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Anonymous 20386[Reply]

Do wear make-up when you are alone at home or just when you go out? Do you even wear make-up at all? I just put a fuckload of kajal around my eyes, not because I want to look pretty for some dumb fuckers, but because it fits my attitude of a drunken pirate.
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Anonymous 20400

I wear makeup when I go to school because I want to fit in with the other girls

Anonymous 20401

I wear makeup at work & to go out. I like putting it on at home too for fun. I love my makeup kit because everything is cute and smells nice. I also buy quality stuff that will expire, so if I don’t use it up before it goes bad, it feels wasteful. I’ve been wearing less of it lately and focusing on skincare. It does make you feel ugly to come off wearing lots of makeup at first but you get used to it.

Anonymous 20403

No, for these same reasons.

Anonymous 20423

I draw my eyebrows on but that's usually it, I used to mess around with eyeshadow a lot but I haven't felt like it.

Anonymous 20434

I used to wear it everyday back when I actually went outside not full face(except on special occasions)because I had acne, just eyebrows,eyes and contour. Nowadays I'm too lazy to bother
>not because I want to look pretty for some dumb fuckers, but because it fits my attitude of a drunken pirate.
based that's the same reason I've always had for wearing makeup too


Anonymous 20369[Reply]

Why is being skinny considered so important?
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Anonymous 20422

Ehm not to knock fruit but didnt this contribute to Steve Jobs' pancreatic cancer. Plus you need protiens and omega 3s.

Anonymous 20425

Sounds like bro-science
Probably good for losing weight but I'm not going to trust you
Just don't be retarded like this person. Absolutely drink water if you do any kind of fast

Anonymous 20427

>>20422 Ehm not to knock fruit but didnt this contribute to Steve Jobs' pancreatic cancer.

maybe he was poisoned beyond what natural detoxification was able to expell, i dunno. i don't trust that the information about him is accurate, he seems like he was in the way of what the people who make the decision wanted apple to become. now he is dead and apple is just another corporation, a bad cog in a bad machine.

>Plus you need protiens and omega 3s.

yeah all of you believe a bunch of stupid shit that you probably learned from the covid nurse. is rude, i know, i'm supposed to treat you like you are a person but at this point after so many years of stupid shit you still cling to the illusory consumer normality like a moth that is drawn to the light.

you're full of beliefs that are not true and based on those faulty beliefs, you make bad decisions and these bad decisions reduce the quality of your life. the more of those beliefs you hunt down, the better your life will feel. i wish you good luck but also get away you disgusting normie, i look down on you and your misery.

Anonymous 20428


>Sounds like bro-science

heh spoken like someone who does not even hide the complete inability to verify information yourself. you're drowning in a river hoping someone will throw you a life preserver basically.

>Probably good for losing weight but I'm not going to trust you

shallow like a puddle after a short rain. if you eat what you are supposed to eat, you can't even get fat from it. you can only get fat if your body clogs with stuff you were never meant to eat in the first place. ever seen a fat wild animal? i've seen foxes who were quite thin but they were quick and agile and electrically dialed into the collective. i better not speak about biological electricity (even though your entire nervous system and brain run on them) because you are so far away from understanding that, you'd just dismiss it as bro science; that's probably your undignified response to anything.

>Just don't be retarded like this person. Absolutely drink water if you do any kind of fast

girl you don't know anything. don't be giving people advice. professionals are doing dry fasting and there are good reasons for it. but it is not for beginners. beginners should do everything carefully and in small steps.

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Anonymous 20433


>>staunchly against protien and omega3s D8<


Diet Thread Anonymous 6210[Reply]

Who here is on a /diet/?

I'm 5'4 and 165lb and trying to lose some weight. I started a diet yesterday. Trying to eat lots of veg and lean proteins and keeping my total calorie intake below 800.I'm so hungry tho
How's your diet going?
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Anonymous 20344

Depends on the person but I've found a light buzz keeps me more satisfied with less food.

Anonymous 20347

Genuinely how the fuck do you stop overeating I've been overweight since early childhood I have no self-control.

Anonymous 20348

Just eat less.

Anonymous 20349

Try eating normal portions and chewing (sugar-free) gum instead of eating more food. It'll help you get a nicer jawline and might do smth for your teeth as well.

Anonymous 20431


>Genuinely how the fuck do you stop overeating I've been overweight since early childhood I have no self-control.

i recently heard a theory that people in your situation have a problem that i don't believe is ever discussed:

the theory basically said that dishonest people lie so much that they lose contact with reality. the best liars are those that lie so good that they themselves believe the lie. that's how they beat the polygraph or whatever methods of lie detection they have nowadays. they convince themselves and believe the lie themselves. this fucks up their brain.

when you ask those people what they ate, they will lie. they will say they just had a salad all day… but stuffed underneath their car seat are hundreds and hundreds of candybar wrappers that they don't count and some don't even remember. apparently this theory was sparked by some recent study that concluded that fat people just don't report what they really eat.

some lie and know about it, others are so identified with illusion, the consumption of the candy bar happens completely outside their conscious presence. so some actively lie and others lie but don't know that they are lying because they are so advanced in selective perception that their mind does not let them see everything they are doing. very much reminded me of a multiple personality thing. i laugh at the ridiculous psychological effort required to puppeteer the human body by several personalities that sometimes don't know about each other. like 2 or more different crazy moods taking turn controlling this one mindless robot. reminds me about this anecdote that some people with multiple personality have one personality that needs glasses and others that don't need glasses because the identification with one personality changed the inter-occular pressure, bending the retina into needing glasses.

a fat friend of mine in school once said to me: "every time i eat something tasty, i just eat it and then wake up and i don't know how or if i ate it" thinking about this in light of this theory makes a lot of sense. this whole theory i tried to briefly summarize to me makes a whole lot of sense.

if that was true and this was your issue, the solution would be to find alternatives to deal with your life then being a liar. i have not encountered stories aboPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Working out to make up for being ugly Anonymous 20351[Reply]

Do you do the same? Because I lost in the genetic lottery I started to get those cheeks

Anonymous 20353

How are you ugly nona? Do you dislike your face? I think there's always some things you can do to improve your looks, even your face itself if you don't like it. But yeah working out and a healthy lifestyle are essential parts of it. Maybe you'll see positive changes in the things that make you seem ugly as well? Or is it really something specific you're unhappy with?

Personally I kind of like my face, sure sometimes I wish I was prettier but I think it suits me. Also even though I don't resemble her too much, I really like the way my mom looks, so it kinda makes it easier to see the beauty in certain features. I've been working out on and off, for the periods I do work out in I manage to keep it quite consistent. Trying to get back to that state rn, I like the state of my body at the moment too, so it's kinda hard to find motivation to work out as it's really more for health, improving my skin and me trying to 'age gracefully' right now. I do have another huge insecurity regarding my body tho. Unfortunately I don't think working out more seriously will make up for it.

Anonymous 20365

I feel you nona, i dont think theres much i can do to improve myself other than be skinny at least

Anonymous 20366

I hate that I am fat, I hate that I am always fat. I want to be skinny but it's hard. So I work out to develop muscle to look more shapely and it works to some extent.

Anonymous 20426


I've got a very obvious pear body shape, so I started lifting to make it more of a hourglass. Plus, it's good for you


Anonymous 20390[Reply]

how to get more feminine body structure?

Anonymous 20393

you can't, the structure of your body won't change. don't be too skinny, that's a masculine trait.

Anonymous 20395

tranny thread


Anonymous 20408[Reply]

Are Instagram filters and Snapchat filters really changing how we look at ourselves?


Anonymous 20359[Reply]

Why are modern beauty/fashion/makeup trends so toxic for women? Especially the obsessed with being skinny
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Anonymous 20362


Anonymous 20363

lol agree
beauty trends have always been toxic for women in every time period. the false importance placed on our outward appearance takes effort and appreciation away from our actions, which are what really define us. we need: nourishing food so we can think and move properly, comfortable clothes so we can be protected from the elements, and basic hygiene so we stay healthy. everything beyond that is extra and some women pile on so much extra they forget to live. i don't preach too hard to other people, i just try to be a good example by being happy and pleasant in public

Anonymous 20364

>boohoo i have to strike a pose for pictures that i earn revenue on
some of you are too soft ngl, I'd kill to be her in the 'reality' pic

Anonymous 20367

>>boohoo i have to strike a pose for pictures that i earn revenue on
That's not the point at all tho?

Anonymous 20368

Short answer: Because it sells products and services.

That picture means to show that most of what you as the consumer of the content sees on social media is fake and doesn't reflect reality.


Anonymous 20305[Reply]

What is Leon's hairstyle called? Is Leon Kennedy's hairstyle physically impossible?

Anonymous 20306

>What is Leon's hairstyle called?
>Is Leon Kennedy's hairstyle physically impossible?
No, Anyone with straight hair could have that style without even trying.

Anonymous 20333

No, anyone can try that style, although I think it's easier for women because of usually longer hair

Anonymous 20355

Idk but my brother has a similiar hairstyle, he gets the sides cut close like in a buzz cut but he has them leave the top medium length, he calls it his shrigma male mushroom head style.

Anonymous 20356

lips length straight hair with curtain bangs and a side part and some layering maybe

Anonymous 20358

it's basically a layered bob (like the stereotypical karen style) with curtain bangs


Is it normal to want a prosthetic in place of a healthy limb? Anonymous 20335[Reply]

First time posting, probably messed something up, sorry if so.

Its not ‘from the moment i understood the weakness of my flesh it sickened me’, but more, i think i would look so fucking hot with an entire arm made out of hydraulic-mechanical type beast machinery. I feel as though that is how Im supposed to look. But yeah, i feel pretty disgusting thinking this given that people genuinely struggle with disabilities as a result of being an amputee.

Anonymous 20341

>supposed to look like
thats not normal but youre not alone. theres people out there with biidisorder who feel like that. they usually suppress the fantasy though so they dont end up cutting their arm off or gorging their eyes out.
having a cyborg arm would be cool but unless youre suparich youll end up with a plastic or wooden string stick with 1000x less functionality than your normal arm.

Anonymous 20350

Well, it depends. You seem more like a 'robot arm cool' kinda Nona than 'I need this arm off of me now'
If it is the latter though, I'd say you've got Body Integrity Dysphoria. It's 'normal' in the same way that cancer is normal, in that it's humanly possible but not really good for you.

In all honesty though the real problem is when people want to cut the arms off of other people.


Nose piercings. Anonymous 9290[Reply]

Who started this trend?
Why does everyone have them?
And how the heck does ANYONE think this looks good?
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Anonymous 20303

>Lip, bellybutton, tongue, single brow piercing. All to this day look good to me.
these look way worse than a few studs up someone's ear lmao bellybutton and tongue rings are the trashiest of trash piercings

Anonymous 20328

Once I was watching HGTV with my mom while I was visiting her and there was girl on House Hunters and my mom saw her nose ring and said it looked like a booger, which is true. I hate all piercings other than earrings.

Anonymous 20329

honestly the only piercing i judge on women is nipple/clit piercings. those scream cum dumpster/mental illness. and im happy i wont get to see most of those anyways (besides those really trashy women who have nipple piercings and intentionally go out braless to show them off, like blweh)

everything else i cant be bothered to care tbvh

Anonymous 20330

Same. I can't stand clit piercings, that's just disgusting.

Anonymous 20345

I find them repulsive, it's something almost instinctual

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