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Anonymous 119539[Reply]

If you had the opportunity to shoot yourself, where would you do it? In a public place or in some secluded place where no one would find you?

Anonymous 119567

i hope you're ok anon :(

Anonymous 119568

in front of my father while he's drunk sitting in his recliner. i love him but he drives me up the wall sometimes and its just an intrusive thought ill never act on. i hope youre okay though OP

Anonymous 119582

Where no one would find me, I'm already a waste of oxygen so I don't want my family to waste any money paying for funerary services or any of that


/lg/ - lesbian general Anonymous 108545[Reply]

felt like this should be a thread tbh
what's everyone up to? i'm thinking of downloading tinder again
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Anonymous 116427


Anonymous 119489

Is it possible to stop thinking about society's opinion of lesbians? There is a tendency in science to constantly say that lesbians can feel attracted to men. Gender obsession in the LGBT community is a new form of internal homophobia. Society has never taken lesbians seriously. The Normies will say that you just haven't met a good guy. Political lesbians will disguise friendship for lesbianism by spreading lesbophobic myths. When men carry out gene modifications, men will destroy lesbians. Were lesbians happy ever? First there was the influence of forced heterosexuality, now "you should be attracted to mtf" and gaslighting from scientists and "feminists".Gays can be proud, no one bothers them. Scientists say that MEN ARE REAL GAYS, THEY CAN'T CHANGE. How to stop feeling disgusted with yourself?

Anonymous 119548


Do you have any dating tips/etiquette, online or not? I am autistic and have no frame of reference when it comes to romantic relationships with other women, and people online don't talk about dating all that much, so I am a complete noob.

Anonymous 119562

I want to date a woman already. It’s been years (since COVID) and I have been daydreaming about love and who the next “she” would be;; her personality, appearance, et cetera.

But I’m not cute enough for the bi (and maybe les? But tbh I think those are spicy straights) on dating apps. And if I seem attractive IRL, then that probably disappears once it’s made obvious that I’m so damn socially awkward.

And also I’m just unaware of if I’m interacting with another bi/les woman.

I’m so lonely. I really want to share my life but I’m stuck with yearning. It seems as if I’m no woman’s type!

Anonymous 119563


Also OP of this post, I struggle with internalized racism and homophobia, as well. I’ve heard that people can sense things like confidence and insecurity so I wonder if I’m sending a vibe that’s just overbearingly negative and I don’t even know it.


I am tired of wanting to be attractive. Anonymous 119555[Reply]

I’ve noticed that, for someone who isn’t interested in fashion and beauty trends, I sure do care about my appearance A LOT.

However; I still wander around in “basic” outfits. It still looks decent and my hair is generally presentable, I guess. It can definitely be worse.

But I often lament about my nonchalance toward these things and my inability to bring myself to care enough to actually change this, somehow. Sometimes I wonder if being a tad more “feminine” (like wearing make-up) can help me out more despite the blow to my ego it may cause.

What’s even more nonsensical is that I want a woman to find me attractive— even if I haven’t been interested in being, or at least can’t see myself as anyone’s girlfriend or wife. And I think I’m alright with that, for the most part.


To be honest, I wish I could just coast through life as an unkempt anime boy and catch the attention of misanthropic, twink-obsessed and terminally online Tumblr women.


How do I stop being a people pleaser Anonymous 118904[Reply]

I constantly do things and look up for others wellbeing, opinions, feelings or anything for avoiding conflict and just trying to get along and feeling accepted.
The longer I've been doing it the most I understand I'm a pretender and a liar to everyone, because I do stuff without enjoying it or connecting with them.
It's tiring because I do not enjoy doing stuff I decide or want and also I feel guilty if I do not "follow" the speculations of I think people want.
I don't know what the fuck should I do to feel comfortable with my desicions and my true self
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Anonymous 119126

This is something I have also been working on.
When people say no or give you a neutral answer, does all the stuff that you get anxious about happen? Do you cause a scene? No.
Most sane people will not take a no or you saying your opinion or giving input as something to make a scene over, or dislike you for it. Keep in mind, the people who like people pleasing like low self esteem women for the wrong reasons and like doormats. Those are not the kind of people that should be pleased! Being assertive and honest is not obnoxious or rude. You can still be kind and pleasant and sweet and polite while having boundaries and stating your opinions and giving input and being honest!

Anonymous 119527

I have good assertiveness days, and bad assertiveness days. If I feel worn down by constant moid harassment, or if I wake up and randomly start thinking of the nagging memories of said harassment, I dont feel the energy necessary to be assertive and on guard. I feel like I need to just go with the flow to get people to STFU and get out of my way, so to speak.

For example, yesterday my brother brushed off the snow off the family vehicle he finally let me use even tho he has his own 2. I thought wow thats nice of him. Then he hit me with, "Theres still the trashbag of dog crap in the trunk, could you get it out?" He could have done it, but I know Id catch flack from him and mom for saying this or refusing, so I just said yeah. It felt like Im on autopilot to just say yes to peoples requests. Ugh Im such a coward.

Another factor is that peoples boundary violations catch me off guard. Im a little slow at thinking of responses, or how to socially navigate a situation where I dont have the upper hand. So even if I immediately give in, I usually seethe about it for a while after until I think of a way to "correct" the boundary violation, ie. thinking of how to word something so that I retract my original "yes Ill do xyz" response.

Wish I wasnt such a people pleaser. But there are times I finally learned to say no, as a complete sentence, no less. Its just something I have to relearn daily and be conscious of.

Anonymous 119529

>I constantly do things and look up for others wellbeing, opinions, feelings or anything for avoiding conflict and just trying to get along and feeling accepted.

Only do it if it's mutual

Anonymous 119531

The issue with being kind and caring about the wellbeing, opinions and feelings of others is that is that likely, you WILL be abused, he WILL get taken advantage of for it, at some point or another.

Be glad you're not a narcissist. You should go out and live for yourself and do things that you enjoy and hopefully you will run into the right people for you.

Don't go out of your way for others who will just abuse you in the end. Try to find people who are similar to you and vibe with you.

Anonymous 119535


I often think about why I am such a people pleaser and I realize that there is something insidious about it. One of the reasons why I do this because I want to get closer and be part of their life. I managed to people please the heck out of few people that they became so dependent on me for emotional support that even I got scared about how creepy it got. It felt like I was playing Persona with S Links and I'm not even joking in here.

Another reason is fear of missing out. I want to know everything and be everywhere.


Affirmations / Spells / Prayers to make someone less important in your life Anonymous 119375[Reply]

I've been working together with this coworker on and off for like 3 months. He tries to keep it professional and so do I, but sometimes the boundaries are blurred and we both have shared about our work related problems and personal problems with each other and text each other almost every single day since then. Every message that he sends feels like getting by a cupid arrow and makes me lose my mind and wanting more from him. I just want to be pampered by him all day. We sometimes even walk together out of office and get to talk.
There are lot of problems. He's married and way too older than me. He smiles at me whenever we cross each other but then he never "sees" me the way I see him, like I chase up to him while walking together and he just keeps walking. I don't even understand if I am actually a friend or just a coworker, or something more to him. For the most part he only initiates work related conversations and hasn't initiated any personal conversations about me, but wouldn't really mind sharing his personal shit on to me out of nowhere. But whenever I do talk about my personal problems, he always cares about me and it makes me feel very good.
I just don't know what to do. I'm worried if I'd do something stupid and destroy everything that is going on right now by pressing my luck. I love him a lot and cherish the times I spent with him but at the same time I sometimes wish I had never met him.

Anonymous 119416

Stop romanticizing some old man. Think about your situation from an outsider's perspective. Imagine being his wife.

Anonymous 119534

I managed to get a bit closer than before.
>Imagine being his wife.
Yes, I feel bliss imagining that.

He quit. I may see him for a few more days for his exit procedure to complete and after that it's over. Something in me is still in denial and can't believe that he will be gone soon.


Age gap relationships Anonymous 119515[Reply]

So, I finally got a boyfriend, but I am 26 and he is 46. I keep trying to tell myself that we should break up and that it will never work out. It’s just he’s so good to me and treats me so well and I really do love him. I just don’t know what to do.

Anonymous 119518

you're only 26, you can just wait it out and see what happens

Anonymous 119519

there's better men that aren't geriatric don't waste your youth

Anonymous 119523

I'm in an age gap relationship. I'm in my early to mid twenties, he's in his late thirties.

It's worth a try, you might find genuine love. I like his friends too and we have lovely times together. We've been together for nine months and this is the first time I've ever felt loved. Some s here might think this is a big meme but there can be huge comfort found with older men, and not in a daddy issues sort of way. I'm someone this sort of relationship is right for - age gaps are not for everyone.

Thing is, as an aside irrelevant to your post, I'm also a big autist so I'm always worrying about unnecessary things or not making decisions about things which do matter. Lately I feel like I'm often on the brink of breaking up with him because of things of which age is a contributing factor - his stubbornness, his plans to donate his sperm. He's also a Tate fan. Honestly I don't care what people believe but he harps on about him and I get this close to telling him to shut the fuck up. I haven't broken up with him yet because I can't tell if I make myself feel upset because I feel I should or if I actually feel upset. But this is an individual thing; my friend is with an older man and he's more liberal leaning.

So yeah there are ups and downs. You need to make him lay everything on the table. Make it very clear that the younger partner gets the short end of the stick. Make sure this relationship is loving and worthwhile, because as a young woman you do have plenty of options. Think about if you want to help him into his adult Pampers and ensure he's stocked up on Viagra.


Anonymous 119477[Reply]

My boyfriend just got a blue collar job and now I feel like I’m dating a retard and could have done better. If I break up with him for it people might think I’m shallow.
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Anonymous 119491


>lots of experience in the lab

Anonymous 119494

Washing the professor's beakers isn't "experience in the lab"

Anonymous 119498


youre the retard

Anonymous 119499

I feel like this is fake

Anonymous 119514

you are shallow. so what are you going to do about it?


Anyone else “icked” out over males dressing “feminine”. Anonymous 119046[Reply]

So, I have always thought myself to be someone who was interested with the ideas of the left/progressives.

Likewise, that extends to the LGBT community — especially as a member, myself.

And it has always been taboo for males to dress similarly to their female counterparts though I believed that shouldn’t matter.

Clothes are clothes and whatever.

However, I hate to say that today my opinion on this has changed.

I hate to admit that it seems as if boys and men are even more creepy with their skirts and blouses on.

There is a certain uncannyness to it and no it’s not the fact that they are wearing “feminine” clothes. But wearing these clothes makes them more invasive, entitled and they talk in such a way that feels so ghastly and unreal, et cetera.

Again, I don’t know if this is being explained properly but it’s like they are a performance of a performance, you know? Like, their mimicry of something as illusory as femininity is uncomfortable. Even the more “lowkey” or subtle ones emit massive creep / predatory vibes…
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Anonymous 119334

That it only looks fem if their ass is big kek.

Anonymous 119483

but like… in society, attraction to men is expressed from a feminine perspective and position. dressing up as women and connecting with that feminity is a way for them to connect with that attraction to men

Anonymous 119493

I like feminine accents on men like small earrings, floral prints, and understated necklaces and rings.

Anonymous 119508

No shame in not wanting men to invade our clothing sections or other areas that are supposed to be for us, in addition to our changing rooms and bathrooms, where they can and do SA women and girls.

Listen to your gut feeling. Theres nothing wrong with feeling disgust or creepiness about a male. Dont be gaslit or shamed about feeling bad that you feel disturbed about a potential predator trying to blend into your demographic. Men do this so they can access our vulnerable spaces, and/or get away with rudeness towards you, claiming "youre a hateful bigot!" if you defend yourself from his verbal/other attacks. The subtle or obvious tyranny of the consequences for refusing to use his fetish derived language in the workplace, or everywhere depending on the place, is only 1 part of mens attack on women.

Anonymous 119551

Not really Icked out, but they always look ridiculous.


Social Anxiety Disorder/Agoraphobia thread Anonymous 101071[Reply]

Imageboards attract us like flies so i made this thread so we can feel less lonely, here's some questions to get it going
>How is your life right now
>Do you go outside?
>Any friends or company?
>What do you do to cope with it
>Share a highlight from your life
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Anonymous 114094

Men never have the intention to get in a relationship they just end up in them if gives them more sex than the contrary.

Anonymous 114096


>How is your life right now
Meh. I have no close friends and the situation with my boyfriend isn't great, even fun things remind me of how alone I am because everyone my age is in a friend group. I don't like being around people much but I really miss having a trustworthy friend. The one I have is always gossiping about everyone so I don't tell her anything personal. I have to find a new job and I'm really holding out hope I might meet someone. I've been looking into working as a farmhand, I'd likely need a tractor license though. But I would like to move away from everyone, I lived in the same town my whole life and the only people I ever see around are old bullies. For some reason the familiarity makes me feel even more isolated.
>Do you go outside?
Yes. I love taking long walks in the forest, when it's dark I'll walk in the street. Also my job forces me to get out of bed but luckily I don't have to talk to people much.
>Any friends or company?
I have one friend I don't really trust, I like her but I don't trust her. My boyfriend makes me feel lonely and used so I've been ignoring him, I want to break up but I don't want to be alone. And that whole "dump him and you'll flourish" is fucking bullshit, I had to cut off my best friend because she was stealing shit from me and faking diseases and haven't made a friend since. I can't afford to lose anyone at this point.
>What do you do to cope with it
Daydreaming, imageboards, smoke weed, cook, watch cartoons and listen to music. Also plan hypothetical trips. I love learning about other countries and the history of them, especially former soviet countries.
>Share a highlight from your life
I've picked up writing again, even if it might be wattpad tier I love my characters. I haven't shared any of it yet but I might, the storylines might be nonsensical but they're my characters. I love coming up with dialogue, weird situations, visualizing everything, I love it.

Anonymous 114097


>How is your life right now
Not good to be honest. Everyone is graduating but me. Decided to be a lazy fuck and got back into college at 21, I feel like my professional life is over.
>Do you go outside?
Ever since I moved to this city I haven't stepped outside for anything other than college.
>Any friends or company?
None at all! BF left.
>What do you do to cope with it
Listen to Boa and cut.
>Share a highlight from your life

Anonymous 114119

>no one cares about how you look or if you're weird, they're too busy thinking about themselves!
As a woman that grew up with parents who loved to gossip about others, that is not true at all

Anonymous 116345

This is an old post, but how are you doing, nona?


Anonymous 119260[Reply]

I've always been in one sided friendships and relationships where I'm the one carrying the entire thing, and the moment I stop, everything just stops. They just don't care. I am often called a people pleaser as well.

They aren't there for you like you are there for them. You make excuses for their behavior and just try to understand where they're coming from. They would rather talk about other people, ex-drama or their life can even ask how you are doing or what is going on in your life. If they talk about their day, you have to be invested. If you talk about your day, they don't care and will change the topic to something they prefer instead.

As a person who really cares about people I tend to always just be reminded to only care to the point where it can affect you negatively. But it's hard to make any kind of friend or relationship because it's just me caring about their life, problems, and being empathetic while they don't care about mine. Some people will tell you everything about them while not knowing anything about you, and they're fine with that.

I think that if you are genuinely good, kind, or caring then you are definitely gonna be used and taken advantage of. Making friends is hard.

Anonymous 119262

Maybe you're just a really boring person

Anonymous 119270

Omg are you literally me? You should add me on discord pls. I'm avsn33d

Anonymous 119316

Weird, I've been feeling the same way recently. It makes it hard to care about anything going on in life.

Anonymous 119320

im actually here rn cus i feel this way. from everything ive been watching/reading on this topic the solution is to detach from being the initiator and to naturally attract the people who are right for you by treating yourself so well that your confidence becomes attractive etc. like by not caring whether people want to be around you because youre so full of yourself they will start wanting to be around you, which i guess if you think about it is what other people are doing when youre interacting with them and theyre just focused on themselves.

Anonymous 119500

you are hanging around the wrong people

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