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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Why are moids so unaware of themselves? Anonymous 111134[Reply]

Why are Moids incapable of even basic emotional cognition? Is it biological or societal?
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Anonymous 111143

The majority of the population, male and female, are not capable of introspection. We simply learn to be more mindful of others, and by extension ourselves, as children because of the way girls socialise and, just as importantly, bully each other. Moids who are capable of introspection are already so stunted by childhood and adolescent behaviours that by adulthood they see sensitivity and emotional depth as weakspots others can exploit, not anything valuable. Worryingly, men capable of introspection that remain sensitive and emotional also tend find more success in interpersonal relationships with women than men, and so become better, even reflexive, manipulators who subconsciously target women because it boosts their ego and self-worth.

I have a moid who's capable of self-reflection, but is so cut off from his own emotional needs that he requires outside stimulation to recognise them in others. He has to set calendar reminders to do something romantic and timers to remind him to give me physical affection, because he's so programmed to ignore those things that he simply can't spontaneously think to give them to the people he loves.

Anonymous 111144

Because it is stamped out of them by bourgeois society.
Given it's goal of ever increasing profits, porky tends to push to optimize society to it's needs. In the case of males, this means having the largest mass of labour possible: a people of worker ants that will follow orders.
This in turn means that aspects that are unimportant to the needs of the bouj such as emotional cognition, self-care, etc are repressed or otherwise disincetivized in favour of traits which are more functional to production like competition, hierarchy-cuckery, "stoicism" etc.
Of course not all aspects of the emotional experience can be repressed, notably those that arise from exploitation like anger, but in general porky tends to try redirect those towards it's needs.

Anonymous 111145

It's not societal. You either have emotional intelligence or you don't.

Anonymous 111149

This is tangential, but I think if you find him, he'll be offline. It seems like everything online is either ragebait, propaganda, or both. The longer you spend online, the more likely it is that original thoughts are replaced by circular rage-inducing thoughts, and by thought-terminating cliches; the more likely it is that, upon hearing someone's experiences, you dismiss it and put someone in a box instead of empathizing or thinking about what they said.
But not spending much time online still doesn't make someone intelligent. A moid who is self-aware enough to regulate his own emotions and break unhealthy patterns of thought probably puts conscious effort into maintaining his physical and mental health. He probably has hobbies instead of reading internet ragebait, and probably reads books and is curious about the world. Maybe you should go flirt with guys at your local library or something lol. But no one is at the library anymore; it's like a ghost town whenever I visit.

Anonymous 112127

The men you're looking for exist, but they're ugly.


possible toxic trait? Anonymous 110601[Reply]

context: I'm in a committed relationship with a guy I've known for about two years. We get along okay, no real red flags or anything, he cares a lot about me admires me, and I like him for how genuine he is. Even with his other friend groups and stuff, he doesn't have wild personality swings or anything, like he's trying to be a people pleaser, and I don't get the sense that he's like that with me, either, he's consistent in how he talks and what he talks with me about

However, that's not what I got in a relationship with him for. A few times when I've known him, he's been really desirous, like, shit you only read about in an NTR doujinshi with how possessive he's been and the depth of the kinks(that he knows we share). He also writes, and some of the (can you call it fanfiction if it's about the two of you? lol)stories he shows me are incredible. He treats me like his best friend and inspiration, but this side of him blows that all away, I'm a total fucking simp for this side of him(pic)

My question is, is it bad of me to like, goad him into showing that side more often? I feel like I could sign away the rest of my fucking life to this guy when he drops his human skin and just acts like this cunning ravishing animal
I sometimes do stuff like referring to him in third person, as if there's another person that takes over when he's like that, but I feel like this could backfire and give him impostor syndrome or something. We've both taken up the habit of writing lists for things we want to do with each other(kink stuff, date stuff) but his is really short, and he knows this, and he says "I wonder if my standards for what to put down are too high"

Is there a better way to tell him to be more forward with his desires with me? I guess this isn't an uncommon thing to feel like men are too guarded, but I'd really appreciate any advice
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Anonymous 112002

fucking this

Anonymous 112007

What's stopping you from adding your desires to your list?
In any case it sounds more like how you should control the urges and go with it slowly so it case it crashes at least it does gently.

Anonymous 112008

Istg sometimes yall speed running proving incels right

Anonymous 112009

Give details.
If reading his shit gets u horny, tell him that so he gets horny knowing that u like that shit. Pick something specific that u like and tell him (coyly?) that u would love to try it out.

Anonymous 112066

The biggest lie we've ever been told is that incels are wrong


I feel like socially inept women just suffer more than socially inept men. Anonymous 109789[Reply]

Men are far more satisfied with self-focused and solitary lives. Being unable to socialize hits a woman much harder because we're more socially driven. Yet men get a loneliness epidemic and we don't. Why? Do we not vocalize how we feel enough? What's the board's thoughts?
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Anonymous 112011

They really should just date women if they hate men so much
I'd give the same advice to incels

Anonymous 112012

Sexuality doesn't work that way dumbfuck.

Anonymous 112018

Yes it does
You're just to scared to try it

Anonymous 112032

you are revolting like a tranny, stop grooming

Anonymous 112064

>In denial like an incel
If a hot girl forced herself, you wouldn't say no.
Same with an incel but for men.


If you're suicidal then why Anonymous 112037[Reply]

I wanna see if I relate to other humans

Anonymous 112039

Weren’t satisfied with the last one, huh?

Anonymous 112040

Last what

Anonymous 112059

NTA but the last suibait thread you've posted, scrote.


Under what circumstances is it acceptable/would you consider killing yourself? Anonymous 111987[Reply]

Genuine question

Anonymous 111991

incurable illnesses (physical and mental)

Anonymous 112021

Why do you want us to think about killing ourselves, anon? We are all already sad enough.

Anonymous 112025

Why are you asking this ..do you have suicidal thoughts?

Anonymous 112030

never, i'm busy


Im lonely Anonymous 111919[Reply]

Im lonely, the only person I have is my mentally unstable long distance boyfriend who i do not love but who blackmails me to be with him. I am 18 and I graduate highschool in 2 months and have no clue what I am going to do
I feel like Im constantly grieving for who I was 3 years ago because even though I was bitterly lonely then, at least I had online friends to help me cope and wasnt trapped in a miserable relationship with a manchild. And at least then, I had some hope. I didnt need to have everything figured out, to have a job and a license. I had so much time
I know people will tell me its not over yet at 18 but it really feels over
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Anonymous 111938

Worth mentioning that the false accusation of a crime is also a crime, where the punishment usually being minor.

Anonymous 111940

The definition of cp varies by country. In Germany he could have nudes of girls as young as 14. I know this because I have my own ldr manchild bf who has my nudes. Thankfully hes a lot nicer than this nonas bf.

Anonymous 111942

The age of consent is not the same as the age for underage photos.
For example, in Australia the age of consent is 16, however you still need to be over 18 years of age to share nudes around.
I'm surprised Germany isn't the same

Anonymous 111944


Anonymous 112022

Op, how old is your bf?
If you say "in his 20's" best believe its so over for him. OnG


Don't "feel" like a woman (or a man) Anonymous 111965[Reply]

God, I hate wording it that way, but I don't know how else to express it. I've felt the same way since around 12 to today at 21.

I think masculine women are really cool, but thinking of myself that way feels wrong. Outside of any social desires to not be a man or a woman, I also feel like my internal "body map" is screwed up or something. Accidentally brushing againts my boobs freaks me out every time, like it's not meant to be there. My hips are like that to a lesser degree, and I don't look at my genitals much but when I do I get that same uncanny weirded out feeling. Like a reverse phantom limb. Seeing my chest under a shirt makes me uncomfortable too, and although I've got a "good" body, it's part of why I don't wear tight shirts and I usually compress my chest in public (not harshly, not uncomfortable enough to sacrifice health). I don't love how feminine parts of my face look, but that's more personal preference rather than the gut instinct weird feeling I get from my sex characteristics.

I love my life and my friends and family. I don't have autism. I've never experienced any trauma. I've never hated my body. I'm staunchly feminist and I feel like I have less internalized misogyny than a lot of women. I don't know what else could cause this.

Being "non-binary" doesn't make sense to me either, because although I don't think there's such a thing as a male/female brain, the social reality is that there is no third gender catagory. They are just viewed as men/women trying to be something else. I've got lots of friends of both genders, but I still feel "othered" from groups of just women or just men.

It's so stupid, and I try not to think about it, but it's like it's always nagging in the back of my mind. I feel like I'm not my "true self" but there's also no way to be my "true self." I feel stuck in limbo, like I'm just waiting to "transform" and start living authentically. What do I do? How do I get over these feelings? I'm so sick of feeling stuck.

Anonymous 111968

Yes, it's not internalised misogyny, you just have the Men living free in your mind - you know that quote how you can be feminist but still have your own man /seeing/ every move you do, I forgot. Anyway, can you stand naked in your room without feeling like "people" might jump at you and you have to cover?

Anonymous 111969

I like and know the quote you're talking about, something about an internal voyeur, I think. I feel pretty fine naked actually. When I'm at my mom's house (only us two), I often walk from the shower to my bedroom across the hall with the towel only on my waist. I mostly feel that "weirded out" feeling when I accidentally touch my chest and less so when I see my actual breasts. It actually almost feels weirder when I can see them from under a shirt as opposed to bare chested.

I'm not very cautious or fearful about men in general (although statistically, I probably should be).

Anonymous 111980

That idea was initially discussed in "The Second Sex", a highly recommended 1st wave feminist text.

Anonymous 111990

I read that in high school, loved it. I read a lot of good feminist literature in part as an attempt to get over my desire not to be female.

Anonymous 112019

I honestly don't think about my gender when I'm just alone in my body. Going from your example, if my arm grazes my boob reaching for something, I think nothing of it. Just like I don't give thought to feeling one leg on the other when I cross them.

Have you tried journaling to work through your hangups with your body? Having your thoughts written down might also be usegul if you decide to see a professional in the future.


how tf do you get a diagnosis (vent?) Anonymous 110557[Reply]

nonas, how much time had passed before you got your diagnosis?

because my psychiatrist is great and all, but he doesn't have a clue wtf is wrong with me

i too have no clue what is wrong with me, it literally could be anything. is it NPD? is it BPD w/ narcissistic tendencies? is it just BPD? is it adhd or 'tism? i have NO FUCKING CLUE. i don't get how people can diagnose themselves, i don't understand myself at all

the only thing i know is that i have OCD because it's pretty clear. maybe depression too, 'cause i was treated for it for like 6 years or something
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Anonymous 110873

Also reading your comments about npd. It depends on how you were raised. Having narcissistic tendencies doesnt have to be npd. It can be a self defence mechanism if you grew up with lack of love and trust. So you start focus on your own needs and have less trust in other people. And that can be fixed with time if you allow yourself to trust people without giving up the self love. You need to be ok with that not everyone is good for you. Trust in your own happiness and allow yourself to break ties and move on if it doesnt work

Anonymous 110884

best-country-of-the-world-please-do-not-denounce-me i.e. russia

it's hard tbh because i lie even to myself and don't even notice it.
oophfff where should i start? it's just a tip of the iceberg, but here
it's full of contradictions, but i'm too full of contradictions, so yeah

i already said about constant brain fog and derealization, when i'm with people it's like it's not even me. can't look at anything, can't see, sometimes can't understand what i'm being told. it's probably severe anxiety, but i don't even feel it, it's like everything is spinning and turning and screaming, everything is too bright or too contrasty. idk, i guess it's derelization

having trouble fitting in (and i don't think i really want to), i just don't understand people, it's like they doesn't care about anything, it's like they exist in harmony and i'm just here and i don't know what to do, i thought that it might be autism, but the thing is, i lie to myself, i do understand them, maybe, i don't know, sometimes i do and i just pretend i don't, because i shift the blame??

of course, i have people who i talk to mostly (i wouldn't call them friends, ig, we're not that close), but for me it seems like they all hate me and treat me like a comic relief, and when i try to get to know why, i can't because "i'm overthinking", but jokes have meaning and they aren't just a white noise, people clearly don't like me and maybe i know why but i don't know what to do with it

i have severe pyrophobia, obessions and compulsions, anxiety and uncertainty about everything and i mean EVERYTHING
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Anonymous 110886

god fucking dammit the last one was for >>110603

Anonymous 110963

It can very well be autism spectrum
People in spectrum are not the same. Everyone have different behaviors, thinking ect

But theres a lot more that needs to be answered before ypu can get a diagnosis
Like how you were growing up ect

Anonymous 111996

this sounds like bpd (which has dissociation and anxiety as symptoms)
you might benefit from taking anxti-anxiety or antipsychotic meds


rage Anonymous 110964[Reply]

Anyone just have lots of rage and general contempt for everyone around them? Ignore the random image
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Anonymous 111124

Wow the magical number GET!!
Thank you monster arctic fox!!

Anonymous 111128

95% of Internet is ragebait nowadays. If you're terminally online, you're training your brain to rage as the first reaction to any/most things. So yeah, rage is all you feel because that's all you feed yourself with.
tl;dr: touch grass.

Anonymous 111131

blessed GETsteal bot

Anonymous 111966

Yes. My anger is often a result of my sadness becoming too overwhelming

Anonymous 111973

I really really like this image.


Having a sibling that is more popular than you Anonymous 111251[Reply]

Do any of you have an older or younger sibling that grew up more popular than you? Maybe they were deemed the golden child and had been given more attention by your parents or maybe they just had better luck in school. They seem to have more friends, got a relationship before you, have better looks etc. How does it feel to be the overshadowed sibling and how do you find ways to cope?
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Anonymous 111521

>lock me in the closet.
Oh darling its ok lying to yourself but…. We all know that closet wasn't locked at all.

Anonymous 111525

I wish I could slap you for responding to my post like this. die die die die

Anonymous 111527

I also am the inferior older sister who looks like dad with sister who has model hot moms looks, but instead of her ending up bipolar, I ended up bipolar. It's so much fun being the trainwreck sibling who lives with her parent when she's flourishing in law school and fucking hates me and is basically a high functioning sociopath

Anonymous 111536

My brother, sister and I were all bullied in school…except when my brother hit puberty he got tall and cute and even 20 years later still has women all over him. Sister and I never grew into our looks and she's probably still a virgin like me. She's mostly only friends with our cousins while I have no friends. My parents had the genes to produce attractive, alpha tier sons so that meant mannish, awkward girls

Anonymous 111971

>Her being adorable is the reason our loaded step-dad agreed to marry our mum
>suddenly developing rapid cycling bi-polar
>rampaging libido
I was bracing myself while finishing your post, thought you were about to reveal molestation story…

As for me
>grew up calm, golden child, excelled in school
>brother adhd demonchild, professional liar (negative)
>now broke neet, no friends, cycle between barely suppressed rage and depression
>brother rich successful adult, beloved by all, zenlike temperament
>finance bro aka professional liar (positive)

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