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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


“looksmaxxing” entering the mainstream Anonymous 108725[Reply]

How do you guys feel about the term “looksmaxing” being embraced by many gen-zers and tiktok and no longer just for the incels and femcels. As a former femcel who has been aware of this term since 2017, it’s very strange to see its resurgence.

Sure, people have always been narcissistic and into improving their looks but the “bonesmashing”, talking about “falios” and “mandibles” and “maxilos” is strange to me.
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Anonymous 110623

Apart from all that bonesmashing bs I can't really notice anything wrong with the looksmaxing trend. Young moids are getting more blackpilled and keep encouraging each other to hit the gym and improve themselves. What's wrong with that? In the same communities I've also seen some zoomers encourage quitting porn which I think is a great step in the right direction.

Anonymous 110644

Lookmsaxxing was always a thing (for women) in the mainstream, it just didn't have that specific label.

Anonymous 110796

Looksmaxing is bullshit, just more consumerism

Anonymous 110816

Eating disorders ig

Anonymous 110920

most of the whole looksmaxing thing is just exercise and diet advice what are you talking about


Anonymous 110755[Reply]

So my ebf got really pissed at me and started to say things like "I shouldn't have come online today" or "Why should I do anything with you?" and all that because I had to first brb for only 10 minutes yesterday because my parents wanted to talk to me, and then later I got a call from work late at night that I had to answer and the call went for too long. He got really pissed at me. This isn't the first time I've interrupted him when he was chatting with me and I also don't immediately respond. I only started to work recently so I was able to give as much as time and attention to him before, but now I'm not able to. I've mentioned that I don't have any personal time anymore and that I spend whatever time I got left after coming home from work only with him.

Am I the asshole for not prioritizing my ebf and for not refusing to do other things when I come home from work? Is he right when he expects undivided attention from me and when I can't give him that he is right to get mad at me and stop talking? Unlike him who lives alone I live with my parents so it's very hard for me to be left alone. I try to text him at work but work is hard and busy and I can't find the time for it. I think I also have ADHD so I completely forget that he exists and is online sometimes.

I honestly don't know what to do. Work is very stressful for me and I come home and I get this. I wish he was understanding especially during my work days.
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Anonymous 110790

just block him.

Anonymous 110791


Please nona, you're not the idiot. Please don't feel like that is your fault. The other anons are right, he is just going to be more demanding of your time and less understanding of your responsibilities. You should not have to entertain him, and I don't think any mature or nice person would react that way to you. He was upset you didn't tell him to do something else? It seems like he wants you to mommy and take care of him when he should have his own life to take control of. Please don't think you are at fault for living your life! Do not feel like this is your fault. This moid is not a good one, he sounds immature and insecure. I'm sorry.

Anonymous 110795

>because I made him wait instead of telling him to go do something else. He was just staying online waiting for me to reply
So your moid has no agency for himself and needs constant guidance from you to get through his day. You're the idiot if you stay with that.

Anonymous 110876

if this was real you'd both hang out IRL which significantly reduces anxiety and allows you to experience alone time without expecting constant bids for connection

Anonymous 110894

It's clear from your screenshot and this entire story this isn't a real relationship. Just tell him it's over and block him.


Anonymous 110404[Reply]

My bf is very soft and sweet. I like that about him. He’s kind of dominant I guess but in like an actual dad way. Anyways he had to wear a suit today and he sent me pictures. He looked so nice and his hands looked so nice and masculine. I want him to actual man handle me and I feel like a pervert.
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Anonymous 110705

My bf hates trannies so he's automatically better than yours

Anonymous 110706

That’s pretty good, but my bf hates porn and doesn’t even think about other women

Anonymouse 110731

my boyfriend isn't real , hes better than urs

Anonymous 110762


Anonymous 110775

This is just a thread where tourists (or OP) pretend to be femcels seething at anon for having a boyfriend - notice how this happens at large quantities specifically in this thread and nowhere else on this boyfriend-having site. Some posts have gone missing, FYI. So friendly PSA: THIS IS A GLOWSCROTE THREAD THIS IS A GLOWSCROTE THREAD THIS IS A GLOWSCROTE THREAD. thank you


How to avoid SA Anonymous 106343[Reply]

How can women avoid SA when hanging out with male friends, dating, or overall just living life.
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Anonymous 109355

I honestly just avoid men unless they are gay. It's easy because I'm a lesbo. Other than that, I think you have to do the typical stuff like not accepting any drinks from men, not getting drunk around men, not being alone with men. Stay in public spaces around lots of people and always make sure you're with women too. There's no real way to avoid it other than just avoiding them.

Anonymous 109617

38. spcl

Anonymous 109633


Nona , I just want to say thank you so much for the cat image. I've had a bad day that's somewhat similar to the thread , thank you so much. God bless you. <3

Anonymous 110629

hate this defeatist ideology. SA isn't random, there are patterns to it. the emphasis is always on BIG PERCENTAGE OF WOMEN GET SA, when the side women should be looking at is the percentage that is never victimized, which is the vast majority. this "muh victim blaming" shit is counterproductive to the max. don't tell women who are NOT victims yet that SA just happens and they shouldn't bother taking any defensive measures.
to the best of your ability avoid all kinds of lowlifes and the areas they inhabit (poor neighborhoods) and frequent (clubs, festivals). avoid being outside alone after midnight. avoid being drunk in public. avoid creepy guys even if, or especially if they are family members. avoid running into that ex-boyfriend who was a little rapey and feels entitled to get handsy because he had your permission years ago. the list goes on and on. yes, it's not encouraging for women who happen to live in garbage poor neighborhoods for instance, or live under the same roof as a creepy uncle. but it is the right message regardless. keep trying to get out of there!

Anonymous 110647

don't go anywhere alone with a man or group of men. do not discuss sexual topics ever. be wary of overly nice men. you can't control other people's behavior but you can control when to enter/exit a social situation.
what a load of shit. scrotes still sexually harass fat/disabled/ugly women and then when they speak up they get told they're lying because "you're too ugly for that to happen". kys scrote.


Weird set up Anonymouse 110587[Reply]

I live in a pretty boring area and the men around aren't the greatest, so I sometimes talk to guys online even if it's just to be friends. I'm not too crazy about jumping into relationships anyway. Recently, I got out of a lame relationship with my ex who cheated on me a few weeks into us dating (wasn't feeling great about that one).

My online friend, K, suggested this guy to me, I'll call him W. From her description, he didn't sound like an amazing person, but honestly, what the hell did I have to lose at that point? If I'm sad, might as well make the situation more interesting, right? I've been talking to him every day for maybe the past few weeks, and honestly, I don't think I like like him, but I'm definitely attracted to him despite him being a weirdo!
Something about this guy screams to me that he'd throw me in front of a moving train just for some giggles, but he's fun to talk to. He larps all the time as different people for jokes, and it's hard to tell if what he's saying is the truth or not (K did tell me he did this kind of thing, so I wasn't surprised). Though he seems to have stopped because I've mentioned his addiction to larping in DMs. He's been to jail and is a little deranged, but besides that, we both really get along.

Apparently, online he is well known around and has lots of connections in the community I found K in. Apparently, even my ex knew who he was. When we first started talking, it was because K told me he wanted a girlfriend (I was more interested in the fact that all the stories existed about him, and to my surprise, he was happy to tell me everything). She told me I would be perfect for him. I can't really tell if that's an insult or if she's 100% correct.

I want to know what others think of this situation, I think its funny, just felt like sharing (not sure if K is trying to help me, or if she's trying to kill me)

Anonymouse 110588

I POSTED TWICE- im so sorry yall i was half awake, please delte one of them aarrggh


scared of online interaction Anonymous 109886[Reply]

How to get over that fear? After years of dwelling on imageboards and only interacting as an anonymous user I feel constant fear when talking to other people online. Owning an account makes me panic. Etc. Stuff like that. I am paranoid and I imagine catastrophe scenarios happening to me. I hate it. I wish I wasn't so weak. I'm the type of person to panic over a small hate comment, I know it's pathetic. It's funny because I've spent so many years on 4chan and the like and I feel that instead of building character it just traumatized me into fearing everyone. Please tell me there's a way out of this paranoid thinking loop. I want to be peaceful.

Anonymous 109892

Don't reveal personal info. It should be fine.

Anonymous 110002

Get off 4chan, touch grass, don't talk to incels. Realize that arguing on the internet is pathetic, touch grass again

Anonymous 110005

If you mind your business and don't engage with hate you shouldn't stir up anything too huge. And don't discuss sex with minors, which is very doable if you just avoid them.
If someone argues with you unprompted literally just ignore them.

Anonymous 110428

I was the same 8 years ago. What helped me was to meet a cool, very chill girl on discord, who was casually very open with everything. Like she already invited me to come to a BBQ the same day we first started talking privately in dms. But she wasn’t stupid or naive. She wasn’t a tech boomer. She enjoyed edgy jokes and memes, which is why she liked talking to me and what we bonded over. I later still deleted my discord out of online paranoia, but I try to emulate her a bit and also see the advantages of having a rich social media presence, because it can make certain things easier. That’s like the original idea of social media. It was always meant to help you with your real social life and not replace it.

Anonymous 110567

Just keep separate accounts, don't put all your eggs in one basket and tie everything to your IRL. As long as you can always delete an account and make a new one, it doesn't matter.
I was in the same situation as you and that's what I did. Once you realise that it's almost as transient as anonymous posts - just make a new one if you want to remove your previous history - it gets a lot easier. And then after a while you get used to having at least some history, and you can slowly acclimatise yoursely to using accounts more permanently.

Though not tying anything to IRL is also just basic precaution online, unless you're specifically talking to people that you know (or want to know) IRL. But you can build up somewhat more persistent identities slowly, as you gradually get more comfortable with it.

I still mainly go online anonymously but I do have a few active accounts in various places that I've kept alive for multiple years by now, and haven't felt the need to delete so far. You'll get there.


Anonymous 110460[Reply]

i cant control myself im so pathetic. i got mad over argument on internet and destroyed my apartment by hitting things and whatnot. this happens so fucking often nowdays. i cant control myself either i hit stuff or i cut myself. why i am like this…
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Anonymous 110512

Well that's progress. Can we talk about why you get so mad that you want to destroy things?

Anonymous 110519

well i dont know, it can be very small things that cause that reaction. it doesnt have to be something big, just even a slight anger and i cant control myself.

Anonymous 110520


Try xanax or weed

Anonymous 110526

I wish I could be as unhinged as you nona, I have so many mental blocks I can barely launch a thing on the bed those rare times I get upset enough to, it's not full strenght and I regret it because my arm hurts and feel a weird stretch anyway

Anonymous 110531

>even a slight anger and i cant control myself
You recognize the problem which is good. You just need to take the step of not acting on your impulses. Try thinking of something that would make you mad but not act out in response as an exercise.


Anonymous 110296[Reply]

I feel so mad for the mankind for not caring about the environment. Especially in developed and developing countries, people live off too well and they are too comfortable. People excuse their behavior that "its goverment's job not indivudual's" while its true goverment should do it, you cannot act like individual's impact doesn't matter. It does, you can't outsource your actions "but its not my job."

There is no good excuse for this much consumerism and bad choices. I understand that not everyone can go car-free, eat local vegan food or shop everything second-hand or be minimalistic and mindful BUT you can make better choices still even if you dont have the privilage or energy to go all in.

People are not even trying. A person who has lot allergies may need to consume for example chicken to get enough nutrition or person who lives far away might need to use car but you can still choose better. And I am annoyed that people don't. It makes extremely mad, it is unbearable.
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Anonymous 110440

>corporations are not backed by "individuals"
This is a meme. Corporations make money by telling you you're individuals, then telling you what type of individual you are, then emotionally manipulating you to give them money (we call this "marketing")

Anonymous 110449

No they don't. They get government subsidies and backing from banks and investors.
Environmentalism like all other political issues is 99.999% about affecting institutional change and .001% about you making lifestyle choices.

Anonymous 110451

Still a meme. Individual actions matter a great deal, in fact individual actions are mostly to blame for all of this.
The individual let themselves become isolated from community. The individual let TV dictate electoral outcomes, they let TV distract them from the changes taking place right under their nose. The individual let their existence become a miniscule blip against monolithic corporations.
If it weren't for the individual, none of this would have come to pass because communities would've fought against it (and won or died trying). The individual is the most powerful invention the elites could have made. Any attempt to break free from individualism is immediately shut down: "Even 10 million individuals going green barely compare to a corporation doing the same". Apathy kills movement. How are we to affect institutional change without first making a change in lifestyle choices?

Anonymous 110482

You’ll never take my standard of living, treehugger.

Anonymous 110485

I'm kind of interested in how much I'd actually have to "give up" if somebody could snap their fingers and instantly make the world "sustainable" and its population closer to "equal".


Anonymous 110004[Reply]

My bf rejected a girl's requests to "study together" during after-school hours out of respect for my feelings and she got mad at him and called him/me fragile, implying her intentions weren't "romantic". I don't understand tho, he only refused politely and there was no reason to get mad over it then why did she get offended to the point of switching from polite to mean? I've been told the same before a bunch of time but I don't take it to heart and instead just respect the choice of the person
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Anonymous 110446

The mental gymnastics incels have to make to justify how women more bad for the same thing!1! You're just as evil as misandrist SJWs. Kill yourself

Anonymous 110452



Anonymous 110453

what? there was nothing about porn

Anonymous 110454

The tiddy pic

Anonymous 110455

wgat where i wanna see


The guilt is unbearable Anonymous 110052[Reply]

Anons I posted about a mutual friend to another female imageboard (you know the one) and I recently found out that they frequent that site. I feel bad because if they find the post they'll know it's me. I sent an email to the mod team asking to take my post down but no reply. I'm scared anons. What should I do?
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Anonymous 110162

What happened?

Anonymous 110163

Oh, nothing. I was shitting on the OP.

Anonymous 110164


learn from your mistakes, be a better person going forward. Apologize sincerely, but only one time, and most importantly GET BETTER FRIENDS THAT YOU ACTUALLY RESPECT.

Anonymous 110241

OP here. I do respect my friends but my friends do have some weird and questionable friends themselves. I'm not extremely close with her, and my opinion of her soured immediately when one of my actual friends began ranting to me about how much this mutual friend takes advantage of her kindness with little to nothing in return. Like, it's a really bad situation. That's the entire reason I even posted about her in the first place. I was extremely frustrated with my good friend's situation and how most people are cool with the mutual friend. They wouldn't be cool with her if they knew she's ebegging online pretending to be disabled kek.

Anonymous 110340

How do you access lulcor? I don't see any results for it when I search it up on Google.

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