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Why do I feel disgusting Anonymous 119160[Reply]

Ok so over the summer I had to deal with a moid who literally would always say “you disgrace your family” all because he knew I liked girls and I liked the same girl as him but I’m just worried if I’m actually wrong I feel sick I wish I could just be like other girls rlly idk I just feel tired,sorry for yapping
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Anonymous 119162


Call him cringe and a boomer. I bet he does a bunch of disgraceful stuff too and he's a hypocrite for judging others.

Anonymous 119163

Thank you nona,and yeah he was rlly bad just words do get to me easily lol

Anonymous 119164

What even is really considered ugly kek

Anonymous 119165

If no one looks at you with sexual desire? When children cringe when they see you? When the only person to ever compliment you is your mum.

Anonymous 119218

>you disgrace your family
Oh that’s fucking rich. Could you imagine if that scrote’s parents had to look at his search history? I’m sure they’d be so proud of their baby boy.

Screenshot 2024-12…

I'm so miserable Anonymous 119127[Reply]

My partner died 2 years ago, and I'm still finding his death really difficult to cope with or accept. He was in his early twenties, he was very kind, sweet, sensitive and naive, like Buddy the Elf, he didn't understand why the world was so cold and unforgiving. He was only 24 and we were going to get married.

I am haunted by his innocence, he was very immature and childlike, and he never learned the correlation between actions and consequences. His death is the tragedy to end all other tragedies. Everyone he met adored him.

Why did I not think to check his breathing that night, knowing he had been doing drugs with his friends in the city all day? Why did that not occur to me? It could have changed everything.

I just want to lay on his warm chest one more time.
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Anonymous 119152

>He had to take them to cope with his traumatic childhood
Makes sense. How did it work out for him?

Anonymous 119153

Such a good person that preferred drugs over important people in his life (you, I assume).
Remember that.

Anonymous 119167


Anonymous 119212

It’s insane how more and more each day this sites posters resemble le classic incels in how terrible they are. Posting about how someone you loved died from a mistake and not a single shred of attempted empathy, just hatred towards a stranger out of a jaded view of love and the opposite sex. You all need help

Anonymous 119214

Whoa, you're telling me that a website based around capturing a gendered portion of the audience of an imageboard that's full of incels is also full of incels from that specific gender? Damn, what a shocking turn of events


how do i stop getting annoyed at my bf when we duo Anonymous 118960[Reply]

i feel pretty alone in this because usually the genders are swapped. my bf is a FILTHY CASUAL gamer and i am a tryhard. we always play a few rounds, he keeps throwing, my mood goes down and i get quiet, and then we quit because he can tell i am getting annoyed.

logically, i know i am a huge loser for not being able to enjoy a game with him even though he is bad. i wish i could just laugh at his mistakes and carry him. but i get mad that he is dragging me down, and i don't know how to change how i feel. i find enjoyment in improving, learning, and trying to win. i don't understand how casuals can enjoy playing the game without trying to win. goofing around doing nothing is only fun for so long. to me casual gaming feels like a huge waste of time. i've communicated this to him, but we both can't figure out a solution. he told me to never expect him to get better, and he thinks i should just find other people to play with. but i don't know anyone else who wants to play the games i do, and i dont like queuing with random people that i don't know that well.

should i just give up on trying to play games i actually like with him? can any nonas relate to this or knock some sense into me?
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Anonymous 118965

i lol'd at the description of him tping to turret. thanks for sharing

i also grew up gaming, and he didn't have a PC or console until a few years ago. so there's a huge skill gap for us too. i wish i liked some casual games, any recommendations?

honestly i think your advice is pretty good. it makes me disappointed that i can't enjoy those games with him, but yeah, a relationship without resentment is way more important

Anonymous 118985

My bf was trying to get good at league and knew more knowledge stuff than me, he’d read the league wiki and watch videos so he was trying but the reflexes and hands weren’t there. So I requested we play something where reading the wiki and knowing the game inside out would be beneficial for us. We started playing baldurs Gate together and since it’s turn based and strategy (a game he excels at) we’ve been having tons of fun.

And I went back to my old casual gaming ways and have started rekindling my love for the sims 2 again. I know it doesn’t seem like a multiplayer game but you can make it by having each other playing and raising different families and then plotting to marry them off. We live together so we share one PC for this but if you are e dating you can send him your neighborhood files and when he’s done a round he can send you the updated files

We also play Cereza and the Lost Demon. It’s single player but he plays cereza who literally just exists to hold enemies down and I play the demon where the fun combat goes in. Mario games are good too, Mario Kart he sometimes gets in first but then he goes into last place because there’s chaos. Smash Bro’s is a game he doesn’t like because he’s still not used to controllers and I just end up killing him in under a minute, not very fun for either of us

There’s so many games out there, you can even have him watch you play single player mode too. My bf likes seeing the cut scenes and since he’s into strategy he offers suggestions on what moves, he’s kinda like Futaba from P5 that way (Personas another good single game, highly recommend)

Anonymous 119076

My best friend's bf was like that and it was miserable to play with them / hear her be sad always because he got mad over a video game. Jesus it's not that serious noona, have fun and stop being a prick, you bf just wanna chill with you, not be part of esports team. Be tryhard but with random people lobby, not your friends and family.

Anonymous 119083


Maybe there's another geimu to be mutually tryhard together in if he sucks at class shooters as a genre, alternatively you could send him down paths to draw fire or blow up mines for you while you uh support him

Anonymous 119213

There are types of games i specifically avoid playing with my bf cause while he's not amazing i really suck at them and he doesn't like it because he doesn't want to be upset at me.
Just find another kind of thing you can play together you aren't so try hard at.


I hate self-diagnosis… Anonymous 118752[Reply]

But I’m genuinely and almost certainly convinced that I have autism.

One side of my mind wants to finally have the personal validation of knowing more about myself. The other side wants to leave it alone.

Anonymous 118753

You probably aren't autistic, just got trapped on a circle of destructive behaviour so powerful that it seems like something inevitable like a syndrome instead of something the circumstances have made.

Anonymous 119211


Autism is a genuine and verifiable life defining syndromic developmental disorder anon.
Or at least it used to be. These days the diagnosis has been watered down to be more of a personality quirk or characteristic rather than the disease it actually is.
The person who coined the term, Bleuler actually promoted sterilizing them, same with schizophrenics, another term Bleuler coined that also used to refer to an actual life destroying disease rather than some kind of horoscope star sign bullshit/overpathologization of normal behaviour/legal disclaimer to justify bad behavior

If you had actual autism you would know it, you wouldn't be sitting around pondering it.
Fuck Hans Asperger he ruined autism


Long Distance Relationships Anonymous 44204[Reply]

Thread to discuss Long Distance Relationships. The struggles, the pros… meeting the person for the first time… meeting them for the 50th time… vent both sad and happy things. LDRs can be quite a challenge but it's the right thing for some people.
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Anonymous 118447


thank you, sweet anonita.. we are only a couple hours away from each other. i feel incredibly lucky. congrats to you, >>118446 and others!

Anonymous 118888

you didn't do anything wrong he's just to much of a coward to communicate

Anonymous 118889

>Go on soc
>See it's 99% horny dudes
How do you even find a bf there? You must be flooded by nasty moids saying anything for a lay

Anonymous 118920

Right time right place. You also gotta do background checks and search for their discord handle in the archives before adding. If you see him posting in sexting threads and shit like that, don’t add him

Anonymous 119168

my gf and i have been long distance for a bit over 3 years now. im getting frustrated because every time i ask what our long term goals will be i get a vague non answer ("well when i graduate…" etc)

thankfully both of us have the income to afford multiple trips a year to see eachother but it's definitely affecting my life since i feel like all the time in between visits is just like… the void. like im standing around in an elevator waiting to get to the next floor. i almost feel like i'm wasting my life on this but that's hard to admit.

i want to make it work and i feel like we can but man this is so taxing. at least its gone better than my last LDR where the first time we met up she immediately dumped me and we had to spend the rest of the trip awkwardly being friends only lmao.


Desiring Anonymity but also Self Expression Online Anonymous 118690[Reply]

I'm torn between expressing myself more online with my existing accounts filled with people who've known me across different parts of my life and starting a new account entirely and being anonymous. Throughout my years anonymity always felt the best, but I have dreams of sharing my art and more that will obviously give away who I am. I don't know how to reconcile this. Sometimes it feels like I can't grow past who people saw me as if those people are still looking. I know that's not true but I need to feel like it is too. I don't want my self image to be so fickle or related to others view of me but it is intense and hard to shake. Not sure if anyone has advice or has been in/got through a similar situation?

Anonymous 118692


picrel is scary for some reason

you can be anonymous and have a public life. imagine if facebook turned out to be harvesting millions of data on information that you never shared, like your crushes, really personal info about your sexual preferences, your mental health struggles, like the stuff you'd put in a diary. that would just be wrong. except instead of facebook, it's sites like 4chan, and oh wait, they do possibly do stuff like that and have possibly done stuff like that, or at the very least have users who definitely do stuff like that. oh, and, some bait is used to politically entangle human beings who might just be having a shit day and someone spammed something that made them feel sick.

wrong. its just wrong. it was a lie.

now imagine if people could just be anonymous and grow out of sites normally, or maybe even make their own. this outsourcing of reality is wrong and sick. but people should be able to be as anonymous as they want.

baby trapping is de-anonymizing people really. i mean, if someone wants to be a public figure, that's their choice.

Anonymous 118798


Why is the sky absinthe green? That is so cool!

And yeah fuck condoms!
or don't fuck with condoms is what I mean

I really want to start writing and sharing more but I am not sure if I could handle people knowing what I like more publicly. I am already embarassed to admit it even if it brings me joy.

Anonymous 119072

i've started a bunch of accounts with cute artsy usernames and not posted on them because i have this fear.
women who put themselves out there are so brave.

Anonymous 119166

i'm not able to get out very often due to physical and mental illnesses so the internet is the biggest resource for me to socialize and meet others. but i'm so paranoid about online anonymity that if i make accounts to share my art, interests, thoughts, etc the moment people actually start interacting i either nuke the accounts or change the usernames. its difficult. at a certain point i wonder what is more detrimental… me isolating myself so greatly or losing some anonymity online?

i work dealing with bank fraud so i see all sorts of shit completely mess up peoples lives… so it's hard to convince me that anonymity isn't worth it.


Anonymous 119154[Reply]

It feels somewhat embarrassing but I want a girlfriend so bad all of the sudden. I knew I liked girls but I never felt it so strongly as I do now. I just wanna meet some pretty/kind hearted girl and take care of her. I want to buy her things and hold her hand and buy her sweets and go on fun dates. I don't know what to do I feel like my heart is going to explode. I guess my only issue would be actually talking to people. I go out often but I'm not always in the mood to speak, and Its normally loud parties so I wouldn't be able to anyways. I'm a strange person so I try to show what I feel through actions, giving people I think are cool little trinkets (if someone doesn't like that I feel like we wouldn't be a good match.) but that doesn't work if you're trying to flirt, especially with another girl because they always think you're just being friendly.

Anonymous 119155

Im also scared to make a girl uncomfortable if I ask her out. When I get nervous my face goes blank and my voice gets monotone and I seem angry when Im actually so nervous I feel like I'm going to shit myself. I asked a girl out once and she said no and that's cool but I'm pretty sure she thought I hated her afterwards cause I always got so nervous that I seemed angry


Anonymous 110491[Reply]

this guy asked me out on a date and of course i went. it was nice, and i'm guessing he enjoyed it too. w start talking about our types and he says either twink men or muscular/fit women and i just sit there confused because im most most definitely not a fit woman. im fat as fuck and yeah i lift weights but not in a way that makes me look strong i just am strong. why would he ask me out knowing im not what he wants? maybe im missing something, but i dont know what it could be. he even said as he was driving home that we should do it again sometime. idk i feel like im loosing it.
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Anonymous 110503

Bullet dodged tbh why did he waste your time in the first place? He sounds like a jerk.

Anonymous 110521

Nah he's just gaslighting you op.
If he asked you to hang out alone and said the things he did it was just a date with plausible deniability.
It's a sign of low confidence and sneakiness on his part, not worth it. You'll find someone better.

Anonymous 111083

I swear wtf is up with ‘straight’ men dating/sleeping with twinks and keeping it secret? Two of my exes cheated with twinks.

Anonymous 111085


Anonymous 119157

Nine months later (whoops) you're so right I stopped being his friend a few months ago because it was a repetitive push and pull situation


people who do not leave you alone Anonymous 114629[Reply]

what the fuck do you do when someone continually harasses you, actively tries to sabotage any effort in you feeling a sense of community, literally just targeting you everywhere you go?
i do not know what the fuck to do. i genuinely think of killing myself because this person follows me on every online space i use, has hacked my email and sms accounts in the past, and actively tries to humiliate me in any space i go to.
i don't know what the fuck to do. i hate these people i dont know how to get them to leave me alone. they get some sick fucking thrill out of choosing someone to just mentally fuck with for literal fucking years, i dont know how the fuck to get them to leave me alone.
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Anonymous 114982

nta but can you elaborate your third point? i find it very interesting.

Anonymous 115003

nta but basically become a creep and seek non-creeps

Anonymous 119112

whoa anon. kind of cringe thread but it really sounds like you're being harassed by the same group of people over an unnecessarily long period of time.

Anonymous 119118

it's schizophrenia

Anonymous 119149

deserved tbh sorry

but this stuff really does happen, low empathy people who usually use the "4chan aesthetic" in their discord anorexic racist groups do this stuff


Is it unconditional love??? Anonymous 119140[Reply]

How do I tell my bf that everytime I visit him I feel like I'm dying for air( really not kidding I'm allergic to something in his place)as if I feel like I'm trapped inhaling something I shouldn't.But I enjoy spending time with him.

Anonymous 119147

Just tell him? If he's smart, he'll understand.

Anonymous 119148

I don't get it, if it feels like an actual, physical allergy, why wouldn't you tell him?
>Dude I can't breathe here.

He might even know what it is, it just doesn't bother him.

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