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How to bring up porn to my bf without it seeming weird? Anonymous 14473[Reply]

Basically I want to ask him if he watches porn but I don't want to bring it out of the blue so how do I spin the conversation to that? I regret not doing it when I had the chance to

As far as our relationship goes there is nothing wrong with it in fact he lvoes me unconditionally and he seems like a honest person. He's hard working and a bit nerdy

As for sex he is willing to do anything I get turned on by and he doesnt push for anything nor has problems with staying hard

The only thing that threw me off is he uses porn-coded words sometimes but I wouldn't describe it as disrespectful though

I mean it's obvious he watched before being in a relationship with me but I find it wrong to watch it while dating

Anonymous 14475

>porn-coded words

What do you mean lol

Something like >>14474?

Anonymous 14476

If you just ask him out of the blue it probably wouldn't even bother him that much. It's not really a weird thing to ask and it's very understandable not to want your moid to watch porn while in a relationship with you.

Anonymous 14478

Like saying he would love to creampie me. I know what he's talking about and I find it hot but the word makes me iffy because of porn addicted faggotry

Anonymous 14508

maybe I'm too naive, but I wouldn't worry about that. Unfortunately a bunch of porn-coded words as you called them just seep into regular internet lingo.
I know this one guy who is an absolute prude and still knows and occasionally uses a few of them

Anonymous 14521

if you know the word, he might the same way


Did anyone else have a hard time stopping thinking about their ex in a sexual way? Anonymous 10916[Reply]

We broke up like 1 year ago but sometimes I find myself a little horny when I remember sexual experiences I had with him and also i've lost my virginity with him. I still find that he is very handsome and has a thick penis even though he is a complete jerk.
My ex looked like the guy in the pic.
This is unhealthy?
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Anonymous 10926

I literally have a whole folder dedicated to anything related to him, even if it's vaguely so (such as stuff relating to his friends or his life in general). The nudes and more lewd photos are sort of related to him in the end so that's why I keep them, because I don't want to lose him a "second time" by losing access to my archives. I've also tried to archive some chatlogs I had with him on skype but I'm not sure how successful I was at this because it's in a weird file format. It has been 5 years now anyway and although I've "moved on" I can only say that one never truly fully recovers from a loss like this. At least that's how I feel.

Anonymous 10928

I’m so sorry nona. I truly wish you the best <3

Anonymous 10930

thank you for your kindness <3

Anonymous 14516

I'm on the same boat. He is dickhead but was also weirdly sweet and actually cared for me when I had anxiety attacks and other mental illness shit going on. He is thick and uncut down there which has ruined everyone else for me. I do not need him back in my life, but my gosh. He also really loved to lick me and never cared if I was hairy or not which was a bonus. I don't think I'll find one like him again.

Anonymous 14519

I just got done watching a video of an ex and I feel guilty that I liked it so much.


Lingerie Anonymous 2077[Reply]

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Anonymous 2083


Anonymous 2084


Anonymous 14512


>see a woman wearing lingerie I think is cute
>Google it
>it's from Shein

Anonymous 14513


Moids in ligerie

Anonymous 14514



What is this called pls Anonymous 14291[Reply]

Fetish for men coming on their own stomach

Anonymous 14505

A normal taste in eroticism

Anonymous 14510


should have posted fanart of him doing that


Anonymous 14468[Reply]

How do I tell my partner what I want during sex?
I'm not one to ask for things in general, even less during sex.
My partner said he'd like me to tell him what I want, he likes to be bossed around apparently.
I'm not against the idea, but I don't know how to do it. Any sentence I can think of to describe something is extremely silly.

Anonymous 14477

It'll sound silly objectively, but in the moment you won't care much. Don't deprive yourself because you're too awkward to correct him; that's how resentment builds up and poisons your sexlife and relationship.

Anonymous 14504

There's an app called Spicer you could try.
It's kind of like a dating app where you swipe left or right, but instead its for things you do in the bedroom with your partner.
It's a way of saving face, that way if both of you swipe yes on something you came to it mutually, and all the ones you agreed to, but he didn't, he doesn't need to know about.

Screenshot 2024-01…

Anonymous 12540[Reply]

Shitty sex life vent thread

>What's wrong with your sex life? /What would you change?

>Is it you or your partner?

etc etc
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Anonymous 14425

you should probably end it. sunk cost fallacy. unless you somehow think you can fix it and/or want to ACTIVELY try to fix it
it is your life that you are wasting in an unhappy relationship with unhappy sex.

i'm currently having sex with someone who is into me very much but they are sort of fat and i'm not so into it. the sex feels good-enough but a little disjointed. i can tell he goes somewhere else when we're in the middle of it.

Anonymous 14427

I did just that. I realised all our issues stemmed from a fundamental incompatibility that had just never come up until recently.

Anonymous 14453

I think my sex life is amazing most of the time, I love my boyfriend and he loves me. We have some kind of sexual activity pretty much every single day. Honestly I couldn't be happier… except for one little thingy that happened not too long ago.
I'm specifically telling you this because anonymity allows me to vent over something very embarrassing.
>Start getting more and more into buttstuff (always kind of been but I was also afraid of putting anything other than my finger there)
>At first it was just fine, fun enough but nothing too crazy
>Explicitly tell my bf I don't want him to do porn shit
>He complies and starts very slowly, first using just his mouth, then fingers and after days of that he finally puts his dick in there
>Painful, but feels good
>Wait, this feels TOO good
>Discover he can hit my g-spot from there somehow
>Over time I ask him to be rougher, do it harder, essentially backtracking on my first request
>One day after being separated for like two weeks we had amazing sex
>Ask him to destroy me for round 2
>He totally does
>We finish and cuddle for a bit
>Something's wrong with me… with my gut
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 14491

I might just be insane but I feel so empty and missing something at times, like right now I feel like killing myself unless I could beat the shit out of a moid… I am genuinely in so much pain right now

Anonymous 14492

Is it a sexual thing?

Screen Shot 2019-0…

Anonymous 1667[Reply]

whats your most fucked up sexual fantasy please tellj
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Anonymous 14471

depending on your values, it's either the dismembering a guy and fucking his body parts separately one, or the young adult or teenage boy raping a little boy one.

i love online anonymity

Anonymous 14490


I want to post a bunch of my bfs nudes online for other women to rate him

Anonymous 14493


I see where this is going.

Anonymous 14497

It's not about seeing him fucking someone else, it's more about seeing what other women think about him, commenting on every detail about his body and maybe even humiliate him behind his back. But part of me is afraid others would actually like him kek

Anonymous 14499

I want to watch two hot moids fuck each other. I don't like yaoi, I only like real life moids. I think it would be hottest if it was a long-term boyfriend getting fucked by a random hot guy. I fantasize about my ex getting fucked up the ass and moaning like a girl and jizzing all over the bed while I watch


Anonymous 14483[Reply]

is the military really a good place to have a hoe phase?
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Anonymous 14489

There are better ways to commit suicide

Anonymous 14494

My country isn't at war with anyone. And anyway it wouldn't be a loss to anyone if I died
>if you're in a country with conscription and you're naturally a hoe, then go for it; you'll probably never meet those people again.
I'm in a country with conscription but it's only mandatory for moids and for women it's voluntary. This is why I even got this idea, lots of men and few women

Anonymous 14496

Why be a hoe in first place? What's the point of fucking many uggo moids?

Anonymous 14498

Women hate themselves and prefer temporary validation over real sexual pleasure

Men are the opposite

Anonymous 14548

>Men are the opposite


Degrees of Lewdity Anonymous 11435[Reply]

Not sure if I should post this here or in /media. Has anyone played DOL here? I hate that I like the characters and lore because it's such disgusting coomer game popular with troons. I wish the degeneracy wasn't there and it was a dating sim with NSFW elements instead of a porn game with dating sim elements.
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Anonymous 14158

New update, two neat Sydney scenes that please me, otherwise it's quality of life shit. Verl says combat overhaul is coming for the 6.0 update.

Anonymous 14228

The new hairstyles are cute like usual, this make my autism harder. I will create a new save so I can experience everything better, I can't seem to let.go of my OP ridiculously rich PC.

Anonymous 14229

When are more characters going to become fuckable??

Anonymous 14249

any other games that are free, can be played on mobile, and have an all f/f options? I like text adventures because the art style can't be a turn off.

Anonymous 14456

Robin is the perfect sweet boy of my dreams. I wanna give him everything.


Anonymous 13735[Reply]

at what age did start getting an interest in sex, porn etc.?

Was it embarassing to you at first? or how did you feel about it
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Anonymous 14279

nta but DID introjects are different, they have sort of own identity/self awarness.
normal introjects don't have that they could just be an idea or a way to think about yourself

Anonymous 14450

what kinks?

Anonymous 14454

I think I accidentally discovered masturbation when I was around the age of 7. I don't remember exactly how, but I remember very clearly that my grandma gave me a severe beating because I kept humping a desk and took my pillow away for like a year for the same reason.
Then when I was around the age of 10 my mom would let me borrow her laptop pretty much every day, so I kept looking for pictures of Card Captor Sakura, Ranma and Sailor Moon. Somehow I ended up in a hentai site and became so infatuated with it that I wanted to look at it 24/7. This was also around the time I was learning about reproduction at school so it was kind of eye opening.
It was extremely embarrassing and something I only shared with my best friend at the time.

Anonymous 14455

I first saw pornography through a gay cam pop up scam when I was 7 or 8 while trying to download Final Fantasy VII on to a PC at my mother's workplace, lulz. I clicked out of it super fast because I knew I'd get in trouble but it sort of stuck with me mentally because it was the first time I had seen a man without clothes. I didn't actively search for it again until I was 10 when I sort of binge-watched across all sorts of categories to see what I would like but found it all weird and off-putting, which I still do. I spent a lot of time on the computer quite young and saw a lot of things very early, I had a fascination with watching gore around age 10/11 as well. I don't say that to be edgy, I feel like it wired my brain quite badly and I wish I hadn't gone down that path. I remember when I was 12 on a Skype call with a friend who was 15, we were going through that 'run the gauntlet' challenge together and I lightheartedly made fun of him for having to look away from the screen and he said something about how most people would and that was the first time I realized my interest in those things was actually pretty abnormal. I also didn't understand that incest and, to a lesser extent, rape were wrong until someone explicitly told me because both seemed normalized to me through the content I consumed. I tried masturbation for the first time when I was 10 but didn't orgasm until I was 12.
Wow it feels weird to confess this, never really had female friends with whom I could just talk normally about things like this.

Anonymous 14670

16, i used to torrent old playboy magazines and before that i just had 2 pages from a fashion magazine i had where the pose of the model was sensual in nature

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