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looking for betterment advice Anonymous 118711[Reply]

I have pretty much no family that cares for me, I'm sure I've lost my partner at this point, I have basically no friends. And of course, it is my fault. I am extremely mean to the people around me and push people away with how insane and insulting I am.
I pushed my partner away because I am insanely jealous (over nothing) and I start arguments (over nothing) and I am extremely selfish. I do not want to be this way forever. This has gone on so long my partner does not believe I can change. I know I can change, I want to change.

I have nothing left, I'm afraid it is already too late to prove I can change. I have been seriously considering the obvious. What do I have to lose anyways? Who cares?

I just want to be better for my partner, I want to be able to have a healthy relationship. I want to stop being so mean. I want to change my behavior. Therapy and medication do not seem to help. I just do not know what to do at this point. I can't eat and despite only getting two hours of sleep, I am not tired. I am wide awake, I am starving, I am nauseous, and I am full of hate for myself.

How can I make myself better? I am a reflection of my mother and I do not want to continue living this way.

Anonymous 118712

Have you looked into DBT? It focuses on a few things but the most important are building tolerance to stress and not acting on emotions. You absolutely can better yourself, but it will be hard work & there’s no magic pill or quick therapy fix. It’s a lifelong project and there will be setbacks. But the rewards are a better life for yourself and people around you

Anonymous 118714


I looked into it a little bit. Is this effective for someone who has bipolar disorder?

Anonymous 118721

It was originally created for borderline personality disorder but people with ptsd or generally struggling with overwhelming emotions have found it effective. I’m not a great believer in talk therapy but DBT is more about building practical skills you can use everyday

Anonymous 118734

>> I'm afraid it is already too late to prove I can change

How old are you? It's rarely too late for change


i want to get into vidya but i'm dogshit at them Anonymous 118602[Reply]

i'm 19 bored with life and extremely lonely so i tried getting into video games. i never had the chance to get into them when i was younger because i didn't have a pc. the first one i tried out was hotline miami but i'm absolutely shit at it, i have bad reflexes. fpses are already a nightmare for me. how do i get better at them? do you guys have go-to games where you build up skill?
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Anonymous 118664

I mean… its a GAME? How can you be shit at pushing buttons and joysticks around? If you play multiplayer games you need to stop they are shit

Anonymous 118665

Your problem is playing an multiplayer. They are full of losers who spend 17 hours a day playing leveling up and hoarding items. Then they act like psychopath towards every other user. You need to just play metroid, or zelda or something. Stop playing with other people. Unless you can find women to play with. Then fine.

Anonymous 118666

Yeah online games are cancer. Just full of children and man children and they’re all insufferable. If you want to play games with other people then do like some 4 player online game with people you know.

Anonymous 118679

True, the most fun multiplayer I've had recently was Lethal Company, without using a mic and Deep Rock Galactic, while occasionally using a mic. Those games have pretty chill audience and don't have people disappointed at you for being slow and new at the game. Not being a competitive game also helps

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 118684

Moved to >>>/media/35925.


Anonymous 118491[Reply]

I want to kill my mother
I have been seriously considering it and the consequences
Only thing impeding it is that I don’t want another trauma for my sister

As lame as it is I have to ask for government help and a social worker’s going to help me find a house to live with other fucked up people
I don’t know how much time will this take

I’m at my limit. I’ve been self harming everyday and some cuts are so deep they scared me for some time

She doesn’t allow me to be in the same room as her, sometimes doesn’t allow me to eat, will wake me up on purpose, trash talks about me in front of others and makes me say she’s the best mom, tells me to kill myself and yells about everything

I tried to hang myself two weeks ago but I’m so stupid I failed

what if I find housing
I’d have to find another shitty fast food job
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Anonymous 118568

It seems we are in the same boat, Nona. My mother has been equally as horrible to me. I'm sorry to hear you're forced to endure this same torture.

Does your mother have a history of any drug abuse? Is there anything that causes her behavior?

For me, my mother has been abusing drugs since her teen years. Her brain is all fucked up and she's just a degenerate "human" being. Most atrocious, heinous, whoreish, sinful, corrupted, appalling sorry excuse of a woman.

Anonymous 118646

Are you asian?

Anonymous 118677

she doesn’t even drink, she’s just an asshole kek

sorry for what you are going through right now, I hope things get better

Anonymous 118678

latin american


Anonymous 118696

I don't want to kill my mom but I cannot wait until she is dead. She's had untreated mental illness and narcissistic main character syndrome all her life. It's who she is and will never change. Every bad thing she has ever done, if she can admit she did it, had a reason that absolves her from accountability. Her problems are always bigger than mine, even when objectively not so. She is always the victim unless her mood flavor is pretending to blame herself to milk sympathy.
I could go on but she's sick in the head and didn't give me a very supportive nor good life for it.


Anonymous 118644[Reply]

I made a promise with my friend if we're both single after 30 we'd marry each other. Anyone else make a marriage pact with a friend or something similar?

Anonymous 118649

yes but i dont think my school-age friends remember


making friends in your almost 30s Anonymous 118016[Reply]

i think bpd is made up to make women look as stupid and emotional as men but i know i have some kind of mood disorder and it's always been hard for me to hold onto friends. i've put in the work on myself and i have matured a lot. i live out in a remote location so it's hard to meet people and i get so lonely. i really, genuinely need some girlfriends… but i don't want to be desperate. does anyone have any advice on meeting cool girlfriends?
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Anonymous 118598

I'm 29
Fucking 29
Might as well be 50 my life is over

Anonymous 118604

I’m 29 soon…
Death is coming for us all

Anonymous 118616

Did you fall for the "hitting the wall" psyop or something?

Anonymous 118624

No I just notice that I learn new things slower, my back neck and head are in constant pain, and I’m gaining weight faster (lower metabolism)
These changes make me feel like I’m mortal when previously in my youth I could learn new things so much faster and lose weight by just walking around, now I actively have to run on the treadmill for 60 mins straight (which is pain and torture)

Anonymous 118629



Anonymous 118326[Reply]

Where do moids get off saying we are are attracted to "dominance"? Like sorry we just want a moid who isn't a total pushover and able to provide for us, that means we are all masochists or something
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Anonymous 118605


I wish this was true. But sadly moids want to infiltrate everything. I have joined places made by yumejos and it goes one of two ways:

1: the yumejo is 'inclusive' so they will allow shit like cuntboys and masectomy scar pooner fake yaoi. This inevitably leads to troon moids shitting up the server.

2: The yumejo hates tranny shit and makes a server with only pure, real yaoi, you would think this would bring in terf true fujos, but in actuality it mostly brings over scrotes. The scrotes wont even be into yaoi and will actually get angry if yaoi is posted there, but usually the terf yumejo is too much of a pickme to ban the shitty scrotes because they were ostracized by type 1 false fujos.

It's fucking awful.

Anonymous 118606

Why the hell would a yumejo run a yaoi server?
The only yaoi spaces I visit are on reddit and even THEY don't have trannies. The yaoi and BL subs are golden. What the heck are you even on about?

You sound like a larper mixing up fujos and yumejos. Are you even serious about larping though?

Anonymous 118607

No need to act so abrasive. I've been into yaoi since before the terms fujo and yume even existed and tend to avoid modern yaoi culture because of what I stated in my previous message.

I thought yumejo meant a mix between fujo and yume. You could have told me that politely.

Reddit also fucking sucks for everything because half the time shit gets banned/censored before I can even see what the hell it is.

Anonymous 118612

Yeah it really depends on the subreddit, most hobby subreddits are absolutely fine. Some are full of moid scum and tranny mods. You don't get any of that in the fujo subs though. Sure you have have male and female fans. But the trans presence is only heavy in places like r/witchesvspatriarchy.

Anonymous 118614

Also a huge fujo since 2001 and I've honestly never seen anything like that in all my days.


Hate Thread Anonymous 118525[Reply]

What do you hate and why?
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Anonymous 118582

Why do you seem to base all of your political views on gender?

Anonymous 118584


I hate videogame puzzels. I always get stuck, give up or use a guide.

Anonymous 118600

If you're a citycuck just ride a bike. I used to live in the city, and when I did biking was hands down the best mode of transportation. I remember one week I needed to drive a car to work and I actually found that driving took me longer than riding my bike by like 10 minutes, and this was 6 miles away. But looking back at my route it made a ton of sense. I would bike roads that weren't directly accessible to cars, and I never had to wait in traffic.

I know the trendy thing to do is to hate cyclists, but there's a huge culture difference between entitled sports cyclists and bike commuters. I was always mindful when biking to the point where I had a driver once thank me through their window because I gave them the right of way (which like… you just do anyways.)

Biking is also turbo comfy. Even in cold weather.

Anyways, self driving taxis seems like an expensive nightmare. You'd be just one computing error away from the thing going into oncoming traffic. Also musk is a creep who does babyfur erp.

Anonymous 118603

I hate lolcow but go on there occasion because it’s more populated than here. I mention my husband in passing in a post and how he had a positive impact on a situation I was going through, and all the replies completely ignore my entire post (which is like 5 paragraphs long) to shit on my husband (which was one sentence long and barely provided any context on what type of person he is)

The man hating is ridiculous on there. I know how shit men can be, which is why I didn’t marry a loser coomer, but goddamn you can’t even talk about a life situation without them ignoring everything you write and frothing at the mouth at a man, like holy shit. He wasn’t even the point of my post, I just happen to mention him in a sentence because he’s a big part of my life and was helping me out.

Not sure if the posters there are loser men who shit on other men to feel better about themselves or just overall mean and want to fight and nitpick anything.

I like cc /feels/ because you can talk about men in your relationships and life situations and you won’t get dogpiled on for dating a man or having a man in your life helping you out kek

Anonymous 118610

As much as I prefer women over men, I know girls are also deeply fallible creatures, and there's a loud minority of them who are cunts who have about the same level of empathy as your average scrote.

Shitty men deserve ridicule, but yeah, that doesn't mean women can't also hold themselves accountable and do better.

I genuinely believe you are probably could be getting harassed by men as well as women. You might be right, there might be some pissy scrotes mad that you don't follow the stereotypes in their feeble minds of what a female exclusive anonymous imageboard user is like.

Like, I have nothing against a woman who opts out of marriage, and any woman in their right might should opt for being single over being married to a useless loser. But if someone is happily married, then they are happily married.

I really hate that mindset. As women, we should prioritize wanting women to avoid shitty men like the plague, but if they want to get married, we should uplift them and encourage them to have high standards in their partner, not shame them.

I'm a moid hater, I think a lot of them are entitled misogynist incel rapist pigs who deserve to be put out of their misery like the dogs they are, but yeah, there ARE legitimately good men out there who will help better you.

Anyways, I support all nonas, single or otherwise.


Anonymous 118580[Reply]

I don't know how being a woman isn't seen as an existential nightmare. If a man gets raped, it's awful and shameful and he can get PTSD for the rest of his life. But if a woman gets raped, she gets all of those things on top of pregnancy, and either has to get rid of something that's already developing inside her, or go through with an already agonizing pregnancy and give birth to a child and take care of it. A man will quite literally never have to go through that.

I think I only learned that there's a fear of childbirth one or two years ago, and I still am shocked that it's not something in every woman. I've had this "fear" since I was a kid. But to me it's not that different from a fear of snakes or spiders. I never wanted to go through pregnancy back then, and I still don't. If I ever did decide to have children, I would adopt. But right now I still have a fear of experiencing forced pregnancy (or rape) for whatever reason. It doesn't help that any woman I've talked to seemed confused, or thought I was being irrationally paranoid.

I guess I wanted to know if anyone else felt the same.

Anonymous 118581


i get you, nona. ever since i was a wee kid i thought pregnancy was actual body horror, something terrifying that changes you in every way possible, and leaves with you with different secondary effects forever (cuz it changes from woman to woman, for better or for worse).
and i was always so confused (still am) at how everyone seems to think it's this magical, painless miracle that you won't ever regret despite every mother complaining about the lack of sleep, nausea, weight gain, cravings, difficulty to breathe because of their guts being crushed by the baby (wtf!!!!), things like that. and they expect us to DESIRE motherhood? hell no.
fear of pregnancy and childbirth is probably more common than we think but girls just don't say it, perhaps because of fear of being brushed off because society.

Anonymous 118599

I'm curious about pregnancy. My pregnant friends seem to not think it's that bad. Keep in mind I am also a fucking weirdo.
However, childbirth scares the shit out of me. Have you ever compared a human skeleton to an animal skeleton?

Look at the skulls and the shoulders. Animal babies are pretty much streamlined for it. Long snouts, short craniums, and narrow shoulders, these creatures can shit out 10 babies at once without even realizing. It's the EXACT OPPOSITE for humans. I have no fucking idea how the hell this species survived. Back before a C section was possible, most women would die in childbirth. Now THAT is horrifying.

I get it, we are animals, we are hard wired to want to breed. But I STILL do not understand how some severely mentally ill women masocuck themselves into wanting to shit out as many babies as possible.

Anyways, all Im saying is ANYONE shaming women for not wanting to get pregnant or have kids needs to kill themselves, or read some of the horror stories I have.


People stare at me and I’m unsure about why. Anonymous 118567[Reply]

So, I’m in my twenties and maybe I shouldn’t be as insecure about this as I am… But people seem to make an effort to stare me down in public and I wish I had a reason for why that is. Especially on campus.

I mean, I have a few ideas? Maybe? I am rather tall (about 5’11) but this doesn’t make sense because other taller women would stare me down, too.

I figured maybe I just seem a bit unkempt? I put some thought into my appearance— to look as though I’ve showered, at least. But there are others on campus who go in cosplay gear or whatever and don’t seem to draw attention like that.

It’s not in my head because I’ve grown paranoid enough to glance back at them which leads to awkward eye contact.

And I’m not being approached or asked out so I’m also ruling out “eye candy”. As I said earlier, I don’t really dress to impress most times. I do enough to look somewhat presentable and that’s it.

My last best guess is maybe others are right and I do have autism and the “‘tism” stare. I probably look and move a lot more awkwardly than I think I do but I’ve seen myself in reflections before and there’s nothing odd about my walk?


Anonymous 118575

maybe its your face. people stare at things that look odd. are you dysgenic looking? do you look mentally ill? do you have unique features? do you look scared and uptight? do you look gloomy? are you wearing weird clothes? is your race different from everyone? are you masculine looking? idk there can be multiple reasons why people stare. try to not let it get to you. people like to look at whatever looks different thats all. if youre insecure you should try to eliminate reasons the why people do that otherwise you just have to accept that this is your life and people will stare. youre so interesting to look at ig

Anonymous 118576

If you were eye candy you would know it. If you look average and not just men staring i think you are overthinking it. Unless you have some special clothing style that not many people wear

Anonymous 118596


I don’t think I look particularly odd or even dysgenic. Though, I could agree with other descriptions you’ve mentioned. Like “ scared and uptight” and “gloomy”. I’ve been told on a dating site that there is something about my eyes that look “distant” or “sad”. My own family members said that I’m very awkward even when I shouldn’t be (like around them I could never really seem to “calm down”… I’m always nervous and uptight, like you said).

Maybe it’s a body language issue, then. I’ve posed my face and body in front of the mirror on several occasions to see why I could be seen as “off” but it looks normal to me. Save for sometimes when I look mean but only because I’m squinting through the sunshine.

Yeah, maybe I should just ignore and it see it as a part of my life.

Anonymous 118597


I agree with this. I think women who are considered attractive would know this by now. The most I would get outside of campus is honking and being barked at while I’m standing or walking around but I’ve heard this is also done to intimidate, have fun with, or even to mock someone they find unattractive.

Regardless, I don’t care too much about male interest specifically. But I have been curious about why I’m stared at so often despite performing normally.


Anonymous 118348[Reply]

I need help. I've been with this man for 10 months now. I have an anxious attachment style, and he has an avoidant attachment style. It is so exhausting to deal with, and you might say, "Well, just leave him!". It isn't that easy, and frankly, I do not want to lose him. I really do love this man, but we just have so many conflicting moments, more than cheery ones. He always has time for his friends, but never has time for me. The moment I have even an hour alone with him, he feels the need to leave and talk to his friends. I just want closeness, and he doesn't. BUT! when we finally get close, it's amazing. We share good moments together, but it never lasts, and I just end up depressed when it ends. Begging for his attention and affection. There was also a time he vented to this girl about our relationship problems, knowing she flirted with him. And after knowing I wasn't comfortable with that, he still chose to talk to her. He finally stopped talking to her recently, I think…He's very secretive, and when I beg for reassurance, he never gives it. Screenshots? Nah…you're an insecure bitch. Deal with it. It's not fair. It seems like I'm the glue in this relationship, but it's wearing thin…I can only give so much. He's eating everything on the table, but…I need to eat, too. He dismisses my feelings. And he's also never once apologized to me for his shitty actions. I'm always apologizing, even for things I didn't do. He makes me seem crazy for begging him to give the bare minimum. And when he wants my attention, after not giving him any, he tries to get a reaction out of me. For example, he'll post pictures of nude girls, in hopes of ticking me off, so that I give him attention. Even if it isn't positive attention. He's also almost always drunk, so it's like I'm talking to a brick wall when he is. He's also humiliated me in front of his friends, MANY TIMES. He talks bad about me to them, and makes me seem like the villain. It isn't fair. Fuck, man…I just want him to love and appreciate me.
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Anonymous 118385

>'Your guy sounds perfectly normally social, just not with you.'

i hope op won't ignore this

Anonymous 118402

>I just want him to love and appreciate me.

Good luck nona, men like this never change for the better especially when women like you keep giving them the benefit of doubt njo matter how shitty they are to you

Anonymous 118422

You love him but he doesn’t even like you. Think about all of the awful things he does to you and ask yourself if you’d do any of that to a friend. It doesn’t matter how nice and loving he is after he humiliates and degrades you. He’s an abusive asshole and you can’t fix him.

Anonymous 118544

i got out of a very, VERY similar relationship dynamic about 2 months ago and all i have to say is to fucking run. literally the same down to thinking i was anxious-attachment and he was avoidant-attachment, and begging for time together, any attention, and love. the only difference is in shitty actions compared to the guy you're talking about. my relationship was 7 months in total and it's been a slow healing process - don't make it worse than it needs to be . he will not change.

Anonymous 118546

>For example, he'll post pictures of nude girls, in hopes of ticking me off, so that I give him attention. Even if it isn't positive attention. He's also almost always drunk, so it's like I'm talking to a brick wall when he is. He's also humiliated me in front of his friends, MANY TIMES.
Leave him. This is fucked up.

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