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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 3339[Reply]


>Do not post gore, shock images, hardcore pornography, etc. unless it's pertinent to the discussion. Don't make threads just to dump any of this content.


/nsfw/ is not an exception to this rule. Please report porn dump threads. I'll be cleaning up this board more from now on, please focus on conversation rather than spamming files.

Anonymous Admin 4504

Update: I'm starting to remove the imagedump threads, so save what you want to keep.

Also, there is now a ban on all shotacon posting. Needless to say, the same thing goes for any lolicon imagery, though that hasn't been as much of an issue.


What is this called pls Anonymous 14291[Reply]

Fetish for men coming on their own stomach


Things you’re ashamed to say are hot to you Anonymous 12143[Reply]

Post your shameful kinks, ignore male posters

I think giant women are so hot but I hate giantess fans and never wanna be associated with them
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Anonymous 14234

Period sex

I love sex on my period. It feels like a nice massage on the inside, it's super 'lubed' up. It even helps shorten my flow.
It's a shame that most men are just beyond gross out by the idea.

Anonymous 14243

Lately I’ve been having a recurring fantasy of getting pinned down and raped by monster/monster-adjacent men (like orcs, trolls, etc.)

Anonymous 14253

Humping things. Pillows, the corners of tables, couch arms, all of that. Don't know why but the thought of absolutely crushing my clit against something drives me nuts. Funnily enough, actually doing it doesn't work super well.

Anonymous 14258

Tell him to use that plastic or silicone dildo on you

Anonymous 14290

They're afraid of a little blood.


Are there any secrets to finding out if a guy is hung before seeing him naked? Anonymous 6849[Reply]

I prefer much more well-endowed men (7" and thick and up) and smaller men just can't do it for me. I've been disappointed bringing back cute guys only to see they are a waste of time.

I've checked bulges but that's not always reliable. I've been in clubs and gotten a quick feel dancing but that's not reliable either.

I heard height and penis size are linked, but I'm not sure if that's true.I know really fit guys are bigger so that helps. Is asking for a shoe size too obvious, or is there something else I need to know?

Please share your secrets!!!
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Anonymous 13733

is this unironically the jewish propaganda you hear people talk about?

Anonymous 13745

It's nose width, so the distance between nostrils. Jews are stereotyped as having protruding noses, but not wide noses.

Anonymous 13772

this thread wins for the highest amount of virgins and retardation e even 2 years later

Anonymous 13778


No way to measure reliably (spoilered, if you click be prepared for nudity and measuring tape)

Anonymous 14287

Depends on the study. They'll exclude curves sometimes


Anonymous 13636[Reply]

ITT: Lesbian fantasies.

You can say whatever you want as long as it pertains to romantic or sexual fantasies about other women and isn’t talking about dicks.
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Anonymous 14156

ayrt anon, you're not alone that's another thing that i'm hugely into. i'm really not into feminine women either unless it's in that "crossdressing" as servitude and humiliation context. tbh i think i'm the one who's really worse because detrans as a "kink" is kind of hot to me too

Anonymous 14224


I would love to convert a painfully straight woman to bi/homosexuality.

Anonymous 14241

Personally I'd love to pretend to be straight and get forcibly 'converted' into being lesbian. IDK why I have that fetish though, I guess I just like the idea of being able to have sex with a woman but not having to admit I'm attracted to her until she's already proven beyond a shadow of a doubt she likes me.

Anonymous 14265

I was laying bed, listening to an audiobook that, out of no where, has a graphic lesbian sex scene. I just adsentmindedly started touching myself and before I knew it was on the edge of orgasm. The scene ended, so I quickly jumped back to the middle so I could finish. Since then, I've been trying to replicate that orgasm elsewhere without much luck. I don't find women very arousing in-person and lesbian porn does nothing for me. I'm firmly straight…except for this one specific instance that I've replicated twice, but I can already feel the novelty wearing off and it suddenly being less arousing. The idea of being brainwashed/mind-controlled or reluctantly giving in is already attractive to me, so maybe this is just some crossed wires, but I really want to find new smut to recreate that feeling with.

Anonymous 14286

Idk if this is fucked or not but I really wanna have angry hatesex with my high school bully. Even today she's hot as fuck and recently came out as bi (even posted pics of her current gf on ig).

Idk why but the line between hate and lust is very much blurred when it came to her, even back then during high school. Like she would pick on me because I think she was secretly jealous of me over some retarded boy drama that I can't even remember today, who I wasn't even attracted to.


Does Anybody Else Have a High Sex Drive After Work? Anonymous 13683[Reply]

Warning: Sexual Discussion.

I work as a cashier and I see a lot of people. They can be pretty rude to me sometimes. When I get SUPER bored I have a lot of fantasies. A lot of them are pretty aggressive, biting and chocking, you know. But yeah standing around for a bunch of hours just makes me feel so pent up. And it’s not even like I have a partner to help me with it (lmao why would somebody with a partner even be on this site??)
God it’s even worse because there’s this cute coworker I have. He’s got that Jack Quaid prey animal guy energy. And I have to just play it cool, and try to slowly get close to him(icebreaker questions, small talk, you know the drill)

So yeah does anybody else feel aggressive and horny at the end of the shift? Or am I just a little fuck up?
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Anonymous 13743


Receipt paper has endocrine disruptors in it. The paper has phthalates which can get absorbed through your skin. You are being poisoned and what you are experiencing are your hormones normalizing.

Anonymous 13751

Do Not Handle Receipt Paper

Anonymous 13767

I work nights and for around 5 hours every shift it's just me and a co-worker in the building. He's incredibly stolid, always kind and physically he's huge, so I never feel unsafe, but our boss has made him specifically go through sensitivity training so he doesn't scare the 90% female staff. Despite being this stoic giant in most things, when he's alone with me it's like he's walking on eggshells to not intimidate me in the slightest, and it's fucking hot. Long shifts generally make me horny, but because he's so careful and gentle around me, I get to initiate contact on my terms and he just submits. I fucking love being able to physically control and essentially dominate him with just my touch, which is made so much better by knowing he enjoys my company and does actually want contact, but can't reciprocate in case the boss decides to spotcheck the recordings. I'm too cowardly to actually try anything, but a couple of nights ago I was horny and a little loopy from being awake for 48 hours, so when he bent down to grab something from the cupboard, I smacked his ass in passing. He was so shocked and surprised that he just laughed, but I've also started hugging him goodbye, which he seems to enjoy, so maybe I can put myself into a position to make a move.

Anonymous 14269

Damn even this thread has crazies.

Anonymous 14285

Yes, I also daydream a lot during work hours to try and make work life less dull. Sometimes I get so horny thinking about fucking my husbando in numerous ways that I can't wait until it's time to go home because I desperately need to rub off. But when I'm finally in my room, so many things have happened that distracted me from my horniness that I don't feel like doing it anymore, lol.



LC /g/ Containment Thread Anonymous 13792[Reply]

For all the husbandofags and regular de/g/enerates to use while so that other farmers don't bully and harass them for being kind of annoying (no offense)
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Anonymous 14277

Would it be sad that my f/o has currently never been selfshipped with anyone else besides me despite being a very popular character? I would gladly say who it is but I don't want to reveal in here yet.
Though it's not like I publish my yume art of him online so maybe I guess I can't be the only one out there?

Anonymous 14278

in my case the internet and fandom did this to me

Anonymous 14280


He would be busier trying to join him in his suicide shit than trying new sexual stuff even if is something quite vanilla.

I mean, I would be quite mean to Dazai to then smile at his pic. Zagreus is a cinnamon roll, I cannot get mad at him.

Anonymous 14283

>What if our need to love but also see our husbandos suffering comes from a fear of being rejected?
I admit that this was definitely me sometimes. Like I didn't want him to have control over whether we end up together or not, so at first I imagined myself forcing myself on him a little (in an "Abhorrent Admirer" sort of way) until he returned my feelings. After a while, I calmed down, started to imagine us falling for each other in a normal way and stopped being so aggressive towards him. But it's because I loved him so much and it was more than just horniness. I have other (pathetic) husbandos that I want to hurt because they're made for it, not because I'm afraid they'll reject me.

I like coming up with alternative scenarios where I'm into him, while he sees me as a rival, but he gradually starts falling in love with me, although I'm not sure if this counts.

Anonymous 14284

When I imagined our wedding I liked coming up with different outfits for him to wear on that day. It's cute to daydream about him styling his hair a certain way and wearing the clothes I want him to wear because he knows I like it…


Anonymous 13735[Reply]

at what age did start getting an interest in sex, porn etc.?

Was it embarassing to you at first? or how did you feel about it
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Anonymous 14222

I was extremely lucky. He really thought of me like a little sister he needed to protect, so when I started being so obvious that even his oblivious self recognised it, he explained that I should be interested in boys my own age, then hastily changed that to boys my own age, when I was much older. I'll be honest that I still carry a torch for him even now, but he has a family and is very happy with his partner.

>I had thought of sex as this very mechanical act that couples did only when they wanted to have a baby
So I'm not the only one. I blame my parents for letting my scientist dad have The Talk with me.

Anonymous 14236

no not your are weird, the ones who molested and groomed you are weird

that is the perpetrator introject, i had this too where i thought
>am i the pervert?

look up
>perpetrator introject
on google

Anonymous 14268

I had accidentally discovered masturbating before I even knew what sex was and developed some weird kinks I'm not proud of. I've grown out of them thankfully.

Anonymous 14275

I don't have DID, so that's not it.

Anonymous 14279

nta but DID introjects are different, they have sort of own identity/self awarness.
normal introjects don't have that they could just be an idea or a way to think about yourself


Men in chastity Anonymous 13447[Reply]

Confident, handsome men proudly in chastity and faithful to their wives. Stories welcome too.
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Anonymous 13620

I think it's hot, I want a moid to keep locked up

Anonymous 13642

I want to find the most rude, rugged, masculine moid and start locking him up until he's my bitch.

Anonymous 13716



Anonymous 13718

I've gotten my long distance moid to buy a timed lockbox for his. I make him send videos oversnapchat of him locking up and sealing the keys away for as long as I want.

Anonymous 14264

mine wears one but he can just slip his dick out of it when it's soft. any ideas? I want to actually have it under lock and key


Anonymous 3118[Reply]

what does it feel like to touch a penis?
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Anonymous 14246


Anonymous 14254

You aren't women.

Anonymous 14255

Anonymous 14257

No doubt that males posted in this thread but it's not like women would never talk about this topic.

Anonymous 14262


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