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Anonymous 112227[Reply]

i feel so annoyed towards normies who lie about having xyz disorder. i have ADD (ADHD without hyperactivity) and people don't believe me. i think huge reason is because normies lie about having ADHD because they ruined their focus span on tiktok and it's cool thing to have so people don't believe and they just think internet causes that.

ADD isn't just about bad focus, it affects my whole life. i am less capable literally than someone normal idc about normies saying it's superpower or wtf. shut up. i read same text 10 times but i don't know what it says because i can't focus and then get yelled by teacher for "not studying" for example. i forget, no talents, hard to keep anything up because i can't focus enough that i would be good. for example you see my English is bad, it's because i haven't study it at all i "learned" english by youtube. etc there are so many things i can't listen all and then some normie says "haha im soo adhd cant focus on this boring book"
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Anonymous 112231

tiktok dealt a death blow to this, still remember one on some imbecile making silly "distracted" faces and saying this is what ADD was like.

Anonymous 112235

yeah. i think here too even tho we use different diagnosis criteria so it's harder to get one (i assume than in the usa) but still feels like many people who are neurotypical get wrong diagnosis. thank you maybe one day.

for sure, seems like many bad trends come from there

Anonymous 112247

I hate tiktok fakers, they wouldn't last one day with the disorders they claim to have

Anonymous 112303

warakami vaporwave…

I'm gonna derail for a second, but honestly, the effect this stuff has had on society and child-development makes me think it should be strictly regulated the same way alcohol, cigarettes or eve drugs are. Not just TikTok, but all of these predatory ad-revenue subsisted services on the internet in general (though not completely banned of course; the information and creativity they offer is a good thing, it just needs to take on a different form). In fact, I'm pretty sure most websites with an option to register used to have a 14-year old age limit back in the day. What happened to that? Too easy to bypass? Or is datamining the entire population from infancy too alluring a prize?

And like, even if there really is a natural surge of ADHD and other attention disorders unrelated to TikTok, aren't we still undermining society if we're letting this one especially vulerable group of people become pray to superintelligent systems literally designed to manipulate them and take advantage of their fucked up braintype? They should be out there using their skills for hunting or whatever the fuck, not sitting in a box glued to a screen.

Anonymous 112318

I get interesting answers when I ask those types if it affected their ability to stay in work, pay bills, not fail class and brush teeth etc like me before I was diagnosed and medicated.


are men capable of genuine love? Anonymous 110818[Reply]

so last month this guy that i've been talking to for a while confessed to me. his confession seemed genuine, and i was flattered since a man has never shown romantic interest in me before. last week i was speaking with one of his friends and apparently the guy only ever talks about me sexually, he just fetishizes me and didn't mean anything he said in his confession. after observing his other friends, i realized that they're all like this. men only befriend you because they want to hit, are they even capable of actual love? is it something to do with this generation? i'm scared to ever talk to a man ever again, probably won't.
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Anonymous 112226

lots of evidence both biologically and historically to show that men do not have a good track record of actually being monogamous and actually happy in monogamy. Now that part has always been there, and now they are just becoming increasingly perverted degens. I think we aught to only use them for breeding new radfem spawn, all the current men are toast.

Anonymous 112248

There's this belief they can, once.

Anonymous 112250

Reminds me of Nobel prize winning scientist and notorious manwhore Richard Feynman. He had 3 wives, would sleep with his students, prostitutes and several of his colleagues wives. He wrote books about how to pick up women by treating them like shit.

Buuuut he was deeply in love with his childhood sweetheart, who he married despite her terminal tuberculosis and their families objection. He would continue to read her letters and write to her after she died, up till the day he died.

Anonymous 112305

You clearly don’t have fantastic empathy.

Anonymous 112309

go to war, dilate, 41%, 88% etc


Unsent letters Anonymous 2119[Reply]

Ever wanted to give someone a piece of your mind but you know you'd just regret it? Post in here and get it off your chest.
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Anonymous 111951

Dear Rachael

I don't know why you are ignoring me. It hurts. I have been there for the late night talks. Hours of you wanting to be liked, wanting to be loved, I understand that I cant give you what you want, but I offered you friendship and I send this letter in blood, sweat and tears, but I Know you are too much of a coward to accept it. So fuck you. Sincerely-Me.

Anonymous 111959






Anonymous 112036

What on earth do you want now? I said everything I meant. I thought you wanted me out of your life.
I wouldn’t mind spending time with you again, really. It’s this sickness in me. This obsession, which you know about. Now you know everything and yet you’re still there. Why?
I wish you would just come out and say whatever is on your mind but you’re incapable. And I’m incapable of closing the door forever. Idiot (both of us).

Anonymous 112213


dear ysiel,

I really don't know how it feels. You've been through so much. All I know is that it felt right for us to be together and that I cannot get you out of my head. I'm not sure the reason I was pushed away this time, I'm sorry if I was too forward. If you ever want to chat I will accept you with open arms and no judgement. The memories we made just play on repeat in my head all day even after all these years. I'll miss you forever, and I hope you find peace.

Anonymous 112293


I'm sorry I've always been an awful big sister. I know it's late but I'm going to try to make things up to you.


how the fuck do i control kids with a timid personality and a small frame being a teacher? Anonymous 110272[Reply]

having no experience in working as a teacher for now im just asked to do desk work and to observe other teachers to learn from them, but yesterday as someone was busy i was asked to cover for them and it was a really embarassing day for me.
some kids used their cell phones in class, and i grabbed one of their phones but just as i turned back to do something the phone was gone and someone swiped it back. maybe 20% of the class listened to what i was saying while the rest were just talking or sleeping. some of them didnt finish their homework and were copying them in class. some of them didnt care about me when i asked to submit their homework notes even if it was empty and only like 10% of them gave their notebooks. one kid didnt even notice that i was standing next to him and was using his phone and scrolling instagram. some kids started to ask me if i am in a relationship and my age and my personal details and being the oversharing idiot i am i was responding to them and saw them sisterly. theyre girls so its cool but later i realized its very unprofessional.
i felt disturbed by all this and went to another teacher and she told me that im supposed to control the class and that i dont have to be tyrannical but i have to explain what theyre doing is wrong and make them face the consequences for their rule breaks and i just dont know what to do. one thing she told me that affected me the most is that "you are not their friend" and "dont let them call you "sis".

there are some teachers who are scary and also tyrannical ways to control students like shaming them for being dumb but i feel that these things are so wrong. i dont want to make the kids feel bad and traumatize them but at the same time i wish i also knew how to control them and make them be decent so that i dont get fired for being a poor teacher. there are rules that i shouldnt abuse, even verbally, but other teachers dont seem to care and call them horrible names.
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Anonymous 111093

>If it got really bad I'd lock out the bad kids.
Lock out as in asking them to leave the classroom?

There is a no phone rule where I work but it's not really "enforced" properly because of negligence and irresponsibility. They collect cellphones every morning but they don't really count it and some students lie that they didn't bring their phones. I think some students even keep it in their undergarments and we can't really frisk them because there's a no touch policy.

>I hope you find a solution soon and stay sane lol.

Yeah, it's quite hectic. I have to deal with both incompetency in the workforce and antisocial behavior in students. There's no rest.

Anonymous 111206

>Lock out as in asking them to leave the classroom?
Pretty much. Locking the door so that physically violent kids can't get in, or taking the rest of the class somewhere else. I don't think they'd leave if I asked them, but maybe they would because then they just go home. Ideally I'd just want the violent ones expelled; instead we coddle them because they come from a trauma background. A kid comes to school with a knife, we call police to remove him, and half the staff are upset that we're turning away someone who has nowhere else to go. School isn't a recovery house, but more and more discourse is subtly giving us the roll of therapist without the pay of therapist.

>incompetency in the workforce and antisocial behavior in students.

Had an older teacher say he's "not good with technology". He wanted to make text bold in MS word. Infuriating, you could say.

Anonymous 111215

>Um, nonas seeing all these replies make me think that teaching is a job where narcissists and psychopaths thrive.
Gee you think

>position of power over a microcosm that you rule

>plenty of opportunities to be manipulative and controlling over a whole bunch of individuals
>can even be psychopathic and abusive and very easily get away with it unless the administration is really on top of things (when does that ever happen)
>shit pay, mediocre hours, highly unpleasant environment if you DON'T enjoy manipulating and controlling the students (because then you are the one they will be trying to abuse)

Anonymous 111831

>im a dropout with nothing to show for my life so i still hate and a-log my teachers

how are people not over shit that happened to them in high school get over yourself

Anonymous 112236

I have a Master's actually. And of all the teachers I met in school, a minority was actually capable of empathy, the majority was complete garbage.

Professors are completely different, because becoming a professor is an extremely prestigious career, plus they get to do research rather than just teaching. The worst professors I had at university were just the kind who clearly wanted to sit in their lab and treated their classes as an annoying job obligation. None of them actually lorded over the students. (I've heard of stories of abusive professors when it comes to like PhD mentorship, but even that is not exceedingly widespread.)


I Despise Reddit Moids Anonymous 112229[Reply]

They are so incredibly obnoxious and annoying. I used to exclusively use female only subreddits to avoid interacting with them. Unfortunately that didn’t work because moids stalk every sub with a large concentration of women and hit on every female poster/commenter in sight by spamming their PMs. I really liked FAW sub but every time I comment there some male redditor, usually active in dozens of porn subreddits, would message me some coomer shit.

Anonymous 112230


lol reminded me of this. Also yes, reddit is just a porn site.

Anonymous 112234

This reminds me of when a redditor who was self-proclaimed “redpilled” called me terf scum. Misogyny is acceptable to these people but critiquing troons is apparently going too far.


Tik Tok Crushes Anonymous 111974[Reply]

The hottest boy ever will just pop up on your FYP on Tik Tok and it fucking sucks knowing you'd never get a chance with him, even if you did know him irl he wouldn't look your way because your ugly.

Anonymous 112000

Go back zoomer

Anonymous 112150

I don't use TikTok but nona hot boys aren't worth it. The most attractive men always have the worst mental problems.

Anonymous 112233

You probably wouldn't like him either because so much of it relies on camera tricks


Anonymous 112110[Reply]

I made my boyfriend a playlist and he never listened to it. I checked his last fm just out of curiosity, and he never did. It’s been weeks. Perhaps I am overthinking it, but I’ve also never made a gesture like this before. I’ve never been the type to make a playlist for a man. So it hurts just a bit to have this gesture be seemingly forgotten. I wish there was a way to nudge at him to listen to it without revealing i skimmed his last fm to see if he had listened.
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Anonymous 112186

sounds like he really does not appreciate you then, especially if playlists are part of his love language

Anonymous 112196

We’ve only been seeing each other for a little over 3 months. Could it just take time for it to develop?

Anonymous 112199

I don't think you should jump to conclusions too fast over a single playlist. If he really doesn't appreciate you, there should be other clues/instances.

Anonymous 112203

three months isn't that long, maybe he just doesn't quite love you yet

Anonymous 112211

That’s what I think I could be overreacting because it’s just one thing, I just happened to be particularly sensitive about it I believe because it’s new to me.


Why are moids so unaware of themselves? Anonymous 111134[Reply]

Why are Moids incapable of even basic emotional cognition? Is it biological or societal?
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Anonymous 111143

The majority of the population, male and female, are not capable of introspection. We simply learn to be more mindful of others, and by extension ourselves, as children because of the way girls socialise and, just as importantly, bully each other. Moids who are capable of introspection are already so stunted by childhood and adolescent behaviours that by adulthood they see sensitivity and emotional depth as weakspots others can exploit, not anything valuable. Worryingly, men capable of introspection that remain sensitive and emotional also tend find more success in interpersonal relationships with women than men, and so become better, even reflexive, manipulators who subconsciously target women because it boosts their ego and self-worth.

I have a moid who's capable of self-reflection, but is so cut off from his own emotional needs that he requires outside stimulation to recognise them in others. He has to set calendar reminders to do something romantic and timers to remind him to give me physical affection, because he's so programmed to ignore those things that he simply can't spontaneously think to give them to the people he loves.

Anonymous 111144

Because it is stamped out of them by bourgeois society.
Given it's goal of ever increasing profits, porky tends to push to optimize society to it's needs. In the case of males, this means having the largest mass of labour possible: a people of worker ants that will follow orders.
This in turn means that aspects that are unimportant to the needs of the bouj such as emotional cognition, self-care, etc are repressed or otherwise disincetivized in favour of traits which are more functional to production like competition, hierarchy-cuckery, "stoicism" etc.
Of course not all aspects of the emotional experience can be repressed, notably those that arise from exploitation like anger, but in general porky tends to try redirect those towards it's needs.

Anonymous 111145

It's not societal. You either have emotional intelligence or you don't.

Anonymous 111149

This is tangential, but I think if you find him, he'll be offline. It seems like everything online is either ragebait, propaganda, or both. The longer you spend online, the more likely it is that original thoughts are replaced by circular rage-inducing thoughts, and by thought-terminating cliches; the more likely it is that, upon hearing someone's experiences, you dismiss it and put someone in a box instead of empathizing or thinking about what they said.
But not spending much time online still doesn't make someone intelligent. A moid who is self-aware enough to regulate his own emotions and break unhealthy patterns of thought probably puts conscious effort into maintaining his physical and mental health. He probably has hobbies instead of reading internet ragebait, and probably reads books and is curious about the world. Maybe you should go flirt with guys at your local library or something lol. But no one is at the library anymore; it's like a ghost town whenever I visit.

Anonymous 112127

The men you're looking for exist, but they're ugly.


possible toxic trait? Anonymous 110601[Reply]

context: I'm in a committed relationship with a guy I've known for about two years. We get along okay, no real red flags or anything, he cares a lot about me admires me, and I like him for how genuine he is. Even with his other friend groups and stuff, he doesn't have wild personality swings or anything, like he's trying to be a people pleaser, and I don't get the sense that he's like that with me, either, he's consistent in how he talks and what he talks with me about

However, that's not what I got in a relationship with him for. A few times when I've known him, he's been really desirous, like, shit you only read about in an NTR doujinshi with how possessive he's been and the depth of the kinks(that he knows we share). He also writes, and some of the (can you call it fanfiction if it's about the two of you? lol)stories he shows me are incredible. He treats me like his best friend and inspiration, but this side of him blows that all away, I'm a total fucking simp for this side of him(pic)

My question is, is it bad of me to like, goad him into showing that side more often? I feel like I could sign away the rest of my fucking life to this guy when he drops his human skin and just acts like this cunning ravishing animal
I sometimes do stuff like referring to him in third person, as if there's another person that takes over when he's like that, but I feel like this could backfire and give him impostor syndrome or something. We've both taken up the habit of writing lists for things we want to do with each other(kink stuff, date stuff) but his is really short, and he knows this, and he says "I wonder if my standards for what to put down are too high"

Is there a better way to tell him to be more forward with his desires with me? I guess this isn't an uncommon thing to feel like men are too guarded, but I'd really appreciate any advice
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Anonymous 112002

fucking this

Anonymous 112007

What's stopping you from adding your desires to your list?
In any case it sounds more like how you should control the urges and go with it slowly so it case it crashes at least it does gently.

Anonymous 112008

Istg sometimes yall speed running proving incels right

Anonymous 112009

Give details.
If reading his shit gets u horny, tell him that so he gets horny knowing that u like that shit. Pick something specific that u like and tell him (coyly?) that u would love to try it out.

Anonymous 112066

The biggest lie we've ever been told is that incels are wrong


I feel like socially inept women just suffer more than socially inept men. Anonymous 109789[Reply]

Men are far more satisfied with self-focused and solitary lives. Being unable to socialize hits a woman much harder because we're more socially driven. Yet men get a loneliness epidemic and we don't. Why? Do we not vocalize how we feel enough? What's the board's thoughts?
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Anonymous 112011

They really should just date women if they hate men so much
I'd give the same advice to incels

Anonymous 112012

Sexuality doesn't work that way dumbfuck.

Anonymous 112018

Yes it does
You're just to scared to try it

Anonymous 112032

you are revolting like a tranny, stop grooming

Anonymous 112064

>In denial like an incel
If a hot girl forced herself, you wouldn't say no.
Same with an incel but for men.

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