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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 7699[Reply]

Don't make new kpop threads. All kpop-related posts go in >>>/media/16016

Miserable lesbians…

Madoka Magica Thread Anonymous 35529[Reply]

With the new game coming out, the movie being delayed, and a bizarre resurgence of popularity online, I feel like now is a good time to make a madoka magica thread.
Some questions to get converstaions going: Who is your favorite character? why?
What is your favorite ship, do you have any rarepairs? Why do you ship them?
What do you think will happen in the sequel?
What do you think about the spinoffs, like magia record, oriko magia, etc.
Favorite fanartist?
Any unpopular or controversial opinions?

Anonymous 35547


I watched it about 5 years ago and I remember my fav being Sayaka! Homura was cool as well

Anonymous 35548

Starting off by saying I only watched the series, none of the movies and stuff. Sayaka gets overlooked a lot, she was written so well. She's realistic and relatable to adult life in a way the most anime characters aren't.

Anonymous 35553

ace attorney.jpg

I agree with you about Sayaka being overlooked, I feel like she's such a tragic and well-written character. I have cried at a movie or tv show maybe 2x in my life and Sayaka's death was one of those times. It's just so sad to me how she tries so hard to be a good person and gets punished for it. Also, I found her experiences with misogyny relatable, especially as a woman who was teased by boys a lot as a girl. I related pretty strongly to all of the characters when I watched the show as a middle schooler. I think that Homura's internalized homophobia in the rebellion movie was pretty interesting, I think her overwhelming self-hatred makes her a nice counterpart to Madoka's all-loving nature. Also I hope that in the next movie they have more of Kyouko, I feel like she was underexplored.

The other time I cried was when I watched Paddington 2 in theater, that movie was far better then it had any right to be.

Anonymous 35620

OMG A new madoka magica trailer! They really are working on the movie! Do you guys think it will be good?


Last.fm weekly chart Anonymous 32855[Reply]

Show me your week, musically, nonas.
The website to do this collage is tap music.
32 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 35348


you just gave me a flashback of trying to listen to that sorority noise (forgettable) album years ago and i hated it
+++low +xiu xiu
i like the album art in the top left
i saw ptv so many times in my emo days a decade ago
++bby goyard

Anonymous 35603


it's kinda all over the place

Anonymous 35604

The best Lana album.

Anonymous 35612

yayy broadcast (among other things)

Anonymous 35619

chart (4).png

ive been listening to draingang due to bf again


2024 Election / American Politics General Anonymous 35582[Reply]

What’s your thoughts on the election this year? Who are you voting for? Are you watching the presidential debate tonight? Do you think it will go better than the last one?
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Anonymous 35606

He didn't even @ her. What a coward.

Anonymous 35615


Trump is such a scumbag

Anonymous 35616

Kamala is pro-censorship, pro-troon, pro-corporation, pro-big pharma, a zionist, anti-gun. It's embarrassing that she gets touted as a "leftist" by the right. Our other option is a a retarded misogynist. Anyway, I'm voting for RFK Jr and dreading the next 8 years under kamala.

Anonymous 35617

Didnt RFK JR drop out?

Anonymous 35618

Yeah you're replying to a retard


AI slop Anonymous 35248[Reply]

Are other women actually into AI images and chatbots and stuff? I’ve noticed some talk of it here and other spaces I’m in and I just don’t get it. It creeps me out in part because the stuff AI bots pump out is super uncanny and disturbing because it has no real common sense, and partly because 99% of people I’ve seen who like and use it are wannabe techbro moids with zero skills or value like in picrel.
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Anonymous 35528


Anonymous 35544

How did you do this?

Anonymous 35570

I'm trying to set up sillytavern but with a local llm so everything is private. wish me luck

Anonymous 35581


its super easy just use Vidu.
All I did was upload my bing stuff and a simple prompt like 'standing, hair-blowing-in-wind'

results can be surprising like this one suddenly turning into a realistic looking person. Also I think it costs money but there's a free amount of credits.

Anonymous 35613

would it be too out of place to ask what prompt you used for this pic?


Fanfiction Thread Anonymous 33449[Reply]

Thread for Fanfiction discussion: you're favorites, likes, dislikes, pet peeve, etc.
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Anonymous 35491

I'm a yumejo, and even I got mad when I read a fanfic about my husbando being dommed by another guy, and that guy turned out to be an FtM tranny. NSFW content of my husbando is already rare as it is, so even though I believed in trannyism at the time, I still was upset. I obviously prefer the idea of my husbando being dommed by a female character than a male one, but this shit ain't it, especially since I like the character that was transed and it just doesn't feel right to portray him as a female "man". I wouldn't even have minded a genderbend because then I know what to expect and I would've probably been more into it than M/M. And this particular fic was extremely focused on the transed character's vagina, making sure you didn't forget this was a MANLY MAN with a pussy. It was horribly written, too. kek

It just reeks of wanting to self-insert "but not really". Just make your damn mind already, Aiden. Either you want to write about two pre-established men (AKA males with dicks) fucking, or about your husbando licking your most certainly female pussy. They don't give a shit about the character they're transing, they just project their own desires and personalities onto them and pretend to be writing for better, more moral reasons than pure self-indulgence.

Ok, so they're free to write whatever the hell they want for fun even if I don't agree with tranny shit. At least tag your self-insert cuntboy porn properly for the rest of us who expect a male character to have a dick in smut, it's common courtesy and basic etiquette.

Me too. I find that fandom in general is too obsessed with shipping everything and everyone. Two characters that are obviously not set up to become a couple (age difference, canon love interests, incompatible sexualities, blood relation) form a strong friendship? Yeah they totally want to bang each other and the writers intended it. Sweet moment shared between the characters? Yeah, that's totally sexual tension. Fuck off, relationships that are not romantic or sexual also exist, and are exciting and beautiful in their own way. You can have an intense and complex relationship with someone without wanting to have sex with them. They're incapable of interpreting feelings and emotions in any other way.

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Anonymous 35566

anyone here read 'Manacled' the dramione fic? i have a few more chapters to go, i liked the mid flashbacks section but since it goes back to when hermione is in malfoy manor its a little boring for me

Anonymous 35574

can you link the fic?

Anonymous 35593

A pet peeve of mine is phallic objects in lesbian fanfic. Found a seemingly decent femslash genderbent A/B/O fic but the female alpha was described as having broad shoulders, sturdy thighs, and 'she' had a dick when they had sex. What the hell is the difference between this and just straight up het? Shit like this tells me the authors don't know what's sexy about the female body.

Anonymous 35611

Not as good as Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love


Male dominated fandoms Anonymous 27324[Reply]

I really hate being in male dominated fandoms. Touhou is an example (not only is it male dominated but it's tranny infested too). It's kinda lonely. So many male dominated fandoms would become much better if it had a majority of women. I wonder if others feel that way
101 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 35493

Is it? The going meme on /m/ is that toku has only two audiences: little boys and housewives.

Anonymous 35605

>So many male dominated fandoms would become much better if it had a majority of women. I wonder if others feel that way
You only think that so that it will appeal to female interest instead of male
Best case would be a split of 50/50 so everyone can have something they want

Anonymous 35607

I have no personal interest or desire in tolerating men's wants in media. It brings the quality and enjoyment down.

Anonymous 35609

>You only think that so that it will appeal to female interest instead of male
Woooow, really? No shit.
Most things appeal to more moids one way or another. Creators are more afraid of angering their male audience than their female audience. They know that women have been conditioned into consuming shit that was made only for men, but moids rarely consume media that is exclusively for women unless they find a way to fap to the female characters.

Anonymous 35610

lolicons had trann…

>The entire anime fandom in general is full of troons or what could basically be classified as psychologically troon adjacent men
True, see picrel.
>their favorite characters are based on who's the hottest
Hottest according to fanart btw, they don't seem to even know what the characters look like in canon
>I'm glad to have the western touhou fandom
It's the Eastern fandom too kek a huge amount of porn is drawn by Asian scrotes who also don't play the games. Though I do agree that probably because it's harder to play the games outside Japan + the recent western trend of zoomers not consuming the actual media and just reading other people's headcanons and memes, they're more common here.
>Yuuka's schtick of being a woman who's both extremely powerful but also at peace with herself, of being someone who likes to mess with people and to make herself look scarier than she actually is gets turned into some sadist shit.
>Tenshi's personality of being an immature girl who's looking for thrill and entertainment gets her portrayed as a masochist.
>Aya's whole life is a constant struggle against her hierarchical society and trying to keep her newspaper afloat, her grasping at straws and twisting the truth just so she can get something to put in there… gets completely sidelined and she's shown as a pervert.
>Sanae's insecurity about her own job position, her cowardice in the face of her own gods when she has ambitions to be worshipped just like them, her geeky interest in the things that she left behind in the outside world and the sheer amount of fun she has pretending to be the main character of her own story… nope, not even acknowledged. She's either an idiot or promiscuous.
So many Touhou fandom personalities are so pornbrained. Males are such simple-minded beings.


Anonymous 29324[Reply]

Do you pirate your /media/ nonas? do you try to avoid it? do you encourage it? ethical piracy? do you consider some instances where piracy is bad?
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Anonymous 34012

Does anyone else notice how many typing mistakes and formatting errors pirated ebooks have? I almost regret getting a Kindle because most pirated epubs suck. I'm only going to read scanned PDFs now. I just wish there was a way to read PDFs in e-ink to reduce eye strain.

Anonymous 34014

You can read PDFs on the kindle, or at least on mine, you just can't change the font size. Have you tried using IRCHighway to get pirated ebooks? They typically have really good epub & mobi formats in the #ebook channel. A lot of times they have the official mobi files from amazon just cracked. If you see .mobi or .azw3 it is specifically for the Kindle and probably just taken off of Amazon. There is also libgen.is but I think everyone knows that and it doesn't have epubs for a lot of books.

Anonymous 34042

I pirate but I do feel bad sometimes
Unless it's really really hard to find or if it's ridiculously overpriced, then I don't feel bad

Anonymous 35567

I pirated Duolingo premium and now I breeze through a million lessons a day, I can only recommend it. The free version is a pain and even the premium is more of a game than a real studying tool so you might as well

Anonymous 35602

is the art from the nexon game ragnarok online?


Temporary celebricows thread Anonymous 35362[Reply]

Come here to gossip about celeb drama and news.
49 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 35579

did plasticNproud do her freckle makeup?

Anonymous 35584


Anonymous 35592

Her music sucks so bad. She’s just rupaul inspired Taylor Swift to me.

Anonymous 35594

I hate the nipple piercing through the t shirt. I hate it. It’s even worse since she’s like 40 now. It would be repulsive on someone of any age though.

Anonymous 35597

>Country Music Awards snub
>Black women in country have been denied legitimacy by the industry they’re so firmly a part of
I'm kind of surprised this article doesn't mention Tracy Chapman; there was an upset over her being the first black person to win a CMA award for song of the year, in 2023, for a song she released in 1988- because a white moid made a vastly inferior cover of her song that took off. Of course she still won Grammy awards in 1989, so I admire Tracy for staying fairly grounded and authentic for the most part as a music artist. I don't doubt that the CMA and country fans have lower standards for white male artists (seriously, compare the original vidrel to this Grammy-nominated/CMA award-winning cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fr7oYjnt3bM)

Reading the article, it rings hollow to me because it feels more like a Beyonce shill post by a stan and all the musings (about the exclusion of black women in country) are in service of the shilling. Even when they bring up other black women country artists, it's to imply their success rests on Bey's shoulders. I could not care less about a ceo millionaire who owns 32 grammies and 3 companies being invalidated by the Country Music Association KEK. The article's message is undermined by the fact that they don't show actual appreciation for black country artists beyond merely mentioning their names, that they were on Bey's album, and that they got more streams thanks to Bey. These artists have other albums of their own too you know, that released in 2023-2024.
Not to mention this is her first time doing a country album. "Beyoncé’s quest for legitimacy in country music has long been documented" and yet she waited nearly 2 decades and 7 albums to do so. It's cool that she's experimenting and brought on a bunch of country artists, but the black artists who did get nominated(The War and Treaty) have actually been in the country scene from the beginning of their career. Listen to their album Lover's Game vs Cowboy Carter and you can tell which one feels more genuine.

Anyone know the sample? Anonymous 35580[Reply]

Anyone know the sample sung in this?

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