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Unsent Letter Thread Anonymous 115657[Reply]

Previous Thread >>2119
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Anonymous 119815

then let’s do this tonight. run away with me and never look back

Anonymous 120063

I hope your shitty man dies. Keep crying to anyone who'll listen. No one is going to help you because you don't deserve help.

Anonymous 120064

I hate that I miss you. Why did you have to be so damn helpful and cute. We both knew we were broken and shouldnt be together, yet you hung around me anyway. We only kissed once and it was the best kiss of my life, and then you just left like an asshole. Why did you have to get in head, why couldnt you just leave me alone the first time, I still have your ocarina and kiss it to feel you…

Anonymous 120102

It seems you really weren't lying about not having things I thought you might've had. Thank you for being true.

Anonymous 120239

I hope that you will regret actions for all eternity.


tryharded life but failed maybe Anonymous 120115[Reply]

>be me, young girl
>not really sure what i want to do in life
>figure that if i work hard in school i can get a good job, make money, and raise a family
>do that
>date a guy my age for 6 years, doesn't work out
>start dating a new guy my age, i love him but he's kinda broke
>graduate with a STEM degree, 4.0 GPA
>no jobs hiring STEM undergrads, want higher degree/experience
>start grad school as a PhD student
>doing a good job
>exhausted from working on my thesis every day
>paid crumbs, live in shitty apartment
>realize i'm 25
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Anonymous 120171

Okay op, so basically sounds like you need to leave. Your BF, for better or worse is a bachelor, he's comfortable and has no intention of becoming uncomfortable. Of you love him, I would give him a another 6 months, try to prod him in the right direction, make your desire to be a mother clear. I can tell you 40-50k isn't enough to raise a family on unless your willing to perma-rent in a bad neighborhood or move to nowhereville. If he's not willing to make any changes the year out, you need to walk, or you will wind up being those 30 year old couples still dating like teenagers posting furbabies on your timeline, or worse you get pregnant by him and then resent the fuck out of him for making the family live in poverty because he had no aspirations beyond what his bumble fuck job is now. A real man should want to provide and plan ahead for the nest, his "I don't want our kids to be snobs" is pure cope at best and bullshit to shut you up at worst.

Anonymous 120172

That's not a good situation nona, when I told my fiance I wanted kids he almost immediately started looking for better work. We're even downsizing our wedding to save for a bigger house because we're both nerds and want space for kids and for our hobbies. Have you tried looking at jobs adjacent to your fields? Try checking Indeed, there's lots of jobs that literally just want a random degree and will train you in a complete different career, they just use the degree as a retard filter.

Anonymous 120219

>a man who "would be willing" to be a stepdad, but who's single.
This will get your kids molested.

Anonymous 120229

Ugh yeah I think you guys are right… Thanks knocking some sense into me and giving me a better idea of a provider. It all gave me some major perspective. He really wasn't pushing for kids at all. And I really don't want to micromanage him for the rest of my life.

It's just scary breaking up and I want him to be okay, but yeah it's the right thing to do for me. Scared of being alone too. But I'll figure it out! Surely…

Anonymous 120235

inb4 groomed into breakup by boyless neets


job feels Anonymous 120175[Reply]

people treat me like shit at work.
why can't I have a job where I don't go home and feel like crying?
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Anonymous 120208

Nta but ye that’s what made me quit my job, had a snarky old lady making snide remarks to me and petty passive aggressive comments on a daily basis. Not my fault you messed up your life and have to slave away until your 80s grandma

Anonymous 120211

I had a really good friend group at work last year, but this year a new guy has joined our workplace and ruined the dynamics. He's a textbook narcissist, and I don't use that term lightly - he displays all traits described by the DSM 5. He constantly needs recognition and thinks that doing an act of kindness means he can boss me around 30 minutes later because "I owe him". Sadly, the other girls in my friend group are caring, kind human beings. They buy his pathetic sad-clown act and give him endless supplies of attention, to the point where they're exhausted after talking to him. To contrast, he gets mad that I don't react to him and give him the attention he craves.

He's started making an effort to talk to my friends when I'm not there and I've now noticed a gradual shift in everyone's attitude towards me (barring my closest friend). I've been told to stop being mean to him, this fucking jerk who regularly makes fun of me and everyone else; he's clearly been playing the sad act behind my back to make me the villain. Heaven knows what the fuck I've even said that is worse than his typical 'banter;' my guess is that my "meanness" is really just a complete lack of empathy and will to be his therapist. It pisses me off - anything mean he does against me is smoothed-over, because he traps my friends in an hours-long conversation that explains why really he's the good guy in this scenario.

I've just been biding my time, hoping that my friends will eventually smarten up and realise how exploitative he's being, but I think they're charmed by him rather than repulsed. I'll need to start subtly pointing out his manipulative behaviours as they appear.

Anonymous 120215

From what I remember, last time I checked on workplace bullying, Nursing had the highest bullying and hazing rate of any career path. Second highest is teaching, but teaching just had a lot of mild bullying whereas nursing was both very common and extremely vicious. Like "maliciously poisoning targets with hospital drugs, possibly with the intention of getting them fired" vicious.

This means that career paths that are INFAMOUS for their cruel hazing periods, which specifically go out of their way to recruit bullies, have less bullying than the care professions. The United States Marine Corps has less bullying and less hazing than nursing. Teachers are more likely to be former school bullies than cops are. There is more bullying in the nursing sector than in the prison guard sector. And nurses, unlike teachers, will fairly frequently resort to physical violence, or acts of a sexual nature including sexual blackmail. And society will frequently support or permit the bully nurses even in the more extreme cases, sexual blackmail being effective because it plays into the retarded malebrained delusions reinforced by media publishing scandals and blackmail with headlines like "naughty nurse" etc. This physical violence was particularly common in former second-world countries where senior nurses would start criminal organizations and reign over their hospitals by entering the drug and prostitution trades as madams, though I no longer remember the in depth true crime documentaries on that subject.

Anonymous 120225

Doesn't sound like your friend group was that good though, like in this scenario maybe good friends will give you the "he's a psycho but be nice to him" talk but not turn on you like this.
>anything mean he does against me is smoothed-over, because he traps my friends in an hours-long conversation that explains why really he's the good guy in this scenario.
This might just be you being paranoid nona
>pathetic sad-clown act
Not an act, peak suffering actually

Anonymous 120226

>I wanted to be an RN but now I don't know what I want to do.
I've been an RN for about five years now and while treatment can differ unit to unit or specialty to specialty, nearly everywhere everyone is on edge because of short staffing and high acuity. This unfortunately results in a hostile work environment since everyone is tired and stressed and displacing their frustration onto each other. When you're a nurse to a degree you do have to "suck it up" when it comes to stressful situations like a patient coding, someone sundowning, having to place an IV in a hard stick patient who's already angry etc, but you should never accept lateral violence as part of the job. If you work at a hospital, you should reach out to your manager about the hostility and request to transfer if it's not addressed. If you leave, send an email ccing your director and supervisor explaining your reason for leaving. It's short staffed everywhere so don't feel inclined to stay in one department.

I have worked with several CNAs who started out as nursing assistants with the intention to become RNs but switched majors once they experienced working bedside. If you decide to not become an RN I do recommend becoming a radiology tech. The pay is comparable to nursing, two years of schooling, and less direct patient care.


Anonymous 119842[Reply]

When was the last time you went out on a date and how was it?
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Anonymous 119872

I don't want to see ugly women on the streets either but you keep walking outside lol

Anonymous 119874

Said ugly moid

Anonymous 120205

Sounds cute!! How did it go?

Anonymous 120206

Got 'em

Anonymous 120210

People still go on dates in 2025?


dropout loser Anonymous 120178[Reply]

I got my ged and left highschool because i couldn't deal with the work even though i didnt study for the test and passed with a 3.8 gpa. went to college and its the ame as highschool. had to drop out because it was kinda the same thing… is it over for me? i have a part time janitorial job i never sign up for and no asperations in life. i know my parents are dissapointed in me and i really think ill live with them forever, i just hate the endless monotony of work and school. im perfectly happy living online, but i know eventually theyll get sick of providing for me

Anonymous 120181

Similar boat. If I were you I'd just take the jany job because some money is better than no money, if nothing else you can feel less like a piece of ahit by atleast paying your own phone bill or something, maybe take them out to eat everyother week. Go on indeed and look up different kinda jobs, save anything that even remotely interests you and research it. At the moment I'm an overnight baker for a supermarket which is pretty monotonous but atleast I'm not screeched at by geriatrics all day like most service jobs and the pay is decent. My goal is so save up to buy a cheap ass piece of land and homestead, maybe you can do the same. If you live with your parents and save up all your checks you can probably buy yourself a pimped out trailer in like a year, or maybe a cheap condo if you move to bumblefuck nowhere
Last resort you can save up for a pc and vtube. Seems pretty lucrative if you can stand stroking moid ego for money.

Anonymous 120192

I was in a similar situation to you. Now over 10 years later I drive trains in my state and make decent money. Never give up.

Anonymous 120199

How'd you get into that? I always wanted to be a train driver but it always seemed like something you needed to know people to have a shot…

Anonymous 120202

I was in a subway adjacent role before this that kinda sucked, so it helps to get your foot in on the entry level. Probably works the same for traditional trains, get in on the entry level and keep a lookout for openings.


confessions thread 2 Anonymous 63992[Reply]

>>51270 previous bread

I never brush my teeth for the full 2 minutes
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Anonymous 120177

All attraction died for my now ex bf when I found out he was sexually abused during childhood, he cried and shook like a leaf during sex and I couldn't help but laugh, I feel as cruel as the moids I spent my life shitting on but I can't help my emotions, like I wouldn't laugh at a woman that has been through this yet I ghosted this dude because of his trauma. Then again a moid that can't even have normal sex is pretty useless imo.
I know it's a meme but I just get turned off so bad when I see a man cry, like a repulsive reaction going up my throat, anyone else feel like this or am I just a bitch?

Anonymous 120182


Anonymous 120184

You are just trash as the same level of moids you complain about

Anonymous 120185

Holy fuck you are a depraved and heartless cunt and I don't think I've ever read something so horrible on this site before

Anonymous 120187

I've always given things to other people in my life. I remember looking out for my older siblings, but where are they now? After everything I'm lonely and they don't even care. I feel like I missed my chance to do anything with my life and no one notices or cares. My best friend moved on in life without me, they left me like yesterdays trash. I'm on the ground and everyone steps over me, even though I'm the one that picked them up, got them to where they are. I don't think I'll ever find someone who'll love me, and if they do I don't deserve that type of person. Is there a point in still going? Not many people would miss me, and not for long.


lace and cement Anonymous 120173[Reply]

Here I sit
The sky cries
Afternoon Darkening
Cold air whisks around my head
Frosted breaths as they die
There on the stage, standing
words breathlessly flow
Completely absorbed
Eyes fixated
Here I am
Fixated eyes
Absorbed completely
Flowing breathlessly, words
Standing on the stage, there
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Anonymous 120056[Reply]

What do you think of the drama surrounding this comic?
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Anonymous 120152

Drama? I thought it was funny
People need to stop taking cartoons seriously

Anonymous 120153

Id argue the omegaverse stuff you described is more degenerate because its trying to brainwash people actively, trying to make a nightmare into reality by describing it "realistically", and not just getting them off.

Anonymous 120156

>trying to make a nightmare into reality
Women already live in a nightmare reality. Using art to express and understand that fact is one of the higher purposes of art. It is also a fact that women's nightmare reality is sexual in nature, that the illegal crimes committed against women and the inhumane laws and social structures built to exploit and harm women are overwhelmingly sexual and sexually motivated, and must be artistically captured by deliberately sexually expressive media. The stiflement of sexually expressive media created by and appealing to women is part of society's defenses against the liberation of women by preventing the acknowledgement of the nightmarish structure of real life social and sexual dynamics. When normie women read Dworkin's work, especially "Intercourse," the most common attack they mount against her is that her horror at everyday sexuality seems "fetishistic" and fixated on the rapine - this is not because Dworkin was incorrect nor because she was a fetishist. We have been robbed of the language with which to describe reality by social taboo.

Anonymous 120158

illegal crimes committed against women and the inhumane laws and social structures built to exploit and harm women
Pick a lane

Anonymous 120169

I'm just hearing a lot of blah blah blah mpreg is actually very deep blah blah blah.


I am so BORED with life. Anonymous 120113[Reply]

How do I create some “magic” in my daily routines?

It seems as if all I do is a TON of college coursework that is made even more difficult because I live with family who want me to work on their schedule (which means studying and finishing + submitting work can’t be done in the house since I must be available to their every beck and call). So I have to cram for hours while in college.

This constant work and stress cycle has left me feeling stagnant and bored. How can I not feel like kms every single day?

I considered saving money to rent a motel room for the weekend, for starters.

Anonymous 120162

This might be shit advice but I just try to find things to get excited about, it doesn't have to be anything big, sometimes I try to get obsessed over media or something so I'll be excited to spend time consuming it. Could be a hobby or some little treat you grant yourself on a certain day. lowkey jealous of the yumejoshi bc they always seem to get excited about doing things related to their waifu/husbando, way better than getting obsessed over someone real since you can't get hurt or disappointed either

Anonymous 120163

Sounds like your family is just being a big bitch and making shit dificult for no reason.
Instead of a motel, maybe try renting a cheap air bnb, you may have to be willing to drive out to find something affordable for a week long stay. I did this a few times years ago and helped me destress from my families petty bullshit.
Otherwise you could try spending all your time at the library, but I'm a nerd so I like quiet spaces

Korean dog sticker…


I LOVE RAGEBAITING IS SO MUCH FUN LOL. its funnier when they actually fall from the bait and insult me back. I get my daily serotonin from dumb people that believe everything on the internet LOL
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Anonymous 120138

What sites do you ragebait on?

Anonymous 120139


Anonymous 120146


Unironically more and more people have been calling me out for my ragebaiting. Not sure if I've lost my edge or if zoom zooms are just boring. Like come on atleast insult my mom or something…

Anonymous 120147


Youtube, FB and 4cuck
Youtube s getting harder since they're autoflag system is super fast and I dont really want to lose my account with all my music playslists….
I had to give up Xitter because I can't compete with actual racists and retards. I've unironically talked to /pol/tards with more tact and nuance than Xitter Nazis.

Anonymous 120159

images - 2025-02-1…

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