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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


What's the worst thing you have ever done? Anonymous 4763[Reply]

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Anonymous 10242

you did nothing wrong, but i have to wonder if the moid staged those meltdowns because the swatting ring itself and sending your allowance every week sounds like a grift.

Anonymous 10246

Stealing random stuff when I was young and did not think that it was wrong

Anonymous 10302

You shouldn’t be sorry he got exactly what he deserved. As a matter of fact you should teach us how to do the same.

Anonymous 10325

i usually am more of a lurker, but here we go
>be me, 14
>21yo abusive online boyfriend whos cheating on me with a pedo
>break up with him

>be 16, out of rage do some tiktok curse on him

>last year. wake up to a spam of photos and videos from an unknown number on whatsapp.

it was my ex. he sent me countless pictures and videos in a ravaged room covered in pills and alcohol bottles and cans. he was yelling that he was gonna kill himself

>he takes the meds

>never hear from him again

guess the piece of shit offed itself.

Anonymous 10345

>21 yr old "cheated w a pedo"

anon…. HE was the pedo


Drugs Anonymous 1850[Reply]

From stuff like weed and acid to DMT and coke, share your experiences with drugs. They don't have to be particularly profound or bad, feel free to share your positive, benign, or spiritual trips as well.
I'll start with something fairly benign.
>first time smoking weed
>pretty much have the joint to myself
>"lol I'm not feeling anything"
>suddenly begin to lag behind myself
>black out/can't remember anything every few minutes
>nothing bad yet, just chilling
>start to giggle at something my friend said
>can't control myself
>fall back onto the floor and begin to roll around, still out of control of my body
>become aware I am not myself and forget my being entirely
>can't stop crying now either
>friends laughing at me but I'm genuinely panicked
>Convinced I'm not real
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Anonymous 10264

damn. i'm so sorry. those moids are scum.

Anonymous 10268

The absolute WORST you're having fun until all the sudden the air just feels like rape.

Anonymous 10297


robotripped 860mg with boyfriend and i think that was the most profound love ive ever had for someone ever inthat single concentrated moment.like i was in a dream of love…barrier broken.. i got thrown into 2d abstract realm like just 2d shapesand geometry and i had lived a whole life in this little world until he came to me like god ofthe whole universe and he looked so indescribable to me because i was just a little 2d creature and my eyeballs could not comprehend 3d i feltlike crying because i thought i was dying and this was me going to scribble fractal girl heaven… he led me to my bed and told me to lay down and close my eyes and when i opened them i was back in 3rd dimension and i was like oh my god you saved me you made me 3d again!!!!!!!!!!! until he dissipated and realized boyfriend was asleep by now and not even in this country actually. after slight moment of despair induced clarity immediately i became an alien in a beige waterfall room that was really nice

Anonymous 10343


I got a shatter 2 pack and it's got pink princess and lemon haze
The lemon haze tastes quite nice and lemony and the pink princess doesn't taste like much but both give a fantastic high. I smoked a bit of the lemon haze today and feel pretty relaxed and a soothing happy feeling that has eased my anxiety. I really love it
I tried the pink princess after having smoked a joint on the way home so no idea what it's like on its own but I'll find out tomorrow night. I love the names and they were under 30$ which was great for how wonderful the high is. I'll definitely buy again. And next time I'll remember to be use less per dab cause it's pretty strong haha

Anonymous 10344

lol dabs are like the crack of weed

raises your tolerance so much so fast bc of such high potency that eventually no other form of thc affects you at all


crystal dream diary. Anonymous 3081[Reply]

whenever you remember a dream, log it here.

picture used is tako otoko from yume 2kki.
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Anonymous 10065


I honestly couldn't tell you. As of late stress and life has been bad enough as it is. The closest relation I have to the date is that my period cycle used begin on or around the 15th (but that changed due to stress and other issues years ago).

Anonymous 10330

I had a nightmare I was a child that was abducted by Dylan Mulvaney. He was pretending to be my mother, had all these creepy pedo friends, and was holding me hostage. I managed to escape in the end.
>I think that dream was telling me that part of the reason they're promoting that weirdo is probably because he's apart of some pedo ring with high profile People hollyweird people.

Anonymous 10331

that is a scary one nona. Just thinking about Dylan Mulvaney makes me shudder

Anonymous 10341

Last night I had a dream I was dating this guy from elementary school. I never even had a crush on him. And he was so clingy and I think we were sooo in love? I still don't have feelings for him though when I woke up.

Anonymous 10342


I had a dream there was a massive windstorm in my area that knocked two trees down onto a powerline.
It's probably cause there was a freak windstorm in my area around this time a year or two ago that took out two trees behind my house but it freaked me out when I woke up cause I thought it actually happened that night lol


/tig/ - Targeted Individuals General (Electronic Harassment, Gang Stalking, Psychological Terror) Anonymous 3897[Reply]

Targeted Individuals are people reportedly being targeted by various forms of Gang Stalking, usually done by the governments, powerful criminal gangs and federal structures (of various countries since gang stalking isn't exclusive to one country). Reported effects of being a victim of banned psychotronic weaponry include thought insertion (zombification), hypnosis, hot flashes, uncommonly feeling contractions and pressure in your crotch (tele-rape).

Post your experiences with Gang Stalking (being a TI, knowing a TI IRL, etc)
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Anonymous 10333

Zersetzung (GDR/DDR) -> exports to: modern US (with their own developments COINTELPRO&etc.) & modern Russia, other states very possible

Anonymous 10334

The KKK stalked, harassed, and sometimes murdered both prominent Reconstruction politicians and ordinary citizens, while its actions were often dismissed as hoaxery, superstition, &c during its initial terror rides in the 19th century. I am reasonably sure that counts. The KKK was only later reconstituted as an organization that went out in uniformed public marches, they were very much a secret organization when they started out.

Anonymous 10337

thank you nonas, genuinely very interesting!

Anonymous 10338

My paranoia is that the Troon lobby is doing something like this. I'm worried for all of us about that. Especially since sites like LC rely on us trusting anonymous staff and if places pass censorship laws on troons places like tumblr might give information up to governments about who the biggest "terf" blogs and women are

Anonymous 10340

A lot of religions (well, for a given value of "religion") have been known to surreptitiously organize harassment of socially nonconformant women, of critics, and of apostates. Scientology's been publicly found to engage in what they call "Fair Game," muslim gangs in non-muslim countries are known to harass apostates and relatives of apostates and friendly acquaintances of apostates, etc.
There are also criminal groups who were implicated in organized harassment of essentially random citizens, including the infamous Calabrian Ndragheta. This is frequently targeted at socially isolated young women. When it has been exposed, motives were usually made clear in short order; the harassment was a prelude to abduction and sex trafficking / enslavement.
Harassment of nobodies across decades did occur as the work of state actors, most infamously by the CIA in the mid-20th century.
Several of these groups have fairly direct ties to Masonic lodges, particularly the Italian mafia which has a long history with the Italian masonic lodges which were frequently criminalized. There is a lot of speculation and theorizing about Masonic ties to harassment campaigns and mysterious disappearances - for instance the Pulitzer Prize winner Timothy Egan wrote a book claiming the Montana Freemasons were responsible for the assassination of Civil War hero Thomas Francis Meagher after a harassment campaign failed to dislodge him from his post. Regardless of the truth of that claim, it is widely attested that the Masonic lodges in the Montana territory were prone to form themselves into anonymized "vigilance committees" to pursue frontier justice against undesirables, and this is one of the reasons why Masonic emblems and number sequences commonly appear in the insignia of Montana law enforcement, most popularly the '3-7-77' of Montana state police.


JF gariepy sacrificed his wife? Anonymous 10115[Reply]

This white nationalist YouTuber, JF gariepy, is making the headlines after his wife mysteriously disappeared. He is allegedly backed by Epstein and allegedly has masonic connections. Is it possible that he sacrificed his wife?
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Anonymous 10166

Do you really think with your whole chest that rapist Jeffery Epstein was a leftist

Anonymous 10169

He definitely murdered her but probably because he's a spastic manbaby with a petulant mindset. The only thing he "sacrificed her" for was to satisfy his petulant rage.

Anonymous 10221

That is one fugly moid.

Anonymous 10320


I don’t think it was a sacrifice, I just think he’s low IQ with a huge ego and feels like he can get away with it, probably because of his Epsteinbucks. I really hope they find her soon.

Anonymous 10339


The lack of self awareness with this fugly moid. "Being a manslut isn't bad guize"

Blue Eisenhower November Anonymous 10032[Reply]

What is Blue Eisenhower November (also known as "BEN")?
There's stuff about it that goes back to 2020 and 2022. Seems to be something to do with the afterlife and the future leaking into the present.
Post anything you have heard about it. I can find lots of snippets of things across various sites but that's it. Any help would be appreciated if anyone here is more knowledgable..
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Anonymous 10235

It's like LOA but on a higher level

Anonymous 10279

It worked for me

Anonymous 10311

how? what did you actually get from it?

Anonymous 10328

I'm literally so obsessed with this video

Anonymous 10336

On earth as it is in heaven


cult thread Anonymous 10134[Reply]

let’s talk about cults. all kinds, christian, new age, satanic, online, etc.
conspiracies are okay as long as they actually have some kind of evidence that isn’t pure speculation.
a list of some of the worst ones still active:
>The Order of Nine Angles
>The FLDS church
>The process church of the final judgment
>manson family
>Kali Yuga Acceleration
>The moonies
all of these groups and their offshoots are implicated in criminal activity. many are also extremely suspicious and well connected
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Anonymous 10281


Anonymous 10312

that is creepy

Anonymous 10322

I joined it :)

Anonymous 10326

Aliens aren't real

Anonymous 10327

what does it have to do with aliens?


Shoplifting Anonymous 4152[Reply]

Have you ever shoplifted? Why? Did you regret it or ever get caught?
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Anonymous 10287

I did it for about 6 years from 17-24 because I was saving up for a house and it's fucking impossible to get on the property ladder here. I eventually made it and then stopped because it's not worth losing my career and there are being advancements made to analyse faces.

Anonymous 10290


Used to shoplift a ton as a kid, stopped as soon as I had access to my own money. Would also steal from people’s houses. Probably peaked at about 8 years old and tapered from there.
I usual would steal snacks but sometimes books or cheap toys. Nothing valuable and I would make an effort to return whatever I took (other than food obviously)
I started with food the various people who watched didn’t always feed me so I would feed myself I guess. I was a fat kid so I think they thought they were doing me a favor but I was absolutely insatiable. I’ve gotten better (still fat but I’m no longer a total monster around food) not trying to justify but that’s definitely how it started Once I realized how easy it was, I would usually borrow without asking then return things as I needed. Never money or anything that had real value to the person so if I couldn’t return it wouldn’t be missed. Once when I was 10 I even gave an anonymous “thank you” gift to one girl I “borrowed” from a lot (it was an coat for her doll I made out of felt, glue and staples) She was thrilled (I think she may have been a bit stupid).

>inb4 kleptomania/psychopathy armchair diagnosis

I got no thrill from it. I used everything I got. I would never take anything that valuable or precious and if someone would’ve cried over it I would’ve felt bad but it never happened. I wouldn’t have minded if some child did the same to me back then or even now. I also wouldn’t say shit if I saw someone stealing from a big box store (not just baby formula or bread, even a total luxury) I have no regrets but I also don’t think I was being moral or anything.

Anonymous 10291

I used to when I was young. Like 7-8 years old. One time my older cousin caught me but nobody believed him… kek

Anonymous 10323

Local shitty thrift store has hired a second Troon, shoplifting intensifies.
Thought he was a shopper cause he was in the lingerie/nightgown section trying a few night slips on from a cart he had. Nope! He awkwardly took what he had on off when I stayed in the isle then started hanging shit. He had an employee shirt underneath. Grabbed the thing I wanted and put it in my bag. I'm not paying for the chance some fetishistic Troon put on used women's clothing before putting it up. Obviously I wash everything I get but still didn't want to spend on it. I was worried when the manager trooned out this place was gonna become a haven for them to work there, first hire they get and he's already using work time to try on the clothes before women unknowingly buy them. I hope he's not getting anything extra from them being used but God knows he is.

Anonymous 10324

The only time I shoplifted was around the age of 10. For a couple of weeks, my friend and I would pocket these cheap packs of candy we loved from the little gas station within walking distance. No one explicitly talked to us but one day when we walked in there there were suddenly new and very visible security cameras. We took that as a sign to stop.
I'm glad I didn't escalate further or get caught. I don't think the law would have done much to me at that age, but still.


Dark Energy Anonymous 8940[Reply]

Have you ever come across someone, something, or a particular house/place with a "dark energy" or aura? for some reason, you feel an overwhelming sense that there is something uncanny, malevolent and sinister which emanates from this person/place/object/area etc..
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Anonymous 9578

it kind of depends. not truly: there isn’t a literal black smudge around them, but they do look “darker”. a light is missing in their eyes. i can’t explain it, i haven’t been around dark energies in a bit (thankfully). it’s mostly non-visual, like a deep understanding you just Know.

I cant recall experiencing it remotely unless it was obvious the person sucked, and then it’s not really an energy. it’s really something you have to be in the presence of to understand. i’ve gotten that feeling of foreboding for future situations, but that feeling is not the same kind of energy as it is for a present reality.

yes there’s absolutely a spectrum. rehab friend went through multiple iterations. first she was just weighed down by a ”dim” energy, then later an actually dark one. i’ve seen (sensed) the spectrum.

i don’t think we can know our own energy (we’re too bogged down with our associations with ourselves). find an older woman, one who has life experience and is open to spirituality. she doesn’t have to be religious (non-religious or religious-curious preferred). my mother and grandmother are into things like numerology, tarot, and such, things i have my doubts it, but that openness to spirituality gives them an accurate insight into energy. let us know what they say!

Anonymous 9595

how do you improve your energy?

Anonymous 10314

I had a spot in my basement that had a really bad energy coming from it. It used to freak my cat out too late at night. My religious teachings state that the supernatural cannot directly harm us, only trick and manipulate us, so I worked to keep them out of my mind and to let go of any racing thoughts of what to do or not to do and just made myself carry on as normal but avoiding the area just in case.
After a few months the energy dissipated. It felt like it basically dissolved into the air and eventually disappeared entirely. It was a new home I'd just moved into and now it feels all fine.
Don't know if it's related but the previous tenant of the house died soon after I moved in. I think the previous owner of the house (their landlord) had ended his lease for bullshit reasons too. He may have been upset if it was him

Anonymous 10318

Refused to move into a rental home despite a good rate because of this. The energy was appalling. Something was terribly wrong there

Anonymous 10319

Might want to get it checked for radon.


Will pay to harass Anonymous 10315[Reply]

Is anyone here willing or able to make someone’s life hell with just their name and phone number? This hag at my job needs to be punished

Anonymous 10316

>hello fello crimenals i would like to order a cybrcrime

Anonymous 10317

Alright I will admit I was on some autismo rage with this one

Anonymous 10329

Fedpost made by glowie.

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