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Anonymous 119969[Reply]

Anyone else just accept the fact that they'll never have a husband and kids? How do you cope?
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Anonymous 120016

Above average I'd say. But not super hot or anything.

Anonymous 120017

He was so hot that he didn't think he needed to bathe.

Anonymous 120018

I only had 3 years with mine. He's now happily married with kids and I'm alone. Probably how it should be.

Anonymous 120019

are you my boyfriend's ex…

Anonymous 120035



Anonymous 120013[Reply]

my OCD is killing me rn pls can someone talk me down from the panic

Anonymous 120014

What are you panicking about?

Anonymous 120015

i made this granola with like 1 1/2 cups of chopped nuts for the whole recipe, roasted it all for half an hour, and then ate like 30g of the nut pieces out of it. now there are barely any left wth. did i just eat 1 1/2 cups of nuts

Anonymous 120031

Think of how many cups your stomach can consume.
1 1/2 cups is nothing, to a small ape.

You are more than your eating habits, stop weighing your food.

I understand food is one of the little things we can control, but please dont let it control you.


Anonymous 119983[Reply]

asleep, i’m paralyzed by your dreams
in delusions, i hunt for diamonds

asleep, i’m crazed by a gentle violence
asleep, i’m unaware of right or wrong
in delusions, i tear the flesh from your past
in delusions, i sew that flesh onto mine

asleep, i’m falling into envy-induced sickness
in delusions, i’m nothing–just another sweet tooth for you

Anonymous 120006

Here is your (you) since you beg for it so much


Stay off the grass Anonymous 120001[Reply]

The breeze a gift//Life in a breath always ephemeral//The post office returned all my letters//Does the pollen sleep or is it destroyed//I know you took nothing with you//Though where did you leave my heart//Pain is not ephemeral//The flower will die again and again//I stand tall waiting for another boot


Damn, parasocial relationships. Anonymous 119896[Reply]

So I have a crush on a Twitch streamer.

Normally, when I know that I have a crush on some e-celeb… if you could even call him that? I mean, he’s known but I don’t think he’s MASSIVELY known, you know? I guess he’s somewhat obscure and has been throughout his streaming career.

But anyway, whenever I feel a crush coming on, I would either watch their content less or stop watching altogether. Even worse when there is already a GF in the picture and it’s awkward fantasizing about a man who is already serious with someone else.

Like, they already have history (and not to mention, the GF is always cool as HELL too— usually talented with something related to games) and I’m absolutely talentless and not as knowledgeable about the subculture.

I don’t know but this morning I started to cry over this because DAMN.

I could never have the man— our worlds seem so vastly different and he seems mentally stable and I’m a cocktail of psychiatric illnesses, I bet. But also, even if I wanted a man like him , again, I am not “Twitch Streamer GF” material. I love video games and wished to be a dev, at some point. But I feel like I’m too old to make my break in the scene. Everyone had been around since child and teen years but I’m in my mid-20s with NO exposure to these communities.

I don’t know. Recently, I’ve been struggling with this crush but also the realization that I wasted my childhood dream of being a game dev, too. I am sorry if I sound all over the place but thank you for reading !!
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Anonymous 119901

Literally me with Husum, cutie danish streamer who obviously has an American girlfriend

Anonymous 119903


Like, how do you even cope!? I’m in shambles and I don’t want to become desperate enough to comment in their stream chats or even donate money for the chance to be recognized.

I’ve done it once for my old Twitch crush during COVID era and never again— it felt pathetic but also I don’t ever want to debase myself like that again.

It’s funny because I don’t believe I can ever catch a QT Twitch BF but, at the same time, if I catch their attention then it has to be through something more respectable than that.

I am one of those choosing beggars, it seems.

Anonymous 119910

Tbh I never commented on his live streams or donated kek. I’m a poor neet so how could I? But I’d seethe whenever his supposed gf popped in chat and talked about his dick.
Anyway I have ripped myself away from the parasocial relationship. Very easy to cope: 1)remember he’s taken and/or above your league if you’re also a stinky femcel neet and 2) he wouldn’t notice me because I’m too shy and poor to attention whore on his stream, I never even bothered to say hi kek
Although I did have the pleasure of playing with him when he did let’s plays with viewers

Anonymous 119938


Silly chronically-online (before the undertale era) and a weirdo, bet he is watching brainrot stuff all day.

Love his music, I consider him smart, and that's it. He is not handsome but is cute enough for me to want to bully him

Unfortunately I'll never be a japanese Vtuber, at this point I think he has a japanese girlfriend, wouldn't be surprised by how much he travels there.

Megalovania from Homestuck best version of Megalovania btw.

Anonymous 119973

I’m in this exact same situation with a streamer. He’s such a talented and funny guy and I wanna try streaming too just to try and be one of his peers but I’m too much of an autist to apply myself to it and get his attention as an equal. It’s not fair I could totally have him if I wasn’t such a neurotic piece of shit.


Anonymous 118725[Reply]

No idea what to study or do with my life, I’m just working half time at fast food

I have a good head but got burned out and after going to a psych ward after graduation my mental health only declined

Would like to know what kind of job or study y’all have

What even is a good career this days??
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Anonymous 118777

Just find a devoted moid paypig
Worked for me, no risk of cheating, he is smitten by me

Anonymous 118785

I really want to write smut but I don't thik I am going to be good enough. I really don't like some of the books that are out there and think I could do better but I am so embaressed about getting published and people seeing what I write in my spare time.

I wanted to go to school for biochem but i was a bad student kusogaki brat and got to stressed out.
Checked, you hit the jackpot sis you scissoring with lady luck. Keep the moid on a short leash for me.

Anonymous 119771

I work as an admin assistant. Pretty easy work with lots of downtime. I work remotely so I just read & scroll on my phone for the majority of the work day. I also like categorizing my inbox so that is also a perk.

Anonymous 119954

i can't do that i'm a kissless handholdless virgin and moids don't really initiate conversation with me. i'm screwed. university it is.
pd. it's not like i'm turbougly or anything, i'm average but they just… don't speak to me lmao

Anonymous 119968

i went to film school on a scholarship then found out that i do not have the social capabilities to work in the film industry. i was really embarrassed to have wasted peoples time and money but i started working in libraries and really loved it. i work like behind the scenes in libraries doing like labeling and stuff with the catalog and i really like the repetitive, independent work. fair warning tho i had to work two part time library jobs for awhile before i found a full time one, its kinda competitive ngl


Anonymous 119882[Reply]

Is it based to cut contact if you have strong feelings, so you don't compromise for just friendship?

Anonymous 119944

No, the only thing that will save us is love.

Anonymous 119947

Thank you.

Anonymous 119949

He will indeed do what is just

Anonymous 120008

Yes, you don't want the same things and you'd be wasting your time and love on someone who doesn't want you. Hold yourself to a higher standard.


Dating again after a known artist Anonymous 119937[Reply]

I don't want to give away too much here, and I'm here just to vent or the smallest chance someone here has or is going through the same thing.

My soul feels crushed every time I open my phone, and see his face, or music attached to someone's post and It's nearly impossible to avoid elsewhere especially that he's the artist of the moment, to also see online that there are women talking about wanting to sleep with him, or get his attention really pissed me off especially at the beginning of the breakup, what is most hard, and I feel so terrible for doing this, is that I've got caught up in a new relationship. I can say I've moved on, but I don't even know if this is right for me. To be with an artist since he was even known as someone, to have known him before fan pages, or people tweeting his music. My new boyfriend is the complete opposite, I've not only lost my muse, but my new boyfriend isn't as power thirsty and ambitious that he were, and I don't know if it's what I need, or what is stopping me as I also have my goals and ambitions. I don't want to compare, and with this short thread you can automatically feel sorry and think I am shitty for being in a relationship with my new boyfriend, but I promise I love him a lot, but it's eating me up inside that I see my ex's face everywhere, knowing that I was supposed to be standing up with him, and he would support me from the side. It's like our chemistry was so good together, but being with a partner with the complete opposite interests, and no ambitions like this is just making me feel like I'm just like my mother who quit everything because of my dad, and I don't want to be held back from my own goals.


Anonymous 119780[Reply]

i literally cant maintain sexual attraction to men i am into romantically. its like a madonna whore complex for girls i h8 it so bad man. i can only love a man when i have a desire to protect him but i only feel arousal for a man when i want to ruin him :<< i only rly had sexual attraction to my most recent ex when we argued or when i was just mad at him

Anonymous 119799

>being repulsed by a guy
That's the exact opposite of the problem she described.
She said:
>i only rly had sexual attraction to my most recent ex when we argued or when i was just mad at him
Now, imagine someone who has sexual attraction triggered specifically by shitty and abusive behavior. Is that person going to avoid shitty and abusive people and situations that make them mad? Is that person going to take every bit as much care with their personal relationships to select only people who are good for them and heckin wholesome adequate frienderinos? In real life?

Anonymous 119800

thank you yes i was not sure how to explain better 2 that nona

Anonymous 119935

I have similar problem, I will only want to have sex with a man once, even if I'm in a romantic relationship with them. I only get aroused by them once, and I cannot get turned on again afterwards, it sucks because it ruins my sex life – But instead I pretend I'm horny, and it usually makes me a little bit wet during but I never ever get horny first after the first time :sob:


Bullying and body dysmorphia Anonymous 110205[Reply]

There don't seem to be many threads about eating disorders and I wanted to know if there were more nonas with similar experiences.
First of all I am going to clarify that I am not pro-ana, I wish I could eat normally but I have had anorexia since I left high school. During school my "friends" used to call me fat (actually at that time I was a little fat and I wore glasses and my face was childish) but it still hurts me, they also used to call me ugly and autistic for being shy. I used to skip gym classes a lot because I was afraid of receiving comments, one time I was running like everyone else but when I finished, one of them came up to me to tell me that I sweat like a pig.
Other times at lunchtime some boys made pig noises as they passed and looked at me.
I wish I could leave that behind, but even though I am underweight now, my intentions to continue losing weight increase along with the fact that I no longer look in the mirror often and I hate seeing myself in photos.

Anonymous 119891

I can't stop eating fast food. It makes me feel like shit, gain weight, and it doesn't even taste good. idk how to stop

Anonymous 119919

so real. I've been binging/purging since I was like ten. can't even remember when I last felt comfortable in my body. even when you're a healthy weight the thoughts never stop

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