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LDR sex Anonymous 293[Reply]

Does anyone have experience with Internet of Things sex toys?

My bf and I have been looking at LDR sex toys, the ones you can control via app. I like the idea of him teasing me physically from across the globe. I found a few sets that include a male masturbator (basically fleshlights), but I'm not sure if I want him to blow $$$ on sex toys that may bug out or not connect to the app and piss us off more than anything.

Specifically I've looked at
Tempting, but the hot pink is ugly as sin)


Wearable is a plus, but I'd never use the audiobook feature)


This has the best reviews,is a wearable and adjustable (if you pick the Sync) and I like that you can put in your own vibration patterns, I think he would have fun with that as he is a techy geek who likes electro music and it'd be like DJing my orgasm lol. But there's no male equivalent for him to enjoy.
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Anonymous 1050

Does anyone know what this reaction image is from? It looks funny.

Anonymous 1051

Italian Spiderman

Anonymous 1110

I'm OP but kind of forgot about this thread, oops!

Anyway, my boyfriend got us the set with the vibrator and fleshlight. The vibrator is really powerful in the way that it feels like it's a blender inside of you. Really weird. It's also super huge, so it takes some prep to even fit in. I'm a bit of a size queen and couldn't really enjoy it because it felt like getting my insides tossed. It was kind of like a forced orgasm because it's so intense and the clitoral + vaginal stimulation is overwhelming. I haven't used it again since then, to be honest.

My boyfriend's experience with the fleshlight is similar, he said its vacuum is too harsh and it's kind of robotic and weird.

Anonymous 1114

I've noticed that this is a problem that I have with a lot of sex toys these days, too. Like I've never thought of myself as overly sensitive but a lot of the ones I've tried are just way too harsh. I thought the Hitachi was supposed to be amazing, for instance, but when I actually tried it I hated it because the only two settings are 'high' and 'sandblaster'. It's literally so rough on my clit that it makes me numb and I can't enjoy anything afterwards.

Anonymous 1135

I have a soft towel that I put my hitachi over to help spread and dampen the vibrations. It took me a few sessions to figure out just how it's used: most orgasms from clit stimulation for me feel almost like they're getting 'pushed' outward but hitachi orgasms feel like they're getting 'pulled'. It's not a very good explanation, I know, but i hope it helps!


Book Suggestions? Anonymous 296[Reply]

any steamy/m-rated book suggestions…. preferably free/online ones like wattpad or other free reading websites

Anonymous 492

I just got a Kindle and I'd really appreciate some suggestions! I feel like the market should be flooded atm.

Going to download some of the suggestions offered here:


and will get back to you if I particularly like any!

Anonymous 604


bodice rippers are top fucking tier, if you're into that sort of thing. the cheesier, the better.

historical romance (or dark, weird relationships) are so fucking interesting fiction or not. libgen is how i read all mine without having to buy the books since im a poorfag.

oh and they dont make book covers quite like these anymore


Anonymous 8171[Reply]

Recs for a doujin that tells a story or has more to it than your typical hentai? Basically looking for something that is 60% plot and 40% sex instead of 10-90 like most hentai. Pic is Rapiere, a manga I enjoyed. I don't really care what tags it has just so long as its interesting and the art is hot
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Anonymous 8193

Why do you consume scrote hentai though
Play R18 otome games or something
Or go to Bato.to and pick whatever you like

>Saint Foire Festival/evelyn

>Bespoke series

Anonymous 8194

Not OP but you you can easily find it on google, it's just 1 volume. Don't expect anything like the book, just look at what they did to poor Richelieu.

Anonymous 8195

I don't like porn but I'm sure I can imagine what sort of thing they do. Never understood why people adapt things and then completely change it beyond recognition.

Anonymous 8196

Have you never watched LotR or Star Wars or Naruto and thought "That's nice, but I kindaaaa wish everyone was super horny"?

Anonymous 8198

It's fucking hentai, is it that difficult to understand that males don't give a shit if it doesn't follow the original story or even if the characters weren't originally moeshit anime girls, as long as it makes their pp hard?

No, scrote


Degrees of Lewdity Anonymous 11435[Reply]

Not sure if I should post this here or in /media. Has anyone played DOL here? I hate that I like the characters and lore because it's such disgusting coomer game popular with troons. I wish the degeneracy wasn't there and it was a dating sim with NSFW elements instead of a porn game with dating sim elements.
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Anonymous 11456

I got curious and tried this game because of your post, and if you're as against degeneracy as you say, I don't understand how you even got to the lore aspect. You play as an orphan and it takes no more than one minute before you encounter turn-based rape. It was so disgustingly male-infected that I closed it immediately. Trannies would probably like it though since they're immoral freaks.

Anonymous 11457

I played it a lot like 2-3 years ago and go back to it every few months. I played a lot of text-based porn games (like era games), so it wasn't exactly disturbing or surprising with its degeneracy (but it was a nice surprise to see that you can toggle all the moid-catering fetishes). However, it lacks varied vanilla f/f content and that's specifically what I like, so it's not all that good desu. It has some interesting stories, but most of it is so focused on being sexual that I lose interest. I'm not a prude, I've gotten off to a lot of different things, but I just hate it when something is so saturated in perversion that every single thread in the story somehow has to connect to sex.

Anonymous 11492

Late reply but I got into to the lore and the boys through Tumblr before ever actually playing it. Then I read the wiki kek

Anonymous 11512

I get kinda uncomfortable with the protagonist's questionable age
They're an orphan, school aged, and there's sex stuff uhhh

Anonymous 11517

I like to use it to indulge in my retarded fujo fantasies


Anonymous 8418[Reply]

anyone into hyperspermia? recently discovered it and it's become a fav genre. coomer moment but im always so disappointed when men don't cum like in hentai, what's this two little transparent drops shit? i don't think they cum buckets even with this condition either but tons of precum is still hot _
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Anonymous 10844

i feel like this would make the cum go up his bladder since it has nowhere else to go

Anonymous 11291

do this a couple times, once his bladder is full of semen he'll feel the urge to pee then he'll be able to fulfill your hperspermia fantasies

Anonymous 11298


Oh my god this is so shameful.

Anonymous 11302


No, it accumulates at the end of the tube and then when pressure on the tube exit is released, then all the content goes out all at once at great speed.
Volumetric flow rate

Anonymous 11507

this is about 10 years old kek


Can anyone here not masturbate to real people they want to date? Anonymous 11179[Reply]

Like, I can get off to everything except her. Don’t get me wrong, she’s cute and I think about her constantly, even sexually, but I just can’t orgasm. I think part of it is guilt.

Pic unrelated.

Anonymous 11183

This was a problem I had too. I had a crush on a girl IRL recently and I couldn't bring myself to masturbate or sexually fantasize about her, but if I have a crush on a fictional female character or make up a person for the sake of a fantasy, I have no issues. Sexual guilt can psychologically impact orgasm, so that's probably why.

Anonymous 11419

Yes! I'm the same. I can't think sexually about someone I find beautiful. Makes dating difficult.

Anonymous 11452

Are you all lesbians?
Is it just madonna-whore

Anonymous 11495

No. I've got a different, but related, problem. I masturbated so much to any crush that I have ever had. In the occasional cases when I end up dating, and having sex with that person; it's fantastic, but never even close to as good as the fantasy.

So, you've got that going for you. That when you do have sex with your crush, assuming that you do orgasm, it'll automatically be more physically pleasurable than your self-care session.


Casual Nudity of boys from Anime & Manga Anonymous 11491[Reply]

Thread 1! Share examples of shameless nudist/exhibitionist boys who have no problem going around naked. (Preferably anime and manga examples rather than random nude pin-ups or nude filters.) Provide sources where possible, and always check SauceNao first!

Rudy from Jobless Reincarnation

Porn with Cute boys Anonymous 7197[Reply]

Where do i find vanilla porn with very attractive, tall, thin, cute young (legal) boys? It can be gentle femdom but no degradation/humiliation, just affectionate love. 99% of men in porn disgust me and most 'vanilla' porn is mechanical and denigrating. Porn should just be the top 1% of attractive people making love!
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Anonymous 11449


Anonymous 11460

Search for european porn.

Anonymous 11465

What you're looking for is gay porn. I wish there was a het equivalent but there really isn't (or at least I haven't been able to find it)

Anonymous 11482

If you look up faithcakee chaturbate streams idk if she streams anymore but you can find her reruns, she has this best friend who she streamed with who was cute, think it was kinda fake tho but hot

Anonymous 11490


Not really porn but it feels like something you could masturbation to.


Catboy thread Anonymous 4056[Reply]

Let's talk about catboys
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Anonymous 10749

Ew. Why does he have Kardashian hips?

Anonymous 11066

Catboys understand mortgages, but not currencies, so it's more than likely he'll end up giving you dead animals and cat food to try and help pay it.

Anonymous 11116

I saw someone draw fanart of my hyperfixation as a catboy and it's embarrassing, but I'm fucking obsessed with the idea. He has a generally sullen and withdrawn personality, so that juxtaposed with cat ears and a long, fluffy tail is ughh. Ideally he'd wear a collar too, but I think he'd hate it so it would probably be impossible. I think watching the tail swish or twitch from side to side when he is concentrating on something or talking would be so cute. Or maybe seeing it perk up unconsciously whenever he sees me would be very cute too. So even if his affect is flat and monotonous (because he is an autist), you'd still be able to read his emotions in such a cute way. But of course the best part would be biting on the ears gently, feeling how soft and warm they are, and gauging his reaction. I'm sure he would be embarrassed and squirm around a little bit since he is an ultra virgin, but maybe if I did it while he was preoccupied with something (like playing videogames) then I could get away with doing it for a long period of time.

Anonymous 11153


He's a guilty pleasure of mine.

Anonymous 11308



images (54).jpeg

Anonymous 11462[Reply]

so I'm talking with this girl (we are both very young lets put it that way) and my god I have neverrrr felt weird sexting with another woman until now, telling me to send her photos of me bending over or putting things in my ass, it's like I was talking to the average cum brain incel scrote, everybody thinks she's so cool "oh look the goth girl with big boobs and colored hair she's so awesome" I legit think that if she was born as a man she would 100% be a rapist, she told me that she "liked to make other people suffer as that turns her on" go figure

Anonymous 11463

she just told me that she will let me do "anything" or do "anything I want" if I help pay her debt she owes to her "friend" (read drug dealer), I can't believe this shit

Anonymous 11472


"just like having any other job, except you're naked on the Internet"

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