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ways to fuck with my roommate Anonymous 10526[Reply]

i cant stand my fucking roommate, she made my life very hard. luckily i'll move out in a month. what are ways to subtle fuck with the house that will at least cause her annoyance?

Anonymous 10527

I know that's not what you want to hear, but unironically just let it go, you won't have to interact with her again and you can just stay out of trouble. You gain nothing from trying to fuck with her. The satisfaction won't last for very long if you even feel it at all. It'll only feed the hateful thoughts inside you.

Anonymous 10872

make her bed, offer her your coffee and meals, pretend to be schizo, ask her for a hug etc


Tarot Readings Anonymous 6248[Reply]

Post your question, age, sign, and an image of your choice and get a free tarot reading.
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Anonymous 10740


19, Aquarius sun, libra rising, Taurus moon

How is this semester going to go? I need some good news.

Anonymous 10829


This guy I met last week invited me to this drinks party he is hosting and I did a yes/no reading for whether I should say yes. I got chariot, ace of pentacles, and queen of wands reversed. I have a hard time making out what this means because I know usually the chariot is a "yes" type of card about making progress and moving forward, but it can be cautionary when it comes to love/relationships. Does this also apply to social events too? We met under a romantic context (Hinge), but I don't get the feeling he is that into me so I'm seeing this as more of a social thing.

I interpret ace of pentacles as a "yes" too. I have a hard time interpreting what the queen of wands reversed would mean in this context as well.

Anonymous 10831

It’s so easy, chariot, ace of pentacles and queen of wands reversed he’s going to want sex and you’ll eventually reject it, he’ll try to make you look like a cunt banshee/prude/ungrateful because with the ace of pentacles it almost felt like he wanted to “do you a favor” so to speak, if you know what I mean? Not in a good way. If you proceed, I would be extremely wary, and with the chariot and ace of pentacles upright it would be advised to not go forward with any propositions just because you’re lonely or desperate, don’t forfeit your standards and also if you go, if you manage to evade this situation (not 100% this will happen just how I’m interpreting) you’ll make some helpful connections, possibly something that can help with business/career/finances

Anonymous 10841


28F/Libra sun/Leo moon/Cancer rising

Anonymous 10871

will i ever catch a break financially? I just got myself into even more debt and I am in dire straits. I feel like every time it gets better, something happens to make it worse. It is probably my fault but phew


Anonymous 5958[Reply]

What do you think happens after we die?
Have you ever had a near death experience?
Discuss death and the afterlife
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Anonymous 10804

I don’t know what to make of all those near death experiences honestly. The main points in them that I see are either that Earth is a school where we’re supposed to learn lessons (usually about love) and “evolve our souls” or it’s just a playground and we’re here cuz our souls just like going through lord knows what. There’s some others like it’s just an experience for the universe to have or it’s to prove ourselves and teach humanity how to be more loving but I don’t really believe those, they’re pretty uncommon. The most out of the ordinary one I read was where it said the reason souls go here is cuz there needs to be some place darker and without a place like this everything would be in a paradox (like a Yin/Yang situation) and the person who had it said that they never got vibes that we needed to learn any lessons, that karma wasn’t a thing, and that souls didn’t like coming to Earth but understood it had to be done to keep things in balance. Idk what to make of that one since it’s so out of the ordinary and I see many claim there’s no yin/yang paradox and that karma and lessons are a must. There’s also a lot of NDEs where souls are excited to go to Earth, even getting giddy to torment themselves in the next life, I’ve heard some where people say souls are addicted. There’s some pre-birth memories of forced reincarnation as well. And various other things like I read some NDEs where people say ghosts aren’t a thing but I see some people mention their dead relatives popping up in front of them to say bye (that’s a shared death experience) or where they’re told ghosts are a thing. Some mention material attachments make you become a ghost but others say that’s what keeps you in the cycle. Some say there’s no end to the cycle others mention being in their last incarnation, at least on Earth. Some say there’s only one divine being that created everything, others say each universe has their own. Some say Earth is the hardest planet that only advanced and brave souls go to, others say it’s the base level planet and you level yourself up from there. There’s other ones that make me believe these aren’t just hallucinations like I heard one of a Christian woman seeing Buddhist imagery when she literally knew nothing about Buddhism prior. They describe the whole “oneness” thing differently too, some say it’s merging back into the blob, others say it’s more “being individual but still interconnected”. There’s some other strange ones like people being forced back intPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 10827

Something I’ve been wondering about NDEs is if they’re just the imagination. We know past life regression hypnosis is likely BS and is probably just your mind being overly imaginative but there are lots of similarities between the stuff seen under hypnotherapy and NDEs so is it possible that the brain enters a similiar state to hypnotherapy near death? Not saying I believe this or that I don’t want to believe in an afterlife but it’s something that’s been bugging me and honestly under this assumption it either means NDEs are fake or hypnotherapy is real and I’d be more inclined to believe the former

Anonymous 10845

I hope it's lights out and that's it. I do not want a afterlife, I do not believe in heaven or in hell. That's all just weird psyops created to control the masses.
I used to want to be isekai so badly when I was younger. I tried reality shifting before that had a name and a trend on tiktok, but it never worked and I always woke up.
I'd always hoped to wake up in a better life were I would be loved and cherished.
Now I am glad there is nothing because living once is painful enough.

Anonymous 10867


Anonymous 10869

I think I’m biased towards cynicism but I think it’s all over


Anonymous 10117[Reply]

Anyone else find this art disturbing? I found it on the rule 34 and i didnt know that exist a fetish about eye injury. Idk but it's strange and i don't find anything about the artista.
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Anonymous 10229

i find it intriguing but knowing its rule34 is a bit strange? my curiosity is peaked about who the artist is though and tbh if i didnt know it was r34 i wouldve though it was vent art

Anonymous 10855

>>10121 Shame, honestly, pomni has a unique and cute character design.
>>10119 I just use e621, its got bizarre but not disturbing content But I hope amputation fetishists get the help they need.

Anonymous 10857

not really related to your post but i wish i had a friend to browse weird places like r34 with just for fun

Anonymous 10862

Me too anon. I had some of my best chuckles browsing weird shit over there. I would friend you..

Anonymous 10868


Very outsider art-ish. Sometimes hard to tell if fetish material is intentionally or unintentionally creepy sometimes


crystal dream diary. Anonymous 3081[Reply]

whenever you remember a dream, log it here.

picture used is tako otoko from yume 2kki.
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Anonymous 10342


I had a dream there was a massive windstorm in my area that knocked two trees down onto a powerline.
It's probably cause there was a freak windstorm in my area around this time a year or two ago that took out two trees behind my house but it freaked me out when I woke up cause I thought it actually happened that night lol

Anonymous 10437

2024-05-05 15_35_2…

I had a really long dream about some actor/director/manager guy in this comfy worn-down city between some mountains, the sunlight was always nice. He was a funny guy, a scumbag, a jerk, an asshole, probably a rapist and murderer, etc. He spent the whole dream walking around town, meeting friends, having meetings, arranging gigs, going to parties, etc. He went up in the air in a blimp made by a genius kid who was doing props for a set. He offered to make the kid rich, he was rly generous with people. Then I think he was going to go to a sex party or something.

At the end of the dream, before the party, NOT at the party, I was showed up. We talked. He made it clear that this dream was a view of his life, his real life somewhere else, and was not about me, there was nothing here about me. I appreciated that clarification, so as dream-controller, right before I phased out, I "snapped my fingers" and made sure he had a really great sex party and got a couple hot twink boyfriends and made some extra good business deals or whatever.

I feel like someone drew a sigil and it happened to connect to me, like I was a demon in some other reality for five minutes once. I've been watching too many silly spiritual videos on yt.

The city was really nice though, very real feel. It had that nostalgic feeling, like it was worse than before, but still somehow as good as when you were a kid. Always sunset, sunrise, the roads and buildings were old, but plants always grew in the cracks. Th mountains really hugged the town. Idk. Strangely pleasant dream for how evil some of it was.

Anonymous 10438

2023-06-03 05_58_0…

> I was showed up.
Godddddd I hate how I jump around when I type anything long.

Anonymous 10863

I heard a voice saying "Hey, health obsessed girl." I paused and then replied "Who, me?" The voice responded "No, you're white trash girl." Then I woke up.

Anonymous 10866

Super weird one from a few nights ago actually, this one had me wake up in a cold sweat

>Sitting in livingroom of my apartment, talking on my phone to I believe my sister

>"Can a loved one fall for a skinwalker's voice?" I ask her, to which she responds with, "They are almost exactly like you from far away but the closer you get to them, the more you can see that something is just not right."
>a few moments later
>I hear my own voice coming from my son's room
>It is me cooing or baby-talking my 4 year old son, the door is open but I cannot bring myself to look in,
>I can tell that something is not right
>I peek in, the skinwalker or mimic or whatever doesn't see or hear me.
>my son is asleep but it looks exactly like my mom except bald
>it is still talking to him like he is awake and playing it's very bizarre, he is just lying there.
for context, I could tell the thing in my dream was not a future me or my mom it was just some sort of malevolent entity that was horribly imitating me and looked like my mom
In real life my mother is a drug addict who horribly abused me, I thought maybe this dream was my fears of becoming like her manifested in a weird nightmare.


Original Poetry Anonymous 10726[Reply]

O brew up fuel for psychic War,
word-makers. Dream, for it lies here,
the seed of Fruit forevermore,
that Apple which for Adam gleam'd
when shined by Eve against her Cheek:
O speaketh ye a voice from far,
μιμούμαι Σαπφώ or Cate Parr.
That Apple Eve mostly bravely bit,
for 'til the day she sank her Teeth,
who knew what might abide in it
or what Juice from it might squeeze.
Long Adam saw it ripe and free,
dangling from its silver Bough,
but it was Eve that dared bite down.

Anonymous 10728

How fine a fruit your figges be,
growing eight on one small tree.
A michty fig turns ripe from green
when yellow turns his tender skein.

Anonymous 10729

Mortar thy soul,
lay years on years,
for judgement day,
it ever nears.

Anonymous 10803

And wilt thou say, "I have lived well,"
when thund'ring tolls the midnight bell?

Anonymous 10865

A primate, crawling on my knees,
Warmth floods my hollow abdomen,
Your eyes narrow, focused on me,
Crops of our predecessor’s sins,
Is it all we are, natural as trees,
Smitten and sweet regards within,
More than anthropological need,
Those euphoric needles and pins.


Spell to get pregnant Anonymous 10689[Reply]

Hello everyone I’m kind of a boomer so sorry if I’m acting like a retard, anyway imasking for help , I need spells to get pregnant please , ( I’m fértil and healthy, but i don’t know why I’m not getting pregnant I’m 30)so any kind of help would be welcome , thank you
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Anonymous 10711

if there's nothing wrong with you nona, has your partner been checked & if so are you sure his fertility results are legit? there are lots of cases of men lying about their fertility as an ego thing, and driving their female partners insane thinking something's wrong with them when there isn't. it could also be stress & diet like >>10705 said. making sure you're tracking your cycle accurately could also be beneficial, it's kind of hard to actually tell when you're ovulating from just apps like clue etc so maybe ask your gyno or a sexual health clinic about stuff like that, alongside general pregnancy support. good luck to you, nona!

Anonymous 10718

his sperm is shit, nona, leave him for a better man.

Anonymous 10719

The secret ingredient you are missing is sexual intercourse with a member of the other sex


Thank you so much I’m actually doing that now

Anonymous 10858

Take high-quality omega-3 supplements OP, that's what fixed it for me after 3 years trying


What's the worst thing you have ever done? Anonymous 4763[Reply]

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Anonymous 10843

im sorry but it's so funny imagining some teen wolf fan wondering why their favorite twitter account is spamming gore in the replies of a random therapist

Anonymous 10849

An old, poor lady once dropped her coins on a grocery store floor and i stepped on one so that she doesn't notice it while picking them. Cha-ching!

I used to torture our family cat. Cut off its whiskers, made it smell its own shit, scare and aggravate it.

Those are the things i regret most.

Anonymous 10851

Anonymous 10852

you first

Anonymous 10853

This sounds fun


AI art: The end of humanity's soul? Anonymous 8297[Reply]

I'm kind of freaking out about this whole AI art thing. Souless machines that learn on huge data sets to produce art. It just feels demonic. Why did the techbros think this would be a good idea at all? This thing will replace artists, I know it might not feel like it yet but give it enough time and it will. This is why I'm so scared, genuinely. What do artists have left? Why curse all of humanity out of its own way of expression?
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Anonymous 9659

Anonymous 10270

want hug cat

Anonymous 10272

AI girlfriends are the inevitable future of online dating. Not "girlfriends and boyfriends." Unfortunately the training of an AI will only suit the maximized adjustment from input data and men are infinitely more predisposed to cultivate a chatbot gf than women to a chat bf, so when women venture into AIs they're going to get a "Maurice" who acts exactly like a hentai gyaru.

Anonymous 10301

Hard disagree I get a better conversation out of chat gpt than I do my boyfriend any day.

Anonymous 10854

You've been browsing too much deviantart and watching too much tiktok. get a hobby that doesn't make you paranoid

Kesha White Thread Anonymous 10850[Reply]

Are these games just surreal horror, an ARG or real mental illness from the dev?

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