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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Hypersexuality Anonymous 13125[Reply]

I've been hypersexual since the age of eleven and my brain is fried to the point all I want to do is masturbate when I'm home alone. It's a huge distraction and gets in the way of daily life, I can't focus on hobbies or even clean my room due to chronic horny consuming my thoughts. Real sex doesn't do it for me so finding a long-term partner isn't an option. Nonas… Help.
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Anonymous 13135

Have you considered taking birth control or SSRIs to manage the horniness? Or blocking porn sites/etc when you're home alone? Not gonna lie having things to do out of the house helped me manage when my hypersexuality was at its peak, I had no time to waste on masturbating or being horny when I worked 9-5 and went to the gym afterward.

Anonymous 13137

It feels like a chore.
>birth control/SSRIs
I'm already on SSRIs and they haven't affected my libido at all. I've considered BC but I'm put off by the long term effects TBQH.
>blocking porn
Doesn't make a difference, my mind does all the work for me.
>going outside
Yeah that's a habit I'm trying to break into. Maybe I'll renew my gym membership.

Anonymous 13138

Terrible question, sorry I'm asking because this is what happened to me. Did you experience SA? I became hypersexual very young after SA but it eventually calmed down in my teenagehood (probably because I had an ok support system)

Anonymous 13139

>I'm already on SSRIs and they haven't affected my libido at all. I've considered BC but I'm put off by the long term effects TBQH.
Which SSRI are you taking? I was on Prozac for a long time but it had no effect, but Zoloft completely zapped my libido (which I personally hated, but some people want that). The older ones tend to be more "potent" with that.

>Yeah that's a habit I'm trying to break into. Maybe I'll renew my gym membership.

Leaving the house is probably the best non-chemical way to manage. When I'm at home my mind wanders, but when I'm outside (even just taking walks or going to the gym) I have to focus more on other things.

Anonymous 13429

i used to be like this, and the only thing that really helped is to stop looking at sexual content and to reduce the amount that i masturbate. after a while of not looking at sexual content or masturbating much, i kind of just became addicted to different things over time (doomscrolling, reading, video games, etc.)


Anonymous 11082[Reply]

What breast size do men prefer the most? Areola size? Also post stories/ encounters were you feel like you where treated differently for having bigger/smaller breasts than someone else
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Anonymous 11110

Obsession with large breasts is really a litmus test for IQ and impulse control. Brief interest in extremely large breasts is pretty natural, but if it extends to staring, constant attention/remarks, fetishizing ect. then you're dealing with a low IQ coomer. That said, if you can find an average moid who can accurately judge cup size while the subject is wearing a bra, I would be genuinely impressed, because thus far I've found their understanding of shape and size to be entirely informed by porn, causing them to massively over or underestimate.

Anonymous 11328

Men have no idea how bra sizes work, so I would ask them how many handfuls they would prefer. You could tell half of them "wd40" and they'd be like omg so hot. All of my exes would say a bit more than a handful. However my sample size is 4. Lol

Anonymous 13398

you could defy the laws of physics and biology and somehow have a negative cup size and any decent man would love you regardless of how big your boobs are
t.aaa cups haver with a boyfriend who said he loved big boobs before we became a couple

Anonymous 13404

>a moid dating a woman with an aaa chest
oh boy, I'm not even going to go there

Anonymous 13405

i dont give a fuck what men prefer, love my massive tits even if they make clothes shopping kinda annoying


Rape Fantasy Anonymous 7757[Reply]

For ever since prepubescence I have had rape fantasies, at first I tried to repress but when I got into my teens I started to indulge in them.
It startes in a nonsexual manner when I was as young as maybe 7 or 8, I would kidnap women in certain videogames and self insert as the women I was kidnapping in a way, not sexually, I don't understand why.
Then rape fantasies when I was 11 or so.
Now its the main thing I get off to.
Wtf is wrong with me? I get rape fantasies or normal but this shit started when I was SEVEN. No, I was not molested or sexually abused in any way. I wasn't introduced to sexual content t a young age (apart from very crude humor in adult TV programs my parents let me watch, but nothing explicit or graphic)
I also have hypersexual tendencies since puberty. I started masturbating at 11 and would sometimes masturbate 6 hours a day if I had nothing to do. I would watch tv while I did it, I wouldn't even think of anything sexual at the time (I would not masturbate to the rape fantasies and refused to indulge in them and attempted to repress them).
Now its usually 30-120 minutes a day spanning at least a couple sessions, I only miss days if due to yeast infection of some sort.
WTF is wrong with me???
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Anonymous 7866

if its fiction and imagination who cares. just never reflect it to irl.

Anonymous 7868

The amygdala, the brain nucleus responsible for the onset of sexual salience, is also responsible for potentiation of emotions of fear, aggression, violence.
The amygdala communicates with the hypothalamus proper, because sexual arousal and motivational salience is a complex process. There have to be threshold potentials in the Anterior hypothalamic nucleus for thermoregulation, sweating, shorter breathing, the Paraventricular nucleus & Supraoptic nucleus for oxytocin and vasopressin release (depending on the gender), Pituitary gland main/posterior for oxytocin, vasopressin, gonadotropes, lactotropes release, and even the Tuberomammillary and Posterior nucleus for pupil dilation, alertness, increase of ATP production. To name a few notable regions.
The amygdala also communicates with the nucleus accumbens of the reward system via the D1 motivational salience dopaminergic system, to facilitate gratification anticipation, and the 5-HT system for contentedness and reward.
The amygdala also communicates with the somatosensory system of the parietal lobe to initiate sympathetic, autonomous, and parasympathetic processes that facilitate proceptive and receptive mating behaviors.
The amygdala also communicates with the orbitofrontal cortex to inhibit lateral decision-making, compartmentalization, and risk-aversive behaviors.

Women, due to neuroanatomy and neurochemistry, can experience dissonance and due to the effects of neural facilitation, conflate sexual arousal and salience with the emotions of helplessness, threat, loss of control, aversive salience(D2 system) to being subjected to violence, et cetera.

There is some preliminary work being done on supposed selection pressures for the trait, predisposition, and manifestation, but there is a lot of stigma, unsurprisingly. The zeitgeist is that women experience rape fantasies because it frees them from the patriarchal/misogynistic stigma with regard to female sexuality, and also rids them of the agency of having sexual thoughts and an active sexuality. It's flimsy and isn't rooted in neuroscience, but it is inoffensive.
One lazy argument is that the women that were able to cope and internalize being raped, were more successful in replicating their genes, which eventually morphed into strong genetic associations through hundreds of generations. The women that were aversive to the point of resisting and fighting their aggressors, tended to suffer injury, get murdered, Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 7869


Anonymous 13400

thats absolutely true. Once boys are around 12, most of them wanna fuck older women(though mostly 16-25 year olds, not like 50 year old moms unless theyre milfs i guess). All my male friends said so, so who am i to not believe them

Anonymous 13401

>What worries me is that as an adult, I have fantasized about having my way with a minor. I hate to admit it and it's fucking disgusting.
as long as you dont do anything in real life, who cares. We arent at the level of technology where the government can arrest you for thought crimes lol


Anonymous 13385[Reply]

I went on a first date yesterday and got wet just from holding his hand
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Anonymous 13390

No I don’t think he could tell

Anonymous 13391

I haven’t had anything romantic or sexual happen between me and a guy for around a year, so I’m just very deprived

Anonymous 13392

is this your first male contact ever?

Anonymous 13394

same thing happened to me in high school

Anonymous 13396

No, I had sex for the first time around a year ago, made out with a different guy about 6 months ago. I’ve always had a high libido and guys haven’t usually been interested in me. Even when I made sexual advances they weren’t interested. So this is my first real date with a guy and I found him attractive. His hands were nice and thick


Anonymous 7523[Reply]

Why are balls so gross?
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Anonymous 8029

unknown (72).png

remember and pay attention

Anonymous 13210

balls are serious for me. the other day i was browsing my reddit porn sock (lol) and was frozen mid-scroll by beautiful twink balls. smooth, cute, and pink. when i finally snapped out of it i realized this must be how moids feel about boobs popping into frame and stealing focus. nothing else in the image appealed to me yet i was hypnotized.

Anonymous 13211

Why did God have to put hair on the balls? He was so close to perfection otherwise.

Anonymous 13212

I like very large balls, a lot more than large dicks. I don't know why.

Anonymous 13383

i really like it when in porn we get a view of the man from behind as he rhythmically thrusts inside and his balls move front and back, front and back. unfortunately it's pretty rare


Anonymous 13333[Reply]

does anyone else here get turned on by getting humiliated? I noticed it first in high school, when people started making fun of my giant forehead. Back than it was really tough for me but now its the complete opposite
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Anonymous 13376

damn imagine the 4head jobs u could give to all the guys. Like 5 guys could smack their dicks simultaneously against your forehead and they would still only use like 50 % of it.

Anonymous 13378

how do you not realize that this is a moid thread trying to get you to make fun of this chick

Anonymous 13379

why do u see moids behind everything… reminds me of 4chan and the jews….

Anonymous 13380


Anonymous 13384

because they do this on 4chan lmfao with random women who've slighted them


Anonymous 13124[Reply]

Do you think her tits are natural or did she cheat? Im not rly into girls but just looking at them gets me so horny…
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Anonymous 13150

she is so slutty… i love it….

Anonymous 13172

Pretty sure most of those are not "straight nonas" or even "nonas" if you catch my drift.

Anonymous 13188

im bi and i would totally lick her soft feet and suck her toes clean tbh. Wouldnt be mad to get stepped on by her and used as her door mat either

Anonymous 13190


Anonymous 13377

why do ppl get mad in here if some good pussy gets posted. Like chill out


Anyone else fantasize about putting cute boys in diapers? Anonymous 6307[Reply]

Think alot about having some cute shy femboy and turning him into my kiddo. Ideally he's got an uncut, small weewee too. I'd love to be giving him a diaper change and watch him try to cover himself up, splay legged and vulnerable. Whimpering when I tell him I need his hands to move, only mommy can touch down there. Anyone else out there that's like this?
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Anonymous 6404

There are no biological women in this thread.

Anonymous 6450

Anonymous 13368

Yes I think about that everyday

Anonymous 13369

I want to diaper him and walk over and pat his butt to see if he’s wet.

Anonymous 13375

I want to fuck a femboy in front if his friends as he begs for help


Anonymous 6344[Reply]

Anyone else struggle with a dead bedroom? Everything else is good but it feels my sex life ended before it even properly began.

I just want to touch his cock…
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Anonymous 6369

I thought my bf and I were having sex a normal amount, and I felt a little bad that I was pushing him to fuck me a little more often. Then I brought it up around some of my friends and they all went nuts - apparently sex once every month or two is abnormal and for most of my friends, grounds for a breakup.
I can't blame him entirely though. Most of the time I try to initiate he isn't in the mood, but he seems to always initiate at bad times for me too. It's just so frustrating, but I know we can work through this.

Anonymous 6373

hah, i feel you, nona, it's 'every few months, maybe' for me. crossing my fingers that you and bf can work through it! i'm starting to resign myself to a celibate relationship

Anonymous 6379

The worst part is, before we started dating, I learned about his sex life with his ex, and for the few months they were together, they had sex almost every day, sometimes more than once. So it's like, did my lower sex drive lower his?

Anonymous 6385


You can touch my ass.
It’s been longer since anyone’s touched it.

Anonymous 13366


Reviving this, my boyfriend was a khhv before we met. we've only had sex successfully about 4-5 times. He has ED and is a bit overweight. He probably had porn addiction but definitely hasn't looked at it since we've been together. I have a high sex drive but he still acts like a virgin after a year of dating. I always treat him really well with handys and bjs and he cums but I want real penetrative sex. I've been with guys before him and I know it's not me. I do love him but I just want to get railed again…


Anonymous 9476[Reply]

Sex with bi men, yay or nay?
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Anonymous 12949

yay if they're clean, masculine and attractive.

Anonymous 12972

>Most female-leaning bi women prefer to just call themselves lesbians
do they?

Anonymous 13141

ngl im bi myself and hetty boys are always weird about it so i only date men who are bi

Anonymous 13343


>he may get fucked by other guys, but I'm the one whom he cuddles with at night!

Anonymous 13352

How can you know he isn't cheating on you when he is out with just the boys?

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