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How can I 'fix' my life? Anonymous 118867[Reply]

I don't want to work and times I feel like being productive, I still end up doing the same thing every day; being online either browsing the web or playing games.
I stay up late and have tried changing my sleep schedule, and it stills ends up being the same. I heard those already with mental illness are more prone to being online a lot, like an addiction. I don't have the money for therapy, so I just have to find the will to do basic tasks and take care of myself, but don't know how.
I know the typical answer is to just "remove yourself from your devices and put yourself in a better environment" but I don't quite understand why I can't do something as simple as that. If you've ever been stuck in this kind of lifestyle and mindset, as severe as mine is or just for a short while, please help. I need your honest advice but also serious answers.

Anonymous 118868


you're struggling to do something as simple as that because it's not simple. your online habits are probably filling an emotional need, so if you try to stop suddenly, it's like you're trying to walk on a broken leg without support. if you want to get off the crutches, you'll have to heal the wound. it might be worth introspecting about what you get out of being online. is it companionship? distraction? attention? solitude? security? if you're like me, it's probably all of the above.

the way you/we get out of it, as far as I can tell, is deciding to be someone who fills her needs in a healthier way. someone who loves herself enough that she'll brave the discomfort of change, knowing she deserves the better life that comes after. sometimes I imagine my ideal Nona, and try to really step into her mindset and do what she would do, even if it's something small like not skipping daily self-care. sometimes it even works.

Anonymous 118871


I've been in this situation. I haven't left my house for a year,
I didn't see anyone other than my parents, my brother and our cat, long before of the pandemic. Today I'm studying for a university entrance exam, and I work at a job that's kinda crap, but at least I don't spend the whole day at home and have my own pocket money. There is no magic solution, you need to make an effort and create small rituals to create discipline; I just got tired of my situation, I couldn't bear to live like that anymore.
I started by just taking a shower when I wake up in the morning, tidy up my bed and exercising also helped a lot,
you need to set small and simple goals, do it little by little, every day. Another thing is to give daily updates right here on
CC, I think it can help you monitor your own evolution.
On the issue of work: I don't like working either, but I also don't like asking anyone for money; I'm trying to find a way to make money without being a wagie, but I think it can be very bad for you not to have your own money, even if is not a lot.
As for being online all day: what do you usually see on the internet? Are you really having fun? Because I used to waste a lot of time doom scrolling on social media often seeing only things that I didn't even like, maybe you are in the same situation.

Anyway, don't forget to update the thread, keep telling us how you feel about what you've been able to do,
perhaps more people will appear in a similar situation who are also tired of this


Anonymous 118693[Reply]

What's it like being married to a lesbian?

Anonymous 118694

i want to be married to another lesbian

Anonymous 118811

I want to be married to another leasbian's leasbian

Anonymous 118865

focus on having genuine connections first and foremost, then decide whether or not you'd be comfortable even dating a woman.


Anonymous 118852[Reply]

35 dpo.
i am 42 years old and slowly going crazy and feel completely desperate. Am I pregnant or not? Or are these just evaporation lines?

please need some emotional support

Anonymous 118853

Unfortunately, this does look like an evaporation line. I'm sorry that you are struggling to conceive.

Anonymous 118854

Thank you for your reply. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for two years, but so far, nothing has happened. What are my chances of getting pregnant at 42?

Anonymous 118855

I don't know about your chances but my aunty had her first kid at 40/41 and her twin boys at 43. She had IVF treatments for the second round but the first time she and her husband min maxed their nutrition and she drank some traditional herb tea every morning that supports the menstrual cycle. I think it was milk thistle mostly but I can't tell you if it worked, I just know they tracked their nutrition using cronometer and made sure to be maxed out on vitamins and minerals daily (but not too much too) and after a couple of years of trying their miracle happened.
Good luck to you! I really hope you have your wish come true. Also when you do your pregnancy tests, try to take them in the morning cause your pee and thus the pregnancy hormones within it will be concentrated so it's easier for the test to detect it and will be a quicker result. Also I've been told by some women not to go for the extremely sensitive tests because they will detect fertilized eggs that the body is about to reject too if they detect way too sensitively. I know of a mom who put herself through hell cause she watched 2-3 tests go from positive to negative a few days later followed by a painful period and it hurt her more to discover she'd been pregnant for a day as opposed to getting a negative test from the start. Apparently it's likely a lot of old time "random weirdly painful period" were rejected pregnancies but we were unaware of them until we got very sensitive detection tests. But I'm now rambling, I just hope you get your child one day

Anonymous 118859

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 118863

Moved to >>>/hb/20943.


Hair!! Anonymous 118482[Reply]

I’ve been struggling with my hair.. I miss my heavy waves/loose curls. When my hair was shorter i had the prettiest curls. How can I get maintain my curls without cutting my hair? It’s become too long and too heavy to hold my natural curls

Anonymous 118485


>posts AI slop
you deserve heavy hair

Anonymous 118856

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. The longer the curls are the harder the it is for the tips to stay healthy. This is why traditionally most cultures with curly hair have protective braiding styles, but we live in the age of fancy shampoo and abundance so we can take advantage of that!
I've noticed most shampoos are too stripping for me so my current shampoo is actually a cleansing conditioner by Aunt Jackie's. To me that made the biggest difference and a massive one at that. Now I don't really notice much of a difference between using a regular conditioner or a heavy duty one so I think the worst thing I was doing to my curls was stripping the hair of too many oils with my shampoo so the conditioner had to work double time against the damage and barely contained it. Once a week I'll use a conditioning mask in the shower but mostly just use normal conditioner that I leave in while I wash my body. When I get out of the shower I gently towel dry and use some sort of sealing cream. I don't like the idea of product buildup (especially now that I'm using a cleansing conditioner instead of regular shampoo) so the stuff I'm currently using is basically just emulsified oils as I'm trying to avoid silicone or anything else that would build up over time. Then I let air dry and my curls are actually really happy and bouncy!
If I skip or forget to put in a sealing cream while my hair is wet my hair will be a bit frizzy but not bad so I really must stress finding a non stripping shampoo or cheating by using a cleansing conditioner personally. I originally bought after shower hair creams first and found myself using a lot but when I swapped shampoos I barely needed any and found my hair looked better too. On top of that, get a good wide tooth comb and comb daily to move the oils from the top of your scalp down to the tips. I used to avoid brushing but that was when I had a shit brush, now I notice my hair and scalp are so much healthier now that I'm combing through it. Good luck with the hair journey! My go to brand is Aunt Jackie's cause it's cheaper than the other stuff I've tried and it works miles better than this 70$ Kevin Murphy cleansing shampoo/conditioner combo I wasted money on one year. I don't have Afro hair, but the products still work amazing. I just don't go for the sealing cream for the super tight curly hair and it doesn't overdo it so long as I don't use too much

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 118862

Moved to >>>/hb/20940.


I have Spanish Finals this week. Anonymous 118806[Reply]

I am cooked.

Anonymous 118807

Me no habla Espanõla

Anonymous 118808


Yo, neither do I!
I want this semester to be over with so damn bad. The end always crawl into FREAKING FOREVER I AM LOSING IT.

Anonymous 118820

german was a pain

Anonymous 118822

yo te ayudo nonita


Anonymous 118687[Reply]

besides suicide what are my options if I hate myself so much that I am unable to function. What will help. Meds have not helped.

Anonymous 118697

I’d recommend trying to better yourself to spite the others that you hate.

Anonymous 118812

I take advice from one of my favorite feminist characters and I say "If you are going to kill yourself, at least die doing something cool."

I welcome death when it happens, just not today.

Anonymous 118813

lift weights

it'd helped me lately

Anonymous 118818

YES I was worried deadlifts would make me mannish but I have a bubble butt and thick thighs instead. I feel powerful.


Anonymous 118673[Reply]

i want to kill myself so badly. my life has zero purpose, i spend every day waiting for nighttime and every week waiting for Friday. all i seem to do is fuck up and make mistakes im so fucking retarded. im so ugly and fat im gonna die alone. i have zero willpower and im just a waste of space. i cant seem to do anything right

Anonymous 118675

you're probably 15 or in high school. I think this is how most people, or at least girls, feel then. I recommend reading books or finding a really nice hobby you enjoy. the books will help you see different perspectives and hobbies are good for you.

just try to take it easy and do little things you enjoy. i'm sure you're not fat or ugly but work on your looks if you want to, though everyone becomes old and dies anyway so it shouldn't be a priority.

I also really recommend saying a Rosary everyday. :)

Anonymous 118797

How old are you? Do you work or go to school?


Anonymous 118725[Reply]

No idea what to study or do with my life, I’m just working half time at fast food

I have a good head but got burned out and after going to a psych ward after graduation my mental health only declined

Would like to know what kind of job or study y’all have

What even is a good career this days??
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Anonymous 118740

homeschooling is unironically based

Anonymous 118741

I recognize your wisdom, although the tides of the world seem to be set against it.

Anonymous 118748

my dream life is genuinely neeting but i can't see a plausible future where i can do that without leeching off welfare or something. and i don't wanna do that. so, uni career it is…

Anonymous 118777

Just find a devoted moid paypig
Worked for me, no risk of cheating, he is smitten by me

Anonymous 118785

I really want to write smut but I don't thik I am going to be good enough. I really don't like some of the books that are out there and think I could do better but I am so embaressed about getting published and people seeing what I write in my spare time.

I wanted to go to school for biochem but i was a bad student kusogaki brat and got to stressed out.
Checked, you hit the jackpot sis you scissoring with lady luck. Keep the moid on a short leash for me.


Anonymous 117423[Reply]

>If you are genuinely good person, calm, kind, considerate, respectful, people view you as a doormat
>Kindness is typically about focusing on others, being considerate, and people often call such people doormats
>Slowly realizing that being a nice girl gets me taken advantage of
>The moment I stop making an effort in the friendship or relationship, everything stops

What do? How can I put myself first and stop being selfless for others with hopes that they might be my friend(s) or boyfriend?

Anonymous 117424

It's entirely possible to be both kind and firm. You can see it in good teachers and good parents, among other people.
>being a nice girl…
Stop right there. Being a genuinely good person does not equal being accommodating and a doormat. It does not even equal being nice because some of the kindest people I know often come off as rude. Set your boundaries. Defend yourself whenever you need to.
You grow up, bit by bit, learning how to be selfless at the right time and ruthless at others. You learn self-control, you reflect. Think a lot, keep improving your mindset, and it will come to you.

Anonymous 118784


Yeah! Just stop bending over cause it gets results and attention. If you let people take advantage of you they will. Obviously you are looking for the wrong qualities in yourself and moids see those as the perfect qualities to exploit. I really didn't get it until I relized I was basically letting myself be used and abducted and was totally chilling with it until I finally figured out what self respect means. No wonder I didn't have any friends. I still catch myself dropping my guard around the wrong guy.


Anonymous 115527[Reply]

I want to leave my house but have nowhere to go on the weekends
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 118700


Anonymous 118701



Anonymous 118702



Anonymous 118715


When I don't know what to do or where to go I think that maybe I could grab a book and go read somewhere comfy, like a park or a café. I tend to have issues thinking where can I go that can be free, since I don't have a lot of money.
I like being comfy in my house, but I wish really hard to interact with people, but the internet feels so dead lately.

Anonymous 118783


After a bad relationship months ago after I am really afraid to leave my house or interact with people other than gaming and have basically stayed to myself since covid. I started reading fiction alot but I'm getting delulu and I think I just need to touch grass and be myself again. THEN I realize thats how I got here…
I keep thinking I want a moid so he could pay for stuff but I honestly hate myself for how much I feel I need one and talking on Discord to them just makes me realize that even more.

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