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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 12367[Reply]

Do you ever fantasize about teasing people in a romantic/sexual way? Is it evil?
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Anonymous 12447

… what the hell

Anonymous 12477

jesus what caused you to write such a mean tirade over a simple story of a someone sharing how their brother was affected by a bad incident. I don't get your obsession with denigrating therapy, I don't even think that girl did particularly wrong, I just don't get how you spin this into pickmeism, therapy, daydreaming, and "the incel question".

Anonymous 12483

It's inconceivable to me why someone would go to such lengths to inflate their own ego like that.
Wasting someone else's time, giving someone false hope, dashing their hope, standing people up.
It just seems so cruel.
I can understand flirting with someone, there is no expectation of following up a pleasant conversation.
When it becomes clear that someone is romantically interested, those feelings need to be addressed before they grow.

Anonymous 12608

Not gonna read this schizo wall of text sorry

Anonymous 12614


Total Moid Death.j…

How deep are your sexual urges? Anonymous 12501[Reply]

I can go without any for about one week without any urges arising. But the impression I have from reading posts here is that most girls could go without sex (not talking about romance but the physical activity!) for years… So which one of us is wrong in the head? How much sex-craving is natural for women compared to moids? Don't have many acquaintances so I'll ask you. Also I'm a POC I that makes any difference (read it once somewhere but not sure).
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Anonymous 12536

Come on, you know that that nona is not going to walk around amputating men. Also wasn't Guro allowed on 4chan's /d/ or am I remembering wrong?

Anonymous 12538

more women should torture men tbh

Anonymous 12539

If you still suck their dicks then it all doesn't matter to me, you're the bottom that gets zero physical pleasure

Anonymous 12604

I get off daily. 5 times on my days off. I have a lot of erotic daydreams. It's fun but not exactly an acceptable hobby to talk about…

Coitus however I don't care for. Not once in my life has horniness lead to any thought like "hmm, I could do this with a man". I did have a boyfriend for years and I didn't get much from the sex. Being licked was nice but still not as good as schlicking alone. When I got horny I was just annoyed he was at home since getting him involved guaranteed I wouldn't have an orgasm.

Anonymous 12606

No guro is banned on all boards except /b/.


Anonymous 12621[Reply]

What’s your relationship to sex? Do you care about ‘body count’ / is it a dumb concept/ how to stop caring about it ?
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Anonymous 12623


thank you for the inspiration to go make myself a yummy salad nona

Anonymous 12624

Thanks for a really well informed reply. I haven’t heard this take before with the difference for men/ women but it seems to have some truth to it

Anonymous 12625

Everyone is a slut except me, fact.

Anonymous 12626

I don’t understand how people have hook ups bc I feel like sex is supposed to be an act of love. Also I am deathly afraid of incurable STDs lol. Like I’m not letting anyone down there unless we are in a relationship. Not religious btw

Anonymous 12627

this was really interesting nona, though I don’t understand half of it unfortunately
> What’s your relationship to sex?
I have a pretty good sex life overall, and sex is important to me in dating, but I also have intimacy issues that make sex challenging for me. I started having sex at 16, and my sex life has immensely improved since then, thanks in no small part to better self-image. I prefer to date someone for a while before having sex, while the people I date tend to want it after a few dates max. I’m monogamous and expect monogamy from my sexual partners too. sex can be very stressful for me, so sometimes I secretly drink before sexual encounters. I know this is an issue. probably because of my intimacy issues, I can’t orgasm with another person. I’m also bisexual, and I think sex can be fairly different depending on if I’m with a man or a woman. I find sex less stressful with men, even though I prefer women
> Do you care about ‘body count’ / is it a dumb concept/ how to stop caring about it ?
I don’t care about it too much, but I like to know my partners’ sexual history, so maybe it matters a bit? my body count is neither high nor low (6/7ish), and I’ve been with people who had higher body counts and lower body counts than me. it didn’t make a difference in the quality of sex, but I wouldn’t sleep with a virgin probably


Anonymous 10780[Reply]

How would you react if your bf got kissed by another girl?
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Anonymous 12430

my bf literally asked some art hoe (who is not actually a hoe but a femncel autist) if she would draw him naked. and she was like yeah sure. and later he was like i wasn't serious, it was a joke.

still hung up about that. gross af

Anonymous 12433

Not sure why you think it's gross. Back in university I did a lot of life drawings, I'd draw naked people at least once a week.

Anonymous 12435

Not her. This is a man who joked about sexualizing himself for/with a femcel autist specifically because it is not normal and is inappropriate, weird and out of place for him to do so given his own whatevers, and projected that sense of impropriety onto her so his actions can and should be interpreted as deliberate sexual cruelty. There's a gross undercurrent to it and she's right to feel wronged.

Anonymous 12438

I would run over and beat the shit out of that skank

Anonymous 12469

she’s getting a boot to her chest


Anyone else have inverted nipples Anonymous 7593[Reply]

I've had them since I was a kid. As I grew up, my right nipple started to poke out when I'm cold and I can actually pull until it comes out, though it never stays unless I'm really cold. I'd mind less if they were both retracted but only having one pokey nipple at a time feels pretty weird.
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Anonymous 7836

no, but I wish I did, so I could go braless without showing pokies like Jennifer Aniston in Friends.

Anonymous 7840

I thought everyone had those when it's warm but they poke out when cold or when rubbed. At least that's how mine are. Or are inverted nipples permanently inverted?

Anonymous 7841

There are three grades to inverted nipples medically speaking. To have inverted nipples at all isn't average per say, but it isn't relevant at all unless you want to breastfeed, and even then you won't run into issues unless you're grade 2. For context
>Grade 1: Nipple is inverted at rest but pops out when cold or stimulated. (What OP and you describe).
>Grade 2: Nipple pops out when directly pulled out, but quickly goes back when left alone. (Possible problem breastfeeding
>Grade 3: Nipple permanently inverted, no way to "evert" the nipple.

Again, this isn't massively important unless you want to breastfeed. Though it should be noted that if you went from not having an inverted nipple, to having an inverted nipple, that may be a sign of something serious. If you've had an inverted nipple since puberty though you should be fine.

Anonymous 7856


I definitely love going out braless. I have never worn a bra in my life. It's handy to have a jacket or scarf though so when I get a pokey I can sneakily push it back in >:D
Inverted nipples look like this IRL. Maybe you just have small nipples that get pokey when cold

Anonymous 12467

hi shelby

1633540585697 (1).…

Anonymous 8097[Reply]

>hate moids with every molecule in my body
>big dick worship fetish
I hate alot of things about myself but this is the worse one, I feel very ashamed about it and I know I can't tell anybody because if I did they will give me the "look".
anywas rant over whatever I will kill myself now bye
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Anonymous 8815

spoken like a true femcel. Honestly you and incels are made for each other but you're way too ugly to like each other, let alone preteding actual normal people like you

that's why they shoot up schools and you bitter nonas always post weird shit online and masturbate to creepy pedo shit

Anonymous 8818


Anonymous 12425

I'm in your boat OP. Men are somewhat repulsive to me, not to the point where I hate them, but I try to avoid them if I can. But at the same time the thought of a well hung guy expecting me to give him pleasure and me getting to worship his huge dick makes me go totally crazy. I have this friend who has a kind of ugly boyfriend, and he's arrogant to boot, so I disliked him a lot and always told her that she should find someone else. Until one day she drunkenly told me and a couple of other friends that he's extremely big and knows how to use it, and since then my view of him completely changed. I can't help but steal glances at his crotch often and I even laugh at some of his stupid jokes. I hate myself for this, but when I imagine him making me worship his dick and blowing him I can cum so quickly it's ridiculous, makes me feel so disgusted with myself afterwards, I just hate it!!

Anonymous 12448

how ugly is he

Anonymous 12460

It's hard to explain, he's not actuallyy ugly, but kind of ugly is the best way I can think of to describe him. My friend thinks he's average looks-wise.

Screen Shot 2023-1…

Anonymous 12416[Reply]

if you could cure trannies by facesitting them, would you?

Anonymous 12417

It would be better with kisses

Anonymous 12418

I'd rather cure them with bullets but this moid just sounds autistic and makes me feel sad for him.


Anonymous 12382[Reply]

>first time masturbating at 5 (veiled muses making flower crowns, zodiac art etc)
>ask girl to be gf in kindergarten
>crush on female at 8
>consume lesbian porn exclusively until 16
>bullied by boys, fear all men until 19 except a boy in my class who always stood up to me
>get a girlfriend at 15, fondling, flirting, but bonding over boys we liked
>take red pill, decide I'm a tradwife
>date men, sex is all good
>still attracted to women, only fantasize about muses and very feminine men
>don't feel as passionately about masculinity (physically, mentally) as femininity. The only exception to this was the boy from my class but, I think he was masculine but in a positive way, not the toxic type of masculinity. He made me feel protected and I guess that's the reason why I wanted to be 'trad' to begin with.

Is it cope from when I was afraid of men or should I date women? I don't want to be gay, it would make my life harder.
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Anonymous 12393

my life has been the same as yours nona

Anonymous 12394

Sounds like a normal bisexual experience to me.

Anonymous 12395

>hurr durr rape victims are contaminated
you think like a muslim man and probably still say that you're a radfem.

Anonymous 12396

Bisexual women need to love themselves more in my opinion. I trust a bisexual who calls herself a bisexual like she is. I would trust her way more than a bisexual who larps as a lesbian just because she feels guilty about fucking males.

Anonymous 12397

I notice that you raised no objection to the notion of contamination as applied to wives, lovers, mistresses, prostitutes, or anyone else who in some way and for any reason assented to befoulment by male sexual contact. You instead grasp solely at the non-exemption of victims of crime. In that way you concede the point of male sexual contact being a form of contamination, but take issue with the idea of anyone being degraded by sexual degradation until and unless there is some fiber of consent given it, like a christian theologian contemplating the relationship of sin to damnation. If the horror of contamination should be redoubled by a greater horror of guilt at self-betrayal in all cases then no sympathies are to be given to the greater part of womankind. That position is at least as cruel as mine. It eliminates on one hand the requirement of sympathy for those who consented to intercourse and are therefore guilty of complicity with patriarchal sex, and on the other hand eliminates the possibility of sympathy for those who did not consent and therefore need only have their feelings of contamination dismissed and invalidated as unreal, mere socially constructed neurosis.

If this were a therapy group instead of a general discussion website with a particular focus on telling the generally horrifying truth about male sexuality then I would not speak about the particular sense of horror held by sexual contact with males. But even within therapy the therapeutic position has limits. There has been a great deal of criticism leveled at the social normalization of the therapeutic position from feminists. In particular Andrea Dworkin was opposed to the therapeutic mass gaslighting of women on the male and sexual nature of rape and sexual assault.

And I do agree with Dworkin that rape is a male sexual crime originating from male sexuality and on a gradient of male heterosexual norms that can include violence–particularly if informed by pornography–rather than the late 20th century therapeutic position that it was an act of violence with nothing to do with sex, and that since it was supposedly "about power" or "about control" then pornography could have little to do with integrating it into normal heterosexuality. The therapists were lying to convince women to trust men and enter or re-enter relationships, including romantic relationshiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Anonymous 2[Reply]

Can we have a nsfw cute guys thread?
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Anonymous 12046

he's gay

Anonymous 12048

I love this body type. Why can't more men have a body like that?

Anonymous 12186

Moids say they 'lift for themselves' then fly into a blind rage when you point out thin guys are sexier. imo being thin accentuates their masculine features, wide shoulders, narrow hips, adams apple, makes them look taller etc.

Anonymous 12338


I would like to thank y'all for making this thread, I have so many images saved in my computer now.

Anonymous 12354

It's basically all show with no actual muscle power to back it up, other men can tell that he is weak, making him a prime target of assault and rape


Anonymous 3092[Reply]

>allowing a guy to cum on your face
I hope you don't do it
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Anonymous 12193

Yeah, its not like I like my bfs cum or anything, or having sex with him, or his penis in my face, or watching him cum. I told him to stop licking my clit as well because its so gross and humiliating for him.

Anonymous 12194

Being fucked is far more degrading by your standards

Anonymous 12243

humiliation is a pretty common fetish

Anonymous 12330

I asked my roommate to let me experiment sexually with him and tried jerking him off into my hand. I have no idea why anyone would find getting cum on their face exciting or attractive. I do want to try giving a blowjob next and swallowing, but just getting blobs and threads all over you, even your eyes, seems awful.

Anonymous 12340


I don't see the problem. OP's video is pretty hot and I don't think it's moid porn because moids don't like to moan in most porn. They just silently grunt at best.

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