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Maybe joking Anonymous 114195[Reply]

How to kill an adult man as a female teenager or at the very least defend ya self. Also pimple how to get rid of them
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Anonymous 114209

They won't believe it

Anonymous 114210

What's happening nona, why do you need to defend yourself? Did he actually?

Anonymous 114249

>implying cops ever believe rape accusations

Anonymous 114305


Anonymous 114422

kill a man? Like in a straight up fight? If you dont have a gun youre not gonna win
though if you can be sneaky maybe from up and behind you just creep up on him and literally stab him in the back
(in case you actually murder somebody: I only answered the question as a hypothetical thought experiment, i never would have supported or helped a person kill another human under any circumstances. This is simply a free discussion taking place, similar to how you wouldnt get imprisoned for discussing on how you could defeat mike tyson)


Anonymous 114221[Reply]

does anyone else just hate themselves so fucking much lol. like to the point where its driving me literally insane.

Anonymous 114320

yes! x

Anonymous 114322



Anonymous 114323


Of course! I fucking suck xx


vent Anonymous 114405[Reply]

Today my abuser won. He used the things I said in anger in one of my mental breakdown against me. All of his friends and family refuse to hear what I have to say and paint me as the toxic one even if I proof worth of 3 years of him sending me death threats, suicide threats, verbal abuse, mentally agonizing stuff, etc. I used to receive gore by him on daily basis if he was mad, he made fun of my childhood abuse saying what my mother did to 5 year old me was deserved, called me a whore/slut on daily basis, sent me self harm if I even tried leaving. There's just so much I can say that happened to me while being with him that pushed me to almost attempting suicide, living in social isolation, months of missing school because of depression. Just one slip up because I was fed up with him made me lose all my credibility. The world is too cruel and I don't have energy to fight every lie he throws in my way because I've already lost all the energy in this relationship. I can't even defend myself when his lies make people point fingers at me because I'm just too tired of it all. I hope karma gets him but in this unfair world, karma rarely affects those who are bad.
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Anonymous 114431


It's a ldr so people would rather take his side than someone they don't even know. He has a history of perfectly curating his personality to others cus even his mother couldn't believe he could ever do what I described (it's when I started scraping proof), he told her lies like I made it up or it's not as serious so I started saving proofs to plead my case. Now he's spreading lies like I'm vengeful crazy gf so people wouldn't even bother reading what I say and automatically block me. His bestfriend even bought I edited these when I literally had to go extra mile to record my screen with my phone as proof of no edits. All he does is he shows others screenshot of my mental breakdown where I was threatening to post these stuff cus I was fed up. It's extremely hard to fight against the doubters since it's too painful, he's not even empathic enough to stop lying for my mental sake and I am too mentally eroded by this to fight my battles alone.

Anonymous 114439

society would be cleansed without sociopathic redditor faggots like you
nona. stop talking to him, stop communication with his friends, block him everywhere. you will feel so much better. it doesn't matter what they think of you bc they're retards and it's a lost cause anyway. loneliness will be better than having to listen to this identity masking psycho and his bullshit. trust me. accept the loss and move on. you'll find better people to hang out with

Anonymous 114457

>Ugly people bad and abusive
>Pretty people good and nice
Where have I heard this before…

Anonymous 114464

Wait, you do realise I'm a different poster, right?

Anonymous 114466

lol. based on your behaviour its accurate. all stacies and chads i know have been good people


Anonymous 114480[Reply]

all i do is watch reels and videos on how to make money, what skills to learn, how to move abroad but i STILL dont lend anything at the end of the day. Things are not as black and white as all these ppl in videos tell. I am tired of being broke, tired of not making any progress. I am just so overwhelmed by everything. And i am a horrible human being for feeling petty when someone close to me and my age lends a good opportunity let it be at job or moving studying abroad. I am just so numb ath this point..

Note: This is a general dilemma of youth here. But it's even hard for you if you're a woman. I can not work on site in morning-evening because of my classes, i can not work night shifts because I'm not allowed to, i can not commute long ways bcs again it costs money which i dont have, i am hardly getting anything remote, where the f do i go? How do i make money? How do i save up for my journey abroad? There's no one to guide. There's no one to look upto. Some days the anxiety gets so bad i think to myself if living like this is even worth it. I wish there was some way i could make my life easier.

I doubt it but if anyone here can guide/help in any way, I'd be grateful. Sigh.

Anonymous 114484

Could you not find a wagie job that somehow can accommodate the hours you need? Why are you not allowed to work night shifts?

Anonymous 114530

i live in a shithole third world country with conservative attitudes for women working at all (even though I'm in a big city) and it is dangerous at night

i'm being forced to marry my abusive cousin in the future (still few years away) so i'm desperately trying to get out


Anonymous 114201[Reply]

Is there any hope for cluster Bs? I'm so fucking afraid of falling in love again. I'm a dyke so it actually matters if I hurt my partner.
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Anonymous 114330

drop ur @

Anonymous 114335

wehebbeneenserieusprobleem at proton dot me

Anonymous 114379

nta but marry me for that email alone

Anonymous 114395

i am extremely lonely i just need someone to talk to

Anonymous 114486

i'll email you


Anonymous 114477[Reply]

Do you often dream of getting married? What are your dreams?


ed rant Anonymous 114394[Reply]

>anorexia for 3 years on and off
>look back to photos of my body last year when i still had my period
>i was so fat
>look to now, i have my dream body which i’ve worked so hard for, but no period

life is so unfair, i try so hard, why can’t i just have both??? why do other skinny girls get to have their period and not me? ive been eating enough calories for maintenance for so long now, im losing hope. i just want to not hate how i look and also be able to be a mother one day

Anonymous 114397

Hey Nona. If you want to be a mother, and your current weight & body makes it so you aren't having a period, that's not your dream body. You have to train yourself to look at the extra weight differently. Not saying get fat, but you have to eat enough, and eat well, and exercise, to have children and raise them well. I struggled a lot with this when I recovered from anorexia. I still do, sometimes. But when I look at the mirror, I see the extra fat on my lower belly, protecting and nourishing my womb. I see my arms are larger, so I can hold my babies longer. My hips are wider, so they can be carried comfortably while I go about my day. My thighs are bigger, so I can run after them and play more. I maintain a body that functions as it should, so that I can show them how to love and care for their own bodies.

Anonymous 114399

i’m sorry i don’t have any advice but i recently lost my period too and i know how you feel. i’m still at a weight that many “naturally skinny” girls can maintain effortlessly, so it feels really unfair. for example my sisters are much thinner than me and they’ve never had to diet, and are seen as perfectly healthy.

Anonymous 114424

this is so sweet and beautifully written. this is the goal, i hope and pray one day i can allow myself to look at it like this. i’m happy for you and your recovery, thank you anon

i know how you feel, it’s at the point where if a girl is bigger than me it no longer feels like an accomplishment, i just think about how at least she’s healthy with a properly functioning body. i’m sorry you’ve had to go through this, hopefully there’s a light at the end of the tunnel for both of us <3


Vent Anonymous 114186[Reply]

Friendless loser here
>It’s partially my fault cause I kind of just stopped trying to make friends. For a lot of different reasons. Like I always felt like the loser of the group and because my best friend stopped being my friend.
>Well this new girl started at work and we talk a lot and she would stay past her shift to talk. >She ended up quitting and she was gone before I could see her for her last day and maybe ask for her socials or number.
>so I just looked her up on instagram and added her and sent her a message
>it’s been over 24 hours and she hasn’t added me back or answered me. so I think it’s safe to say she’s probably not gonna answer
>when I noticed I went to the bathroom and cried for like 5 minutes. I feel so embarrassed and like such a loser
>I think I’m gonna just go back to not trying.
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Anonymous 114409

Don’t be fucking disgusting
People kind of just grow apart sometimes I guess. He got these new friends and one of stirred up a lot of drama.
I don’t really believe that but it’s also not really the point. People get divorced all the time

Anonymous 114410

Don’t be fucking disgusting
People kind of just grow apart sometimes I guess. He got these new friends and one of stirred up a lot of drama.
I don’t really believe that but it’s also not really the point. People get divorced all the time

Anonymous 114414

I’m in the same position, I always fuck up my friendships because of my mental illness and I’m kinda quiet so I tend to not make new ones quickly. Idk how to fix it but I’m sorry ur going through the same thing

Anonymous 114417

>abandoned an 8 year relationship because he got some new friends
moid moment

Anonymous 114418

Who's more likely to leave you, your husband or your "boyfriend"?


work thread Anonymous 65868[Reply]

ITT: we discuss frustrations at our jobs whether you were wronged or you yourself messed up

NEETS need not reply
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Anonymous 107093

I'm scheduled for a 9 hour shift in a few days and I'm going to tell someone that if they try and make that the norm I'm done. I'm already looking for a different job anyway.
Part timers shouldn't work 9 hours, hell, I think more than 8 is inhumane. Hire more people if work can't get done.

This economy is fucked.

Anonymous 109245

This stupid part-timer came to work sick for a whole week, coughed all over the place and now everybody has symptoms of the cold.

We even told her she could stay home but she didn't want to, probably because she's an uneducated little idiot who doesn't know about germs and proper coughing etiquette. I'm going to wear a mask to work tomorrow and hate her forever. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the customers get sick from the food she prepared.

Anonymous 109269

>work at my friend's family company
>R&D has driven profits for the last 50 years
>gone from making steel collars in the 70's to proprietary extrusion devices
>extrusion devices are used in production of PPE
>make record profits during COVID because we have total market control
>board wants more profit
>brings in finance and marketing teams
>in the very first marketing package, they literally copypasted the industrial technique used to make complex extruders and gave them to their Chinese contacts
>shed-based temporary manufacturers in China start pumping them out
>lose 50% of the market in a month
>board demands finance and marketing solve the problem, rather than trusting the team of experts who carried the company through multiple recessions
>strip R&D of all current funding
>any new equipment has to be purchased on the maintenance budget
>fire everyone junior to me
>finance guy comes around asking if we can tighten our belts
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 109310

there is no honest living left in the united states

Anonymous 114403


This is the last straw.

I'm going to submit my resignation letter for real this time and my supervisors can go fuck themselves lmao

I'm not a chess piece they can assign to any location and any shift
however they want with no explanations and no discussions and on such short notice to boot. On Sunday evenings? Really?

Or maybe this sort of thing is normal… and my next workplace is going to be the same. But it can't be worse than here, right?

♡ kitty rotting.jp…

fatass rant Anonymous 114360[Reply]

i hate being fat but at the same time i dont? my body is huge and it makes it hard to fit into spaces (physically and socially), sometime i feel like being fat makes me stand out a lot (which it probably does) and i really want to lose the weight. but, when trying to lose weight all of the resources are either like, annoying "hot girl walk" bs, or just borderline racist ed-having lana del rey girls. like i said, i don't hate myself, so the shaming doesn't really work to motivate me. ironically fatspo does kind of work on me. i've had sexual experiences but they've all been online (cause im too scared to ever approach a guy irl) and some of which were literally just getting groomed. no guy has ever looked at me in a sexual way irl. actually doing anything with a guy in real life is a terrifying thought though.

i'm trying to lose weight now, but i'm not really sure that the end goal is totally worth it. i recently got friends through playing in a wind band but i'm on the outside of the friend group and spend most of my time eating or playing overwatch outside of schoolwork (especially now that i'm off for the summer) but i've been making an effort to stay active.
also, any reccomendations for other sites like this that aren't like,,, complaining about trans ppl and focus more on like,,, being a girl.

Anonymous 114370

I don't know if this will help you but I got over my socials addiction by buying a timed locker box. You have these boxes where can put some stuff in it for a period of time so I put my phone in it after 10pm so that I can have a normal sleep. If you try to destroy the box then it just means you really don't want to quit. But I think with most addictions like phones and food is that you need to make sure that your surroundings can't give you a temptation. You should go right now and clean your surroundings from junk food and what is addicting. I often hated myself for buying that locked timer box but after a week I thanked my past self for using that thing.

Always remember that a starving African kid never gets fat, because he doesn't have food.

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