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makeup general Anonymous 20112[Reply]

Post anything about makeup that doesn't deserve its own thread!
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Anonymous 20808

But I'm a poor. I'm not chasing wealth at all.

Anonymous 20809

But I'm a poor. I'm not chasing wealth at all.

then you sacrificed your soul for nothing

Anonymous 21032

Does anyone else feel like foundation is a total scam? Italways ends up making my face look so much heavier even thpugh I apply it lightly. I also hate when young girls slather their acne with foundation. The texture is still visible, it seems like a waste.

Anonymous 21033

>Does anyone else feel like foundation is a total scam? Italways ends up making my face look so much heavier even thpugh I apply it lightly. I also hate when young girls slather their acne with foundation. The texture is still visible, it seems like a waste.

Your face will always be sweating buckets when wearing foundation

Anonymous 21034

stop schizoposting


Anonymous 21002[Reply]

Women don't really need makeup, it's just the beauty industry trying to convince young girls that they need more chemicals on their face at all times. Same with the health industry telling telling them they need more pills and medication at all times

But women will tear each other down if you DON'T wear makeup.

>You're lazy

>You don't make an effort
>Why aren't you doing anything with your hair, mascara, makeup, etc?

Anonymous 21004

Meh, don't really use make up, never have, and never had anyone in my life tell me I should put some on except for my mom when I was in hs because she wanted me so bad to be more girly or whatever. I honestly have never seen any other chick being an ass to another woman either irl or online for not wearing make up, has that happened to you, nona? The only type of person I can see doing that are tiktok losers.

Anonymous 21031

>sanpaku eyes
You gonna get


Diet Thread Anonymous 6210[Reply]

Who here is on a /diet/?

I'm 5'4 and 165lb and trying to lose some weight. I started a diet yesterday. Trying to eat lots of veg and lean proteins and keeping my total calorie intake below 800.I'm so hungry tho
How's your diet going?
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Anonymous 20997

Look up bean salad mason jar recipes and frozen burrito recipes you can make in bulk

Egg bites for breakfast are good too

Anonymous 21003

I cook ground meat and place it in a container in the fridge. Its good for 3 days ad easy to do.

Anonymous 21007

Thanks Nona. 100g is a lot, good luck!

Anonymous 21024

I previously posted about being at a monthly deficit of 4k calories, yesterday I hit 10k! Walking is great!

Anonymous 21030

I stress-ate a box of tiramisu chocolates this morning so now I have to walk home in the cold or eat less for dinner. Bleh.


wanting to leave, not finding the way out Anonymous 20849[Reply]

how do i find a place to live that i don't dispise, where the people aren't sick and corrupted? i keep hearing how young i look but that's just because i seclude myself from the toxicity that is normal here. i've been wanting to be gone from here for so long but i make very little progress, which is frustrating me, i'm sad all day because of it.i' ve made almost no progress in the last 5 years.

i wish i traveled more when i was younger, i don't know where it is nice. maybe nowhere.

i'd appreciate any bits of advice on how to find a place, preferably on another continent where technology has not wrecked havoc on the human cultures.

Anonymous 21029

Where do you live and what don't you like about it?


Anonymous 20973[Reply]

Anyone else feel like they can't compete with these young, filtered, IG models? It feels like Instagram makes body images worse, especially for young women
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Anonymous 20995

I'm not competitive at all

Anonymous 20998

Same but in my case I got locked out of my account because Instagram won’t send me a code to reset my password. It’s forever in purgatory until someone hacks it

Feels good not looking at other people yelling at the top of their lungs for attention and bragging about how good they got it (beautiful, free money, free samples, free items, free vacations for dumb reviews and advertising etc)

The gravy train will eventually stop for them when they age out or if they are too slow to hop on the latest trends. I remember I followed this cottage core account and now that covid is over and cottagecore is no longer appealing, that girl lost so many followers and constantly complained about how the Instagram algo was evil for not showcasing her stuff to audiences anymore.

If you are jealous of Instagram “models” just think about all that effort to look shiny and presentable 24/7 even when doing a get ready for bed with me video, and how much you got to be fake and superficial for free items. And constantly having to live your life online 24/7 and fake filming locations to look cinematic when in reality you’re posing in front of a brick wall outside of an alleyway for a presentable background, annoying real people going about their daily lives while you stand there and pose like a monkey for 1-2 h for a photo shoot in freezing weather kek. God forbid the tiktok dancing, don’t forget that too!

Keep in mind Instagram girls spend a shit ton of money to buy the latest trendy outfits and are usually in a money deficient unless they are the top 1% of content creators. You gotta be in debt for a long while before and IF you become big. It’s more of a gamble and pyramid scheme than anything, really, and ocne that gravy train stops you spiral down the OF route for your creepy moid fan base to pay the bills

Anonymous 21005

Compete for what?

Also they dont look like that irl

Anonymous 21027

Anonymous 21028

>It feels like Instagram makes body images worse, especially for young women
The opposite for me. I used to have cripplingly low self-esteem until I entered a phase of following IG models and listening to kpop. Seeing how hard they all tried to be beautiful made me start pitying them instead of envying them or wanting them. Now I feel superior to them simply because I don't participate in or care about their sick game. You can free yourself too, anon.


Hair thread Anonymous 569[Reply]

What are some of your favorite hair related YouTube channels?

What's your hair routine?

Do you take any supplements/do (you think) they work?
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Anonymous 19569

I just got a amazon gift card, what should I buy for hair? I have blonde, straight hair. I could always use more volume and I like to curl it, any recommendations?
Looking for…
Hair spray
Dry shampoo
Leave in products

Or anything else you recommend. There's so many options it's overwhelming lol

Anonymous 20309


is this achievable natty? for a stocking cosplay

Anonymous 20564

super late sorry but yes if you get it professionally done it just wont be as thick as picrel bc that's a wig

Anonymous 20612

I have very thick hair and I recently cut it short to try manage it easier (which I regret) and now idk wtf to do with it. Are thinning shears good?

Anonymous 21026

Last night I cut my hair from belly-button length to nipple-length. It's so much easier to handle!

I know I'll regret it, but now I want to give myself bangs…


Anonymous 21015[Reply]

Why are fat girls are way meaner to skinny girls than vice versa? I have always been skinny, and while growing up I can confidently, loud and clearly, tell you that fat girls were the meanest people to me in school

>I hope you die skinny bitch

>Skinny girls have no curves
>Skinny girls shouldn't wear bras, you don't even have boobs
>Stop starving yourself and eat a burger
>Do you even eat??? You probably starve yourself lmao
>It's feminine to be thicc and curvy
>You look like a boy
>No man will ever love a woman who doesn't have curves, big tits, wide asses
>Skinny slut (even tho I've never had a BF?????)

It seems like it's socially acceptable to tell a skinny girl all of this, but if you told a fat girl to eat a salad all hell would break loose
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Anonymous 21017


Fattie here that has reached their goal weight and have decided to continue the weight loss. Its cope/seethe, I've never called anyone anything like that because I'm not the jealous sort, I know being fat is my own personal flaw.

Anonymous 21018

They remember that before puberty, it was thin girls calling them all kinds of degrading shit.
It's payback, and thin people shouldn't play innocent. They're notorious for being judgmental to fat people. Harass, bully, assault, molest, ….
Also all insults, but the die skinny bitch, are not really insults.

Anonymous 21019

> molest
Thin girl classmate probs legit just thought you were cute and didn't quite understand your physical boundaries or the depth of your bodyshame. She's probably mortified about it in hindsight and this label on a couple of boundary crossings is too extreme, thin women are not men and do not deserve that judgment.

Anonymous 21020

I've noticed the reverse much more often. Sometimes the bullying wasn't subtle at all

Anonymous 21023

Coming from an average weight girl with no horse in this race - this is completely self evident and easy to understand, which is why skinny girls complaining about mean fat women is obvious humblebragging. If someone is mean to you out of jealousy, it doesn't hurt your feelings, it boosts your ego. You get to feel good about yourself and pity for her. And if that's not enough, you can complain online about how hard it is to be skinny because fat girls are so horrible to you, and you'll get a tonne of validation about how great you are for being skinny and how inferior fat girls are.


Anonymous 20943[Reply]

35 dpo.
i am 42 years old and slowly going crazy and feel completely desperate. Am I pregnant or not? Or are these just evaporation lines?

please need some emotional support
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Anonymous 20950

we don’t need more humans in the world. be happy you’ll be able to keep your freedom

Anonymous 20951

>What are my chances of getting pregnant at 42?

i know someone not particularly healthy who had a healthy baby at 44

we don’t need more humans in the world. be happy you’ll be able to keep your freedom

speak for yourself, that's a nasty thing to say even though i agree with the sentiment. children of old parents are way less fucked up then children of young parents.

Anonymous 20960

It's a nasty thing to say that you'll be more free?

Anonymous 20970

We don't need more people but we still need some amount of babies dummy

Anonymous 21022

How about you don't go into a thread about pregnancy to post your doomer made up propaganda next time?


Anonymous 21008[Reply]

Anyone with disabilities / health issues here?
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Anonymous 21011

People with Down Syndrome can have normal intelligence. It's a misconception that they are all retarded.

Anonymous 21012

I had no idea.

Anonymous 21013

I've never seen a downie with an average IQ but downies in general have a high IQ when it comes to emotional intelligence and subtle social cues. Has anyone else noticed that? I don't know how to put this right, but it seems like they're good at picking up on complex emotional bids that average adults don't pick up on.

Anonymous 21014

I never actually considered this before but looking back on the downies I’ve interacted with, you’re right. They struggle intellectually, but they’re often the first to pick up on someone being upset and quick to try and cheer that person up.

Anonymous 21021

>in general have a high IQ when it comes to emotional intelligence and subtle social cues
Not really. They might be less inhibited in that area but that doesn't make it "high IQ." It just shines more because everything else is poop.


Anonymous 20984[Reply]

What are these 3 nose shapes called?

Anonymous 20986

Sniffy, whiffy and biffy

Anonymous 21006

normal, ,piggy, oinker

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