 291983

>TIF blackpiller
not surprised

Anonymous 291984


Anonymous 291985

does anyone here enjoy american football, it's become a new autistic fixation of mine in the past few years. it's like a socially acceptable outlet for me to rattle off dumb statistics and factoids.

Anonymous 291987

Feeling old, washed up, and depressed as fuck and wanna cut to feel some dopamine and want to take pills to get high and not think but otherwise same ol' same ol' thanks for asking nonnee.

Anonymous 291988

>Elliot Paige back when he identified as a girl
i can’t take this anymore

Anonymous 291989

KEK right after the TIF discussion too. It's over nonas

Anonymous 291990

Deep cleaned my entire apartment and the farms are still not back

Anonymous 291991

why even respond to obvious bait. why run up your blood pressure

Anonymous 291992

And I knew someone would bitch and moan.

Anonymous 291993

You're barking up the wrong tree, newfag

Anonymous 291994

I'm a fake american football fan, but I want to get into it. Can I hear some factoids?

Anonymous 291995

Ayrt I agree but I cannot figure out how to fit in muscle building to my routine. I have a really long work commute so I wake up at 6:00am and don’t get back until 6:30pm, then I need to make dinner and eat it which lasts at least till 8pm, tidy up my place/misc chores/take care of pets takes me till 8:30pm and I have to be in bed by 9:30pm to get enough sleep to wake up at 6 the next day. Technically I guess I could use my only hour of free time in a day to work out, but I just can’t do it. I took up hiking on the weekends, but everyone has told me that the “weekend warrior” deal doesn’t work so I just gave up. I hate how I literally use like 90% of my life slaving away at work or chores. It’s just so fucked up. I’m not r/antiwork or anything kek but this just feels oppressively bad. I basically don’t have a life and it sucks.

Anonymous 291996

what blood pressure. what blood

Anonymous 291997

yes for me, but only college football. i can't into the nfl

Anonymous 291998

like the other nona said i think you should probably put more stock into focusing on your body comp. it's good to hear that you managed to lose weight without destroying your relationship to food, though. well done!

Anonymous 291999

[24-04-21] 1782154…

i like men in american football uniforms if that counts

Anonymous 292000

I am gonna take an edible and watch the Zendaya cuck movie.

Anonymous 292001

You'd love this video.

Anonymous 292003

I think a lot of terminally online girls are autistic but not autistic-autistic, you know.

Anonymous 292004


POV: Cowtown Admin setting off fireworks near you

Anonymous 292005

"Female gender roles" are shit. Nobody with self respect can relate to this. "Gender" is not something neutral it's sexist bs. It's wild west uses "gender" and not "sex".

Anonymous 292006

I started a lifting program about 4 months ago and lift 4 days/week. It sucks but this is basically how it worked out for me. On the days that I weightlift, I just accepted that I have no energy or free time. It makes weightlifting become your new hobby. I'm also not the type of person who finds exercising entertaining or fun in the slightest so it's tiring and boring but I do it anyway because the benefits outweigh the sacrifice.

Anonymous 292007

i'm the exact opposite, what makes you like college more?

Anonymous 292008

What have you been doing to lose it?

Anonymous 292009

sweet dreams.jpg

I wonder what the tard jannies are doing, with all this free time, having no one to ban

Anonymous 292010

KEK they say I flashbomb people!!! It's always accidental I swear!!

Anonymous 292011

>>291944 It absolutely helps me (and will hopefully help old lady future me). There's huge amounts of gratification to be found in feeling your body become stronger and capable of greater endurance. I'm someone that's also prone to being a tad dissociative and learning to move safely and efficiently keeps me a bit more grounded. I mostly do strength training using free weights with a bit of muay thai type of conditioning (lots of jumping like a dickhead kek).

Anonymous 292012


Styling the back of your own head is so hard. I have a mirror like picrel and it's obviously better but still so frustrating kek

Anonymous 292013


I built a gaming PC and got some ice cream today.

Anonymous 292014

adminona I just want to say, though I don't spend much time playing due to mucho school, I really love what you and the other nonas have done! Cowtown is amazing!

Anonymous 292015

>old, washed up, depressed as fuck
Very familiar feeling. Don't cut though you already know how annoying it'll be to take care of that shit for the next week. Lay in bed and listen to sad music instead, that's what I'm doing. It still works whether you're 16 or 36 I promise.

Anonymous 292018


Anonymous 292019


>achieves godlike power and still loses to a teenage girl
>gets killed by a guy named kevin who looks like picrel
How does anybody husbando his seriously…
I remember when she was in the husbando threads seriously concerned that Weissmann looked like he was balding, asking other s for their opinions kek

Anonymous 292020

i gotta confess that erwin romel was very cute when he was a cadet

Anonymous 292021

john maus kino

Anonymous 292022


Anonymous 292023

Screen Shot 2024-0…

im movin' out fer good

Anonymous 292024

>some of them are tifs
This somehow makes sense. Even during the heyday of tumblr i've seen tifs who would have loved lolcow (edgy, imageboard user, cyberbully past, intermittently lucid, some radfem opinions)

Anonymous 292025

it's ok i spent my entire high school years lusting over reinhard heydrich

Anonymous 292026

Just eating smaller portions and that’s it. This is what I eat every work day, warning, it’s retarded. But:

>a serving size scoop of peanut butter and serving size of prunes for breakfast. I eat them really slowly on my way to work and it’s fun to savor them during my long commute since both are really dense and rich

>8 ritz crackers, a slice of cheese, 2 slices of deli meat (I call it adult lunchables and the amounts listed result in the perfect ratio of meat/cheese/cracker with none left over without the others) and an apple or other similar fruit for lunch. I chew mint gum afterwards to freshen my breath and keep my mouth busy
>dinner is my big meal, I have cereal bowls that make perfect portion sizes so I just eat as much as fits in the bowl, lots of fruit, usually I get really full from overeating fruit (not on purpose I just have a problem) kek, and then desert. I usually wind up eating a bit more than the serving size of desert kek but not too much over. This is my feast after a day of boring labor.

I also don’t worry too much if I wind up having big meals at social occasions (or seconds if the dinner I make is good) one or two times a week, I figure it all balances out. Same thing with if someone brings treats to the office, I am definitely eating a cookie or donut and it doesn’t seem to matter since it’s only occasionally. I’m not the kind of person who can deny herself yummy stuff so my rule is I don’t deny myself if it just happens upon me in my daily life, but I don’t bring in junk foods to my house other than desert which is only eaten after dinner. I think it also helps that I’ve never liked soda or alcohol so I only drink water.

You are very admirable. I do not have the diligence for that. Skinnyfat is my destiny as long as I have this commute, it seems.

Anonymous 292028

he looks like a human fish

Anonymous 292029


I only like it when it's japanese high schoolers breaking each others limbs

Anonymous 292030


i think it's my favorite song of his, both it and the video go so hard
ok but he had booty for days

Anonymous 292033

ntayrt but I also prefer college football. And yes I am also a southern0nny

Anonymous 292034

roll tide betch

Anonymous 292035

Anonymous 292037

I'm on my period and my head hurts. My stomach is fine for some reason.
What are some good meals I could eat?

Anonymous 292038


Men are so fucking ugly it's a joke

Anonymous 292040

She was definitely in the bunkers at one point.

Anonymous 292041

Not mine. <3

Anonymous 292043

I don't trust any of you who say this because of >>291874 sorry

Anonymous 292047

Nutrient dense food or food that's high in iron. I'm usually pescetarian but i treat myself to steak when I'm on my period kek (also liver but I think that's not something most people are into)

Anonymous 292048

nta but my bf has a 26in waist

Anonymous 292049

I've been barely using lc in the last few months and now it's down I'm surprised and slightly sad how little I'm upset about it.

Anonymous 292050

Yep thats what he looks like you got me

Anonymous 292051


Reading itt about how imageboards are the current aesthetic for edgy zoomers explains the state lolcow has been for quite a while now, and also explains the tonal shift in the bunker threads past few days. Someone probably told their zoomer and troon friends about CC.
Why does lolcow manage to be the one of the few things these types manage to keep their otherwise short attention span on?

Anonymous 292052

My BF has a 32 inch waist. And workout lines.

Anonymous 292053

Chill, it's a joke

Anonymous 292055

Not for long. Men’s ribcages expand as they age so even if he remains thin he’ll still get a barrel ribcage.

Anonymous 292056

he must really look like that considering that reaction KEK

Anonymous 292057

Lolcow does not require a long attention span any more than scrolling twitter. Most posts are not more than a paragraph or two.

Anonymous 292058

All day I’ve had the lyrics “Hey Mona Lisa, come home you know you can’t roam without Caesar.” Even when I was sleeping. I wonder what its significance is

Anonymous 292059

Because lolcow is where they go to vent without social consequences. Zoomers are so obsessed with controlling how others make them feel that when they go to lolcow and can't control others it essentially short circuits them. Honestly I can't blame them, they are brain poisoned and grew up on the internet which is basically a wasteland. There's nothing left for them.

Anonymous 292060

Goddam we are missing so much milk now that the farm's down. Dorontabi, the pedo artist, stopped posting because he got soft doxxed by korean feminists and i want to share it with my art salt anons to laugh at it. Damn you cerbmin.

Anonymous 292061

not that much, plus he has a disease that makes him skinny

Anonymous 292062

Sad that men have to have some type of disease to have dainty waists. What type of disease is it, should I start pursuing for men with it?

Anonymous 292063

There was like less than 10,000< unique posters according to last hellweek though right? i can’t check lolcor so i might be off by a bit. i think zoomzooms have slowly taken on a couple terms from imageboards but the vast majority of gen z isn’t on imageboards and never will be for as long as wokeism exists.

Anonymous 292064

Screen Shot 2024-0…

i love american football

Anonymous 292065


I miss the art salt thread, every time I see this this tif artist’s comics I want to laugh at the terrible designs

Anonymous 292066

the lights are flashing

Anonymous 292067

didnt she get bullied off twitter by her tranny fans?

Anonymous 292068

>likes tranny community
>is a "theyfab" that dresses like a gender conforming woman
>because you are a gender conforming woman just saying "I'm not a woman!"
There is no way you are not the world's biggest insufferable pickme.

Anonymous 292069

Not to be overly (overly)
I just think it's best
'Cause you can't miss what you forget
So, let's just pretend
Everything and anything
Between you and me
Was never meant

Anonymous 292070

Not going to name the ethnicity so I don't get flagged for racebait that's not even racebait but middle aged woman from my ethnicity are genuinely the worst customers in the world. So-called Karens have nothing on them. I dom't get why they think they can just treat you however the fuck they want and I'm 90% sure they mostly only do this to younger women from the same culture– sometimes my coworker and I pretend not to speak our own language because we've just had enough of the BS and the tone shift when they think we're not [redacted] is insane. And I know they would never treat a male fron my ethnicity like this kek I hate this bitch earth

Anonymous 292071

If Niko can lose 200 pounds in two years then I can shed those stubborn 20 pounds in a few months, let's gooooo

Anonymous 292072

how ‘bout dem dawgs

Anonymous 292073

>someone probably told their zoomer and TROON friends about cc
It's hilarious when newfags take the tranny bait. They seem to really like coming to cc for whatever reason

Anonymous 292074

Nope she returned from her hiatus/breakdown after 3 days kek

Anonymous 292075

he was definitely using ozempic though

Anonymous 292076

tbh I think newfags are aware it's bait they are just so addicted to infighting they don't care, it's all about that small rush of imaginary superiority when they think they've made some sort of "gothcha"

Anonymous 292077


He's gaunt, yellowish, and his eyes are bloodshot red with huge bags underneath. Doesn't ozempic fuck up your liver or something? He looks like he's dying of several diseases.

Anonymous 292078

>forgetting the pedotranny spammer
>forgetting the tranny who spammed Romanianon's nudes
They take the bait because it's the most believable bait available.

Anonymous 292079

He looks like that unfunny moid that’s trying to be the next Sam Hyde. I forget his name but he plays several satirical characters.

Anonymous 292080

beat me to it

midwest emo at its finest

Anonymous 292081

>midwest emo at its finest
that’s not a picture of cap n’ jazz?

Anonymous 292082

I thought I was the only one who did this. I use the cool setting, though. It's refreshing!

Anonymous 292083

goddam we are missing so much milk! you will pay cerbmin

Anonymous 292084

I'm thinking about
How I should say goodbye
With a handshake
Or an embrace
Or a kiss on the cheek
Possibly, all three
Maybe I've been wrong
Maybe my intentions are irrelevant
But honestly, it's not just for me
We've both been so unhappy
So let's just see
What happens when the summer ends

Anonymous 292085

Dan Hentschel? Or someone else?

Anonymous 292086

it’s the kinsellas still, that’s all that matters.

Anonymous 292088

That’s him. He is so unfunny to me I cannot stand how people fall for the same bald guy every time. I feel like I’m in a Dudley Do-Right cartoon. They fall for the bait every time. His viral “cocky want boing boing” stunt was not a single bit humorous.

Anonymous 292089

Ive been using lolcow for 10 years now and this is the first time im experiencing that the site has been down for so long

Anonymous 292090

I am a shaymin and cerbmin veteran.

Anonymous 292091

based kids

Anonymous 292092

guys i genuinely wanna dye my hair red but at the same time im scared to do it cause what if i get sick of it??

Anonymous 292093

Dye it back? Wear a wig? Wait? It's really fine

Anonymous 292094

Yeah, just invest in some really good wigs so you can change your style whenever you want.

Anonymous 292095

I got permanent tinnitus from Wellbutrin, took it for two months, tinnitus still going strong after 5 years. Wouldn’t recommend it to anyone

Anonymous 292096

I wish we had a nigel rating thread. I want to see how ugly n0nnies nigels are.

Anonymous 292097

waiting two weeks to get a reading would drive me up a wall, sending good thoughts your way

Anonymous 292098

I need the post your art thread. I need anons to tell me how much i suck and to kms to get the strength to keep grinding.

Anonymous 292099

If you’re in the cord post it there. I have some art that I want rated as well. Maybe we can roast each other’s art for shits n giggles.

Anonymous 292100

I hate when ppl irl show me photos of their nigels. I have nothing good to say only ask why. It's really awkward

Anonymous 292101

can you post the link to the cord im not in there

Anonymous 292102

This would obviously be absolutely fucking terrible and can never exist, but I just know it would be full of milk and the craziest infighting imaginable.

Anonymous 292103

What discord?

Anonymous 292104

AAAAGH I HATE MOSQUITOES I HATE THEM SO MUCH!!! the tiny faggot got me on my eyelid and now my eye is fucking swollen and i can't see shit. i have like 10 other bites all across my legs and arms and back i hope they all die violently.

Anonymous 292105

Honestly, I'm down to show my ex as well as the guys who have shown interest in me in the past, lol. I really don't care how ruthless you all are to them. I just don't need the drama of someone finding their socials and telling on me. I know some of you lames reading this would.

Anonymous 292106

Just tell him you found out you’re infertile, and that IVF wouldn’t work on you which is so devastating for you that you would rather not talk about the subject anymore

Anonymous 292107

i dont use discord i think its gay

Anonymous 292108



Anonymous 292109

I hate to tell you this but lolcow is probably the first time in a zoomers life that they can call out moids and trannys without getting torn up by their peers. Of course they're going to be attracted to places like this and stick around, because where else online is a teenage girl able to give an opinion on their interests and not be either immediately barked down or be told she's a fake fan ruining something? Zoomers aren't actually a bad thing the cringe is just being young

Anonymous 292110

Fair enough, I agree.
I'd rather add you from the friend finder thread, but you can go ahead and search previous bunkers to see if the ‘code’ is still up. It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack though so the FF thread is an easier method.

Anonymous 292112


The same tranny behind this post made a massive thread saying homeless women are "privileged" over homeless MtFs, that feminism failed because women "like appearing powerless" because it "guarantees preferential treatment", then locked his account when both terfs and normie women gave him justified backlash lol. They are literally incels in skirts, I know we all know it but jesus christ.

Anonymous 292113

>madoka profile pic
0 self-awareness

Anonymous 292114

>stoney baloney
I have a summer birthday, but my parents put me in the class year where I was younger than everyone. I was always the youngest and smallest in my classes. I think this psychologically conditioned me to be used to being talked down to and bossed around.

Anonymous 292115

What's that feeling, where it feels like someone is grooming you? It can't be that cause I'm an adult but the same unnerving feeling.

Anonymous 292117

It’s a gut feeling. Trust it. I would have wasted less time in my life if I had trusted it the first chance I felt it.

Anonymous 292118

you can still be groomed into things as an adult, it's not limited to older men preying on underaged people. before it was popularized for this circumstance it was used more generally. it's just a form of subtle manipulation. avoid the fuck out of whoever is inducing this feeling within you.

Anonymous 292119

I need to curse that fucking piece of shit middle aged scrote.

Anonymous 292120


i have a personal cow i want to check up on but he made his xitter profile private… sad

Anonymous 292121

Why are 12-14 year olds on the internet better artists than me with better understanding of shading and physics. I'm a firm believer and supporter of being a newbie in everything but damn, these kids got skills. Or time

Anonymous 292122

Thank you nonas, I'll take this to heart.

Anonymous 292123

Grooming is manipulation so they can take advantage of you at its core. When you're a child it's got its separate category because being a child adds another layer of vulnerability but people can still take advantage of others at any age. So basically just intuition that they're bad for you

Anonymous 292124

they'll all be ugly

Anonymous 292125

Working full time sucks. All week I'm counting down for the weekend only for the weekend to be over in a second. I think I manage to spend my evenings fairly productive most of the time (limit screen time, deliberately practice hobbies/interests) but it's not enough time and energy for everything I want to do.

Anonymous 292126

THIS. That they'll be ugly, but please by all means post your ugly Nigels and exs I need a laugh.

Anonymous 292127

More of all these: free time, resources, tools, competition. Youtube is overflowing with art tutorials and there's actually thousands of shitty young artists still out there but the internet is full of beautiful art now too so their posts get no interaction and they stay unseen

Anonymous 292128

that sad paul dano lookalike one is the winner (for most ugliest)

Anonymous 292129

I know the nigel of my farmer friend. I assure you it gets much, much worse. That Paul dano boyfriend is a stunner compared to him.

Anonymous 292131

is r/femalepessimist down? I've seen it mentioned here and on lc before, and now I can't find it

Anonymous 292132

And what if I post about you? What then?

Anonymous 292133

Are they the ones who tainted the husbando thread with their FOTM shounen slop husbandos?

Anonymous 292135

I wish I could post about him. He's so pretty, with beautiful long hair. I’m forcing him to work out in a healthy way, and he reads feminist books for me. When I was younger, I had an OC of my dream boyfriend, and he has the same name. Sometimes it feels like he was made for me.

Anonymous 292136

BioWare is so shitty for making that french slut Leliana the lesbian romance option in Dragon Age Origins. Moids don't deserve Morrigan.

Anonymous 292137


out of muffin bars </3

Anonymous 292138

It’s been set to private.

Anonymous 292139


Please post a picture of him, we all promise to not snitch.

Anonymous 292140

If no images could be screenshotted (Telegram? I haven't used it in a while so I don't know) then sure, but I would never post them on here or anywhere else kek. They're all retards with their full names attached to their profiles as well as location. Plus I feel like there would be that one sperg who would pretend to be me and get "me" on the bad side of the law by sending threats to them kek. I don't want to have to explain how this all started because I wanted to witness anons from an IB cyberbully the men I once knew irl.

Anonymous 292141

>people who are already the center of the universe
incels in skirts describes it perfectly holy shit… The reason why he thinks we are the center of the universe is probably because we can get laid easier and have an actual support system of close friends more often than men do. I don't understand how incel scrotes are so obssessed with those things, like yes they are great to have but how do you not see the world is literally ruled by men in the grand scheme of things? World leaders, influential company owners and generally higher up positions. It's just way easier for men to work their way up there and then the men who fail at this despite everything being laid out for them are like "but muhhhh I wish people would compliment me because obviously every girl gets 30 compliments a day and now bc I'm a troon I'm entitled to that, girls have it sm easier fuck feminism"
Like we get it you failed. Just kys already??

Anonymous 292142

What? I have no nigel. You can bully my husbandos though.

Anonymous 292143


Leliana is such a strange character. She’s completely devoid of any real personality. She’s just what men lust after, and that’s it.


Anonymous 292145

>we can get laid easier
i dont understand why men think this is a good thing. 99% of men are insanely hideous, why should i be glad i can easily land an ugly land-whale.

Anonymous 292146

Everyone please post your husbandos and celebrity crushes so we can rate them.

Anonymous 292147

I have too many. I'm a slut, I guess.

Anonymous 292148

Anonymous 292149


When he was young. He had the perfect little waist.
Post them anyways.

Anonymous 292150

>celebrity crushes
christopher atkin, hanyu yuzuru, ron howard, wade boggs

Anonymous 292151

>Homeless women have privilege over homeless trannies

What privilege? First pick to be brutally raped by a smelly homeless man, police officer or serial killer in the making?

Anonymous 292152


He's unironically the person I have been the most attracted to in my whole life.

Anonymous 292153

Is there a way I can access a moderator or sth?

Anonymous 292154

3/10 and all the points come from the talent. Also when I was a kid I hated ween for the underboob album cover. I couldn’t stand a faceless woman being objectified like that.

Anonymous 292155

He looks like some homeless druggie

Anonymous 292156

I think they literally think homeless women would immediately be given food and shelter for "appearing powerless uwu". Only the brutality will happen to us for appearing powerless. They're so insane, how do they literally not see it?

Anonymous 292157

men have no empathy. A male friend threatened to end our relationship because i said i hated men. Even after i told him about all the times men tried to SA me

Anonymous 292158


Not male, but Ayo Edebiri, Samira Wiley, Quinta Brunson, Danielle Brooks, and is my celebrity crush. I watched Inside Out 2 and The Bear for Ayo and I don't even like children's movies all that much and The Bear was just watching some rat looking retard go schizo over something he asked for.

Anonymous 292159

They want everything men already have, and then they want what we have too lol. Women get placed in subservient roles, adapt to it, try to live, fight for rights, form friendship/community and make each other feel nice where possible (even then, we barely have that). Incels in skirts seethe because they failed as men, and that makes them think they're entitled, by birth, to what we make of our own position. Instead of listening to us on our own experiences, or even just watching the fucking news to see how shit things can get, they listen to other delusional incels and make up a fantasy version of our life that's basically Madoka Kaname but IRL where everyone automatically loves us, no one really wants to hurt us, and anyone who does is severely punished 9 times out of 10.
Then, they troon out, and it never enters their thick skulls that even if they manage to pass, living "as a woman" won't give you that "anime but IRL" because we're not some magical privileged class living out their dreams, they are just mentally ill. They further delude themselves that it's because they don't pass (which is technically true because if you still look like what you are to the typical onlooker - a man, you won't get the "female experience", you get the "faggot in dress" experience) and that it's all just transphobia, if they were viewed as women they'd "also" be the center of the universe, society is bigoted for gatekeeping the concept of female beauty/passing or whatever from them as males, etc etc.
In typical narc male fashion, they just refuse to take responsibility for their own stupidity, double down and blame women instead.

Anonymous 292160

Very fair ranking! I do wanna say though, that was not Ween's fault! They wanted a buff gay male naked sailor!
KEK he does

Anonymous 292161


Eric Roberts in "King of the Gypsies" was beautiful. He looked even better in motion. He had a princelike charm to him.

Anonymous 292162


Jesus Christ men age like shit

Anonymous 292163

I swear it's like they know they're being cyberstalked even when you're very careful about not interacting with anything on their profiles.

Anonymous 292164

Pretty cute. 8/10, his nose is strange to me, but it could be an unflattering angle. He reminds me of a guy I knew once that ended up trooning out.

Anonymous 292165


Men in the 70s either looked like princes or sex offenders. I want 70s miguel bose so bad. Why did moids choose to bring back the 70s sex offender look and not the skinnt twink with long hair and thight tshirt look. Men have no taste.

Anonymous 292166

9/10, I love her too she's so pretty and sweet looking with an angelic voice.

Anonymous 292167

I was just fucking with you kek

Anonymous 292168


I need /m/ to complain about trannies in videogames like right now

Anonymous 292169


I know it’s retarded but I love dumbasses and I’m a slut for dark hair and light eyes

Anonymous 292170

I thought this was AI… but I'm also stupid.
>He reminds me of a guy I knew once that ended up trooning out.
Wow, rip.

Anonymous 292171

Oh my god the right, hnnnng
He's kinda cute to me, but I like kinda retarded looking dudes. 5/10.

Anonymous 292172


He looks better in the profile, kek. He's ok, but in a better world with more beautiful men he'd be mid. Lovely hair however.

Anonymous 292173

that was Miguel Bosé? He looked cute. It's hard to believe he once didn't look like a lizard kek

Anonymous 292174


He's not quite a husbando because he is a silent protagonist but Raidou is so hot, I wish there was more uke art of him (without Narumi)

Anonymous 292175

Samefag, you can also tell that the desire for male power never leaves them because they can never shut their fucking mouths. They always want to talk down on women about shit they know nothing about. How is it that they either insist they go through female socialization (because being a failed male is their idea of "female" experience) or that they've gone through 489028942984 hours of Woman Observation Studies to conform to the female gender role and "pass", but they somehow never internalized the inconvenient parts, like self-doubt, being conditioned to inconvenience others because it's "unladylike", and a preoccupation with not wanting to hurt other's feelings? How are they always so bold in saying the most deranged, misogynistic bullshit? It's never how things actually are, it's always "skirt go spinny", whatever they jerked off to, and incel theory repackaged as woke.

Anonymous 292176

He would be a 10/10 with Julia Robert’s nose. It looks like they smashed a potato on him and welded it with a birthday candle.

Anonymous 292177


Anonymous 292178

He looks ok, 5,5/10

Anonymous 292179


I suppose, but I still find him very handsome.

Anonymous 292180

i dont know who he is besides the meme but i find him cute, not gonna lie.

Anonymous 292181


Yeah, his potato nose is the first thing i noticed too, kek. He's a bit too masculine-looking for me, looks worse on some photos, but maybe he's older on picrel.
Kekkk, anooon. 0/10, he's plastic.
He doesn't look bad and is pretty healthy, in this case i'd just say he's not my taste, but you're fine with your choice.

Anonymous 292182


Gary Cooper. Sucker for half-lid eyes and full lips.
Thought this was Cillians’s new face.
Nice height. 7/10, can’t see his face too well.
He looks good as a sailor. But maybe sailor nostalgia plays a factor in it. He’s cuter here.

Anonymous 292183

It was such a bad fucking idea to date a 'he/they/she' gendie. She just said she wants 'gender validation' on her birthday. Girl, we are late 20s, you have to grow the fuck up. I can't break up with her before her birthday… just gotta wait a couple weeks.

Anonymous 292184


i wish i could find a pic of him where he isn't in his 40s, but he's one of the only moids i've ever seen who doesn't look like complete shit at that age

Anonymous 292185


Unconventional for sure

Anonymous 292186

is this a serial killer? his face looks familiar

Anonymous 292187


Louis Hofmann.
He has cute red lips, love it. And looks nice and slim. Face is ok, but he's sadly balding.
Don't know who it is, but he looks cute here though? Kek. Look at his doll eyes, damn. Cute hairstyle too.

Anonymous 292188

Very well said, disgusting to think this is the world we live in but nothing new ig

Anonymous 292189


Jensen Ackles was so stunning as a young man. I'm usually not attracted to moids above the age of 30, but he gets bonus points for not hitting the wall yet despite being in his mid 40s. If he shaved his fugly beard he would still be hot tbh

Anonymous 292190

>no lips
>saul goodman physiognomy
>bad haircut
>constipation face
>sandpaper skin
3/10. Even Dean Ween has some youthfulness in the photos shared.
I just don’t get the hype. He’s a slightly better-looking Paul McCartney. Color him pink and he’s Kaneoya Sachiko’s husbando. 6/10
Looks like the male version of the sped girl I was friends with in middle school whose breath always smelled of Nutella. 6/10
I don’t know if it’s the filter that’s making him orange and wrinkly, but even if you corrected it to a flattering color he’s still a 5/10. He looks like the type to have had a rabid normie tumblr fanbase in 2014.

Anonymous 292191


>>292146 Love her

Anonymous 292192


I haven't been on lc for almost 3 months because of irl shit, only to now find out it's down

Anonymous 292193


Vampire beauty

Anonymous 292194

You just know when you wipe the makeup off he will look like an average Japanese guy with greasy hair. He is beautiful with it though, but I prefer natural beauties. 8/10

Anonymous 292195

if he didnt have a tard chin he would be perfect. I love men with freckles so much.

Anonymous 292196


Okay I do just want to point out that was Gene Ween not Dean Ween. I love Gener, not Deaner.

Anonymous 292197

bait or retard alert

Anonymous 292198

who is he?

Anonymous 292199


Thats dunkachino.
I guess that’s what the Gener was talking about.
Not bait.

Anonymous 292200

Kek nta but young Al Pacino.

Anonymous 292201

Al Pinocchio

Anonymous 292202

Gosh darn it, stop getting Ween things slightly wrong you're triggering my Weentism. It's what Deaner was talkin about.

Anonymous 292203

I know which weener is who, I’m a ween fan. Just making a joke, your weentism is strong.

Anonymous 292204


He is still good looking without makeup

Anonymous 292205

Is bsd worth watching for the plot? I'm not into anime boys

Anonymous 292206

[spoiler]I know you are, I just can't help but be baited. You know what you're doing.

Anonymous 292207

Anonymous 292208

Oh wow he is

Anonymous 292210


I thought he was really cute in Harry Potter but he became full celebrity crush tier when I saw Batman.

Anonymous 292211

I don’t know where you’re from but Mexican metalheads look like this. Their personalities ruin them.
His eyebrows annoy me too much. He needs to shape them thinner.

Anonymous 292213


>He needs to shape them thinner.
Cute thick limey brows

Anonymous 292214

I already know mine is considered ugly so there's no point kek

Anonymous 292215

Come on, maybe we’ll snap you out of it. All I needed was someone to tell me mine was ugly so I could start taking myself seriously and see my worth. It was Rick Moranis

Anonymous 292216

i posted mine too nona, don't let me be the only one kekk

Anonymous 292217

>Little shop of horrors guy
Eh I can see the appeal, I don't really think he's ugly in those films anyway.

Anonymous 292218


Anonymous 292219

Aw but I think he's cute too.

Anonymous 292220

I have a friend who looks eerily similar to this

Anonymous 292221

>be me
>eating cheesy beans on toast
>boutta go to the evri parcel shop
>just another day in bongland

Anonymous 292222

itayrt and yes he is

Anonymous 292223

God I love thirsting over men that will never notice me…

Anonymous 292224

He just kinda reminds me of the 'cute nerdy boys enjoyer' meme

Anonymous 292225

Me too.

Anonymous 292226

Please stop defending my ex-husbando. He already took the house in the settlement.

Anonymous 292227


not a crush, but he's weirdly attractive to me in this picture kek

Anonymous 292228

They feel so autumnal…is it the layered acoustic guitar that gives this autumnal feel? I definitely feel like they’re americacore, or at least my cute fictional idea of small town america

Anonymous 292229

Anonymous 292230

I'm not sure if it was only ozempic because he used to be a fruitarian and that gives off eating disorder or orthorexia vibes. But he also doesn't appear (yet) to have a lot of excess skin from his weight loss. I don't think we'll ever know the truth, just that he has a lot of money so it'd be easy for him to get skin removal surgery, an ozempic prescription or a personal trainer/dietician to help.

Anonymous 292231

Break up with her now. Spare yourself the gender affirmation party or whatever. The closer in to her birthday the worse it will be. You still have time. Get out of there

Anonymous 292232

What the fuck, why do I seem to be the only person who has to deal with negative emotions this much at the moment. Reeeeeeeeeeee

Anonymous 292234

I was once brave enough to post a moid I considered attractive and got bullied, never again

Anonymous 292235

You're not alone, anon. Trust me. It does feel lonely though.

Anonymous 292236

Ah a woman of taste! I love prunes with peanut butter!
You do need to stop at some point, though. It’s not nice to be underweight, cold, weak, dry and tired looking, bones that aren’t dense enough, less strength, less womanly features. I put on a couple of kilograms recently and feel good, since i was quite underweight! Tell every part of your body ‘thank you’- to your bones for holding you up, to your skin for feeling the sun and wind, to the brain that allows you to experience life, the healthy amount of fat that protects the organs that keep you on this earth . Say thank you, and love her, give her enough food to function optimally, starving yourself is a huge self betrayal with many negatives, not to be glamorised. Stop starving whilst it’s easy, and do everything with the intention of self love

Anonymous 292237

Thanks anon, I'll try to be kind to myself and get through it

Anonymous 292238

lole good choice , jimmy pop has a swag modern hypersexual retards wish they had

Anonymous 292240

My cat just knocked over my Dr Pepper

Anonymous 292242

Last sunny weekend.. it's all going to be downhill from here

Anonymous 292244


Im straight up going insane, my ufc obsession is making me want to fuck khamzat chimaev. He’s so silly and the words coming out of his kawaii rabbit mouth sounds so funny he’s literally the cutest but I 100% know that’s not trues do that I only think this way due to mental illness. I’m like a self aware schizophrenic. Am I too far gone? His behaviour was so endearing before he sold his soul to kadyrow

Anonymous 292245

I think you will be fine as long as you stop obsessing over ufc. Find another hobby and it will be gone soon.

Anonymous 292246


I truly hope you’re right because when I see fat chechen tourist guys eating ice cream outside I get kinda horny. It’s leaking into real life. Like I straight up want to bite their cheeks. I’m still going to wean myself off ufc just in case it works. It’s honestly such a slutty “sport” so it’s really easy to get baited into being a fan as a straight woman and men in pain enjoyer. Literally a honey trap

Anonymous 292247


I don't post my beloved Reviewbrah because I think you are all tired of seeing his face but here is my second choice

Anonymous 292248

Your eating habits are similar to someone with an eating disorder. Eat more vegetables and cook (or buy) cooked meat instead of eating lunch meat.

Anonymous 292250

I dated a tiffany once before I had any politic or moral sentiment and she constantly seethed that I was more masculine than her physically because I'm taller than most men and she started trying to abuse/feminise me kek. I said that trooning out was the most female action I could think of because only women did it.

She detrannified and retrannies cyclically after I broke up with her and she still sends me weird sexual harrassment and begging to this day no matter what circumstance she's in specifically revolving about gender degredation about herself.

Severe mental illness. Save yourself.

Anonymous 292251

I am turning 19 in a few days and just realised that I spent most of my time at 18 following my personal cow and being a shut in. I need to get off lolcow.

Anonymous 292252

>kitchen cleaned
>floors vacuumed and washed
>shelves dusted
>laundry cleaned
>plants pruned
>cat brushed
>litterbox cleaned
>piano music on
>teacup prepared and book ready
Now I just need to wait for:
>roommate to come home and clean the windows, light switches and door/window frames.
>lady that's buying my shelf to finally arrive ("sometime in the afternoon")
So I can finally do some meal prepping and give the instructions for the uni assignment another look over before my group officially starts on it tomorrow. It's like I'm playing pretend in how it looks like I got my life together some days kek

Anonymous 292254

Please use a calorie calculator for just one day. There's no way you're eating enough to maintain a healthy weight. You’re going to crash, and it will be difficult to recover. Are you working out or doing any sports? Women who carry fat in an unfortunate way often just don’t have enough muscle mass. You are going to look weird at any weight if you are skin, bones, fat and water.

Anonymous 292256

>I need to get off lolcow.
Well, aren't you lucky?

Anonymous 292258

My tif friend talks like Rodger from American Dad I can't stop laughing at her we're in a Discord call rn.

Anonymous 292259


no.. no… no… NOOOOOOOOO THE SCROTES GOT TO THEMMMM. idk if the subreddit is completely banned or not but goddamn it, god fucking damn it girls god fucking damn it god fucking damn it

Anonymous 292260

Supreme taste nona

Anonymous 292262

I started going out more (walking instead of using the car whenever I needed something, though I'm not sure how feasible is that in the US) and eating smaller portions and it's working well, I'm losing weight super slowly but that's the point, make habits instead of fasting/dieting to not binge/get that weight back.
I have some suggestions though:
- Make either breakfast or lunch your big meal, doing so for dinner is the worst idea ever. You will just accumulate that fat since (I assume) you don't walk/work out at night, plus it can affect your sleep negatively.
- Eat homemade meals instead of pre-made stuff and cereals. If you don't have time every day to cook, simply prepare one or two meals during a day you got free, divide them in daily portions and put them on the freezer. They will last you for long, simply take out one portions when you wake up & give it a quick heat at lunch time, this has saved me many times.

Anonymous 292263

my boyfriend broke up with me a couple days ago bc he loves me but he "has issues" and "feels uneasy sometimes". im so confused because he kissed me multiple times and told me to just give him time and that he would call me within a few weeks to tell me if he changed his mind.
the past few days have felt ridiculously long and i've made myself sick and i just want fucking lolcow back so i can dull the pain. my best friend said "at least youre not shayna" but i cant even laugh at her rn.

Anonymous 292264

anon that man is ugly and already aged out >>292189
he still hit the wall and is ugly, get better taste (preferably just stop finding scrotes attractive because they’re all hideous)

Anonymous 292265

When I search for it, nothing pops up. How did you manage to see it?

Anonymous 292266

Male fashion is so fucking shit, I'm still trying to understand why low waist pants are a thing at all in male fashion, do they want to look shorter?

Anonymous 292268

You are wrong. Post your 3D husbando.

Anonymous 292269

I just want a simple morning job like barista to stack on my current evening job to work double the hours but same amount of days. I so badly need the money right now it's driving my anxiety up a wall.

Anonymous 292270

>preferably just stop finding scrotes attractive because they’re all hideous
Got any recommendations for hettie conversion therapy places?

Anonymous 292271

Are you having a bad day n0nnie? I hope it gets better soon.

Anonymous 292272


Remember these words

Anonymous 292273

I searched it on the reddit app (cringe ik but it’s so much easier to use than on the browser) and that’s how I saw that it was privated. I don’t know if they decided to cull it or they’re vetting to deter trannies from getting into it like r/burbnbougie (a subreddit based off of some tiktoker’s content that criticizes scrotes for being deficient subhumans in the nicest way possible for normie women to accept and digest) that tanked a week ago. I’m trying so hard to cope

Anonymous 292274

KEK based.

Anonymous 292276

The trannies got to it, it was bound to happen. Oh well, I can't find it

Anonymous 292277

You know you can give your opinion and advice to people without sounding like an asshole, right? Why are you blaming her for the stupid scrote? But yeah, she should definitely run. This moid is probably already lining up someone else, just waiting to be his true parasitic self.

Anonymous 292278


I agree hes super hot

Anonymous 292280

That beard is giving me hives just from looking

Anonymous 292284

Post some men you find attractive

Anonymous 292285

this is why we need lolcow back, the /g/ thirstposters and /ot/ moid haters need separate habitats

Anonymous 292286

I can't believe bitches like these live among us

Anonymous 292287

lolcow was ruined by edgy egirl zoomers

Anonymous 292288


Jesus Christ women are so cucked. Do you have eyes? how are these dysgenic overgrown tumorous creatures attractive? its even more retarded if its for the vibes "vibes" or "sex appeal" what sex appeal? the sex appeal of a talking cyst smelly junkie trailer trash? get a fucking grip.

Anonymous 292290

Holy shit I wanted to reveal my ex crush youtuber who turned out to be a creep but now im scared n0nnies gonna rip me apart kek

Anonymous 292291

>she constantly seethed that I was more masculine than her
Oh God, my girlfriend does this too. She's a 'regular' woman, dresses feminine, shaves, wears makeup, and I'm more on the butch side and she seethes about it. I'm sorry she still hasn't left you alone. I know the future isn't promising between the two of us either, it's just this is my first ever relationship and initiating a breakup seems so daunting.

Anonymous 292294

Seeing this shit is pretty enlightening. From now on if I see an attention-seeking bitch anon like this, I'm just gonna remember about all this and assume she's a teen gendie into ugly moids who posts on tumblr about how edgy she is for going on the farms, kek. Not even gonna bother replying to retards like this anymore

Anonymous 292295

what your moids lo…

liking ugly moids is self harm and hating women. How, HOW can you not realize how women are promoted and have available 2142937905329 procedures to be beautiful, how women try their very hardest to appear beautiful, paying utmost attention, OBSSESING about their hair, body hair, skin, features, nails, the centimeters between their features, the way their bones rest on their face, the way their body fat distributes, the size of their feet, are their boobs even, the size of their waist, are their clothes flattering and fashionable, are their GENITALS attractive to the point of getting surgery on their PUSSY… PUSSY PLASTIC SURGERY and then they still manage to be selfless sacrficial, offer empathy and nuance, time and effort to "understand" moids like picrel.

Anonymous 292296

WTF you were born in 2005? Shouldn't you be watching My Little Pony or something? Kek

Anonymous 292297

The saddest thing us that even tho anons could easily rip apart most of my 3dpd crushes, they are still unrealistic because of things like "having hair", "thin", "not having a pudgy face", etc.

Anonymous 292298

Her blog is pretty nice so I forgive her retardation.

Anonymous 292302

is this a zombie from resident evil 6

Anonymous 292303

2005 was 19 years ago

Anonymous 292304

fake news

Anonymous 292307

oh i grenerally agree woth you, im just saying there's ginna be infighting about this as long the ugly man psyop nonas have to share this thread with the /g/ moid posters. the two species shouldn't be in the same enclosure

Anonymous 292309

goodbye lolcor, it was a nice few months since I discovered there are other boards on there that involve actual nice discussion and not shitting on internet people

Anonymous 292310

The shay threads have become my sleepy time drunk reading until i pass out routine. For real i'm legit bummed out lol. I know i could lurk her Twitter but it's pointless without the autistic lc commentary.

Anonymous 292311

i hate it when women talk about how hot men are cause its so fucking boring pls get another topic to talk about. men are ugly

Anonymous 292312

what do you want to talk about n0nna

Anonymous 292313

I crush on a masked dj thank god I'm hot so I can keep being delusional about the possibility of straddling him one day lmao wish me luck

Anonymous 292316

Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining

Anonymous 292317

idk i dont wanna talk today and im here to lurk but it still pisses me off reading that stuff

Anonymous 292318


Anonymous 292319


Anonymous 292320

>He looks like the type to have had a rabid normie tumblr fanbase in 2014
KEK nona…….

Anonymous 292321

do it, this is a safe space

Anonymous 292322

how the fuck is lolcow still down? how am i supposed to enjoy my takeout without reading shayna updates?

Anonymous 292323


my sister and I's longtime crush

Anonymous 292324

Even for the anime boys it isn't

Anonymous 292328

help im having the worst period cramps in my life could it be due to sushi i ate yesterday? i ate tuna nigiri shrimp nigiri smoked salmon nigiri and eel (i assume cooked) maki.

Anonymous 292329

The fact that so many of us are having shaynus withdrawals is bringing me some sort of pathetic solace

Anonymous 292330

Dammit. There were some good posts I had bookmarked on there. I should have just screenshotted them all. I bet shit like r/womenarethings, r/raceplay and r/beast_love are still up though. Fucking retarded evil pieces of shit

Anonymous 292331

botched faggy mid japanese

Anonymous 292332

Women carry a child for 9 months, cut their stomach open or push a head the size of a basketball out their vaginas, and then have to breastfeed it all with their bodily resources and women cant even bully men for their abnormal skulls, subhuman assymetry, shitty hair (if any) and fridge bodies.

Anonymous 292334

Kek not from sushi. Take a pain killer and try to nap or put a head pad on.

Anonymous 292335

He's a wannaone or x1 reject. He looks like the botched hapa from txt, they made a dog themed song and it's is one of the worst kpop songs ever created

Anonymous 292336

i need to get this off my chest while were here on discount LC, cy is 100% my type and i think hes fucking hot and since adult eric cartman is an anorectal violence fgm apologist pedophile ive been curating fanart of actual adult eric cartman in his stead

Anonymous 292337


cerbmin should pay us all $10000 for the emotional damage the lack of lc has caused us

Anonymous 292338

KEK. PLEASE come to the /g/ containment thread. You’re going to get mauled here.

Anonymous 292339


>his stead

Anonymous 292340


what the fuck

Anonymous 292341


may i ask why he's your type

Anonymous 292342

, your scrote is either trying to cheat while having a technical excuse of "we were broken up" or he wants to sit around all day with his loser friends playing video games without you asking for his attention. I'm sorry you are hurting but don't let him string you along. He's only phrasing the situation this way because he knows he can walk all over you.

Anonymous 292343


adam scott for me

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