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I get turned on by knowing other people find me attractive Anonymous 12743[Reply]

I get the most turned on when other people find me sexually attractive. I like to wear tight see-through shirts with no bra on underneath so people can see my nipples. I like to do it on days I have to present in class and I always make sure to sit up front.

I find it so hot my when boyfriend is unable to control himself and has to touch himself just because I whispered a few words to him.

Sometimes, I wonder if I’m a lesbian and I’m just with my bf because I like to turn him on. I want all humans walking this Earth to be sexually attracted to me. I’m attracted to all genders.

I definitely know I’m an attention-whore because I like to wear revealing clothing even when I’m out with my bf because I like the attention and I want to turn everyone (including my boyfriend) on.

Does anyone know what this is called?
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Anonymous 13112

i think agp is different from what you’re describing, you don’t get turned on by just being a woman and living in a female body. just knowing people find you attractive

Anonymous 13120

Of course you get turned on by that. It's the most natural thing in the world and the whole of human sexuality would probably collapse if it stopped being that way. Imagine what would happen if people only started sleeping with others they found objectively attractive, the human population would nose dive faster than the dinosaurs' did after the asteroid hit.

Anonymous 13174

I get turned on by women finding me attractive but extremely turned off by real life men finding me attractive. I'm definitely not a lesbian though because I do like looking at and fantasizing about attractive men, I'm only OK with them reciprocating only in the context of my own fantasy and no, I can't see myself dating or fucking a man in real life either.

Anonymous 13175

>the human population would nose dive faster than the dinosaurs' did after the asteroid hit
if that means less ugly rapist moids crawling around it would be unironically a good thing. quality > quantity

Anonymous 13176

I don't think you have a moid-like sexuality just because you don't relate to how radfems talk about sex, most of them aren't exactly sexually normal themselves. you and OP might be closer to the median woman than they are.
if I'm being honest I think what's weird about your sexuality is just that it's dialed up to a very high level, not that the principles it works on are necessarily different from anyone else. like the thing about OP is that a lot of women feel and act like that during sex, they just aren't walking around like that all the time because they aren't hypersexual and shameless like that.

dog lick lolly.jpg

Anonymous 2112[Reply]

Circumcised or uncircumcised?

Circumcised cocks are cleaner and nicer to suck. Uncircumcised cocks feel better inside you. Some cocks are circumcised so tightly the skin doesn't roll at all and it feels like getting fucked by a piece of dry wood.
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Anonymous 12867

all moids should be lined up and circumcised.

Anonymous 12879

>Circumcised cocks are cleaner
can't americans just wash their dicks?

Anonymous 12881

men from countries where it's routine to chop off their dicks are almost always off putting. coincidence?

Anonymous 12888

i think not В-)

Anonymous 13170

>fucked by a piece of dry wood.
When I was younger and had self esteem issues I tried to be open minded but now I would just kick a moid who can't get me gushing wet out of the bed anyway


Anonymous 12812[Reply]

moids are incapable of sexual imagination. they need external input like jerkoff instructions; fap roulettes—no nut november is a natural extension of this. they're compelled to orgasm but their orgasms are meaningless. they need an external force to give purpose to their urges. i earnestly believe at the end of the day most men have orgasm control fetishes. knowing when and how and why they're being allowed to orgasm, or not orgasm, lights up their brains. so much male dysfunction and depression comes down to sexual free will. they're told a voracious sexual appetite and a harem hanging off your dick is peak malehood. proving themselves as a man requires penetration. think of how much existential angst this opens up for the average moid. imagine how much more emotionally and spiritually fulfilled the male population would be if they didn't have sexual free will.
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Anonymous 12828

Wtf is a fap roulette? Do moids make bets and whoever wins gets to coom?
No I'm not willing to Google it

Anonymous 12833

They're games played with dice or post numbers, with each number that comes our something happens
>if dubs, necessaryspeed4 gets resurrected on lolcow

Anonymous 12837

men are babies who want wawa weewee milkie mommy booby wipe my poopy cucú

Anonymous 13116

she's literally still there btw

Anonymous 13154

this reminds me of my theory as to why men are obsessed with filming sex and the constant need to capture (film/photograph) or recreate key sexual memories

pookie wookie bear…

How Often Do You Get Wet Dreams? Anonymous 13130[Reply]

I don’t know why but I just can’t stop thinking about this dream I had. There was this guy there, he looked like the all American type. Blonde perfect hair, blue eyes, tanned skin and a ripped fucking body. Gosh, he was so hot. In the dream we were running around shooting stuff, well he was shooting bad guys (I was running around scared while he protected me) because he was like in the military or something. He had this big ass fucking gun and he knew how to use it. He was so masculine. Like he was one of those tough manly redneck country boys, yet he was still a pretty boy and he was so attractive. I also distinctly remember him being a bit of a douch but once again he was just so fucking sexy. I remember for a brief moment he fucked me. Like missionary style. He was naked and his face was real close to mine, he was looking me right in the eye. His body was right on top of mine enough to crush me. I need to have my brains banged out like that once in my life by a man that looks like that.

Anonymous 13142

Mine are very rare i tend to trigger them after i read something sexual like yaoi before going to bed, or my brain is thinking about sexual stuff as i fall asleep when i am in my horniest, i genuinely could only dream of ever having sex so it's a good replacement for loneliness


How Do I Loose My Virginity? Anonymous 13131[Reply]

’m really starting to believe I’ll never be in a relationship, I'm just too ugly I guess. sigh I’m tired of waiting. Most of all I want to loose my virginity. Having a one night stand would be far from ideal but I’m just so sexually frustrated that as time goes on I find myself increasingly opening up to the idea. I really want to experience the pleasures of sex. But if it’s going to be a one time thing I want to make it worth my while. I want to be fucked stupid and I want the dude to be really fucking hot. I’m extremely paranoid about online dating. Meeting strangers just sounds scary but should I just take the plunge? Maybe I’ll find something good? Or maybe I’ll just get pregnant or an STI. Too risky. Knowing my location there's probably nothing good on there.

Anonymous 13132

If you're on the autistic or schizo spectrum you probably just find sex and relationships as carnal things without importance and inconsequential, really just like drinking a bottle of water.
Try online dating with the right amount of wariness, or as an alternative to meet people in the flesh quickly and in a controlled environment, you can look for swinger clubs and spas in your area, the entrance for those establishments is generally free of charge for women or it doesn't cost very much. I've got some female friends who claim to have lost their virginity in such a club, but then the guys generally don't want to stay in a long term relationship

Anonymous 13136

Just buy a dildo and break your hymen for yourself and be done with it, it will be more pleasurable than most men could provide tbh


Anonymous 12791[Reply]

I know a lot of miners love (the idea of) virgin men, but I wish an experienced guy would fall in love with me and take my virginity.

Anonymous 12792

Wanting a virgin moid probably results from the erroneous belief that someone with fewer sexual partners is less likely to leave. However, it is possible to trap an ex-manwhore. Lovebombing is your friend.

Anonymous 13118

That almost happened to me nona, but I'm glad it didn't or else I would've had STDs by now


Art that makes your horny Anonymous 5318[Reply]

Illustrations, paintings, statues, etc
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Anonymous 12971

Anonymous 12973

Sauce?!?!? Pleeeeeeaseee

Anonymous 12986

Shojo ga Doutei to no Hatsutaiken de Mezamechau Hanashi

Anonymous 13092


Anonymous 13173

the fuck


Attracted to fictional women but not 3d ones very much Anonymous 12670[Reply]

I have have been attracted to alot of fictional female characters like Dia Kurosawa from Love Live. I also love yuri and like alot of femslash couples like picrel Usagi and Minako from Sailor Moon. However there's several problems that occasionally make me question if I'm genuinely bi:

1) I have almost never been attracted to 3d women. There's some I liked growing up, but if I find out they are also attracted to women I think it's like some of their physical attractiveness always gets lower to me than it probably would have been had I not known. I start finding them too overweight/too old looking/too tall/etc.

2) I have never liked butch lesbians very much nor do I have interest in having the butch look myself. I strongly prefer femme only. A woman that does not have the traditional lesbian look whatsoever and that someone would not even guess is attracted to women. If this has something to due with internal homophobia/biphobia like 1) might then idk.

3) There was one girl I was very obsessed with when younger but there's been a pattern where that's the only look on a 3D women I would still really ever want as a GF. Long black hair, glasses. Still feminine. Serious/Mysterious personality. Think Alex Voss from OITNB.

4) There's no part of lesbian sex I've ever really found that hot except scissoring. I don't care for foreplay and oral (Then again I don't care for them in straight sex either) or strap-ons. Just scissoring.

Yet again, I love yuri alot and have constantly fantasized about a fictional GF. I think I might just like the idea of a GF more than actually having one. Does anyone know what this might be?

Anonymous 12694

Maybe I should have posted this in /feels/?

Anonymous 12715

bump for the straight nonaa into yuri

Anonymous 12721

If you're sexually attracted to women as well as men you're bi, even if you find women attractive more rarely. Shipping gay couples doesn't prove anything though. I'm straight and I enjoy yuri occasionally.


What kind of porn you like? Anonymous 7330[Reply]

I'm curious as to what kind of porn everyone else here prefers or if you even watch porn at all?
>favorite genre(s)
>favorite angles/positions/views
>favorite body parts to observe
>favorite moments
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Anonymous 12365

What is mmf4f, male male female 4 fo(u)r female?

Porn made FOR femal

Anonymous 12366

A male, another male, and a female, all focused on pleasing another female who is the center of attention, presumably.

Anonymous 12722

Gay porn, male solo (anal) or, in some cases, pegging. I love hearing a man moan and seeing the cum gushing out of him, especially if there is a lot of precum leading up to it. That is to say, I like men getting fucked in the ass, so I can still see their penis when they're experiencing sexual pleasure.
I don't like weird sissy/femboy type stuff though, so it can be hard to find something good

Anonymous 12726

is that your preferred thing to do to men in real life too or do you only like it in porn?

Anonymous 12739


Scenes where they are close, maybe touching each other (not on their privates), but don't end up doing the deed and just end up enjoying each other's company (naked or not naked)


Anonymous 8764[Reply]

Something interesthing happened a couple of days ago. I couldn't have sex with my boyfriend for some time because of a medical condition. Even tho I couldn't do anything for him, he offered to do oral on me. I had an amazing orgasm while forcing his head down on me, I could even hear him moaning. I was really happy and excited and wanted to tell him how great he was but he was kinda shy and didn't wanna look at me. After a while talking with him I found out why, a big cum pool where he was laying on bed, he had an orgasm while I was grinding on his face. I think that was really cute. I dunno what else to say about it, but I do hope it happens again, its really cute.
Have anything like that happened to your bfs/husbands?
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Anonymous 8785

seems legit. my first ever bf jizzed in his pants when we first made out. Some guys are very sensitive like that, and it can be cool if you're not trying to get railed for 4 hours straight.

Anonymous 8787


I never thought about it but yeah, it makes sense. It was for sure! Thank you!!
He never told me, but I do think that has happened. I cold feel it pulsating really bad while we were making out. Well, now I wanna make it happen again, it is the cutest thing how embarrassed he was

Anonymous 8789

Anonymous 8911

That's cute as all hell.
But don't go telling your friends, it would probably upset him.
But that right there is a keeper.

Anonymous 12758

necrobump but this is so fucking hot

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