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Sociality-how to Anonymous 120249[Reply]

So I've grown up a bit of my anti-social phase. I still love books and solitude and hate maintaining relationships but I want to go to parties/club and dance and feel alive every now and then. Not really for the casual sex part, just remembering I'm young.
I'm 22, not terrible ugly, and live near a big city. How do I start? I don't have any friends to go out with, don't know any clubs/parties and quite afraid of meeting people who know me there.
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Anonymous 120272

hedonistic party culture is quite dull if you're not around people you like. more importantly, it could be quite dangerous if you're around people you don't trust. also, making a fool of yourself is a big part of being young haha. just don't end up on barstool sports or something…

Anonymous 120276

Try looking up clubs near you and visiting. It helps if you already have artists you're interested in and go to their shows. You can go alone, just make sure you're well equipped. Have some pepper spray in the very least.
OP stated she's not in it for the casual sex part which I hope she adheres to…
But being outside and clubbing doesn't need to equate to sexual promiscuity. Try to work on your reading comprehension desu!

Anonymous 120297

who said anything about dressing for men lol? moid accusations get thrown around a lot here but this time I genuinely think you are one

Anonymous 120301

Hi, try bringing a book, finding a dive bar, and just read in the back of it with a beer. That is step 1. Otherwise, if you want to jump into it, find an artist or event you like at a club and buy a ticket. TBH large clubs are not so fun by yourself, more fun when you have a drink and a cig outside with your friends.

19hz.info and Resident Advisor are good spots to find out where the events are.

Anonymous 120350

Oh that's a really interesting concept, never heard of dive bars. I like reading in cafés and I guess bars can't be that different.. Wouldn't it be odd to be there alone?

That's a great idea! Show tickets are expensive but I guess it's worth it if the music and vibes are good. Thank you

I've finished my degree and coming to students' parties would feel like being a creep.
And to the nonas that said the main part is having fun with your friends I guess you're right, but getting friends is really unbearably hard because I'm a very cold and inconsiderate person. I don't want to hurt anyone :(


Is anybody else kind of scared of autistic guys after some bad experiences Anonymous 120343[Reply]

Not all of them, but a lot of them get really clingy/obsessive and creepy EVEN AFTER you use clear communication and tell them you're not interested/to knock some behaviors off, and some of their responses to "no" are to escalate their behavior, threaten you, or act in threatening ways that suggest they may have… plans to do something nefarious to you.

It makes me feel bad because a lot of autistic guys are nice. But I've had way too many creepy guys latch on to me, because I'm a girl who still will have conversations about gaming/anime with anybody who can relate, and I literally just know how to do makeup/am not super fat.

It doesn't help either that a lot of wackos are self diagnosing as autism these days when they get caught breaking the social contract and doing something extremely reprehensible or disgusting.

And now if you call out one of these people who you know has 0 symptoms of autism, except disregarding what is and isn't appropriate, because it DOES have other symptoms y'know… BOY are you in for a treat, enjoy getting mobbed.

It seems like it's becoming the ultimate excuse for sexual harassment/rapey comments/behavior, and if you reject their sentiment, you're le evil abelist wammen who is doing a disservice to humanity by not giving yourself to every mentally incompetent or evil man that wants you and isn't afraid to sexually harass you.

Anonymous 120344

bear with teddy be…

> call out one of these people
perhaps you've just worded it strangely but if you really do mean "call out" in the "public humiliation / shaming via truth nuke" sense, i would stop doing that. it is a fantastic way to irritate (possibly dangerous) people and basically never results in them changing their behaviour. if you really want them to seriously consider what you have to say, go to them privately. if you don't care enough to do that, weigh up what it is you're actually getting out of "calling people out". usually you're doing it for your own gratification, and that's no reason at all.

> men are getting creepy / obsessive / clingy

universal moid trait (endearing in small doses) and certainly comorbid with autism. it's not irrational, then, to be cautious upon finding out a man is autistic. that's just pattern recognition.

> you're le evil ableist wammen

as you've recognised this is just another shitty excuse for shitty behaviour. put it with the rest.


Lost my entire friend group, feeling lost. Anonymous 120338[Reply]

Throughout Jan, I had a friend group of women who were around my age who sorta shared the same views as me. (not really the more i realize)

Everything was going so great and I enjoyed everyone's presence. However after a while, they came to terms about my mental issues after I opened up about them, hoping for some sort of support. They immediately began to mock me, making fun of my entire situation and began perceiving me being mentally ill as something obscene and grotesque.

I ended up cutting them off completely as they were prone to making fun of the women they'd cut off and I didn't want to be humiliated for a place i felt safe in.

I am glad that I left because I realized everyone there was racist or literal comgirls looking off of male validation.

But they gaslight me constantly, as if I was in the wrong, not taking accountability. Had a few people cut me off because of them.

I still feel like shit because of it and I feel worthless.

Anonymous 120342


If they acted like that then maybe you're better off not being around them.
You said yourself that looking back on it you don't have as much in common with them as you thought.
I'm sure you'll find new friends sooner or later, ones who treat you better.


I think I accidentally stalked/harassed a guy Anonymous 118749[Reply]

There’s this guy at my university who I instantly was attracted to when I met him, I approached him, we exchanged numbers and texted a few times. I wanted to be in a relationship with him because I rarely find guys who I feel intense physical attraction for He told me he wasn’t looking for a relationship right now, but I figured I could just wait it out. I sent him a really long text explaining how physically attracted I was to him, not saying I wanted a relationship but that I’d be willing to wait, he didn’t respond so I deleted his number and didn’t text him again. I knew he went to the gym so I kept on showing up at the gym just to see him. I would just make eye contact on my way in, then run on the treadmill a bit, not approaching. Today I decided to go up to him and say something, and he told me to stop bothering him. I said ok and left the gym immediately. I guess I won’t be going to the gym again. It’s frustrating how none of the guys I like ever like me back. I was actually holding back how obsessive I could be. I guess my gushy text expressing how I liked his physical appearance was a bit overboard. I wish I was a normal person and not a socially reclusive broken retard. I want to kill myself so bad
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Anonymous 118974

I think it's just commenting on being a hot guy, not claiming to be one. Are you upset about the poster or the message?

Anonymous 118993

who wouldnt be hurt over you lying about rape in this porn addict larp? dumb tranny. you have no conscience. just an identity to feed your subhuman lies in this gay reddit post

Anonymous 120221

God I wish that was me

Anonymous 120334

I have the same problem as u op, except the guy I'm obsessed w isn't even attractive. Idk why I'm so fixated on him. I guess it's cause it's super hard for me to be attracted to ppl (it happens like once every 3 years) so when I meet someone I think i have some kind of chemistry w it becomes an obsession. P sure I'm gonna die alone. I haven't seen my guy in 6mo but I still message him tho he barely replies.

Anonymous 120340

>I sent him a really long text explaining how physically attracted I was to him
Yeah huge mistake, dont do that


Vent Thread Anonymous 120288[Reply]

Previous thread >>117577

Anonymous 120289


I'm used to be introverted friendless slob who desperately wanted human attention and now I'm leader of small student organization (which is part of bigger organization) and God, I'm so tired of these cunts. They all are sick, either physically or mentally. You can't plan shit with them, because tomorrow they're having migraines and mental breakdowns. My boss demands me to find new people convince them into joining my organization. How the fuck I am supposed to do it when no one, no one wants to meet new people and talk with them even for hour. Those fucks talk about how they don't like studying and retarded professors, but when they have the opportunity to skip classes and do something useful they all suddenly choose lectures and shit. They only come for the fun part and never want to help in non fun parts. Screw this shit,

Anonymous 120291

what kinda organization is it? since you're the leader, can't you just take it easy and make everyone else do the work?

Anonymous 120292

herding cats is what leaders do, it's why no one actually likes being in charge, just envious of the attention those who are have on them.

Anonymous 120335

This is an absolutely silly vent, I guess it's a pet peeve… but does any one else hate how on threads like "what's the worst thing you've ever done", the replies are always some nonsense like "the worst thing I did to a woman is my mum really hurt when she gave birth to me"… No seriously. What's the percentage of men who've raped, what's the percentage of men who've deceived to obtain sex… apparently something like 50% of german men have purchased a prostitute… Am I seriously led, on male dominated message boards to believe that the worst thing you've ever done is "I cheated on my geography homework because the world map was on the back of my schoolboook" or whatever.

I get that people aren't actually going to dig deep, reach into that deep mental abyss, and really talk about the worst recesses of their mind… or incriminate themselves. But honestly, try to at least post the second or third worst anecdote, not some random zany anecdote which is obviously forgivable because you were 12, and if you want to claim a zany anecdote is the worst thing you've ever done, at least make it a zany anecdote where you unwittingly ruin someone's life.


Who else lives like this? Anonymous 110389[Reply]

This isn't my picture, but it's the way I live.
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Anonymous 111855

ew you're a grown adult get off your ass and clean after yourself

Anonymous 111857

Cleaning isn't really a 'chore'either unless you start forcing yourself into this elaborate list and schedule. Returning your house to coziness is calming and rewarding. It is like popping bubblewrap or using a zen sand rake.

Anonymous 120305

I think living like this my entire life because my parents don't care gave me a complex about feeling cramped and unable to just wander. When I go to normal people's houses, I get the urge to just walk around and stretch in their wide open clean rooms. I do clean up, but every time I do, the space gets full of junk again. And not trash, if it was all trash then it would be easy to get rid of. It's just… stuff. And it annoys me. My parents buy so much shit we never use. I cleared the kitchen counters, 3 bags of stuff, and they've been in my room for months. None of it has been touched or missed. It wasn't necessary. But we have it anyway. Too much to put in cupboards. And I don't want to throw it all away because it feels like a waste.

Anonymous 120326

i live in prague. please clean for me too (ㅠ﹏ㅠ)

Anonymous 120333

My apartment is very small and the entryway and kitchen look like this. I hate it. I'm going to clean tonight.


Anonymous 120315[Reply]

What are some green flags you like to see in men?

Anonymous 120317


Anonymous 120328

buying me flowers, asking about my day, buying me gifts, being respectful to his family, kind to people and animals, gives me footrubs, doesn't watch porn, not scared of bugs/lightning/clowns like a pussy, does his own chores, good hygiene, recognizes when societal trends have it backwards without hating on the sheep, not overly sexist, wants marriage/kids, active but does not lift weights at the gym, does not listen to rightwing grifters

Anonymous 120329

killing themselves idk

Anonymous 120331


None, accept maybe leaving me the fuck alone, but that just means that harrassing some other nona instead.
Fuck off moid.
You can't sit with us

Anonymous 120332

My current BF was always super helpful at work, especially when the actual guy who was supposed to assisting the team was fucking around on a different floor. What really sealed the deal for me when I saw him come in early and leave small gifts on everyones desk on christmas(we work in a 24/7 dispatch office) and didn't say a word when everyone came in.


Anonymous 119920[Reply]

Does it bother you if you're partner is open about their previous relationships, previous ONS, ex-girlfriends, ex-wives, and such and always brings them up?
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Anonymous 120313

Getting used by a man who also doesn't care what you like and only pleases him doesn't sound so man-decentering

Anonymous 120314

Yeah, getting used by a man without any love, affection, cuddling or romance in "return" (I mean ideally the man should actively want to cuddle you and actively love you) is my personal hell.

I mean, anon is right, I am sexually repressed because I want love but I know objectively that very few men even pretend to love their lovers/gfs/'hookups', let alone actually love them. Then they call you clingy and act like you're a crazed maniac for having sex with the expectation they love you.

Anonymous 120321

Sex with men is inherently risky for women. Sleeping around will never be a healthy sex life, sorry. Loving relationships only.

Anonymous 120324

They will cuddle you. There's a lot of misinfo about what casual sex is like and I get it. In movies and TV there's a trope of the chauvanist man who pumps and dumps a different woman every night and then forgets about her forever more. I've never actually met one of those men.

I have 2 men right now who I intend to keep around for awhile. I see each one maybe twice a month cause my sex drive is low. The younger one buys me food so he's a free meal ticket. With the older guy we just get to fucking, cause he's busy or whatever. (He sometimes takes me shopping so who gives a fuck). Then, whoever it is, I go back to his place, fuck him, and we usually cuddle and goof of to my hearts content cause we both like that. We watch movies too usually. The sex is always good because I only date men who let me control the situation. The young guy even likes it when I tie him up and hit him lol.
This is the important part: after I go home, I DON'T NEED TO ENTERTAIN THEM ANYMORE. I can ghost them as long as I want. No babysitting men and their stupid fuckin problems.
I'm rambling about all this because I wish I knew it 2 years ago. You can get what you need sexually without having to kiss some moid's ass.

At this point I'm nearly aromantic. A few low-committment moids tending to my needs is good. Never marrying, never getting a bf.

Anonymous 120325

Whatever rocks your boat, most casual stuff doesn't go like this and can end up in abuse.
I just find this very appalling and sad, would rather do nothing instead.


am I the problem? Anonymous 120256[Reply]

i'm a very anxious/nervous type person. i've been with my bf for about 2 years now and we only talk through messages on discord for the most part cause we live very far away from each other and I get way too scared to call. growing up, I pretty much avoided boys and so i really cant talk to him. we've tried a few times but I just cant. it makes me insanely scared and nervous. he sends me voice messages sometimes though and he sounds really really really cute and I tell him this all the time, how cute he is. problem is the other day I sent him a video of me talking about some random stuff and he was just called me cute a bit. I know this sounds stupid but i guess I was expecting him to be like "awww you sound so so so cute" and stuff but he seems like only mildly interested? I don't know. I don't think he said anything wrong but its just that I feel like I'm so in love with him and enamoured by him and I don't know if he feels the same and its making me depressed.
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Anonymous 120273

i think its important for you to tell him how much you need affirmations and enthusiasm. although, you're better off growing your self esteem in ways other than an online boyfriend. but i have had friends who made the whole online relationship thing work and regularly visit their boyfriend/spend time together in collaborations on projects. you will only get closer if you call. wouldn't it be nice to experience each other live and unscripted?

Anonymous 120281

thank you, I hope that's it

yeah i've tried lots of times to tell him how I need lots of reassurance and stuff and I think he tries but just when he feels like it. tbf though, I think I do overthink things a lot. like the other day, I mentioned I was wearing slippers and he asked if they were bunny slippers and I felt really upset because they weren't that kind and why would he think I have bunny slippers?

i'm trying to work more on my self confidence though and being more normal. I was really happy to have sent him that video of me but his reaction wasn't what I was expecting ig. i'm gonna try to work up the courage to call him at some point though.

Anonymous 120302

I think if he called you cute then you should probably believe that. Depending on his personality type, he might not be the kind of person to say "you sound so so so cute", and from his perspective, he might be anxious too.
That being said, you should try to see your emotions through the lens of an external observer. Some of the defensiveness and overreactivity to specific phrasing might be new to someone not used to providing this level of support, and taking a step back and thinking "why do I feel this way when he does X", and trying to examine whether it could be from your own past emotional background, can help in developing better coping mechanisms.

Anonymous 120311

It is scary, but you really need to just bite the bullet and talk to this stupid moid, preferably with both of you on cam. The more you do that, the easier it'll get. Also, you'll start seeing him as an actual person instead of a 'really really really cute' sounding voice. To answer the titular question, sorta? Idk why he hasn't insisted on this either, though, if you're both serious about this and have been 'official' for 2 years . . .

Anonymous 120320

Yes you are the problem. You sound incredibly narcissistic and insecure and frankly insufferable. I was like you a couple of years ago though, so you'll probably grow out of it if you genuinely desire to do so .


lesbian or comphet?? Anonymous 120224[Reply]

Hi everyone,
I'm not sure if this post is allowed on here, but it's worth a shot. I'm 19 this year, and up until I was 14 I was convinced I was heterosexual. But every time a guy hit on me or asked me out, I'd get this deep feeling of dread and disgust. Once I even cried because I felt 'dirty'. When I was 16, I saw this boy, I really really liked him. I'd talk about him all the time, wish he'd ask me out, got upset when he turned me down, etc. Eventually, I went on a date with him when I was 17, and I came home genuinely wondering if I was a lesbian. I had an on and off thing with him throughout last year, but every time my friends would jokingly refer to him as my boyfriend, I'd feel disgusted that they could even percieve me that way. I'd have so many talking stages with guys, but after a day or two, that 'honeymoon phase' would wear off and I would genuinely hate them. Every time my friends would talk about boys, I'd feel this almost imposter syndrome when I'd talk and try to relate to them. When I'd see guys IRL, I'd study their faces, imagine scenarios, before finally deciding to like them. I liked getting attention and validation from men, but I'd never want it to get serious. My 'feelings' for men i've 'wanted' recently always wittles down unless I see them IRL, then I want them to want me again. Sounds pretty lesbian, right?

Here's my dilemma. I've had two 'talking stages' with girls before, and I lowkey got that same 'ick' feeling. I'd honestly get uncomfortable every time my friends / family members / literally anyone would just percieve me as capable of having romantic feelings period. (I.E., insinutating i'm busy on valentines, asking about relationship prospects, etc.) I find the idea of being with a man appealing, occasionally find myself wanting a boyfriend even, I find male fictional characters attractive, and I've had crushes on IRL men before but they were always unattainable in some way (i.e. tiktok boys or passers by on the street.) I remember having crushes on boys as a kid, before I could conceptualise male validation. I don't feel aversed to being with a man, and I find sex with AMAB individuals appealing. I've had phases where I even questioned my attraction to women and thought I was straight and faking it.

However, I can't differentiate between these feelings towards men being comphet / wanting validation / loving the chase, or if I'm just bisexual and currently going through the 'bi cycle'. My standards for Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anonymous 120271

your experience seems more about having a psychological issue with sex rather than about being a straight or bi in general. for example you say you dont like that people can perceive you sexually regardless if its with a man or woman. so maybe its because of trauma or maybe its because being "taken" reduces your worth as a human being in our culture, i dont know, but something tells me its easier for you to have crushes on fictional men and imagine having sex with genderqueers because it doesnt involve any of that. maybe having crushes on extremely attractive men offsets that degradation/disgust since hes already high value himself, it doesnt count enough to reduce your own worth. and as the honeymoon phase finishes the fantasy of romance dies out and the disgusting reality of being expected to give up your body kicks in, like a grotesque corruption of genuine love, you feel sick. but im talking shit. its probably as simple as that other anon puts it. if you masturbate to boys more, even though youre chances of being happy with a woman is higher than a(n ugly) man, youre still likely straight/bihet. i think its normal to be disgusted by men if when youre suppose to be attracted to them. your story sounds less comphet more polilez atp

Anonymous 120290

you're not a lesbian, just catholic

Anonymous 120298

hmm, it sounds like you might be on the aro/ace spectrum, anon. I've had these feelings as well. Sometimes we like to idealize relationships because we've been taught to want them but once reality hits they become icky. asexual people aren't always repulsed by sex. some of them even enjoy it. idk if CC can tell you who you are, but I think you should definitely look into this.

Anonymous 120318

Asexuality isn't a thing. It's the absence of a thing, and therefore not something to identify as. Stupidest shit ever. Anyway OP you sound like a textbook hysteric, read some Lacan or find an analyst if you can.

Anonymous 120319

Asexuality isn't a thing. It's the absence of a thing, and therefore not something to identify as. Stupidest shit ever. Anyway OP you sound like a textbook hysterical neurotic, read some Lacan or find an analyst if you can.

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