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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


h manga for women Anonymous 9143[Reply]

do any nonas have good resources for finding decent mf h-manga aimed at/written by women? im so tired of all the h-manga i find being so clearly made for moids, but the only artist i can find is umekoppe and she doesn't have very many works available. i'd like to expand my horizons kek
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Anonymous 11262

>moralfagging over hentai

Anonymous 11268

because we're never gonna make it out of patriarchy

Anonymous 11310


nother man boob focused manga

Anonymous 11753

Any hentais like this one but without the incest stuff?

Anonymous 12337



I'm not usually into yanderes but this guy was pretty hot. What have you done nona..I am picrel.


Anonymous 5888[Reply]

lmao at the cringe ass word "aftercare". i fucking hate it and i hate how retarded bdsm shit is taking over everywhere and the moids grooming women and pushing it down everyone's throat.
how they justify being a degenerate who gets off on beating humiliating and traumatizing girls but its okay because afterwards they'll do the bare minimum and pat her head after sex. and they also make it sound like its big good deal theyre offering and that it shows that theyre good partners and people just because theyre like oh sorry babe i love u ;)
having sex shouldn't be a hurtful experience that requires (a obviously half assed as everything moids do) this aftercare bullshit they talk about lol they are insane
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Anonymous 11301

Always choke your moid

Anonymous 12230

Its necessary because everyone is just fucking random people now. Obviously its not your husband or wife, so cuddling has to be negotiated on, to mitigate the emotional terror that comes afterwards.

Anonymous 12289

Or also causing deliberate carbon monoxide poisoning to a person

Anonymous 12314


proper 'aftercare' should be falling asleep together from exhaustion while cuddling

Anonymous 12335


What body do you prefer your moid to have? Anonymous 7355[Reply]

I've seen pic related going around but I get the feeling this was engineered by a moid to have such results if it's not straight up fake
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Anonymous 10665

Any woman who picks 10 should be sent to a mental hospital. Anyways, I pick 1, 4, and 11.

Anonymous 12202

Somewhere between 9 and 12, although 12 doesn't look that healthy I'd have to force feed him a bit. Also this chart was definitely made by a 'bodybuilder' moid, why would you have 3 thin guys, 2 fat guys and 9 pointless variations of gym bros.

Anonymous 12247

>a normal mans body looks gross to me
9, 12 and 7 are how the vast majority of young men have looked throughout history, you're either a gay moid, or are mindbroken by microplastic tainted, fast food eating and steroid taking men.

Anonymous 12288

whats wrong with the 8th ones nipple the fuck

Anonymous 12334


4 is probably military. Guys I've seen like that usually are.

1 and 5 is straight up bodybuilder. Too muscular for me. 4 is the most muscular I'd go.

The rest are cute. Except 10…what the fuck.


Are there any secrets to finding out if a guy is hung before seeing him naked? Anonymous 6849[Reply]

I prefer much more well-endowed men (7" and thick and up) and smaller men just can't do it for me. I've been disappointed bringing back cute guys only to see they are a waste of time.

I've checked bulges but that's not always reliable. I've been in clubs and gotten a quick feel dancing but that's not reliable either.

I heard height and penis size are linked, but I'm not sure if that's true.I know really fit guys are bigger so that helps. Is asking for a shoe size too obvious, or is there something else I need to know?

Please share your secrets!!!
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Anonymous 12319

Canadians are never an answer. Holy hell, love yourself, girl.

Anonymous 12329

What's so bad about Canadians?

Anonymous 12331

I want you to look at your post, then at a picture of Justin Bieber, and then look at your post again.

Anonymous 12332

Just grabbed a ruler and 5 inches was way more than whatI expected

Anonymous 12333

Just tried this. I thought you were exaggerating but wtf??


Porn addiction Anonymous 4630[Reply]

I wanna go back to the old days where I could just imagine a girl gently fingering me and that would be enough to get me off, where bare tits and ass was enough to turn me on. I have been watching porn since I was 13 or so and I can't coom without it anymore. When I'm horny I'm constantly masturbating throughout the day to futa/tentacles/loli/bestiality and whatever fucked up shit I find on sadpanda. Sometimes after cooming three or four times I'm still horny and no porn can get me off anymore, it's just boring. I constantly read NSFW yuri just because, not to get off or anything but because I don't fucking know, it kinda feels mentally good. I didn't know this was addiction behavior but apparently it is and I tried to stop watching porn and masturbate solely to my imagination but I failed. I have also tried not masturbating altogether and that wouldn't be a problem if there wasn't this week in my cycle where I'm horny and for 2-3 days I'm actually so horny it's physically painful and I need to absolutely get off. Have you guys gone through this before? Any advice?

I posted this in 4chinz /lgbt/ but then I remembered this place existed and that one is filled with nothing but rping troons.
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Anonymous 11770

Any hobby of yours you'd recommend? (please not going to the gym)

Anonymous 11776

How do you get addicted to fetish porn?

Anonymous 11778

Not getting laid & internet addiction

Anonymous 11984

I do well powerlifting in the gym. Other than that cooking, photography and sometimes crocheting. How are you dealing with your porn addiction so far?

Anonymous 12286

A year late but consider the fact that the Philippines is a country where "get a white boyfriend even if he is actively disloyal, mid-tier and in heavy debt" is equivalent to "get a plane ticket out of the Philippines" which is a massive incentive to fantasize and daydream and develop fixations on the kinds of visuals that an english-language porn video host can offer.


Embarrassing things during lovemaking Anonymous 12320[Reply]

Post about embarrassing things that happened or "cringe" stuff that happened during lovemaking

Anonymous 12323

My bf says he doesn't mind and it's natural, but I'm still really embarrassed by it and can quickly kill the mood for me


be honest Anonymous 12145[Reply]

would you?
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Anonymous 12278

I would never penetrate or be penetrated in the anus. Anorectal violence is Satanic.

Anonymous 12280

Based anorectal violence anon

Anonymous 12281

but boys have a g-spot in there

Anonymous 12311

boys are Satanic

Anonymous 12312

I will convert them to the side of light, bending them to my will with my holy sword and turning their weak spots against them until they melt.


Anonymous 12246[Reply]

Opinions on hotwifing? (not cuckolding, which is a moid centric fetish)
I'm ashamed to admit I like the idea of it, but I'm not sure if its healthy.

Anonymous 12248

What is the difference between the Hotwife and Cuckold lifestyles?

Generally speaking, the difference is that often the cuckold (husband) is submissive to his wife (the Cuckoldress), and sometimes even masochistic, gaining arousal from “humiliations, degradation, and other demeaning activities at the hands of his wife and her lover.” Cuckolds often see themselves as inferior lovers and unable to sexually satisfy their wives, hence the desire to have other men (younger, alpha-male lovers called “bulls”) who are much more virile than themselves fulfil their wife’s sexual needs.

Anonymous 12256

Definitely not healthy

Anonymous 12265

this is one of those things that are best kept as a fantasy


Hot fit ASF male models Anonymous 497[Reply]

Post them! :')
This is Christian Hogue btw.
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Anonymous 12029

i think he is on a…

cute little silly moids they are

Anonymous 12030

just begging for someone to totally fuck their lives up, really.

Anonymous 12047

Anonymous 12197

i find his face weird

Anonymous 12241


training bf to be dominant? Anonymous 11029[Reply]

when i met my boyfriend he had this super intimidating, professional vibe about him that really turned me on. i finally pinned him down but found out he's a nerdy virgin puppydog of a man. he worships the very ground i walk on and doesn't do any stupid moid shit like watch porn or treat women like they're inferior. overall we have the same values and he does what i tell him to. also he's hot and hung like a horse. i'm very, very happy.

however the only thing lacking is my sex life. i'm really into the caring yet dominating type of man. think of a teacher or doctor role. my man can make me cum but i'm just not sure how to introduce him to the more roleplay/kinky side of things where he plays a character a little bit.

tl;dr how do i introduce dorky virgin to dom life.
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Anonymous 11070

Ummm sorry for off-topic but the cupcake in the picture- is the frosting- what I think it is..?

Anonymous 11073

i doubt it. i just picked it because it looks funny within the context of an nsfw board lol

Anonymous 11075

Oh okay lol I was fully prepared to be grossed out but I think I still am lol

Anonymous 11195

Why do you want to make him mentally ill.

There's a reason Sadism was a DSM-III mental disorder. A very damn good reason.

And fuck you, dorky guys like the one you described are perfect.

Anonymous 12229

OP has ruined another unicorn man, his next gf is getting choked, whipped and other pornsick shit

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