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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Condoms Anonymous 12472[Reply]

Help, my bf and me are both virgins and I feel like that's about to change soon, but I am a little nervous about the whole thing.
I obviously know how condoms work and I'm sure he knows everything there is to it, but I just want to be less clueless about it at least to help me with my nervousness.
For example when does he put it on? I've read online that it's best to put it on as soon as his dick is out of his pants, because even with precum there is a chance of transmitting an STI or getting pregnant. But isn't that a total mood killer, if we're cuddling and then suddenly he has to get up and wrap his dick in plastic before continuing.
Should either of us even care about STIs if neither of us had any sexual partners before? I feel like the education system has failed me and I should know all these things.
we are usually very open to communicate with each other about everything, but I feel like we're both a little to prude to talk about sex until we've at least had it once.

also general advice for my first time are welcome

Anonymous 12474

>When should he put it on
After foreplay, before insertion. It takes ten seconds, five if you've already got one out, so it's not the mood killer you think it is. If he cares about you he won't be offended. If you're worried, you can always put it on for him - they like that sort of thing.
>Should we worry about STIs if neither of us has had any sexual partners
If neither of you has an STI (and you trust that he doesn't have one, right?), then you don't have a lot to worry about besides pregnancy. UTIs and stuff can also be transferred and lead to problems, but that's pretty low on the risk scale.
>What about pre-cum
Rarely contains actual sperm unless he already came earlier. I think most studies say the risk of pregnancy from pre-cum alone is very very small. Just follow the advice above - put it on before anything goes inside.
>First time advice
If you've inserted anything before (fingers, dildo, etc.) you already know kind of what to expect. If not, it varies from person to person, most people experience some discomfort or mild pain their first time, some don't. I had a slight pinching/burning feeling for a few minutes that faded after I started to relax. I think the stressing and anxiety about whether it would hurt was way worse than any actual pain. Just make sure to do a lot of foreplay beforehand and ask him to take it slowly.
>I feel like we're both a little to prude to talk about sex until we've at least had it once.
There is nothing to be ashamed of.

Anonymous 12498

don't let him go in until you're 100% comfortable with it. Not just mentally but physically as well.
Foreplay, fingers, etc.
As for when it's time to put the condom on: any time between him getting hard and him going in you. The best way to keep "the mood" going while rubbering up, is probably for you to do it for him. Some girls who try to be extra sexy with it do this with their mouths but that sounds like a bad idea, I'd just stick to using your hands.


Male Prostitutes/Escorts Anonymous 11921[Reply]

Where do i get one. Is this a bad idea.
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Anonymous 11959

gigolos won't but like >>11949 said gay rentboys will, and you'd be surprised at how many gay men also fuck women.

Anonymous 12208

>yeah that was me lmao. i think i might have found another moid but he has a gun and is involved with drugs
Please be careful … I'm a social fuckup myself but that sounds terrifying.

Anonymous 12405

You mean bi men. Gay men by definition dont want to fuck women

Anonymous 12439

All male escorts are gay dudes pretending to be bi and they all have super aids. You probably won't be able to find one who exclusively fucks women because it's so easy for women to get it for free

Anonymous 12442

They don't WANT to, but they will for money

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Anonymous 12468[Reply]

NSFW Confession:

I have this fantasy of secretly getting my boyfriend fat, manipulating him into developing shitty eating habits… We've been going to the gym together and I keep making him drink these protein shakes, buying him McDonalds because he's "bulking". He has gained a little over 10 pounds recently and I can't stop throwing myself at him. Is this ethical?

I have a huge belly fetish and I can't keep my hands off his growing stomach, nor my mind off the thought of making him bigger. He knows about my fetish but I don't think he realises I'm partially responsible for his weight gain.

I'm out of the country right now and he sent me nudes, and I was actually disappointed because he lost belly fat and built muscle.

I'm probably suffering from some kind of chemical/hormonal imbalance. I can't stop masturbating to videos and pictures of morbidly obese people, I wish I were joking. It's disgusting. All I can do is think about sex, plotting ways to fatten up my skinny boyfriend. How do I get over this?

>Is anyone else here attracted to fat or to making people fat?

>Am I a freak?
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Anonymous 12610

op ignore what these retarded normies in the thread are saying. they can fuck off back to twitter or tiktok. men use women every fucking day of their lives in ways that are just as bad or much worse than how you are using your boyfriend. fatten him up until he has a stroke then leave to the next skinny moid. rinse and repeat

Anonymous 12613

It's brisket time!

Anonymous 12615

go back

Anonymous 12616


Robin Scherbatsky's secret

Anonymous 12696

i have this fetish as well, but this may not be ethical. but you did say that he's aware of your fetish, so maybe he's allowing you to feed him without the weight gain part? can't say for sure

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Nsfw Twitter is making me depressed Anonymous 12500[Reply]

It's full of rape and pedophilia, men and women, straight, faggots or lesbians. They tweet pedophilic things and get thousands of likes, they tweet about wanting to "get raped by daddy" and get even more likes, they have "no morals/no limits" in their bios, they trade CP and keep lusting over underage girls. Fucking both sexes are doing it.

Anonymous 12602

>Browsing twitter
Found your mistake. Social media in general is poison to the mind but Twitter is absolute garbage.

Anonymous 12618

"Femboy" is just shameless 3d shota content for men who want to pretend to abide by terms of service changemyview.jpg

Anonymous 12619

I get you nona. I make NSFW art (mostly nude/pin ups) and every single time I start befriending another NSFW artist they end up being into children or animals. I like to share my stuff since I want to believe its tasteful and I want to meet others who enjoy similar stuff, but its so tiresome. Doesn't help that since I'm lesbian I draw women and that attracts only moids and troons, sometimes I wish I were straight so I could connect with other women more easily, I hate having a man-dominated fanbase.


where is the weirdest/most taboo place you've masturbated Anonymous 9948[Reply]

Embarrassing but is probably the bathroom of my grandparents place while they had guests over. How about you guys
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Anonymous 12279

My parents seemed to give my brother a little bit of a harder time over it but he probably did it a lot more

Anonymous 12285

NTA but there are people who don't feel the need to make sounds, even involuntay ones.
I'm silent even during sex, which freaks my boyfriend out keek

Anonymous 12287

20 minutes ago in my brother's car. I figured since he has window tinting and the car was in a completely full, dead lot, I'd be fine. I didn't hear or see anything, since I was laid back with my feet on the dash, but when I got back up, someone had stuck a pamphlet under the wiper and might have looked straight in.

Anonymous 12290

>feet up the dash
>someone stuck a pamphlet in wipers

Anonymous 12671


In my car parked somewhere VERY isolated, for example, a dark corner on a back street. My windows are tinted so I dont have to worry about being seen, but I've had people walk very close to my car and that spooked me. I usually wear a large hoodie and sweats, and just pull my arms inside and reach into my pants. If anyone COULD see through my windows, they still wouldnt see that I'm touching myself. Had some of my strongest nuts in my car. I always think about how if I were a guy, this would be seen as super creepy of me to do. (-:


Anonymous 1934[Reply]

How many of you enjoy the idea of beating up a man to the point where he's bleeding, brusied and in serious pain?
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Anonymous 11971

Actually did it a couple of times.
No sexual pleasure derived from it on my part. The only satisfaction I got was knowing I stood up for myself.

Anonymous 11972


Anonymous 11975

Hopefully my moid will succumb to me one day and let me cut and abuse him. He let's me do everything else otherwise though.

Anonymous 11977

This is like one of my biggest turn ons but I can only enjoy it if the man truly deserves it. I love vividly fantasizing about brutalizing arrogant, self centered/proud men until they’re whimpering, bloody crying messes. Even better if they become Stockholm syndrome’d afterwards because I also have the strange desire to cuddle and nurse them back to health afterwards. It sucks there’s so little content of this out there.

Anonymous 12680

I do, but only with 2D men. In a sexual way I mean- I think about killing real men a lot but I want them to suffer.
I want to break my favorite anime men and pierce them back together


Anonymous 12355[Reply]

I don't see what the problem is with the one on the left, it just means he likes the amazon position.
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Anonymous 12672

what if i’m just ugly

Anonymous 12673

If you're dating that's because he finds you attractive even if you're ugly (unless he only sees you as a living fleshthigh)

Anonymous 12674

Anonymous 12675

Oh God I hope you didn't really fall for what that anon said. The angle his dick points is about the slack in the ligament that attaches to it, not how aroused he is.

Anonymous 12692

>(unless he only sees you as a living fleshthigh)
yes this option

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I hate the idea of engaging in sex as a female Anonymous 11521[Reply]

Does anyone else feel this way? I hate the idea of having to suck dick and shake my head up and down making humiliating movements and spitting on myself and someone's dick, I can't stomach even being seen by the dick owner with his dick in my mouth. There's not a day in my life that I didn't wish that hetsex as a female didn't involve degradation. I have no interest in sex despite a very high sex drive because of that. What's wrong with womanhood? Hope I get reborn as a male in my next life so I can experience being the one that's getting served. Anyone else? Tf. It's a burden. Reading about other posters having a penis envy only confirms my fears around the reality of being a woman sexually. I coped for years in different ways and tried to hack my way out of being cucked by my biology but I gave up.
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Anonymous 12668

Then just don't have sex with men, problem solved

Anonymous 12669

The point was that female pleasure is sex is servile and not acknowledging the biological reality and reality of sex makes it harder for women like me to resolve their internal conflict. There's just so much false ideas being spread about sex and most women even even defensive of sex as if thats what they learned, be defensive no matter what and don't have your own brain cause thats the moral standards and that's what cool. "Sex is cool", well not as a woman, women are like for example a female animal getting in heat and being in pain however having sex will always being her pain yet the heat makes them lack self control and obviously makes them defend sex and the stupid moral and normie standards also make them defend sex and five stupid ass advices instead if acknowledging the biological reality for what it is. I mentally am not a bottom and can't align with my biological position in hetero sex so I just recognized that female pleasure is real but comes mostly from serving lol which depressed me and made me give up in life as a woman especially acts like handjobs or sucking dick made womanhood unsalvageable to me and gave me jealousy of moids recently after years of exploring my sexuality till I got tired especially of piv that feels promising but ends up just being you scratching an itching wound over and over again till it's numb and you relax then seeking to scratch it again. While men have a dick aka a bigger surface to stimulate and literally a giant clitoris. I will never have this satisfaction as a woman and possibly doing acts like the two I named earlier makes me wanna k word. Sorry for the sperg. I just hate when people say inaccurate things about sex as someone who has this internal conflict. I hate society and sex positivity and feel groomed by it and called a loser for not wanting relationships or sex as a woman

Anonymous 12677

Why not just have a man worship you? Women can dominate males

Anonymous 12684

No they literally can't? Its women who jerk and suck dick aka do acts that bring them not physical pleasure plus piv directly leads ro a male orgasm but not female. Women are the empathy in het sex who worship men and get off in male pleasure. It's not possible for a man to worship a woman in sex besides just desiring and consuming her and giving her his desire lol what do people not understand. Being a female is so depressing after like 5 years of sexual copes and even more years of exploring my sexuality I just snapped and developed a dick envy. Sex is useless and overrated as a woman, I feel like I got brainwashed to think it's not. Its not worth dating and fucking men and doing all these mental gymnastics. So much work for nothing yet unlike what people claim I'm still not asexual despite feeling like this. Sex with men as a woman is about being an empathetic giving servant. And the orgasm or physical pleasure count will never be equal between sexes

Anonymous 12685

I searched online how to dominate a moid in sex and kept reading it for like 30 min and had to scroll through a bunch of gross dick sucking stories and overall it was all still about male pleasure and the hetero dynamic still stays the same. Maybe if women like me didn't get galsighted and punished by the society so much I would have resolved my confusion earlier. People saying that a woman can dominate a moid in sex makes me feel like I have 200 iq LOL.
That's all I just give up even the orgasm I made myself have through penetrative stimulation earlier made me feel depressed because having a female body sucks. And heterosexual relationships are full if extreme degradation seriously I hate life its horrible and people are stupid as hell, I give up on engaging in sexuality, I just wanted to find out why

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crystal dildos & yoni eggs Anonymous 11524[Reply]

Has anyone tried crystal dildos or crystal yoni eggs? (for very lonely miners)
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Anonymous 11609


I've heard of adjusting your feng shui, but this is ridiculous!

Anonymous 11615

Hard to find them in silicone sadly without resorting to ordering from another country with fees, delivery times and stuff. Even furry shit is easier to buy, it's ridiculous
Never tried a dildo, why won't they be as enjoyable as softer ones? Though I think it'll be better for me to start with a softer one since they'd compress inside unlike hard ones.
Glass ones are pretty but seem scary to use (probably leftover trauma from 1 guy 1 jar)
I am an /x/ poster but idk why it'd be bad for the aura (either way I'm not looking to change my vibrations or stuff)

Anonymous 11682

Crystal breaks and a shard goes up, no good

Anonymous 11922

don’t use anything made of any kind of crystal for putting inside your vagina.
because of their structure, even though they’re polished, there are always going to be corners and edges all over the surface that can cause micro-cuts and even flake off while inside.
it’s not particularly dangerous, but it’s not good for you.
use cast borosilicate instead.
glass is amorphous and doesn’t have this issue

Anonymous 12681

You will get diseases in your pussy by doing this. Crystals are porous and cannot be sterilized. Use a rubber dildo for gods sake- they make ones that don’t look like penises if that’s the issue.


General Nipple Sucking + Lactation Anonymous 528[Reply]

does anyone love having their nipples sucked on

like i mean, really sucked on. like for 20-30 minutes at a time. Sadly, my current partner isn't good at it. I don't know what it is that they do, but it hurts my nippies instead of making them feel good.

I've always toyed around the idea of ANR, but idk, I don't think that can occur if you never get pregnant.

If you don't know what ANR is, it stands for adult nursing relationship. At least one of the partners will be a girl and usually, after repeated controlled sessions of sucking, the girl will eventually produce milk on her own (if she's been pregnant before).
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Anonymous 10871

Yay! I started trying this for a while and nothing was happening but the days before my period my breasts got puffy like they usually do before I get it and I got a drop of milk. I have consistently been able to have a drop or two whenever I do the marmet technique or with a pump but I haven't done it very consistently. I hope I can produce moar soon, I kinda want to surprise my ldr bf.

Anonymous 10883

Im told consistency is the key to producing milk.

Anonymous 10910

>hey, I'm totally into this kink!
>I'm lactose intolerant

Anonymous 12473

my bf does this thing where he plays with my nipple in one hand and lightly bites on my boob at the same time. its some of the best stimulation i've ever had - probably more intense than most clitoral stimulation for me. i wanna convince him to go harder with the biting and go longer because i feel like i could orgasm from it if done right

Anonymous 12678

One of my biggest fantasies is a hot girl kidnapping me and turning me into a cow for her, strapping my nipples to a milking machine making me produce milk for her. She should fuck me with a strap on that cums hormones that make me milky.

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