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Anonymous 116622[Reply]

i hate being fat but at the same time i dont? my body is huge and it makes it hard to fit in and sometimes i feel like being fat makes me stand out a lot (which it probably does) and i really want to lose the weight. but, when trying to lose weight all of the resources are either like, annoying "hot girl walk" bs, or just borderline racist ed-having lana del rey girls.

like i said, i don't hate myself, so the shaming doesn't really work to motivate me. it's also not really stopping me from getting into a relationship or anything cause i have a guy online that i'm into and he likes me back. i've had sexual experiences but they've all been online (cause im too scared to ever approach a guy irl) and some of which were literally just getting groomed.

during marching band, there's girls who are in my section who make fun of each other for "being fat" (they aren't) but i never liked them in the first place so i dont really care.

i'm trying to lose weight now, but i'm not really sure that the end goal is totally worth it. i'd kill to be skinnier though, i'd love to be able to say that i'm a size 4 or whatever, but i feel like it'll never happen. idk,,, i guess im just wondering if anyone else feels the same.

Anonymous 116670

How fat are you exactly? You would certainly feel better if you were slimmer but it is a difficult journey that requires your active participation. It won't just happen for you, you will fail if you're not committed.

Anonymous 116942

Being overweight is unhealthy, so you should want it for the betterment of your health to begin with.

Also have all your sexual relationships or experiences have been online? If so then you may want to lose weight because it will help you become more physically attractive so those irl experiences come along as well (whether from an online relationship progressing to offline or otherwise).

Anonymous 118111

my god it's like looking in a mirror
i was a fat kid for years and the thing that finally worked was when i moved for college and was suddenly too poor to keep snacks in the house and forced to walk to class everyday
its miserable in the beginning but you get used to it fast, whenever you wanna go somewhere park far away and walk
i went from a size 18 to a size 14/size 12 and tbh its been more of a pain than anything, none of my clothes fit and i'm still too poor to buy new ones
its worth mentioning the happiest and healthiest i've ever been was when i went to the campus gym every other day and lifted weights. my god lifting weights free your soul. had to stop because i became too busy and i wish i could go back to that. try carving out 30 minutes a day to do some weight curls

Anonymous 118120

This is the way to go.
If you have the will power you will make it, cut all snacks out of your diet, don't buy them.
The biggest enemy is convenience, having food near you is the biggest temptation.
I tried to burn the calories off through exercising, but unless you're swimming 5 miles a day it's not gonna work,the easier way is to cut your caloric intake.

Anonymous 118451

op here,,, thank you. feels like this helped to make me think more about this again


Anonymous 118450[Reply]

subject sums this up. i have to start thinking about college, and i have no clue what to do and where i wanna go. i think i want to get a degree in communications, but i have no clue what college i want to go to. i told my mom about all of this last night, and she basically forced me to listen to a youtube video with her about going to ivy leagues. it was a girl talking about her experience and she said that her GPA was a fucking 4.9. you know what my mom said? "well, we know you're not getting into an ivy." i literally turned it off a few minutes later and told her "this video makes me want to kill myself" which was a joke, but it does fill me with an absolute sense of dread.

my parents have always pressure me into doing well in school, which i don't mind, i guess. but, they don't give me any guidance. it's not their fault because they both grew up poor, and neither of them finished college. but i still have had to live with these pressures my whole life and i don't feel like i can live up to them. i barely have any extracurricular. i have concert band, marching band, jazz band, less than a year as a social media manager for an ethnic club at school, and participation a community organization. i'm a completely average student. my gpa is a weighted 3.7 and an unweighted 3.5. i'm not gonna be able too get into any college. i would like to go to USouthern California (i think) but i doubt i'll be able to get in.

any nonas feeling the same way or have gone through the same thing? i've been thinking about volunteering at a local library, volunteering within the org i was talking about, starting a blog (and tiktok account to go with it), or possibly starting a small business


Long Distance Relationships Anonymous 44204[Reply]

Thread to discuss Long Distance Relationships. The struggles, the pros… meeting the person for the first time… meeting them for the 50th time… vent both sad and happy things. LDRs can be quite a challenge but it's the right thing for some people.
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Anonymous 118164

He didn't just block me but he turned off his phone as well cause my calls aren't coming through

I done fucked up I think

Anonymous 118423


i met an anon irl from soc recently and i really, really like him. he's so funny and cute. we are meeting up again this weekend and i can't wait…

Anonymous 118445

Eee happy for you nona! I met my fiance on soc. How far are you from each other?

Anonymous 118446

I met my husband on soc. so happy to see others success stories on there !

Anonymous 118447


thank you, sweet anonita.. we are only a couple hours away from each other. i feel incredibly lucky. congrats to you, >>118446 and others!


Anonymous 118416[Reply]

does anyone have something they would rely on to talk to people on the internet? I used to go on omegle a lot before it was shut down, it was fun to be able to talk to strangers without any real consequences, and depending on the tag you would put it the people weren't too bad. A lot of stereotypes. I feel like the new internet has made it so I can't really talk to anyone at all, I've found a new alternative omegleapp.me and it's still pretty terrible but I made a new female friend on there yesterday.

MY QUESTION is where do people do to actually talk to people? Everyone has told me twitter but I've not seen anyone really talking on there… I just don't get it.

Anonymous 118418

Discord seems pretty common, but I haven't been able to get much into it either. Feels super awkward to join an established server and just start yapping away?

Anonymous 118442

If you're cool with learning a new language HelloTalk can work for this. There's lots of thirsty moids to sift through but since you mentioned Omegle I'm sure that's nothing new to you.


Anonymous 117910[Reply]

What does a happy and healthy relationship look like?
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Anonymous 118342

Unfortunately, the only way this could happen is for the man to be way under your league. Unless you find an unicorn.

Anonymous 118343


No idea. Romantic feelings make me feel weird. I really struggle with all kinds of affection. Pain in the fucking ass that it was decided it's the woman's role to be the feels feeler AND expected to express them. I'm only annoyed that it made me unable to form female friendships. When it come to men I just flick it and the desire to pursue contact is gone(for the day).

Anonymous 118392

>it was decided it's the woman's role to be the feels feeler AND expected to express them

this. I want a moid who is completely fine with me being stoic or unexpressive as usual. No good moid should be emotional and expressive though

Anonymous 118415

>No good moid should be emotional and expressive though
What the hell are you talking about?

Anonymous 118426

Based, what about raccoon moids though?


No lifetime people Anonymous 113228[Reply]

It’s been coming up more that I just have…no one to really talk to. The internet and colleagues are great for directed conversations about specific topics, which is all you need most of the time. But if something good happens or I’m proud, or something bad happens, there’s…nobody. For normal people even if they don’t have friends or a therapist or a fucker they have family. Or if they don’t have family they have old, old friends. They have “lifetime people”. Even if they haven’t talked in years, if they really need to they have someone that knows them. There’s no replicating this if you missed the various dice rolls to get lifetime people. By late 20s/early 30s, it’s done. Everyone you build a relationship already has lifetime people, and those lifetime people will always be more real to them than you. You are just an episodic person for them, relatively speaking. There are little support forums where someone will essentially roleplay as one of your lifetime people, but that’s like eating wax fruit. There’s no fixing it. There’s nothing and no one. Forever.
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Anonymous 113257


Honest to God the worst part of loneliness is the bitter tunnel vision we get out of it. The human brain isn't meant for isolation. We get really stuck and stubborn only affirming the strictness of our beliefs and biases. Trust that although your pain is very real for how you've seemingly "missed the bus" at different life stages, that there are options that are out there that will surprise you in the best way. You don't have to believe it, you just have to do more. That's the trouble with it, you tell yourself it's some circumstantial or existential problem out of your control, deadline's already passed, because that's easier than saying "I could try something new to get a different result/test my theory".

There's another bus coming, nona.

Anonymous 113258

I really like Hopper's art. For me it evokes peace, rather than loneliness, for some reason.

Anonymous 113262

In my experience, no. I live rural and everyone here is 40+ boomers and they live miles away. Growing up, I had not one friend. I commute to the city for work now and have a much easier time making friends.

Anonymous 113296

I feel the exact same way as OP. Sure you can claim that it might not be completely hopeless, but that's just not what I'm experiencing. So where should people like us even begin to search for these 'lifetime people' that somehow we missed finding the first time? What are the steps? I swear it's not for a lack of trying. I have tried so many times to get involved with all kinds of groups and individuals both online and off. While it's not so difficult to find an acquaintance who will act friendly once or twice, they couldn't care less about actually getting to know me as a person, and regardless of if they show any actual interest they just end up ghosting me everytime. I just want people I can feel comfortable around. Who skip the small talk nonsense and can enjoy an honest discussion of interests and opinions with. Someone who you can randomly message eachother anytime and discuss your personal lives and thoughts and they are willing to listen. Why is it so impossible to find this situation? It just seems to me like after you're an adult, people stop trying to get to know or care about others. It's as if true friendship is a childhood thing reserved for the lucky few, and I've started to consider that it may possibly be just a fictional concept in general.

Anonymous 118425

> By late 20s/early 30s, it’s done.
ded post but i don't really think that's true.
> There are little support forums where someone will essentially roleplay as one of your lifetime people, but that’s like eating wax fruit. There’s no fixing it. There’s nothing and no one.
reminds me of those services where you hire someone to be your family/bf/friend. it's a bit strange.

i do think the interactions had on the internet tend to serve a different purpose than those irl. if i have a conversation on the internet, im talking about random specific things no one else cares about irl. if im really friends with someone, i can talk to them about anything.


confessions thread 2 Anonymous 63992[Reply]

>>51270 previous bread

I never brush my teeth for the full 2 minutes
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Anonymous 108374

i feel at a breaking point with my family. despite my feelings of love and moral obligation towards them, i also hate them for their dysfunction and solipsism. that feeling dominates. in a more practical sense every time i engage with them there's something wrong, so i feel like they're an obstacle. a sign that i'm weaker than other people. the people who i've been close to didn't seem as bothered by their family dysfunction. i'm unable to brush things off.
i guess, also, it's easier to blame my problem on certain events and conditions of my childhood than to think that theyre genetic.
in general i don't know what to expect of people, and how much unhappiness and sub-par treatment i have to accept. in any relationship i'd have to accept some, but at what point is it reasonable to draw a line?

Anonymous 108375


Anonymous 108376

No matter how good he is to me, is that a good enough reason to ignore feeling unfulfilled?

no. in a relationship, mistreating yourself is mistreating your partner. he's not good to you if he allows himself to be a burden. it is a choice.

Anonymous 116946

There's another family member that I'd like to date and it's my cousin on my mom's side. I saw him on Facebook after not seeing him in a very long time and he's exactly my type. Maybe in another life.

Anonymous 118424

mirroring's when you pay close attention to someone's body language/verbal cues etc., then adapt to their responses. i think. you can probably overdo this.


my boyfriend cheated on me Anonymous 118271[Reply]

so I found out my boyfriend cheated on me the other day and I didn't know for a whole fucking week and the only reason I found out is because my friend looked through his following and found someone and in their bio it said "taken by (his username)". he blocked me because he said it was for my safety because his old friends and exes were trying to dox him and me so I couldnt post him or say I'm dating him or anything and it actually hurts me so bad because I genuinely thought he cared Abt me but it turns out he just wanted to take my fucking virginity then find another bitch to manipulate into letting him use their body. he rushed things so fucking quick and it literally kills me to know he didn't love me the same way I loved him. I gave him a shoulder to cry on when his mom had kicked him out but he wouldn't do the same when I have having extreme mood swings and sobbing my eyes out, he wouldn't even care when I talked about my favorite things and all of that shit. he had used me. I let him take my virginity and I genuinely trusted him and showed him my body (which I'm literally so fucking insecure about) and he hurts me like that. I never EVER did ANYTHING for him to hurt me like that and he still did. I feel so fucking disgusting and gross that I let him do that to me. I haven't been able to feel happy and my friends think I'm mad at them and I'm not I'm just stressed and sad and just so many emotions and I feel like shit my grades are terrible and all of this shit is because of a boy I dated for four months. I dont know what I had done for him to treat me like that. I feel so gross knowing someone who saw me as an object was allowed to use me like one and I didn't even know.when we were having sex I thought it was intimate but he just wanted an object. that's all he wanted. I don't even know why he did that to me when he wanted me first. I deadass fucking hate this shit and Im about to go insane
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Anonymous 118287

I never said to marry someone you barely know, though. Obviously you should know someone deeply before you marry him. I don't see what you're arguing with me about.

Anonymous 118288

Sounded like you didnt want to have sex because of trust issues.

Anonymous 118289

I just don't want to lose my virginity to some moid, only for him to dump me because he was just using me like an object.

Anonymous 118294

>trust issues

Issues that were pretty much confirmed, sometimes it isn't an insecurity but something you can tell

Anonymous 118409

A lot of moids are willing to hide their bad sides til you are trapped with them. The ones thta play the long game are the worst and most evil


Anonymous 118001[Reply]

I’m usually not into streaming websites or the whole streaming industry overall, about a month ago I’ve come across this small streamer who’s very good looking to say the least and have a good sense of humour, I started to watch his streams in a daily and interact within the community although he has very small number of viewers but it felt really nice to be a part of something, I honestly felt entertained and I felt like I blended in with the community pretty quickly. In chat people tend to say sexual things to him along the lines of “get undressed” or “start stripping” and he totally responds with more down bad things like “I’ll do that unless you send me a picture of-“ and stuff like that, Ive been doing exactly what everybody been doing and even started drawing him fanarts, he does react positively in stream and even set one of my fanarts as his phone’s wallpaper, later on he started texting me from time to time asking me how am I doing or asking if I could get in a vc with him, I declined at times but accepted at times, and the times we have a vc he act like an entirely different person, he does that baby voice and say cringe shit like “did you eat today?” Or “I miss you”, I thought it was just him being nice but it felt extremely cringe but I couldn’t ask him to stop. Since he has a very small number of views he complains mid stream about how he puts effort yet he gets no results (not alot of views) so he begs me for a call so I can comfort him and such. I pointed out to him two days ago that he’s so clingy and he apologized for that and said he will give me space. The next day he really didn’t, kept on begging for a vc all over again so I ghosted at this point. He’s a really good streamer ngl but I don’t want this to ruin our interactions in chat. How am I supposed to act in this situation?
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Anonymous 118017

99% chance he’s a nonce

Anonymous 118316

thats actually cool, why aren't you happy your oshi likes you back? you want to keep the relationship parasocial? it seems like he streams because he's lonely, if you seriously committed to him you could get him to stop streaming and train him to be your boyfriend.
or if you don't like him that much you don't have to worry about it, just be conscious of keeping a comfortable distance

Anonymous 118325

Nona OP is an orbiter, in a crowd of other female orbiters, around some moid online.

Anonymous 118330


Anonymous 118408

He's just trying to get laid with his female viewers including you


Anonymous 118083[Reply]

>hate my job
>love seeing one coworker
>every day the only high point is when he talks to me
>my chest feels tight when he reacts to my work email messages
>I start remembering all his likes and dislikes
>sometimes he will see me at lunch
>”just checking in on you”
>I dream about him
I just want this feeling to die already.
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Anonymous 118356

I am embarrassed to say that ._. he is like 40 and I am 25

Anonymous 118358

Oh. Daddy issues much?

Anonymous 118359

Not at all. Me and my father have a great relationship. I am a friendless loser though so the fact that someone is being nice to me makes me want to latch onto him. Also, he has everything in his life figured out and that’s attractive to me… I wish I had his stability.

Anonymous 118362

>I wish I had his stability
Don't worry about it, nona, I don't know any people in their twenties who have it all figured out. We'll get there (as long as the world doesn't go to shit before that).

Anonymous 118374

Thank you nona

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