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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


I wish it was 2016. Anonymous 119669[Reply]

Or just any time between my birth year and 2016, honestly.

So, something weird happened to me at New Year's Eve.

I had been awake earlier than I wanted to (about 4 AM?). And stayed down with my eyes closed but I felt as if I was in 2016.

Yes, I know it sounds schizo. But I felt like I was that terminally online teen who was obsessed with Dangan Ronpa and Melanie Martinez again.

And it was a genuinely nice moment. Now, as an adult, I try my best to move forward– I have no other choice but to.

But damn, since then it seems as if my brain is unable to move on.

I wish I can awaken back in my home state to my DanganRonpa RP friends spewing their usual brainrot but also I want to make the most of my time and learn that cool skill or three, et cetera.

Anonymous 119671

Damn, zoomers out here really acting nostalgic for 2016 of all fucking years. I always felt the world went to shit like a decade before that, and 2016 was like the final nail in the coffin of everything being fucking insufferable.


Mentally unstable thread Anonymous 119651[Reply]

I keep ruining relations due to mental health.
I have 1 friend who I can talk to, but I don't like to burden them with my problems.

I had a decent bf, he did the dishes for me, showed me off, bought me gifts, had a stable job, good relationship with his family, etc. But due to my mental illness, I accused him of cheating with no proof - just based off a hunch. We broke up a few times but this time it feels final.
He's no longer the adoring man he once was, but now I'm lucky to hear from him once a day. I know my outbursts changed his opinion on me.

To make this post less about a moid, I also have a turbulent relationship with my mom. I don't see her often but when I do we eventually get on each other's nerves and end up bickering.

I feel like I'm drowning in my own mind, but anyone that tries to save me gets pulled under.

Anonymous 119653

Wow, that sucks. It sounds like you're going to have to take this L and pick yourself back up going forward. Try to be more trusting of people in the future. Good luck out there.


Anonymous 119565[Reply]

What are some green flags you like to see in men?
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Anonymous 119622

when they have good manners, good grades, a good relationship with his family, doesn't speak badly about his ex and has no problem with feminists •.•
last one is rlly important cuz im one + lot of men are sexist

Anonymous 119645

im going to sound like a kid, but i like chivalry, innocence, excellence, extremism, twinkism, and nice world views

Anonymous 119646

>chivalry, innocence, excellence, extremism, twinkism, and nice world views

examples o these?

Anonymous 119647

anime shotas

Anonymous 119648


so realll


my bf watches SA porn Anonymous 117618[Reply]

I have been raped 2 times in my life, and SA another 2 times. My BF helped me to get through a couple of those, i really thought he was the only non-evil man in existence.
Recently i noticed that he follows porn accounts that post rape fantasies…
What should i do?, i'm so tired… I'm sorry if I don't post more about my thoughts on the situation, I just don't know what to think.
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Anonymous 119509

Good on you for leaving that POS. Keep setting those boundaries.

Maybe Im too fearful of a person, but it sounds like he could potentially be dangerous if he admitted to imagining being yourr apist. Change the locks, have some protection, just in general be safe.

Dont listen to the gaslighting about "but..but its not all men!1!". Men are not to be trusted, even other men dont trust men. Just my opinion but they are all like that. Or at minimum, eventually most men say or do things that show that they hate or want to dominate/destroy/humiliate women.

Anonymous 119537

You should inform the feds

Anonymous 119558

i was SA’d by a friend a couple weeks after he confessed to me to being a victim of COCSA. that same night he admitted to having a kink and asked me if i had one too, since i had JUST told him about what his friend had did to me in high school. it felt staged looking back. but in the moment i thought i was the first person besides this friends mom he had told about being raped and he explained the kink to me like it was a wanting to take back control thing and he would never hurt anyone. i’d known him for almost ten years and he didn’t hurt me. until he did.

Anonymous 119593

>dates a moid
>he does gross shit
>surprised pikachu face
what exactly did you expect?

Anonymous 119644

I'm sorry that happened to you

Screenshot 2025-01…

Eating disorder Anonymous 119638[Reply]

Even when I was at my lowest weight, I was still unhappy with my physical appearance. I hated how deeply this illness affected me physically and mentally. I could not go to outings, I could not go for lunch with friends, I couldn't eat in front of others without feeling embarrassed or as if I was eating too little that someone would notice or too much. Eventually, people began noticing of course. My friends would comment on how thin I was getting, how I was "body goals". Their elders (all women) also commented and praised me for how thin I had been getting. Of course I thanked them for the compliments, I was very appreciative of compliments from my friends and their elders. In my mind all I could think about was how horrible I felt, how terribly this illness is impacting my life.

I looked in every mirror. The mirror was my biggest enemy. I watched parts of me become slimmer and bonier. But I was still unsatisfied. This illness will be with me permanently. I've sought help, I was doing well for a while, thought I had finally become a winner in an aspect of my life I was struggling in the most. Wrong. It comes back, and it only gets worse. Depriving myself of everything my body needs to sustain itself just to feel satisfied with my appearance.

I am moderately stable as of this moment. I feel myself slipping again and I'm afraid.

If you struggle with this I'd love to read about how you are working to overcome it or even any similar vents. Have you ever been satisfied with the way you look in your eating disorder? Even when you have felt satisfied with your appearance, did you feel as if you had to keep getting worse? If you've recovered, do you ever miss how sick you were? Did you find normality in your sickness?

Anonymous 119643

I used to be really, really bad. I was dying and could barely stand up. Just like you, I couldn't really go to outings. I'd order a lettuce and pick at it, eating a couple pieces here and there to keep up appearances, but people definitely noticed something was off. Eventually my family found out just how thin I really was when they happened to see me when I wasn't wearing a baggy sweater and my mother's screams of terror as she saw just how far gone I truly was haunts me to this day.

It's scary to make a change, but being anorexic really is no way to live. Once I realized I couldn't go on like that, the way I handled things was I did anaerobic exercises while eating more. The options aren't only fat or thin, I figured that I could accept being muscular, that's a healthy way to put on weight.

That was years ago and I don't have any regrets. I don't count the calories or anything anymore. It definitely wasn't easy to get to this point, but just take it slow. I'm sure you have foods you consider "safe" to eat. Just eat more of those until you're full. It took me years before I was comfortable eating unhealthy foods again.

I won't lie to you, sometimes I do miss how delicate and tiny I was, but I definitely made the right choice. I had fully accepted I would never taste chocolate for the rest of my life, I was constantly cold, tired, and in pain. And I really do look better now rather than being a walking corpse. I'm athletic now, I've actually got energy, I'm not bedridden and constantly shivering anymore.

Of course it's scary, but you have to trust that it'll work out. Just eat and you'll finally start enjoying life again. The fact that you've realized the issue proves you have the strength to get through this, that's the hardest part.


liked a girl Anonymous 119571[Reply]

We’ve both been on and off, and he has grown increasingly hostile and neglectful towards me from last year

Made friends with a lesbian mutual and she was my exact type in a girl. I got too attached too quick and she had no idea, but recently my boyfriend broke no contact again. And when i got really codependent to both, they both started ignoring me out of nowhere. So rn im in recov from a failed attempt I think i’ll be content with being a neglected housewife in the future (im pretty sure he’s still dating me out of convenience)

Anonymous 119572

Sorry, for context, I discovered I also liked girls while in a relationship with a neglectful moid

Anonymous 119633


hi nona! i was in a similar situation before, VERY similar , so dont think youre alone !!
my personal opinion is drop the moid, nothing good will come out of a codependent relationship w a neglectful pos moid. and maybe try to tell your lesbian mutual how you feel . dont compromise your happiness by entertaining a man that doesnt deserve or care for you. im still dealing with the repercussions today of not leaving a codependent rls with a male .

just be honest with the girl you love , thats the best thing you can honestly do, nona


Advice, Please! I can’t choose a hobby!!! Anonymous 118809[Reply]

I am seemingly interested in EVERYTHING but never actually do anything… What do I do!?

My best breakthrough is to do multiple hobbies at once… maybe three? But even then I cannot decide which three to do!!!
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Anonymous 118897

I feel like I'm going through something similar where I'm so compelled to take up a new hobby for about a month or so, and then quietly lose interest and move onto something new. I've tried returning to piano, drawing, gardening, dance, bead spriting, baking…nothing seems to stick, but I still want to do all of it. lately I find myself reminiscing about how I used to write stories and poetry all the time when I was a kid, but I'm also looking at these gorgeous outfits and cosplays on social media and dreaming about how cool it would be if I could make and alter my own clothes. there's not enough time or money in a hundred lifetimes to do everything, but here I am dipping my toes in ten different pools. so…let me know when you figure it out!

Anonymous 118900

>I am seemingly interested in EVERYTHING but never actually do anything… What do I do!?

i've been like that for a long time. i think what helped me was to change my perspective from what i wanted (which was a lot) to what time do i have and how to spend it wisely. time is the precious resource and you spend it. when you want to do stuff and don't end up doing it, you are not in the habit of spending your time.

had the hardest time with planning my days, waking up every day felt a completely unrelated new life. one thing that helped was always thinking of one thing for the next day and then writing it down because my head was so fast and so all over the place that i often forgot my decisions and then wasted a day not remembering what i actually wanted to do and then late in the evening when it was no longer possible i remembered.

Anonymous 118905

I'm interested in starting acting/improvisation, but both are too expensive to start, I can't afford classes since I'm an unemployed shutin. Also both communities seem really toxic, not just cliquey and intolerant of "difference", but in that people actively celebrate the cliquey-ness/intolerance, and brush it off as "just how it is".

(also I'm not sure I'd be good at line memorisation)

Anonymous 118906

I hope you can afford classes one day. acting is fulfilling for the soul, and I miss it terribly.
I def get being worried about it being cliquey. what I'll say from having both cast and crew experience is that the cliquey feeling is often a byproduct of the nature of theatrical work. a lot of actors will make an effort to be welcoming, they tend to be pretty personable.
also it's normal to be intimidated by memorizing lines! the process might not be like you're thinking, though–for me it felt more like learning song lyrics than trying to memorize a book or something like that.

Anonymous 119042

I don't want to sound rude and I know starting my post with this does not help me achieve that.
How autistic are you?
Can you sit down for long periods of time, do you have to constantly be moving, do you pay attention to tiny details that aren't important, etc etc?
My point is what can you physically handle, that should help narrow it down, for example if you want to be outdoors and are in decent shape then you can try hiking, or if you want to be glued to the internet then try streaming and making an anime girl avatar.


making friends is so hard Anonymous 119277[Reply]

I wanna make friends so badly but i feel like i always manage to ruin it because of how awkward i am it doesn’t really matter to me who the person is I just want to talk to someone :(

Anonymous 119279

I think its honestly due to technology or smartphones. Nobody seems to ever want to communicate anymore other than with just their inner circle of friends. I am not an awkward person, but even the friendships I do make don't last long not because I am not trying, they just stop making the effort to communicate or even link up.

Anonymous 119280

Do you mean real life friends or just discord friends?

Anonymous 119282


i think this is probably the case too… it seems like no one really cares to get to know anyone anymore it feels like whenever i meet new people i cant even expect to talk to them anymore past that even if were considered “friends” everything just feels so fake

Anonymous 119283

either or i just wanna be able to talk to people about anything really :(

Anonymous 119340

I'd say the best way to make good friends is too find an obscure community for, well, anything really and be active on it, even if they tend to be full of weirdos. I used to be really really awkward socially growing up, I then joined the community for a game that no longer exists in principle and found friends that'll last me a lifetime.


Is Elementary Education an okay career to pursue? Anonymous 119516[Reply]

Because I’m severely regretting my decision after believing this would be something I can see myself in.

But I can’t seem to figure out why?

Anonymous 119517

OP HERE… I’m not even a people-person— I’m so over, ladies.

Anonymous 119521

I'm not a people person either, but I love teaching and working with kids. I didn't like it at first, it grew on me once I had cultivated the right skills. But it's definitely not for everyone
. How far into your program are you?

Anonymous 119536

I've watched hundreds of videos on teachers talking about quitting.

I don't think it's worth it. Low pay, almost dead end and the kids are getting increasingly psychopathic and narcissistic. The administrative policies are "mechanisms of anxiety" as Mark Fisher puts it 10 years ago. They exist not for the welfare of the students or the welfare of the teachers, but to appease external agencies, media and the general population. You'll realize that you spend maybe 20% of your actual work hours in class while the rest of it is just preparation, paperwork, interacting with parents, navigating the administration (politics) and self-reporting.


I feel so good awful Anonymous 119532[Reply]

I am 22 without a degree because I dropped out of college due to being too depressed. Now I am a failure without a job prospect at 22 I should try construction
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Anonymous 119540

me too but 26 T-T

Anonymous 119545

Didnt drop out but just barely managed to get a meme degree after almost a decade. I kept avoiding the upper year classes as they required presentations for like 3 hours, plus changing classes due to being indecisive about my major. Im not smart enough for STEM. Im in my 30s, but I still dont know what I want to do in life. I almost want to work with animals, I just dont think I could deal with ending their lives or seeing them in pain. But I want to help them..OTOH, my own pets were the hardest losses Ive ever experienced. So maybe a diff career choice would be wise, something not involving social interaction or night hours due to creepy moids. Idk.

Anonymous 119546

I dropped out too and it turned out okay in the end. Got a comfy WFH job now and I didn't need a degree to get it.

Anonymous 119547

which job share the secret pls pls

Anonymous 119556

Local government in the UK, I arrange meetings, take minutes, put reports on the website.
It's very chill, and since we started remote meetings in covid nobody wants to go back to the office so I've been able to stay home.
My top tip is just to get into a big organisation with an internal jobs board, because they'll usually only advertise the comfy WFH jobs internally.

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