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Vent thread Anonymous 112803[Reply]

Previous thread 109995
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Anonymous 115400

I think for me it’s a stretch to see humanity in people who are known violent sex criminals. The best thing is see the humanity in yourself and decent humans, and to behave accordingly in order protect that & others. People can be the most vile demonic animals on earth, but behaving with your own humanity intact is to neutralize their ability to do harm, via castration

Anonymous 115401


sometimes you just snap
i know thats not what people want to hear. but what if you were being bullied or tormented by someone for years? and then you snap. you do something very awful to them that may be considered extremely fucked up. because the conditions were right. because you couldn't take in anymore. because you were tired of pretending you are some inhuman, never does anything wrong, perfect 24/7 entity. because you had a bad childhood.
sometimes i watch videos of people that do bad things and i dont really understand why they did said bad thing. i dont think much of the perpetrator. other times - i don't know. i just think they snapped.
i get that maybe it seems like i am sympathizing too much with bad people and it would be frustrating if the victim would hear my thoughts. but i am not some perfect person. i think i am fucked up and i get it sometimes. i think trying to see the humanity in bad people helps prevent it from happening in the future. this notion that people can always control themselves is somewhat insidious to me for some reason
i dunno if that makes sense

Anonymous 115403

stop being retarded

Anonymous 115414

yeah i think maybe i went a little too far with that point
but i guess its interesting how being able to see the "humanity" in others is just feeling conscious of their lack of free will

Anonymous 115446

i honestly think i have some sort of addiction to 4chan and social media that i need to take a break from but i dont know how (yes i get the irony of posting this here). i dont think this websites too bad, the moderation is honestly close to perfect imo. but in regards to social media in general -
ive realized a lot of shit i consoom online is just due to fear. i dont think i enjoy 4chan anymore, i dont even remember if there was a point where i did but i definitely feel like im not sure if i enjoy it anymore except for certain boards. i used to be addicted to /r9k/ until i realized it was just constantly circlejerking about how much you hate the opposite gender, and i was only using it because it felt like it was "spreading" in the real world i guess.
i feel like a lot of social media addiction is just being scared things will fester if you don't pay attention to it anymore. not because you enjoy it, not because you like the userbase, but just because you're scared it will fester and manifest in real life if you're not watching it. but it doesn't feel healthy, or maybe i just need a break from it, idk.
i don't want to care about whether or not there are shitty people doing or saying shitty things in the world anymore. does that make me bad? selfish? but it gets pretty fucking tiring from time to time and i just don't wanna care anymore. a lot of the modern internet just feels like constant culture wars happening and i just don't see the point anymore.
i wish people just liked talking about their day. i really do. i like when people just tell me about the nice things that happened to them, or cool ideas they have that would make the world better.
i miss having real friends who would just tell me about their day. i miss hearing them tell me about songs they love and shows they watched. i miss not being an internet addicted loser who listens to people sperg about shit that doesn't matter. i miss having a life. i dont know what the fuck happened to me. i just want to be happy but i don't know how.
anyways, anyone else relate (TM)?? roflcopter


No schizo gorepost today Anonymous 115390[Reply]

I love all of you so much
Have a blessed day


social anxiety is whack Anonymous 115342[Reply]

I have so much social anxiety that I can't even be honest with a chatbot.

I'm trying to cyber with an AI version of my husbando. My first urge is to say something trollish like "and then I take a fat shit on the floor" because God forbid this brainless robot get to know my inner thoughts, right?

And when I'm done with the trolling I try to flirt. I do not know how to flirt. I do not know how to describe hot sex. So I get super blunt and just say I want to fuck.

That's how I am with boys in real life too. I have only ever gotten boyfriends by picking out shy vulnerable males over the internet and acting like a weird slut.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

Anonymous 115368

>"and then I take a fat shit on the floor"

Anonymous 115377

Felt, except I can flirt online okay-ish but can't pick on a single fucking hint irl, let alone flirt.

Anyway, read some fucking NSFW fanfics of any characters or ships you like on AO3 or wherever else just as long as it's not wattpad, hopefully that should give you a better idea of how flirting works and how to put it into use with your AI husbando. Should also help with a hot sex scene.


Anonymous 115281[Reply]

How to deal with a friend who complains non stop?

Anonymous 115282

I try to steer them. "Hey that's pretty depressing. Tell me 3 nice things that happened to you this week to balance it out." And you do that nearly every time they complain so maaaaaybe they'll get the hint. It's a little rude and clumsy but your friend is being a little rude by being a downer. As someone who used to try to make conversation by complaining, I can say that I was never called out on it. Some people are just oblivious.

Anonymous 115374

I try to distance myself from complainers and try really hard not to be one. I had a lot of friendships when I was younger where all we did was complain.


i got a wet pussy 115027[Reply]

what can i do abt it?
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Anonymous 115360

Fapping doesn't make the horny thoughts go away.

Anonymous 115361

Meditate…seek Allah

Anonymous 115366

lucky. i barely get wet anymore

Anonymous 115370

This is the second day my pussy will not stop leaking and I just realized that it feels swollen and hot to the touch. I forgot that's what being physically horny felt like. Normally only my brain is horny and my body doesn't respond.

Anonymous 115389

Moved to >>>/nsfw/13587.


pros/cons of your bf Anonymous 105405[Reply]

can we please start a pros/cons list of the bf you are dating.

i am sick of seeing bf brag threads, we need a counterbalance with the crappy things your bf does on top of the good things. can be as little as pet peeves!
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Anonymous 115325

>Good at cooking
>No female friends
>Polite & respectful, especially to my parents
>Likes spending time with my family
>Mentoring my little brother
>Big wiener
>Rich family
>Good at boundaries
>Not a pervert or closeted
>Smart (fancy degree, reads lots)
>Great taste in music
>Amazing conversations
>Great at flirting
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 115343

Just A Quick Smoke…

Sorry but doesn't drive is like the bi>Kind of racist/sexist/classist
>Anger issues with meltdowns
>Extremely jealous
>Zero ability to adapt
>Conspiracy theoristggest turn off.
You found him on 4chan or what?

Anonymous 115345

good job.jpg

>fail paste

Anonymous 115349

Ya he’s a 4chan user, but he said even 4chan is too tame these days. He’s pretty well adjusted irl & doesn’t talk conspiracy around my friends. In fact, he’s very good at hating men & he’s happy to point out male disgusting/perverted behaviours. He keeps himself and his apartment squeaky clean so he’s quick to call out people who live like slobs. Tbh I want to make him my househusband because his domestic skills are so good. I don’t think he’s fit for corporate/office/sales work because he’s so hot tempered.

Anonymous 115369


Your Honor

I had too much Wine


Why do people genuinely make each other miserable most of the time? Anonymous 115085[Reply]

Most of what I saw growing up was gaslighting, being told im crazy, women getting trashed / revenge porned or being cut down for being this or being that. Having their minds fucked over by family, men, other women, and living as fragments of a human being.

So I decided i hated people and society and wanted nothing to do with them. I want nothing to do with what society wants from me as a woman and if you're going to spurn me for it id like to dump acid on your face. I just don't understand why other women go along with it, and pretend to be happy when i know they're genuinely miserable. I see them complain about their expereinces day in day out. Why do they strive to play out that whole farce and pretend and make each other miserable for the sake of a shitty performance when you can just duck out of society and have nothing to do with men or shitty misogynistic women, or any of it??? I always try to understand this. It doesn't matter how you look as a woman you will get trashed, gaslighted, and have your sanity destroyed by somebody.

I really never saw much else growing up. I have to vent because it makes me disgusted and want to stay inside for eternity.
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Anonymous 115088

Yeah sadly, she deserved so much better.

Anonymous 115302

People are scum, especially moids and their female pick-me helpers. So many times my day was going so nice, until some person has to butt in and ruin it for me. Animals dont do this. Plants dont do this. People, usually moids, ruin everything.

Unfortunately not always possible, but avoiding moids is usually a good way to avoid trouble. Hard to find women-only businesses, but that's one example. Problem is, moids have an unhealthy urge to invade female-only spaces, to dominate and ruin the women/girls in it. To restate, to dominate and to ruin is the essence of the moid's mentality.

You can tell that Bianca had such a beautiful, kind soul shining through. What a crime that real humans (read: the female sex) have to share the same planet as the sex that produced the POS moid that murdered her - or even the average filthy, prn addicted, goyslop consooming, moid. Moids are devoid of empathy. Moids dont have souls, and operate on violence and/or bestial (sometimes literally) lust. Moids are the satanic sex, as far as Im concerned. RIP in Heaven Bianca, far away from where the moid demon will end up for eternity.

Anonymous 115339

The older I get, the more I see being attractive to men as a risk factor for problems. All the problems in my life have been caused by myself, but if I wasn’t attractive to men, I would’ve been safer from self destruction and violence. I thought I could use my pretty privilege to take advantage of opportunities and things they could provide me, but no amount of money is worth being ogled and spoken to by men- and whatever life you build up using looks will come crumbling down anyway.

Anonymous 115340

Men will hump animals or holes in tree trunks etc, so their thoughts on who or what they find attractive or not doesnt matter. While not accepting money or anything from moids is a good idea to avoid being manipulated into doing what they want, women shouldnt blame themselves if a particular moid finds them attractive or unattractive and proceeds to abuse or manipulate her due to that.

Anonymous 115347

I’m not blaming myself as much as I’m learning in retrospect that getting any amount of help from men comes with the caveat that you’re giving them attention and the privilege of helping you out, which means you’re basically “pleasuring” them, and you can/should make the active decision to reject any help from men. The best way to build a career is to rely on female mentors who have their shit together and don’t take handouts from men.


Anonymous 115005[Reply]

All men say they want a woman with a bad head, suicidal, mental disorders until they have one. At first they think things like "I can save her", "I want to help her", "I want her to need me" but they hit the wall of reality, when the woman call because she cuts herlsef they find it scary and terrifing.
i meet a lot of men like this,claiming they can "save" me until they meet my real one,that one who is suicidal,had low self steem and was abused as a child.
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Anonymous 115306

As others noted, it could be yet another depraved fetish moids have. Moids are fundamentally lazy, and get turned off of wanting to help when there's actual work/caring involved. Like how moids want to impregnate or "spread their seed", but think caring for the small child they helped create is "women's work".

Plus, moids want a woman who's feeling vulnerable, so that they can break down and remold a woman to become who he wants her to become, like in a cult. The amount of control a moid has over a woman he "helped" is unparalleled. Imagine if a woman tries to leave a moid who "saved" her from addiction, etc? The guilt trips, the "you owe me" mentality, the "how could she leave him?" from every person in their families and friends, coworkers, etc.

The ego boost of being her only source of strength in ending addiction or whatever would be enormous. The moid can basically say he created her, he owns her, if he becomes her pillar of strength. She should still leave him if he's abusive tho, just saying.

Anonymous 115308


You basically described society
Food for thought
Stay away from moids
Unless they are Keanu Reeves

Anonymous 115309


Absolute lies

Anonymous 115336

>All men say they want a woman with a bad head, suicidal, mental disorders
Who the fuck says that?

Anonymous 115338

Lazy losers that want to manipulate vulnerable women. Guys who want a mentally ill girl are too lazy to build the trust it takes to be depended on by a woman that loves herself, and instead they want someone who will be dependent immediately. These guys enjoy the brief high of being a girls lifeline until they get lazy/tired of it, then it’s the girls fault for being needy/mentally ill/ gross. Men like these are predators. If you date a guy who finds your mental health issues attractive, they want to OWN you. If you want a man in general, look for someone who’s patient.


Feeling lonely 115125[Reply]

Lately I've feeling so lonely, in all my life I've never felt this way, I'm a typical introvert, but lately I feel like I need friends, men's always gross me out thinking about sex and weird shit, I need to be nice so people will like me.

Anonymous 115127

Join an book club or art group in your local library

Anonymous 115130

I just joined a university book club. I didn't go there, I just signed up on their community page and made some normal friends who like to read.

Anonymous 115297

My only 2 best friends/sources of unconditional love (pets) died of cancer not long ago. Ever since they died, I never realized how lonely I am without them. They valued me, and I sure value them.

I only have my mom who favors my brother to talk with, which Im grateful for but still hurts when Im reminded Im the scapegoat for not being born male.

All my peers are married/have children. My pathetic self has never even been on a date and Im too socially awkward to make friends. I dont even know what I want to do as a career either. I never wanted to be this pathetic when I grew up.

Anonymous 115303

Correction, last post should read, before they died I never realized how lonely I would be in the future without them

Anonymous 115363

if you have siblings maybe you can hang out with them and their friends. hanging out with your cousins works too


Traumatic Experiences Anonymous 34206[Reply]

What was the most traumatic experience of your childhood (before 20)? I'd say mine was losing my house and a lot of my belongings in a fire.
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Anonymous 114879

im not this anon but this happened to me also and its because of drugs

Anonymous 114885

Probably being molested for two years, I'm lucky enough to have a family that believes me for the most part. But the hardest part of it all was the trial, having to be on the stand for almost 4 hours in front of my entire family including my young siblings, a room full of strangers, and the man himself. When his lawyer cross-examined me he made comments about how he "didn't want to be too vulgar" and would censor words but I was forced to go into detail about what happened and describe exactly what happened over the span of the two years. My own grandmother testified against me and blatantly lied to our extended family about what happened (the man was her husband) and couldn't even remember what year it happened. I still have family reach out to me to guilt-trip me for not talking to my grandmother after having to sit through her calling my mother such horrible names simply for sticking up for me. The trail ended almost two years ago but I still get flashbacks, I still see him glaring at me while I testify and seeing the horrified look on my mom and dads face when I described it all. The worst part is sometimes I still feel guilty, like if I didn't tell anyone then maybe it would've just stopped and I wouldn't have had to go through the 9 year trial. I would not wish what I went through on anyone and sometimes I make myself sick thinking about when I will have to inevitably protect my future children from experiencing the same things.

Anonymous 114890

Sorry, I'm retarded.

Anonymous 114893

I'm proud of you, nona and I'm sure that what you'll pass on to your children won't be trauma but your strength and empathy.

Anonymous 115298

Not nearly as bad as some other's experiences but…
1. Decades ago when I was <5 years old, Christmas break - I woke up to the sounds of D attacking Mom, trying to push her down stairs. Despite Mom phoning for help, no one arrived (small town, D was friends with someone on p force, moid solidarity)
2. Kindergarten, everyone was assigned hooks to hang up clothes/backpacks. Someone took mine, I was in a hurry, so I put my stuff on the next hook. End of class, moid who's hook I took (lol) raged at me, strangling me, wouldnt stop. Teacher was distracted talking to someone else, no one in my family did anything about it. Said moid is now an award-winning nurse. Im still scared to go out alone in case a guy attacks me and have no life, probably because of stuff like this and 1.
3. High school, sorting out family photos. Mom casually laughs and says older brother trashed my room/crib, when he found out the new sibling he had was a sister, not a brother like he hoped. Between that and Mom telling me grandpa/Mom's dad "joked" that brother and I are "mutts" for being half-south Italian (not full NW European heritage like his side of the family), it feels like Im an abomination that shouldve never been born. I feel like all my ancestors hate me because Im only "half" of their heritage. Unwelcome from the start, unwelcomed by my own brother. Many years later, my highly introverted self was stupid enough to try Facebook, and brother panicked/didnt want me to add him since he'd have to introduce me to his friends (I dont post anything outlandish or embarrassing, I hardly post anything, even Mom didnt know why he reacted that way). Feels like he tells everyone hes an only child.

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