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why am i a monster? Anonymous 114884[Reply]

i have a habit of going online and trying to identify anons based on the posts they make. ive also stalked random people from discord servers and logged basically any info i could from them, ive hacked into people's personal accounts through password breaches and phishing links, larped as other people to get close to them, and have even gone so far as to stalk their friends and family.
i take whatever information i can get from them, their insecurities, their personal trauma, and i go on any possible platform i can reach them with and humiliate them with that information. i actively enjoy distressing others, causing them mental grief and poisoning their mental health.
why am i a monster, psychologically speaking? what can be done to get rid of people like me?
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Anonymous 115094


Imagine if the people you harassed were here in this thread mocking you right now

Anonymous 115095

i don't really have hobbies. i think the only hobby i really have is trolling and trying to get a reaction from other people. im a pretty lonely person, objectively speaking.

Anonymous 115110


Try taking up a hobby that involves people, maybe then you'll find a friend or something and stop doing that shit.

Anonymous 115590

that sounds really fun, i do a milder version of that. it doesn’t make you a monster. they are just stupid for not anonymously using the internet

Anonymous 115593

That sounds fun. I basically do the opposite and create a bunch of burner emails tied to different accounts. I use them to larp as different personas and make people upset with really bizarre opinions. I could have said ragebait and outed myself as a person in political-ish circles who cares about xitter takes and outrage porn. Now I probably sound like a redditor.

Especially if I space things out like this. Word choice and formatting is everything tho u could even be a disgusting zoomer w the right presentation.


my brother keeps holding me back Anonymous 115469[Reply]

minor vent but gosh to any potential future parents here please don’t have a kid and then decide to have another one like 8+ years later, im the second parent and it’s so fucking annoying. im 18, my brother is 7 and i’m so tired of having to keep myself from doing what i wanna do jjst because i have to watch my brother and respect his wishes of him not wanting to go to a babysitter or his math tutor. i wanted to go jog today, so ideally i’d drop my brother off at his tutor who lives in the same building as me so i can just go fucking jog and have peace but he hates her and doesn’t wanna go, guys please please don’t have kids with huge fucking age gaps you’ll ruin the oldest sibling’s life. doesn’t help that he can’t stay calm for shit either
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Anonymous 115491

It sounds like the problem is your family's retard genes

Anonymous 115503

takes a retard to know retardation :P

Anonymous 115505

>I have to
>Mother, Father. You procreated that little retard, you care for him. I'm your daughter, not your nanny and I didnt tell you to shit out another one regardless if you are able to deal with it or not. So tag you're it, not my problem.

Anonymous 115587

>gets kicked out

Anonymous 115588

If you aren't financially dependent straight up stop helping. If you are, weaponized incompetence to the max.


Home is a mess since I left Anonymous 115585[Reply]

I graduated highschool back in June. I didnt really have any plans for higher education. I considered starting as a patient care tech, but realized I would be terrible at it.
I didnt want to do anything.
I mostly bummed around for a month and applied to a few places, with pretty much no success.
My parents were really pissed and my dad ended up telling me that if I wouldnt go to school, I would have to pay him rent to continue living there.
Aside from that, home had been stressful most of my childhood with a lot of fighting and turbulence. It was still a stressful place to live with a lot of tension and fights between everyone.
It really pissed me off when my dad did this, because i did not want to live there (ive been fantasizing about moving out since I was a young child) and the only reason I hadnt left was because I didnt want to upset my parents by leaving. I had discussed at length moving in with my LDR bf of 2.5 years many times in the past, but I decided not to because I was worried about hurting my parents.
So hearing my dad tell me I had to start paying to live somewhere I didnt want to or need to be in the first place finally pushed me over the edge I guess. It wasnt just my dad, my mom and my 13 yo brother both told me to get out at some point, albeit usually said in anger but still.
So I packed my shit in trash bags, and a month ago I left, moved halfway across the country. I left without telling anyone until it was time to go, and its a long story but there was a lot of screaming and drama that still makes me sick to remember. I didnt tell anyone because I knew they wouldnt approve and I couldnt cope with the fighting until I absolutely had to, but I guess that just made it all worse for everyone.
The past month of my life has been one of the happiest times of my life. Ive enjoyed being with my boyfriend, I have enjoyed the peace and independence, I have enjoyed living in my own quiet space. Its a pretty comfy life, we dont live lavishly or anything, but we make all our bills and he makes enough so I only have to work part time (though I am still looking for full time positions).
I feel so lucky and spoiled with him.
When I left my family was really shocked and worried thinking my LDR bf was going to hurt me etc. and my mom was upset the most amd kept begging me to come back. She and my grandma visited my new place about 2 weeks after I moved. My grandma ended up loving my bf and being happy fPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Anonymous 102809[Reply]

I was recently raped by a stranger, and one of my moid acquaintances reached out to ask me how I was doing. He ended up professing to a crush on me and told me he loves me. He said he won't be pushy about sex because I have some issues surrounding that. Is this a good sign? I'm just amazed that he doesn't think I'm damaged goods or anything, but part of me thinks it might be a trap.
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Anonymous 103151

i'm sorry that happened to you, you should talk to someone who cares about you or your family, and id suggest to tell your parents about him harassing you

Anonymous 103152

All men really are the same. I'm so sorry.

Anonymous 115581

>my moid
that was funny

Anonymous 115582

Where the rape happened and how I don't understand how shit like this happens and how you are able to still go and suck dick afterwards like you haven't seen a moid at his most authentic sociopathic state
I don't understand how rape happens because women seem to not have the reactions to it I imagine I would have if it happened to me. It's so common but you all just walk around blowing men and never talking about the details of something this horrifying that exists. Just thinking about it makes me so triggered and I can't accept that rape exists but I don't even know how it happens to other women because I am confused by other humans mentality around it and reactions or lack of

Anonymous 115584

I'm autistic btw and I also really don't know how to find or ask for details without sounding like a creepy man…


Anonymous 115527[Reply]

I want to leave my house but have nowhere to go on the weekends

Anonymous 115528

Can you walk around somewhere like the local mall alone? Or a big box store? Maybe a park or an outdoor center if you prefer outdoors? People won't care if you're alone, the more crowded the place the better if you want to be around people

Anonymous 115558

go 2 library and read book

Anonymous 115566


Anonymous 115573

this thread is full of excellent suggestions. i also suggest looking at local events, you can sometimes find those on your library or county websites. also just taking a simple walk around your neighborhood could be nice if that's possible for you


Am i really wrong to not give a shit about people? Anonymous 115506[Reply]

(Save for 1-2 people in my life) I just genuinely dont see the point. They have the nerve to call you out for being a psychopath for being flatly and maniacally indifferent especially to their bs.. and then show a million colorful ways they are equally as bad or worse. All i really wanted was solitude and to figure out who i was a long time ago. Why do i still have to work at this?

In everything i do i am detached and i mean ZERO emotional investment for obvious reasons. (I avoid relationships, men like the plague) But also everytime i try to get back to my nice feeling side people try to destroy it and make you regret bringing it back. But oh if you're detached and indifferent all the time you're fine. No i do not open up to people or rely on people easily, but when i do I DEEPLY regret it and wall myself more. (I dont easily relate to most women. I dont know the solution)

Its so extreme I just don't understand how other women manage or live.

I am at the point where id like to embrace my raw energy in whatever way it manifests, even if it means im some "benign psychopath" to other people. I am going to be as benign a psychopath as other people are benign psychopaths. Just admit it that is what you're surrounded by.

Whether its soft mundane everyday evil, or aggressive/violent in your face evil its all started to feel the same to me.

I guess I just need to rant because im tired of resisting who i want to be. I just don't want to care, its like that is my dying wish honestly. Why do people want you to live like this?


bye nonas, ILY Anonymous 115498[Reply]

been thinking a lot lately.. im on the internet since ten or smth. i think it got me kind fucked up tbh fried my brain. for awhile i thought I was legit depressed. accidentally went offline for a bit. felt so much better??? like the fog lifted idk. it's rly weird clarity. not trying to be preachy but mb the cliche is true and we all need to touch grass more. internet's obv a sim within a sim but mb one sim is already too much for our lizard brains? btw nonas, call your moms if you can/on speaking terms. you never know when you might not be able to. i feel like i'm getting preachy again but honestly tho cherish that normie shit while it's there. idk about u anons but i'm out for as long as i can (ik this is not gonna last and gonna come back venting lol). but for now i gonna try existing ourside the screen. might suck but can't be worse than years of internet brain rot. ily tho fr peace

Anonymous 115499

I genuinely wish you the best. I’m sorry for shitposting.

Anonymous 115534

see you tomorrow


Male Validation and its Consequences Anonymous 115487[Reply]

I feel like I'm in general a much happier person now that I don't put so much on my value on male attention and support. I've come to realize just how disgusting all of it is, moids throwing younger girls around and trading them like Pokemon cards and then throwing them away once they become "haggish" (which to them means turning 21+). The rush of having men care for me was alluring at first, but I quickly came to despise them once they all turned on me. Now that I'm away from them and not living to please them, I've noticed pretty much every aspect of my life has improved. My appearance, my hygiene, my creativity, my will to live and thrive, everything. It's like living for the approval of men has brought me down in every way possible, and now that I broke free and matured past needing their approval, I'm flourishing as a young woman should. Of course, looking back on everything I did and said for them to try and prove to them that I wasn't a super evil whore is kinda embarrassing, but I'd much rather live with embarrassing 3AM memories, than currently be destroying myself like a dancing monkey for them to gawk at until the next younger girl pulls up, leaving me a pile a chopped liver. Now all I need is some real female friends, because pretty much the only reason why I cared for male attention so much was because I had basically nobody to talk to IRL because of my lack of social skills, kinda awkward demeanors and weird interests (weird at the time for a girl in a Philly public school).
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Anonymous 115493


Maybe you should just try and fuck "Chad" yourself since you think about him so much? Just a suggestion

Anonymous 115496

This is honestly not a bad idea. Grindr rates are much more forgiving.

Anonymous 115500

No offense, but how are bottom-of-the barrel nonas supposed to score with Chads?

I'd love to know. And no "Chads will fuck anything" isn't an answer

Anonymous 115501

In all honesty I consider any dude even slightly superior to me, to be a Chad.

Anonymous 115502


Am I fake? Anonymous 115074[Reply]

I hate one specific person. They annoy me so fucking much. But I can't help but be polite & even helpful to them, which means they think I like them, but I really, really don't. Am I fake? Two-faced? Etc? Note that I don't talk about this person behind their back or anything I just really don't like them and seethe silently to myself while giving them a smile.
Am I a bad person or am I just insane?

Anonymous 115075

I have the exact same, I liked her at first but as I got to know her I found her so stupid and annoying. At this point I despise her and hope she never texts me again but I still see her from time to time. Idk if it makes you (or me) a horrible person but I find myself a huge doormat because I just cant tell her to fuck off. I guess it's not a nice thing to do but it's not out of malice, just can't say no.

Anonymous 115081

Are you afraid of confrontations?

Anonymous 115102

A little

Anonymous 115129

I do this too towards several people in fact (all co-workers or people I'm obligated to interact with). I just think it's logical - I would rather just put up with the annoyance than confront them or cause unnecessary drama.

Anonymous 115495

On the contrary, you are a good person who makes an effort not to shit on this person who arguably deserves it


What Are Your Long-term Goals, Dreams and Aspirations? Anonymous 99362[Reply]

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Anonymous 100474

my dream is to rid myself of pesky people around me and finally achieve peace :) also start a family :) and not have people threaten to kill me on a daily basis or have any people i dont enjoy interacting with trying to come into my life and make me into something im not :)

Anonymous 100492


become mental health nurse,get a tubal ligation because i am terrified of pregnancy, adopt a few kids, live on some land and have a little animal sanctuary, interact with as little moids as possible outside of work and moid of my choosing.

radiation and nuclear stuff is my special interest too so i’d like to visit chernobyl

Anonymous 100493

I want in

Anonymous 115478

to be happi

Anonymous 115480

I'm trying to grow an apple tree

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