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Male Friends: Can They Be Trusted? Anonymous 90414[Reply]

Share your experiences with male friends proving to have nefarious or secret motives.

What are signs a male friend is interested versus just being nice, despite having a boyfriend?

What do you think these mean:
>tries to hang out one on one
>gives you random gifts
>offers to pay for everything
>texts you frequently
>takes pictures of you during group outings
>says "oh you don't mention your boyfriend much" despite having done so
>seems to focus on topics that lead to personal info
>asks questions relating to more intimate things
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Anonymous 108260

The easiest way to resolve this problem is to simply stoop to their level. Don’t befriend guys you wouldn’t date or fuck.

Anonymous 108268

I had men consider me their friend, but I never reciprocated. We had nothing in common except mutual friends we hung out with together and for some reason that was enough for them to think of me as a friend. They never tried to come onto me btw, that wasn't the case. I guess I was just nice and fun to be around? They were nice but immature and dumb, that sounds really mean but it's true.
Throughout my whole life I could never form a connection with any man, they felt alien to me, like there was an invsible wall separating us at all times. All my friends were women, until recently. But he's already more than a friend at this point. I guess it's all or nothing with me

Anonymous 114733

>really excited to meet someone I thought was interesting and could relate to on that deeper soul level
>it's a moid
nona please…

Anonymous 114762

this is so true lol, tried being friends with a guy whos neglected by his parents plus coombrained. i thought it was genuine at first until he became creepy and started stalking me. i hate how i dont notice these stuff immediately lol

Anonymous 114788

most of my friends are moids and i just try to delude myself into thinking they have no interest in me and are normal about it despite the fact that i'm not fat and i'm average looking

Not Important.jpg

Anonymous 113790[Reply]

Does anyone else ever feel like they are turning into the female version of these deranged men who carry out mass shootings?

Honestly, I just fucking hate this miserable world and everyone in it. I mean, I try my best to not have any friends and not talk to anyone, but, even when I base my life around avoiding other people as much as I possibly can, I still hate them with every fiber of my being - and, with each passing day, that hatred only grows more and more extreme. For my entire life, I've been pushed around, taken advantage of, and viewed as easy prey. Just for once, I'd like to be the one that people are afraid of.

When I look at the disturbed individuals responsible for mass shootings, I see a lot of myself in them, which is a truly terrifying thought. I really fear that I have the potential to do something truly horrible. I don't want to be the first female mass shooter (or, at least, one of the first), but I honestly feel myself going down that path more and more each day.
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Anonymous 114724

i related to a lot of mass shooters when i was in hs. a lot of them were bullied and so was i. kids are cruel

Anonymous 114728


I'm so disillusioned with humanity because I made the mistake of getting involved with people who were adjacent or on the darkest side of it, and that transformed me into a toxically nihilistic and disdainful bitch. I realize just because one subset of humanity is evil (ie the people who constantly get passes to be degenerate filth who are at the upper money crust of society, we live in one) doesn't mean the rest of us are, but that line of thinking had me fantasizing about a potential suicide mission where I'd kill myself in Los Angeles in front of a known celebrity worship destination and leave a dramatic note. Nothing about harming anyone but myself, merely the intent to make a scene and a statement, people worship is pointless. It was diabolical I even had those thoughts, sometimes they still plague my nightmares. The evil some people can get away with is truly unfair and the amount of good people who are shorted in this life. People say karma is real but I don't see it work enough, or catchup fast to those who deserve an asswhooping. My sentiments alone and my negativity towards humanity on account of the abuse I've endured in childhood, adolescence and now adulthood mark me for potential "danger". I remember my sister stating during a particularly deranged and heated argument we had that I was destined to become a serial killer, now I feel like I'd be more serial killed than anything else. Lacking the prototypical male anger and the drive to harm or prey upon anyone, I always turn myself inward but end up in situations that leave me pretty wounded. Like some sick halfway point between perpetrator and victim where if driven the wrong direction I could go either way.

Anonymous 114735

Honestly same. I deeply resonate with them sometimes but that doesn’t mean I will go berserker and take random people out like moids do when they don’t get their way. You just do it the normal way and just take yourself out and don’t drag people into your mess

Anonymous 114736


Very relatable post but I try to not focus on that feeling too much. I've always felt like mass shootings would be the ultimate adrenaline rush akin to a psychological orgasm. I've been in the TCC since like 2017 and have always been fascinated by mass killers and murder cases because I can relate on certain aspects. Obviously, I know they're moids and moids are filth but there's something extremely satisfying about bringing out your own revenge and impacting people's lifes forever just like they did yours. To keep myself in check I also look through the victims so that I do not solely focus and empathize with the murderers. Anyway you can call me filth for this, I understand. That's enough edge for today. Officer, don't take what I post too seriously mmmm'kay?

Anonymous 114782

The thing is mass shooters don't exactly ruin the lives of people who ruined theirs. They just kill random ppl and perpetuate the cycle of pain


Anonymous 114603[Reply]

>24 years old
>Never had a bf
>Spent most of my youth either watching Netflix or playing video games
>Kissless virgin
>Shut in NEET

Should i feel ashamed about myself? I am not the best looking girl in existence, but I've had at least 5 boys approach me before with the intent to start a relationship with me, but i rejected every single one cause they were either ugly or i felt like i wasn't ready and i feel nervous around the opposite gender.

To make matters worse, I've cut almost all contact with my friends from high school / college..

Anyone else here who's stuck in a similar situation and feel like a total failure and loser? The worst part is how envious I feel about other women that has experienced all the things i would like to experience in life
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Anonymous 114654

Didn't add that I would have to have less self respect and accept humiliation. Lmao you're so fucking mad Holy shit

Anonymous 114655

Kek I'm "mad" enough to make you double-post for clarity, please continue to reassure me that you are not are NOT a SUBMISSIVE PIG WHORE.
>Lol not lmao I was never rejected neither wanted to date
You have a me vs. them mentality, social rejection is still rejection. This stacy/becky dichotomy is only found in one other group: incels and bottom of the hierarchy losers. Everything you've written reeks of a reject trying to convince themselves that their philosophy isn't a trauma response.

Anonymous 114656

Oh, welcome back, cocksucker-pig chan!

Anonymous 114659

Lol your mentality "I'm a submissive whore so I will accuse you of it cause I feel humiliated"
I posted twice cause when I clicked post I thought the post didnt go through then I decided to add something more I forgot to add but was too lazy to delete it
You literally exposed yourself, by femcel I mean a volcel I just like to make fun of it. I don't mind being this way, I never had male friends ir sought male attention or wanted to attempt it all of my isolation was self choosen. I was half joking about the stacy thing retard cause I think its funny, I wouldn't wanna be a "Stacy" I literally dont mind lifelong celibacy etc.
And I said I was sad subconsciously but I hasn't been rejected neither attempted to date or would go along with it if someone hit on me, it happened a few times and I literally ignored it.
Just how fucking high is your body count that you need to cope this much?
Do you understand that every woman can have sex? I'm just not built mentally to go through with it and be a pig, I'm literally not submissive I would never allow a male this close, it would piss me off, when I see males I see a predator and have self preservation, I wouldn't accept any man cause they would enrageme with every little thing. I have too much pride and dont like being controlled or humiliated in any way

Anonymous 114779

Fret not, there is someone somewhere (probably) who will embrace you as you come, tooth and nail and all that vitriol, shards of glass and broken dreams will smush together, and you'll collapse like a dying star.


Anonymous 114255[Reply]

I feel so insecure. I'm uglier than my bf, not very much but he is tall so he does mog me even though his face doesn't that harshly. Idk, I just get uglier each year it's such suicidefuel. He asked friend to looksmatch us and this friend gave 2 points more to him than me so he mogs + the height. I do say he is like 5/10, I'm 3/10 so he is not like super model or whatever. He does say "you are cute to me, others opinions dont matter" but i cant help but let them affect me. He just deserves someone better looking and all. How can I even better my looks?
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Anonymous 114307

>He just deserves someone better looking
This is probably the backstory of half of all cuckqueans.

Anonymous 114743

Why do you care about the height difference? Taller bf and shorter gf is like the most normal thing ever.

Anonymous 114745

imagine taking advice from someone who makes a mistake like this. this is what parabens from makeup do to the mind

Anonymous 114746

exercise and eat less carbs. it's that simple. Also probably helps if you figure out why you are so insecure, normal people dont score themselves on a relationship like its some points game

Anonymous 114747

normal people are actually very obsessed with looks matching, so much that there are many successful internet couples content about an attractive person with an unattractive (often physically disabled) person


Am I autistic? Anonymous 114719[Reply]

I’ve been hanging out with my friends for the past two days, and the entire time they’ve been insulting me. They’ll call me autistic and insane and then turn around and claim they’re autistic and just ‘joking’. It really pisses me off- especially because I’m just being myself. How come they can make jokes amongst themselves and I’m not allowed to? I want to be normal, I want to fit in. How come they’re so mean to me? I feel horrible.

Anonymous 114720

Friend groups (especially female friend groups) have hierarchies and sometimes you're on the bottom, add a multiplier if you're autistic or go against the status quo. It's human nature. Find new friends.

Anonymous 114721

I want to find new friends. My family calls me normal but I honestly think I am the furthest from it. I don’t live in an area where it’s easy to make friends, especially with the hierarchy going on.

Anonymous 114737

why do they call you autistic? unless you fit the diagnostic criteria you aren't.

Anonymous 114740

No idea. I’ve got severe ADHD and I get hyper, if that might be what they’re referring to. It’s annoying. They have no understanding of what autism actually is. They make fun of my brother for being autistic.

Anonymous 114741

What the fuck I would not tolerate anyone saying shit about my siblings.

They don't sounds like great friends, true friends wouldn't look down on you. Can I ask how old you/your friends are?


"goody two-shoes" Anonymous 114625[Reply]

>try to do the right thing
>get disliked for it

Anonymous 114649

John 3:19
>And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

Anonymous 114680

whenever someones too nice it's a red flag because most people are rude

Anonymous 114685


Anonymous 114687

There's something frustrating about someone bending to authority so much. But I think most people who do good things just want to be better people so I won't judge

Anonymous 114711

I guess the questions is about why you're trying to do the right thing. The just and good response isn't always the most emphatic one.

The type of person the article refers to is ultimately good out of selfish reasons, something they've developed as a survival mechanism due to shitty parents. Don't think it's anything to criticize as much as I'd want for them to be allowed to grow into their genuine self, but I do think it's a 'niceness' that a lot of people won't perceive as genuine.

Other people will contrast your good behaviour with their own and won't like the light it paints them in, hence the angry response.


I need advice Anonymous 114667[Reply]

I don’t know where to go or who to talk to about this, since I should feel lucky. I got married and when I was engaged I was happy, but the day after the marriage it seemed like he stopped loving me. We never hang out, we never talk, we never sleep together. Everytime he sees me cry he either laughs or rolls his eyes. When we were dating he was really sweet to me, I don’t know what I did wrong. What can I do?
Pic unrelated
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Anonymous 114673

he was playing the long game. don't be obvious pretend everything is fine and cheat on him. when he talks about his problems remain disinterested you've been scammed and nows your chance for revenge.

Anonymous 114675

I think it depends if you want to salvage the relationship or not. Perhaps he thinks that he hit the relationship 'goal' of getting married, that his active part is over, and that somehow, because he reached that 'goal' there's no more work to be done. He also could not be thinking entirely. It depends on what you're comfortable with, but you could make a list of concerns and the various behavior changes, and actually sit down to have a long conversation about your future together and expectations in the marriage. Open communication is the best approach is both parties are acting above board. There's likely something underlying this, and you have to decide for yourself if you want to both put in work to have a happy marriage. Good luck nona!

Anonymous 114691

kill him

Anonymous 114701

The only sensible post here.

Anonymous 114702

Good answer to a fake post.


why do people like uncle toms? Anonymous 114692[Reply]

before explaining, i just want to preface that i am mildly drunk, so apologies if this post isn't written or cohesive, but i hope the point gets across.

i'd like to mention that even though the term "uncle tom" is racial and stems from a racial context, the concept spans across race, gender, age, and any other markers of "identity." the other day i was watching a video from some millennial complaining about zoomers and the top comment was some zoomer saying something along the lines of, "i totally agree with you. zoomers SUCK and i am different, here's why." so, i don't imagine that being an uncle tom is particularly isolated towards the idea of race.

i'd also like to mention, that yes, all of us participate in uncle tom like behavior to some degree. maybe we betray our prosocial, collectively presented opinion a little bit in private - that is normal, i think. but i don't think it's a good thing, necessarily.

the weird thing is how defensive people get over uncle toms. the people that support their uncle tom behavior because, i don't even know really. why? they don't stand for anything. their whole schtick is that they just cater to our repressed desires even if they persist malicious social systems. is there an important role for that? maybe, but i don't genuinely like them as people.

i get that people don't always have to be PC and prosocial and im not someone that genuinely hates them or anything. i just don't get why people support uncle tom behavior. its not even particularly healthy to be an uncle tom yourself, because you would only be important to others if you play a role. not because you are a human being that has their own desires and thoughts.

does that make sense? i just don't get it. it's wrong to support uncle tom behavior or be one yourself, from my perspective.

Anonymous 114693

and again
i don't hate these people. i get that not everything in life is about being collectively prosocial. but
i guess i just dont really understand my feelings towards them.

Anonymous 114695

It's an extremely nuanced issue, but for the most part people "like" them because they're easy pawns in ideological arguments.
>"See? Even some black people agree!"
>"There are traditional and submissive women out there"
I would still argue that criticism of "your side" is a good thing and should be practiced readily, I don't believe in absolutism, unquestioning commitment to a cause is very dangerous. But it should be used to improve things on your end, not as leverage for the opposing party.


explain the shift Anonymous 114686[Reply]

So I have this thing. When I moved abroad I don’t remember once missing my family. My roommate is my best friend and yet I can go a week without wanting to hang out. Now I quit weed and have to process the absolute emotional circus that is my period without any crutches. I miss my roommate and I miss my family. The weirdest thing is I stopped missing a guy I’ve been obsessed with for over a year. How do you explain this? The change is very welcome and I’d like to keep it that way, since I tend to get aloof when it comes to the people closest to me (which leads to interpersonal conflict and drama) and weirdly get stuck on people I don’t even know. This random shift happened in just one day


Virgin Thread Anonymous 50440[Reply]

I always feel so alone because it feels as though EVERY woman has had some sort of romantic, or sexual experience. And here I am with nothing, a pathetic adult female KHHV. I feel so alone and as though my time is running out. My goal isn't to lose my virginity, but find someone who loves me.
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Anonymous 102724


Wow, American college really is different. Not only campus life but also staff like college counselor

>Whenever someone is nice to me I get butterflies in my stomach and think about it for days
That's good and you shouldn't be ashamed of this
>then I remember they probably don't think anything of me
I can tell you that is in everyone of us keeping most of us down. Sometimes people tend to overanalyze daily encounters as if they handle math problems and this fucks with our brains. Just take one of these and hunt for more butterflies. You've made the experience start farming and develop your char

Anonymous 102726

While counselors are great, college quality can affect the quality of the counselors. However, more often than not the counselors at colleges are very knowledgeable about the school at an academic, social, and job level. The counselors at my community college all graduated from big shot universities like Ann Arbor or Texas A&M. Hell, most of them come from your average public colleges.

Anonymous 102727

I used to think I got used to being alone, that I didn't and would never feel the craving for touch and affection again but I was wrong.

I spent some time with a moid from my extended family and the frequent interaction and proximity brought all those repressed needs rushing back. I believe I was even starting to fall in love during the last couple of days we spent together. Even now I still spend like 1/4th of the day thinking about him.

Why am I like this, I'm 25 ffs

Anonymous 102748

kinda based

Anonymous 102749

are u two ready for NECROMANCY?!?

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