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2 harrassment redd…

Anonymous 5293[Reply]

Seriously, how common is pedoism among moids?
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Anonymous 12023

>This graph is fake btw and not based on the study given.

i found it


"Forty-six subjects (57.5%) exhibited sexual arousal in response to the child consenting tapes that exceeded their sexual arousal in response to the contrast tapes"

"Most subjects (n = 63) used a cognitive method to inhibit sexual arousal (e.g., distracted self with neutral or aversive thought)"

Anonymous 12024

Anonymous 13736

i always hear it in connection with cars.

Could be that guys are just traumatized by the driver license education videos which teach you that
>oh there is a child near a street BE CAREFUL IT WILL TELEPORT IN FRONT OF YOUR CAR
like seriously. Also hitting a child with your car is like a death sentence no matter how stupid the child was. For an adult you could always say
>that retard didn't watch properly
but for children you lose in pretty much 100% of cases

Anonymous 14387

This is a fake graph that has been circulating on 4chan for years.
The actual study proves no such thing, nor does it present its data in that way, there was absolutely no talk about the actual age of depicted women/children. (you can google it since its name is literally on the pic)

The study was looking at 4 different types of erotic content (audiotapes); adult consent, child consent, child rape and child assult and the order of desiribility was as stated. It did however show that 26% of participants experienced the same or higher arousal for child content as opposed to adult content.

As for my conclusion, people get aroused to sexual content period. There is data that some straight men get aroused from gay porn, people get aroused from videos of animals having sex, they get aroused from the idea of inanimate objects being sexualized. Im not sure this necessarily proves nor does it disprove that men are pedos.

Anonymous 14389

Also, forgot to add, same goes for women. There was a study where they showed people, men and women, heterosexual and homosexual, videos of bonobo chimpanzees having sex and all groups experinenced genital arousal. Both female groups experienced higher arousal to female chimps too.

So yeah, doubt that means that people are zoophiles either.

Also, the preparation theory is an interesting explanation.

female feeder.jpeg

Anonymous 12468[Reply]

NSFW Confession:

I have this fantasy of secretly getting my boyfriend fat, manipulating him into developing shitty eating habits… We've been going to the gym together and I keep making him drink these protein shakes, buying him McDonalds because he's "bulking". He has gained a little over 10 pounds recently and I can't stop throwing myself at him. Is this ethical?

I have a huge belly fetish and I can't keep my hands off his growing stomach, nor my mind off the thought of making him bigger. He knows about my fetish but I don't think he realises I'm partially responsible for his weight gain.

I'm out of the country right now and he sent me nudes, and I was actually disappointed because he lost belly fat and built muscle.

I'm probably suffering from some kind of chemical/hormonal imbalance. I can't stop masturbating to videos and pictures of morbidly obese people, I wish I were joking. It's disgusting. All I can do is think about sex, plotting ways to fatten up my skinny boyfriend. How do I get over this?

>Is anyone else here attracted to fat or to making people fat?

>Am I a freak?
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Anonymous 12616


Robin Scherbatsky's secret

Anonymous 12696

i have this fetish as well, but this may not be ethical. but you did say that he's aware of your fetish, so maybe he's allowing you to feed him without the weight gain part? can't say for sure

Anonymous 14173

Please cease to exist

Anonymous 14199


>Is anyone else here attracted to fat or to making people fat?
Yes, but because it is dangerous I keep the extreme to fictional only, but I let myself fantasize about irl chubby and overweight men. There used to be this Chad that was into my ugly self in high school because we had the same interests and when he asked me out I ended up rejecting him because he at the time, was just way too handsome and it made me so nervous, but I never told him that because I knew I was stupid. I still am. Anyway, I check up on him from time to time and I'm happy to see he's doing well. He has a child now and looking at that I knew we wouldn't last long because I don't want children. ANYWAY, GETTING TO THE POINT. He seems to have been extremely comfortable because he got CHUBBY. It was so bizarre to see the first time. He used to be thin, fit and somewhat muscular. My goodness, I could touch myself just thinking about it. His girlfriend is so extremely based if she made him blow up like that. His tummy looks ready to be rubbed and played with 24/7. I know this is weird because he has a family now so I don't lurk their pages as often anymore ever since they had their child. Anyway, he probably would've ended up the same way if we dated.
>Am I a freak?
I guess? You're not alone at least.
I don't know if you're still here, but are you still in a relationship? What is his size now?

I've had this fetish for some time now and I think it all started from watching mukbangs when I was in my early teens. Something about watching a man I find attractive, whether it's 3D or 2D, eat and witnessing the tummy growth does things to me. Just watching them eat in general ignites this warm feeling inside of me. Anyone been on the feeder/feedee side of Tumblr? Some of the men that have selfies as their profile pictures are really cute, but it's rare to see one. It's a pleasant feeling to come across one though!

Pic unrelated. I just wanted to post Oscar Isaac's tummy. Spoilered for beard.

Anonymous 14325

I can sort of kind of relate but not really?
I posted about this on /feels/ but my bf (who I love very much) used to be chubby but recently lost a lot of weight. I'm glad he's healthy but I don't enjoy physical contact nearly as much. Hugging, cuddling and sex feel like a massive downgrade. And to be honest I genuinely think he was hotter when he was chubby.
Last weekend we went out and I purposefully ordered large portions and asked him to help me finish my plate. Then I did the same with ice cream and cake. I kind of felt like things would go back to normal but he decided to fast for 48 hours and go back to his chicken and rice afterwards.


training bf to be dominant? Anonymous 11029[Reply]

when i met my boyfriend he had this super intimidating, professional vibe about him that really turned me on. i finally pinned him down but found out he's a nerdy virgin puppydog of a man. he worships the very ground i walk on and doesn't do any stupid moid shit like watch porn or treat women like they're inferior. overall we have the same values and he does what i tell him to. also he's hot and hung like a horse. i'm very, very happy.

however the only thing lacking is my sex life. i'm really into the caring yet dominating type of man. think of a teacher or doctor role. my man can make me cum but i'm just not sure how to introduce him to the more roleplay/kinky side of things where he plays a character a little bit.

tl;dr how do i introduce dorky virgin to dom life.
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Anonymous 13357

Eh try acting submissive/babygirl with him when you're not having sex so you can introduce him to being dominant in bed as well.

Anonymous 13381

this. op you should honestly rot

Anonymous 13393

How come seemingly all the girls here have hot tall respectful boyfriends with huge dicks and only extremely minor character flaws?

Anonymous 13415

Anyone gushing about their bf isnt going to say they're short or have a tiny dick, they're just going to list the positives. Ask about exes and you'll hear more about short, tiny dick, asshole, smells bad etc.

Anonymous 14324


I wish my man was more dominant in the bedroom. For how much of a control freak he is it's kind of disappointing how passive he is in the bed. He doesn't like how submissive I am, he wants a more dominating woman. I tried but he shoved me off.
I can't win.

Screen Shot 2024-0…

Anonymous 14313[Reply]

Is he right?

Anonymous 14320

wtf is this cuckquean propaganda being pushed here?

Anonymous 14321

there's no cuckqueaning in that scenario, just the threat of it.

Anonymous 14322

I thought it was going to turn into a threesome fantasy but this is just slut training fantasy.


My bf keeps getting seduced by my ex who is a MENACE! help? Anonymous 12428[Reply]

I don't know where else to post this besides the backwoods internet.
Sorry if this isn't allowed? But I mean its NSFW?

Forewarning, my ex bf is a FIEND and a WILD ANIMAL. I don't know exactly when, but he made a copy of my bf's "key". He comes around and SEDUCES him without my permission. Keeps coming around my job, interrupts me while im working, buys me things, all pretending everythings fine, sexily saying how we should all be together again. (We used to be 3) Using all this smooth talking to insert himself back into our relationship. But I know what he's done!!

Basically I changed the locks and kicked him out because he was verbally abusing my bf #1 and I was having NONE of that. I'm really strict about verbal abuse and mind games. Bf #1 is an angel and i know my exes ways, I know hes taking advantage. Thing is bf knows I really found them hot together, and we had amazing times in the past..Basically he knows this and he's trying to seduce us both. All I can do is temporarily get mad at bf 1, punish him and lock him up. (hes not allowed orgasms after this!)

Well somehow ex learned hes not allowed, so now hes taking advantage.

I changed the locks, and ex somehow made a copy TWICE!

Well its really starting to make me mad!! He has such an ego! I have booby trapped my house but nothing has worked. Those traps did NOTHING to stop him. It would really be best if i could lock up both of their dicks for good measure, but i know my ex is a wild animal. He's really doing this to seduce me, his goal is not just the first bf.

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Anonymous 12796

Changing the locks on your apartment (?) does not sound like the "best relationships" I've ever had, to be honest. It sounds like you have two men fighting over you, and you enjoy it despite your pretensions that you don't want any of this "contention". I'm seconding 64, you need to reevaluate what you're actually getting out of this relationship. "Brutal ultimatums" do not sound like a solution, they sound like a temporary measure to get what you want.
IF you really want to know my opinion (you don't), cut one of these retards lose and get a grip. You're playing them against each other and you don't even realize it. Moids gonna moid.

Shut up!

Anonymous 12797


polycule problems

Anonymous 12809

You realize polyamory exists and isn't strictly defined by your average heteronormative dynamics right ? If she says she's found a solution at this point why are you still carrying on?

Anonymous 13121

How do you get an all male polycule where the males aren't allowed to see other people?

Anonymous 13122

Has there ever been a polycule where the people involved weren't lunatics


Does Anybody Else Have a High Sex Drive After Work? Anonymous 13683[Reply]

Warning: Sexual Discussion.

I work as a cashier and I see a lot of people. They can be pretty rude to me sometimes. When I get SUPER bored I have a lot of fantasies. A lot of them are pretty aggressive, biting and chocking, you know. But yeah standing around for a bunch of hours just makes me feel so pent up. And it’s not even like I have a partner to help me with it (lmao why would somebody with a partner even be on this site??)
God it’s even worse because there’s this cute coworker I have. He’s got that Jack Quaid prey animal guy energy. And I have to just play it cool, and try to slowly get close to him(icebreaker questions, small talk, you know the drill)

So yeah does anybody else feel aggressive and horny at the end of the shift? Or am I just a little fuck up?
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Anonymous 13743


Receipt paper has endocrine disruptors in it. The paper has phthalates which can get absorbed through your skin. You are being poisoned and what you are experiencing are your hormones normalizing.

Anonymous 13751

Do Not Handle Receipt Paper

Anonymous 13767

I work nights and for around 5 hours every shift it's just me and a co-worker in the building. He's incredibly stolid, always kind and physically he's huge, so I never feel unsafe, but our boss has made him specifically go through sensitivity training so he doesn't scare the 90% female staff. Despite being this stoic giant in most things, when he's alone with me it's like he's walking on eggshells to not intimidate me in the slightest, and it's fucking hot. Long shifts generally make me horny, but because he's so careful and gentle around me, I get to initiate contact on my terms and he just submits. I fucking love being able to physically control and essentially dominate him with just my touch, which is made so much better by knowing he enjoys my company and does actually want contact, but can't reciprocate in case the boss decides to spotcheck the recordings. I'm too cowardly to actually try anything, but a couple of nights ago I was horny and a little loopy from being awake for 48 hours, so when he bent down to grab something from the cupboard, I smacked his ass in passing. He was so shocked and surprised that he just laughed, but I've also started hugging him goodbye, which he seems to enjoy, so maybe I can put myself into a position to make a move.

Anonymous 14269

Damn even this thread has crazies.

Anonymous 14285

Yes, I also daydream a lot during work hours to try and make work life less dull. Sometimes I get so horny thinking about fucking my husbando in numerous ways that I can't wait until it's time to go home because I desperately need to rub off. But when I'm finally in my room, so many things have happened that distracted me from my horniness that I don't feel like doing it anymore, lol.



LC /g/ Containment Thread Anonymous 13792[Reply]

For all the husbandofags and regular de/g/enerates to use while so that other farmers don't bully and harass them for being kind of annoying (no offense)
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Anonymous 14277

Would it be sad that my f/o has currently never been selfshipped with anyone else besides me despite being a very popular character? I would gladly say who it is but I don't want to reveal in here yet.
Though it's not like I publish my yume art of him online so maybe I guess I can't be the only one out there?

Anonymous 14278

in my case the internet and fandom did this to me

Anonymous 14280


He would be busier trying to join him in his suicide shit than trying new sexual stuff even if is something quite vanilla.

I mean, I would be quite mean to Dazai to then smile at his pic. Zagreus is a cinnamon roll, I cannot get mad at him.

Anonymous 14283

>What if our need to love but also see our husbandos suffering comes from a fear of being rejected?
I admit that this was definitely me sometimes. Like I didn't want him to have control over whether we end up together or not, so at first I imagined myself forcing myself on him a little (in an "Abhorrent Admirer" sort of way) until he returned my feelings. After a while, I calmed down, started to imagine us falling for each other in a normal way and stopped being so aggressive towards him. But it's because I loved him so much and it was more than just horniness. I have other (pathetic) husbandos that I want to hurt because they're made for it, not because I'm afraid they'll reject me.

I like coming up with alternative scenarios where I'm into him, while he sees me as a rival, but he gradually starts falling in love with me, although I'm not sure if this counts.

Anonymous 14284

When I imagined our wedding I liked coming up with different outfits for him to wear on that day. It's cute to daydream about him styling his hair a certain way and wearing the clothes I want him to wear because he knows I like it…


Male titty streamers? Anonymous 7603[Reply]

I've never been interested in streams, but I just saw this guy on reddit and, well. His content seems annoying, but I'm very open to the idea of watching a guy talk about random stuff while shirtless.
He can even lick a microphone or whatever these people do, I don't care.

Do any of you ladies know if there is more of this?
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Anonymous 7718

Adin Ross

Anonymous 7719

>search him on google images
>he's clothes in all the photos

Anonymous 8514

jerma just dropped a naked stream check him out

Anonymous 8515

jerma onlyfans when

Anonymous 14198

Has anyone cute and new with this kind of content popped up?


Anonymous 12636[Reply]

Do you believe that the physical act of submitting to a man in bed has subconscious repercussions in society at large? Could this be why oppression of women is ubiquitous worldwide in any era?

Do you think things would be different if sexual dynamics changed?
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Anonymous 13650


lol are you really boomers? I don't think so. Your mothers and aunts probably mostly had sex with men to please them or were more or less raped.

Anonymous 13740

> There is a thing called being a switch and a female top

why should people discuss minor exceptions when trying to analyze society as a whole?

Anonymous 13741


type a girlboss women still earn less than their male partners (usually)

Anonymous 13742

Girlbosses do not solve anything. It's just incorporating a very small number of women (upper class and mostly white) into the patriarchy. A neoliberalist corruption of feminism.

Anonymous 14223

The concepts come from BDSM and are clearly tied to it. Even today, the general population has never heard of BDSM or sub/dom.

BDSM people and straight up porn addicts are mistaking their relationship with sex as the rule.

pobrane (13).jpeg

Nsfw Twitter is making me depressed Anonymous 12500[Reply]

It's full of rape and pedophilia, men and women, straight, faggots or lesbians. They tweet pedophilic things and get thousands of likes, they tweet about wanting to "get raped by daddy" and get even more likes, they have "no morals/no limits" in their bios, they trade CP and keep lusting over underage girls. Fucking both sexes are doing it.

Anonymous 12602

>Browsing twitter
Found your mistake. Social media in general is poison to the mind but Twitter is absolute garbage.

Anonymous 12618

"Femboy" is just shameless 3d shota content for men who want to pretend to abide by terms of service changemyview.jpg

Anonymous 12619

I get you nona. I make NSFW art (mostly nude/pin ups) and every single time I start befriending another NSFW artist they end up being into children or animals. I like to share my stuff since I want to believe its tasteful and I want to meet others who enjoy similar stuff, but its so tiresome. Doesn't help that since I'm lesbian I draw women and that attracts only moids and troons, sometimes I wish I were straight so I could connect with other women more easily, I hate having a man-dominated fanbase.

Anonymous 13737

> they trade CP and keep lusting over underage girls
you can always report shit like this to the police online

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