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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 21307[Reply]

Why are there so many women with unbelievable fake lashes that are like the size of orange slices, are people meant to believe that those /aren’t/ just glued on with Chinese chemical goop?

Women actually tend to have shorter/thinner eyebrows than men, normally. We wear makeup like mascara, or wear fake eyelashes to extend them and make them more prominent.

Anonymous 21308

I plan on buying castor oil toregularly on my lashes and eyebrows as soon as I get my salary.hehehe cannot wait…it will take 3-6 months but better than eyelash serums ( to me )

Anonymous 21309

I'll never forget when I was in my 20s and out drinking with a mixed group of men and women. At the time I wore verrry heavy makeup. A guy said he like natural/minimal makeup "like mine." When askedcwhat he thought I had on he was like "uhhh mascara and lipstick?"

_ (5).jpeg

Water Water Everywhere But None To Drink Anonymous 21306[Reply]

So I finally calculated that I need 3L of water every day to stay hydrated properly but it is such a task actually. I have been only able to do 2.5 everyday. On days I'm less stressed drinking 3L is easy peasy but on strewsful days even drinking 2L feels like a task. How am I supposed to be a proper adult if I cannot even manage this. Hopefully summer will make it easy.


Veganism Thread Anonymous 21300[Reply]

Have you tried going vegan? What are your thoughts on it?

Anonymous 21301

go vegan it was the best choice i’ve ever made

Anonymous 21302

It's easy to be vegan after learning about Taco Bell's vegan options. Also whole wheat pasta in tomato sauce is a lazy and easy vegan dish.

Anonymous 21305

Pescatarian. It's pretty easy.


Artificial Wombs Anonymous 21078[Reply]

The technology behind artificial wombs has made leaps and bounds in recent years and we will soon see human trails. Right now they are only for premature babies that need more time in the womb, but someday they could fully gestate a baby from zygote to neonate. Personally, I think this will be the technology to end sexism once and for all. When childbearing is no longer associated with womanhood we will be valued for more than our reproductive systems. I can't wait, but I want to know how the other nonas feel.
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Anonymous 21257

It’s like the baby will be born without a soul. The loving breath and voice of its mother is outside… with artificial wombs you get an artificial limbless torso who doesn’t talk to you or stroke her stomach when you kick. It’s so sad. Those artificial womb babies are going to be fucked up and less intelligent than natural womb babies.
Unless of course they genetically engineered them to be super soldiers. But then again they’d prob be psychopaths

Anonymous 21258

That's the sort of thing that's easy to catastrophize. We are as a society investing billions of dollars into finding ways to create un-souled human intelligences. And that intentional un-souling is to the greatest possible extent non-metaphorical. We slowed down on using fetal stem cells instead of adult-harvested chemically adjusted skin cells recast as neurons, and it's not because the fetal cells were less neurologically effective or adaptable than alchemist skin. The social barriers against using adaptable fetal tissue are the real issue, but an alchemist transmuting skin into a brain to create a homunculus is socially and ethically palatable. These slave circuits are already sentient (in the scientific sense of having and responding to senses and sensory organs, most organoids independently develop photosensitive "eyes") and conscious (in the scientific sense, demonstrating all brainwave forms and developing cyclical brainwave patterns equivalent to human newborns) but because of the manner of their creation there is no real objection to their lifelong use as slave-circuits. So the important thing about forming a new class of human organism for the purpose of unpaid labor, including the unpaid intellectual labor we hope to profit from with organoid computer banks, is to make sure that they are created in a way that is different from the normal mode of pregnancy and fetal growth. Artificial wombs may give us that difference, especially if we could show that the class of being that emerges from them is emotionally and/or intellectually deficient and therefore unworthy of love or respect or medical care; everyone resents the amount of love or respect or voting rights or medical care that are currently given to people with standardized IQ test scores 4 points below their own. That way, we may not even need immigrants to solve the economic problem of physical labor, even while organoids promise to alleviate the economic problem of intellectual labor. Then we will see that the line will go up and the chart will be green and the gdp will be big.

So I can see the horrible dystopia concept, a society in which women's rights to abortion are made contingent on the sleeve-birthing of troglodyte monsters intellectually and morally unfit for any role in society except as unskilled labor for the benefit of very nearly no-one.

I take some comfort inPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 21269

you are profoundly retarded

Anonymous 21270

If I wanted to hear average people's opinions I wouldn't come to an imageboard. Can the "lolcow refugees" just go away, honestly

Anonymous 21304

Sexism is based entirely on the significantly lower physical ability vs moids. When they can easily beat you up they will.


Anonymous 20973[Reply]

Anyone else feel like they can't compete with these young, filtered, IG models? It feels like Instagram makes body images worse, especially for young women
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Anonymous 21027

Anonymous 21028

>It feels like Instagram makes body images worse, especially for young women
The opposite for me. I used to have cripplingly low self-esteem until I entered a phase of following IG models and listening to kpop. Seeing how hard they all tried to be beautiful made me start pitying them instead of envying them or wanting them. Now I feel superior to them simply because I don't participate in or care about their sick game. You can free yourself too, anon.

Anonymous 21262

Why do you need to compete?
I stopped using Instagram/almost all social media (LinkedIn for work is the exception) years ago, and I've never been happier. I get all my fashion inspiration from older Japamese mooks, and it's refreshing to see less heavily-edited women enjoying fun clothes.
Why would you even want to attention of someone that finds AI-tier instagram models attractive?

Anonymous 21274


Anonymous 21303


You know you don't have to right


Anonymous 21288[Reply]

Skinny, tall thin women with long legs like a ballerina have nothing to complain about.

>In most cases huge breasts look saggy and ugly.

>No short stubby legs
>No stretchy boobs
>No fat hands or fat fingers
>No round belly
>No stubby little gnome legs and will look fat no matter how much the starve themselves
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Anonymous 21290


Anonymous 21291

Wow. I’ve never been happier to be a shitskin :)

Anonymous 21292

tall people look freakish and die sooner

Anonymous 21293

Fuck the white worship those loser moids will take what they can get
Right now they are obsessed with jd Vance and usha
They want what they can’t have. So they want to bring down the self esteem of non whites
Wanna be colonizers

Anonymous 21299

you guys are too retarded.


Anonymous 21047[Reply]

any advice 4 growing hair out?? ive been trying to grow out dis shitty mullet for a year now and it wonttt happen. long hair nonas plz drop products supplements routines anything >_>
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Anonymous 21054

invest in silk pillowcases to reduce breakage

Anonymous 21056

Dandruff is included but more so controlling oil and hydration levels. For example, if you have a dry scalp you might need to use gentle shampoos and exfoliate the dead skin cells every so often. Just go down the Haircare rabbit hole and experiment.

Anonymous 21058

before you shampoo, add hair growth oil and a mask on your scalp for an hour.

Anonymous 21296

i've been growing mine out too. others mentioned silk pillowcases you can also get a silk bonnet to sleep in at night. make sure you drink enough water throughout the day. i take hair skin and nails supplements (it's basically just like a biotin and collagen multivitamin) but it might just be placebo lol.

i only wash my hair 3 times a week and use a scalp oil and leave in conditioner. dont be afraid to use products with silicone or glycerin in them. some of the "natural ingredient" hair products i've tried just dry my hair out, especially in the winter months.

careful with heat styling, i only dry my hair with a diffuser on low heat once it's about 50% air dried and still use a heat protector spray.

i have thick straight asian hair so ymmv depending on your hairs texture.

Anonymous 21298

NTA but I also have straight thick asian hair. What products do you use? Interested in your hair routine.

I use lush natural shampoo and conditioner bars, have leave in conditioner, and Argan hair oil for my ends. I take an hour every weekend to cut my split ends (not a general trim but literally find individual split ends and snip them). I’ve been thinking about getting that Conair exfoliating scalp wet brush to scrape away any dandruff or buildup on my scalp in the shower, but I’m afraid it’ll damage my hair because it’s easiest damaged when wet. I got an oily scalp and sometimes when I wash my hair on high temperature setting, I get dandruff for a day or two. So I was thinking of getting the conair brush to mitigate that.

I wear my hair in Dutch braids or fishtail braids. Fishtail isn’t as protective. When you unwind the hair strands, they get stuck together and you peel them away from each other. I imagine split ends get splittier this way so I stopped doing it. My hair is waist length right now and am waiting for it to grow to hip length.


Disability general Anonymous 11446[Reply]

I don't think there has been a thread for those who might have some form of disability here. This thread is for discussing any problem related to a disability, it can be a mental or physical problem as long as this thread can help you feel less alone in this struggle it is all that matters. I personally have issues related to my hearing, I am curious to see if other anons do too here.
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Anonymous 21276

I got approved for disability so my medical fees will cost way less but yesterday my husband told me he's embarrassed to be married to me because legally I'm on the same level as a retarded person.

Anonymous 21277

Im guessing your ok with your husband speaking to you like that, because your still with him.

Anonymous 21279

Honestly I'm in my 30s and yeah, it's embarrassing. Everyone else at the rehab center is elderly. My memory and recollection is only like 85% of what it should be. I got assigned a care manager as if I'm a person with Alzheimer's. But I need it.

I guess I appreciate that he's honest with his frustrationsinstead of hiding it and emotionally or physically cheating on me or leaving me. When we got together he didn't sign up to be a caretaker in his 30s, but now he is. I understand that's hard for him.

Anonymous 21280

I have an iq of 85 which means I'm only borderline mentally functioning.

Anonymous 21297

FND sucks. outside of the neurologist that diagnosed me, i've had to describe it to every other medical professional since they just don't know what the hell it is. really makes me feel like i'm just making shit up even though i've had to be hospitalized multiple times from FND symptoms.


Diet Thread Anonymous 6210[Reply]

Who here is on a /diet/?

I'm 5'4 and 165lb and trying to lose some weight. I started a diet yesterday. Trying to eat lots of veg and lean proteins and keeping my total calorie intake below 800.I'm so hungry tho
How's your diet going?
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Anonymous 21283

i somehow lost about 10 pounds last fall. I was dieting but doing so very poorly but it ended up working. i'm not very overweight so losing those 10 pounds brought me a lot of confidence, especially because everyone noticed. i'm about 147 pounds now and I want to get to about 130 by summer. sad thing about losing weight is that the less you weigh, the less you need to eat to lose weight. i'm looking forward to being skinny again though.

Anonymous 21285

I thought I had gained weight binging on shark week, but today it all disappeared and I even lost an extra kg

Anonymous 21287

Not eating meat is really weight loss on easy mode.

Anonymous 21294

It's only when I went from portion sizes to calories/100g that I realized just how heavy meat makes you. I remember what a trip it was to eat more and gain less. I agree, its easy mode (if you can get into that mindset/make the sacrifice)

Anonymous 21295

anyone else on weight loss meds in addition to dieting? any good experiences? bad ones?
i'm going to a weight loss clinic in a few days and chances are they'll give me ozempic or something. i'm fat due to a binge eating disorder (and bad/lazy lifestyle) and i'm hoping this can get me to a place where i can get up and exercise without immediately being in pain. i'm tired of being fat, nonas. please tell me medical intervention can help me get a place where i can help myself T_T


Anonymous 21174[Reply]

Having big boobs is uncomfortable as fuck and it sucks. The sweating and just back hurting constantly.

Why do skinny girls even want these?
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Anonymous 21184

I love being flat chested,no tits,nipples only

Anonymous 21236

heck you nona, i am so jello

Anonymous 21239

Good Mornings and Reverse Hyperextensions will annihilate your back pain

Anonymous 21253

Yeah, and fucking moids just stare at you, and put their phone in front of you just to take a picture of your breasts

Anonymous 21286

Yes, but only if they are magic and never sag or give me health issues.

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