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Anonymous 13333[Reply]

does anyone else here get turned on by getting humiliated? I noticed it first in high school, when people started making fun of my giant forehead. Back than it was really tough for me but now its the complete opposite
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Anonymous 13376

damn imagine the 4head jobs u could give to all the guys. Like 5 guys could smack their dicks simultaneously against your forehead and they would still only use like 50 % of it.

Anonymous 13378

how do you not realize that this is a moid thread trying to get you to make fun of this chick

Anonymous 13379

why do u see moids behind everything… reminds me of 4chan and the jews….

Anonymous 13380


Anonymous 13384

because they do this on 4chan lmfao with random women who've slighted them


Anonymous 13124[Reply]

Do you think her tits are natural or did she cheat? Im not rly into girls but just looking at them gets me so horny…
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Anonymous 13150

she is so slutty… i love it….

Anonymous 13172

Pretty sure most of those are not "straight nonas" or even "nonas" if you catch my drift.

Anonymous 13188

im bi and i would totally lick her soft feet and suck her toes clean tbh. Wouldnt be mad to get stepped on by her and used as her door mat either

Anonymous 13190


Anonymous 13377

why do ppl get mad in here if some good pussy gets posted. Like chill out


Anyone else fantasize about putting cute boys in diapers? Anonymous 6307[Reply]

Think alot about having some cute shy femboy and turning him into my kiddo. Ideally he's got an uncut, small weewee too. I'd love to be giving him a diaper change and watch him try to cover himself up, splay legged and vulnerable. Whimpering when I tell him I need his hands to move, only mommy can touch down there. Anyone else out there that's like this?
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Anonymous 6404

There are no biological women in this thread.

Anonymous 6450

Anonymous 13368

Yes I think about that everyday

Anonymous 13369

I want to diaper him and walk over and pat his butt to see if he’s wet.

Anonymous 13375

I want to fuck a femboy in front if his friends as he begs for help


Anonymous 6344[Reply]

Anyone else struggle with a dead bedroom? Everything else is good but it feels my sex life ended before it even properly began.

I just want to touch his cock…
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Anonymous 6369

I thought my bf and I were having sex a normal amount, and I felt a little bad that I was pushing him to fuck me a little more often. Then I brought it up around some of my friends and they all went nuts - apparently sex once every month or two is abnormal and for most of my friends, grounds for a breakup.
I can't blame him entirely though. Most of the time I try to initiate he isn't in the mood, but he seems to always initiate at bad times for me too. It's just so frustrating, but I know we can work through this.

Anonymous 6373

hah, i feel you, nona, it's 'every few months, maybe' for me. crossing my fingers that you and bf can work through it! i'm starting to resign myself to a celibate relationship

Anonymous 6379

The worst part is, before we started dating, I learned about his sex life with his ex, and for the few months they were together, they had sex almost every day, sometimes more than once. So it's like, did my lower sex drive lower his?

Anonymous 6385


You can touch my ass.
It’s been longer since anyone’s touched it.

Anonymous 13366


Reviving this, my boyfriend was a khhv before we met. we've only had sex successfully about 4-5 times. He has ED and is a bit overweight. He probably had porn addiction but definitely hasn't looked at it since we've been together. I have a high sex drive but he still acts like a virgin after a year of dating. I always treat him really well with handys and bjs and he cums but I want real penetrative sex. I've been with guys before him and I know it's not me. I do love him but I just want to get railed again…


Anonymous 9476[Reply]

Sex with bi men, yay or nay?
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Anonymous 12949

yay if they're clean, masculine and attractive.

Anonymous 12972

>Most female-leaning bi women prefer to just call themselves lesbians
do they?

Anonymous 13141

ngl im bi myself and hetty boys are always weird about it so i only date men who are bi

Anonymous 13343


>he may get fucked by other guys, but I'm the one whom he cuddles with at night!

Anonymous 13352

How can you know he isn't cheating on you when he is out with just the boys?


Anonymous 13346[Reply]

my wife didn't have sex with me last night.
I feel really horny, angry, and depressed.
how can I motivate her to leave work and come home and fuck me. right now.

Anonymous 13347

I don't know why I feel so nostalgic for 2014, I was miserable back then. I remember downloading the lego movie and watching it alone in the basement and avoiding my mom because I thought she was mean. I was so wrong, I love my mom and she just wanted the best for me. Now I feel so forlorn for the last 10 years that are now lost to time, wasted because I thought things would be the same forever.

Anonymous 13348


>The lego movie is a decade old

Anonymous 13349

In my senior year at high school we had a unit on dystopian fiction and I wrote an essay comparing the Lego movie with 1984 and BNW. Very good movie, sadly my teacher did not agree :(

I only got a B+


Does realistic porn exist? Anonymous 13298[Reply]

Does realistic porn exist?

If you really think about it porn is strange, at porn movies male character A will do to female character B stuff that if someone did that to a woman she wouldnt feel aroused at this situation, yet people feel (or not) aroused by that when watching it.

Is there a movie where an real life woman would feel aroused and ok if she was the female character B at the movie?

PS: There is a movie where a male and female couple and a cameraman (or one of them is the cameraman) goes to the street and they pay other couple money to make sex with them. If those movies are true and the other couple arent actors this wouldnt count as realistic porn, because they would need to try this thing with many couples until they find one that is ok with it.

Anonymous 13303

No, because porn, by its very nature, is an attempt at turning an intimate and often awkward event into a highlight reel.

Anonymous 13306


Interesting take and also very Jean Baudrillard-esque


Anonymous 13249[Reply]

Anyone else want this whole dynamic?

Anonymous 13252

you could find liek 10 000 retarded scrote who want it in 4chan larping-moid san

Anonymous 13288

>Have to be the constant pick-me-up for a miserable kid.
Yeah, I'm thinkin no. Plus I knew a woman who was in her late 30s dating a zoomer younger than me (though still legal, unlike Shinji). She was THE biggest moron I had ever met and it didn't seem to make her happy.

Anonymous 13289

Back for the rest.…

Anonymous 13291


Anonymous 13790

bowser evangelion …

Sorry but I had to.


Rejected for being a virgin? Anonymous 13266[Reply]

I am feeling out of place for being a virgin woman. The most recent man I tried/attempted to go on a date with told me mid date that he wanted to stop seeing me (mind you we only had started talking a day or two prior) just because I had no prior sexual experiences. I feel like theres no hope lol, I want a man but men honestly treat me like shit. How do I focus on myself and stop giving a fuck?
And its so odd. All online I see this bullshit rhetoric that its supposed to be easy and im supposedly supposed to have all these options because im a woman, but hardly anyone is ever into me it seems. And the men that ive been bold enough to approach outright reject me or stop fucking with me a day or two in. We don’t even date. And I know that hookups are an option or whatever but I don’t want to participate in the hookup stuff. I feel like wanting just a simple relationship isn’t asking for too much, but maybe it is I don’t know. Its like men don’t even view me as being an option.
Overall have had very weird experiences with men.
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Anonymous 13281

My best guess is that by having no sexual experience in your (presumably) 20s, you're not easy enough for them. In your stead they can be dating 10 other women who will put out by the 2nd or 3rd date. On the flip side there's men who fetishize virginity too.

Regardless, dating as a woman when you're actively looking for a serious relationship isn't easy.. Low quality men are abundant and standards for taking you on a date are low. Women who have plenty of experience get ghosted too, that's just the reality of dating in our time, especially if you're on apps (which I don't know if you are). Just keep dating, you'll find a guy who you like and who likes you and has patience for you.

>its supposed to be easy

Getting sex is, if you have no standards.

Anonymous 13282

Then thats the flip side of things though. Like I know I can’t be too picky but am I wrong for wanting a dude who hasn’t slept with a shit ton of people as well? Im just rambling, but I feel like in this scenario if he had then we wouldn’t have the same values. Like a few is fine I understand im in my 20’s and people fuck, but I would prefer less than more.

And I absolutely am irritated at being dropped over not putting out soon enough, although I know theres not much to be done about it. I don’t know anymore.

I guess all I can do is keep trying and dating like you said.

Anonymous 13283

Same thing happened to me and I'm still so confused by it.
This guy I was talking to: awesome, kind, affectionate etc. We would cuddle together, he would give me forehead kisses, and hug me so hard that my feet weren't touching the ground. Then he realizes I'm a virgin. He continues to act normally, but apparently is not okay with me being a virgin. Though we are not officially dating, our dynamic is almost that of a couple.
He sleeps with another girl- I don't find out because he told me, but because his neck is covered in bruises.
He then goes two days without saying a word to me and avoiding me at all costs. The third day comes around, and he's at my door ready to talk. "I still see you as a great friend and care about you so much, I just can't commit to this and am not ready for a relationship", is what he roughly tells me.
From other people, I find out that amidst us spending every day together, he said there was no way things were going to work out between us because I don't have "experience".

I am still so lost about it? I feel like I always hear about how men want "pure" and "modest" women. That they like virgins because they've been untouched or whatever. And yet I was entired rejected because of just that. I could see how it may be overwhelming for someone with a lot of experience to be another's first, but the whole thing just stings so bad.
I'm sorry you had to go through a similar thing.
Can't stand moids. Thank God for bisexuality

Anonymous 13284

THIS omg. Everything you just described encapsulates how I feel exactly. This guys would hug me and cuddle me too!! And its just all so confusing and at the time it made me feel very empty and sad, although at the moment im feeling better. I just think about it often since it happened somewhat recently.

Anonymous 13285

I'm going to guess the turn off isn't that you have no experience, but that you won't put out easily. Sounds like you've dodged a bullet


Anonymous 13225[Reply]

I wish my labia was bigger so I could do this with my pussy lips.
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Anonymous 13230

For what purpose…?

Anonymous 13233

Glide like a sugar glider

Anonymous 13234

To glide around like a sugar glider

Anonymous 13236

There sure are interesting people here.

Anonymous 13237

I believe I can glide

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