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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Abusive OCD bf pt 2 Anonymous 95617[Reply]

Last thread hit limit and many nonas seem concerned for her safety.

If you see this, we hope you are ok! Please give us an update on the police situation.
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Anonymous 115665

never make that mistake again, anon. he will never get better.

Anonymous 116246


The sad thing is that you are almost as inaccessible to help and good advice as your husband is. Either you are a troll or your codependency is so severe that it is almost schizo-tier

Anonymous 116281

>The sad thing is that you are almost as inaccessible to help and good advice as your husband is.
Couldn't have said it any better myself.

Anonymous 116342

If this is real, what I doubt, it’s true what someone said at the very start. Nona is getting something out of being abused in some way and her now husband must have realized this by now too. He knows that he can do whatever he wants to her and that she is easily manipulated. It’s only going to further escalate until one of them snaps and kills the other. Is this really how you want it to end, nona? This is what’s going to happen, if you don’t manage to leave for good.

Anonymous 116446

I agree with this.
These 2 threads have been so infuriating to read. Besides all your other issues, I still don’t know how you can even stay with him. Are you even attracted to him anymore? He’s the antithesis of a good man. He’s not a leader, not a provider, would be an awful father, an awful deadbeat alcoholic and not only that but he has the nerve to be a misogynist? Also I hope you know his anti immigration stance pertains to you too. At the end of the day, you’re not Japanese and it sounds like he sees you as a second class citizen despite his codependency. How old is he anyway? To be a grown adult and not even have a job is beyond pathetic, and I don’t even know how you can stand to even witness that. Sounds like he’s just a loser who can’t let go of his successful past, with being a host and whatnot and he just resents it. But at least he’s managed to manipulate one idiot woman and that’s you, OP. Wake the fuck up.


Broke my no self harm streak today Anonymous 116315[Reply]

Of course because of a moid. Nonas, I feel so alone
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Anonymous 116318

mega cringe

Anonymous 116319

Don’t worry. You quit it before, and you can quit it again. <3

Anonymous 116320

Thank you <3

Anonymous 116321

Anonymous 116429

Im sorry to hear that youre going through an awful time. You fell this one recent time. But you get right back on the quitting self harm wagon, you hear? Youre not alone, as many women struggle with similar negative behaviors, of all ages. This might not sound the healthiest, but if you learn to hate, disdain, and look down upon, moids, you learn to see them for what they are. They lose value. You, me, and women in general, have inherently more value than some filthy moids. The average moid cant even clean his own butthole, control his phallic obsession or desire for male approval (hah! gayy!), or control his testerical mantrums. Moids are the unhinged, violent, perverted, satanic, psychopathic, evil, and irrational sex. Moids perpetrate the vast majority of violent crimes, hence the world would be so much better off and peaceful without them. Moids invade our spaces, obsess over us, and project their issues onto us. All because they can never be us, and they cant look after themselves, so they need us to be their mommy bangmaid therapists or whatever. This fact drives them insane. They only have raw physical strength over us, sometimes not even lol. Once that is out the window, so they too go out the window.

Love yourself, for you have infinitely more value than moids.


/lg/ - lesbian general Anonymous 108545[Reply]

felt like this should be a thread tbh
what's everyone up to? i'm thinking of downloading tinder again
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Anonymous 116331

This is so romantic… I wish I was the woman reading on the train…

Anonymous 116332

Was it a disappointing relationship or/and a bad breakup?

Anonymous 116340

Anon just strike up a friendly conversation. For all you know she might reveal she has a long term bf during your first convo. If she isn't into women/you, it's going to be awkward for both of you.

Anonymous 116377

I just remembered a while ago back in primary school I had a best friend and we'd hide during break and kiss lol. Another time was with this girl who I hated and she hated me back so I don't even know how we got to that.

Anonymous 116427



My mom admitted I'm a disappointment Anonymous 116156[Reply]

Yesterday I was venting to my mom and she got upset. I admitted to cry every day at college. She said I knew that I cried when I attempted to attend last year, and that I also cried my way through high-school, and so why did I ever think it would be different this time? Then I said I had to force myself to attend because I'm already 21, I took two whole gap years, and I was running out of time to make a living before she kicks me out, she got even more upset and told me not to be ridiculous. Then I kept crying and crying, harder and harder, and she told me to stop forcing myself to cry, believing it was an act to manipulate her. I said I was so tired and just couldn't do it anymore, and she said it was hard for her to have me as a daughter becuase she doesn't know what went wrong with me and it's so frustrating to put so much money and effort into someone who just can't be happy no matter what. She asked me what I needed to be happy, and I said I couldn't and it wasn't anyone's fault.
She never admitted until this point that I disappointed her and made her upset, but I knew it deep down. It's okay, don't blame her, I'm a piece of shit and it's a miracle she and everyone else put up with me for so long.
>I self-harm and have an eating disorder. I harm myself without caring how this would hurt others emotionally or financially.
>I enroll and drop out of college compulsively. I also do this with therapy and other activities.
>I either don't take my psychiatric medication or abuse it. I've overdosed many times.
>I am rude to my family. I get upset when they try to talk to me and only reach out when I want money.
>I've never worked nor attempted to. I also don't do chores, not a single one, ever. I barely clean my room.
>I'm a shotafag and would rather draw and write fanfiction about fictional middle schoolers than do anything useful ever.
>I don't bring any happiness to anyone ever. I'm a bad and irresponsible daughter, friend, and lover.
>I'm terrible and taking criticism, following instructions, or being patient. I'm a woman-child through and through.
>I spent my formative years on 4chan and other shitholes. I am no different than a disgusting male in some regaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
9 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 116339

How about you work on yourself first and fix your personality and attitude towards other people? Op didn’t insult anyone here, so she is clearly the better person. Why do you feel the need to do that? Seems like you got some issues. Shut your mouth and take a close look at yourself

Anonymous 116348

She wasn't rude, I am a little like OP and it's what she needs to hear

Anonymous 116354

You didn't ask for mental illness but unfortunately it's your adult responsibility to work through it to the best of your ability. You don't have to go from 0 to 100 in a day but you can at least start by being nicer to your family.

Anonymous 116364

Nope. Maybe it helped you but most people wouldn’t find that helpful at all. Continuing the cycle of abuse is never good and verbal abuse is abuse. We’re women, we should be above this. Don’t behave like some violent toxic moid

Anonymous 116379

I was all kinds of emotionally fucked up in my late teens and early twenties. I ended up graduating from college late because I was too depressed that year to take on a full courseload and every day I was having these compulsive thoughts about being worthless and having no future, so I get it, I've been there. It was a really gradual path getting out of that mindset, like years and years with what felt like a lot of setbacks. Basically I had to prove to myself that I was resilient, that I could take constructive criticism and improve, that I could accomplish things, and that I could maintain a social life (mostly through a hobby group, but it worked). It helps to start small and build on minor accomplishments. Forcing yourself to clean, exercise, socialize, and finish assignments is like necessary tough love for yourself, and you can get better and more consistent over time. Sorry I don't have better advice, I'm just trying to sum up what worked for me during those years.

Ironically, my mom would later tell me "You're proof of my failure as a mother" after I had gotten a second degree and a stable career. I realize she said that because she's a deeply fucked up person with her own issues, and I'm happy for what I've done for myself, regardless of her approval.

morose meower.jpg

Anonymous 116375[Reply]

Being a gay woman is so frustrating. I finally gave up and made a profile on a dating app and almost every woman I'm seeing has either dated one of my friends, or is trying to arrange threesomes for their boyfriend. I live in a big city too, I can't imagine how impossible it is for a small town lez

Anonymous 116376

I feel you nona. I wish we still had lesbian bars to go to. I don’t even have any lesbian friends because I’m in a very male dominated degree.


Anonymous 115723[Reply]

if you could read the messages (their main means of communication) between your s/o and their ex, what would you look for?
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Anonymous 116076

I disagree, a man who is a virgin and has a social life and a career is typically much better lover than manwhores.

Anonymous 116079

in this hypothetical scenario, i gotta know how fat that metaphorical ass really was… gotta know what im goin up against or whateva

Anonymous 116083

I found his deviantart from 18 years ago and that was enough for me.

Anonymous 116350

He had a messy divorce so don't wanna bother him asking about his marriage but he married pretty young so I guess I'm curious about the time leading up to marriage, like how do people that young ever get married?
Still, even if I'm kinda curious I'd rather respect his privacy and ask him as long as he feels comfortable sharing

Anonymous 116351

I don't know. Maybe see pics of their apartment? It sounded nicely decorated. His ex is nice, I've met her a few times.


Anonymous 116114[Reply]

I've never had a boyfriend; and it hurts. If men don’t ask you out on dates, does that mean you’re weird? Should women ever approach men?
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Anonymous 116222

Nta, What if the guy is exactly my type and I want to the same day should I make him wait? I don't want to lose my chance with him, he's so cute.

Anonymous 116223

>my type is a slut who will sleep with someone he just met
You should get a new type.

Anonymous 116329

Yup because seeing men iterally fuck anything that moves but completely ignore you destroys your self esteem. No amount of trying to find inner peace will fix that.
It's ok to approach them in a non romantic context IMO. Initiating a friendship or a conversation is fine, then just see what happens.

Anonymous 116349

>Yup because seeing men iterally fuck anything that moves but completely ignore you destroys your self esteem
Fucking actual women usually requires some degree of effort and I'd say most moids are quite lazy/tired when it comes to this. Like sure they may wanna fuck but given the fact that most of them work 5 days a week and only have 2 days to rest it's normal that a lot of them would rather jerk off kek. My friend in her 40s said that she has times when she feels so overworked that she realizes if she had to also have sex that day she would just be like "hell no"
So there's not really anything wrong with you. Moids wanting to fuck 24/7 is exaggerated, they also work and get tired and run out of social energy just like us

Anonymous 116400

Why the fuck wouldn't you want your boyfriend to be your friend first?


Social Anxiety Disorder/Agoraphobia thread Anonymous 101071[Reply]

Imageboards attract us like flies so i made this thread so we can feel less lonely, here's some questions to get it going
>How is your life right now
>Do you go outside?
>Any friends or company?
>What do you do to cope with it
>Share a highlight from your life
74 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 114094

Men never have the intention to get in a relationship they just end up in them if gives them more sex than the contrary.

Anonymous 114096


>How is your life right now
Meh. I have no close friends and the situation with my boyfriend isn't great, even fun things remind me of how alone I am because everyone my age is in a friend group. I don't like being around people much but I really miss having a trustworthy friend. The one I have is always gossiping about everyone so I don't tell her anything personal. I have to find a new job and I'm really holding out hope I might meet someone. I've been looking into working as a farmhand, I'd likely need a tractor license though. But I would like to move away from everyone, I lived in the same town my whole life and the only people I ever see around are old bullies. For some reason the familiarity makes me feel even more isolated.
>Do you go outside?
Yes. I love taking long walks in the forest, when it's dark I'll walk in the street. Also my job forces me to get out of bed but luckily I don't have to talk to people much.
>Any friends or company?
I have one friend I don't really trust, I like her but I don't trust her. My boyfriend makes me feel lonely and used so I've been ignoring him, I want to break up but I don't want to be alone. And that whole "dump him and you'll flourish" is fucking bullshit, I had to cut off my best friend because she was stealing shit from me and faking diseases and haven't made a friend since. I can't afford to lose anyone at this point.
>What do you do to cope with it
Daydreaming, imageboards, smoke weed, cook, watch cartoons and listen to music. Also plan hypothetical trips. I love learning about other countries and the history of them, especially former soviet countries.
>Share a highlight from your life
I've picked up writing again, even if it might be wattpad tier I love my characters. I haven't shared any of it yet but I might, the storylines might be nonsensical but they're my characters. I love coming up with dialogue, weird situations, visualizing everything, I love it.

Anonymous 114097


>How is your life right now
Not good to be honest. Everyone is graduating but me. Decided to be a lazy fuck and got back into college at 21, I feel like my professional life is over.
>Do you go outside?
Ever since I moved to this city I haven't stepped outside for anything other than college.
>Any friends or company?
None at all! BF left.
>What do you do to cope with it
Listen to Boa and cut.
>Share a highlight from your life

Anonymous 114119

>no one cares about how you look or if you're weird, they're too busy thinking about themselves!
As a woman that grew up with parents who loved to gossip about others, that is not true at all

Anonymous 116345

This is an old post, but how are you doing, nona?


Anonymous 116305[Reply]

How do you handle friend or relationships, regardless of gender, where you are the one asking questions, making an effort, talking about them and their life/problems but they don't want to talk about your life, remembering birthdays, being supportive, talking about their hobbies/interests (they don't care about yours), celebrating their successes (again, they don't care about yours), listening to their venting and being empathetic, reaching out, etc but they don't do it for you? The moment you stop making an effort, then everything stops.

Am I just unlucky with toxic one-sided relationships or is it normal for people to just always want to talk about themselves?

Anonymous 116309

End the friendship. Friendships aren’t supposed to be one sided. There should be efforts and interest from both. They probably aren’t really your friends, seems more like they’re using you

Anonymous 116311

That's not normal, sorry.

Anonymous 116324

It's definitely not normal, but I think it's becoming normal to encounter people like this. I've found it nearly impossible to find any friends that actually put in effort. And trust me, it's not worth it to be the only one trying; just end the friendship. All trying will do is make you bitter and sad.


Anonymous 116255[Reply]

browsing this website in public hoping that someone says
> hei you also on this website let's be friends
surelly this will happen

i am at the karlsruhe institute for technology chemistry building in front on the libary if someone wants to hang out

Anonymous 116259

Moved to >>>/b/276687.

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