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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 39516[Reply]

Do not make threads about the following topics or you will be banned for 7 days:

- Race/Ethnicity/Nationality (including stereotypes & preferences)
- Religion
- "femboys"
- (Why) do guys…
- (Why) do you like guys who [insert preference here]
- (Why) do guys like [insert preference here]
- how to get a bf/gf/platonic friend (who does xyz)
- Fetish bait threads (if you must make a fetish thread, do it in >>>/nsfw/ and don't make it an image dump)
- Discord

If you want to talk about Radfem/TERF/Gendercritical themes, do not make a new thread. Use the existing threads and keep discussion civil. You can read my thoughts on a radfem board here: >>>/meta/2962

General threads:

>>117636 Pinkpill general/complaints about men as a whole
>>44115 Where/how to meet men
>>118214 Trans general
>>114365 TERF Memes/shittalking


Anonymous 301047[Reply]

When men say "women prefer dating bad boys".

What exactly do they mean? Where does this "women only like bad boys" stereotype even come from? Why do so many men believe it?

I can't imagine any woman actually wanting to prefer an abusive and controlling narcissist.

Anonymous 301049

the women who generally fall for this stereotype are, in my opinion, usually "bad" themselves- think of your stereotypical trailer trash couple

that being said, horniness and other strong romantic feelings often override the majority of people's senses, so even a sensible woman can end up thirsting after a "bad boy"

def did it when I was younger but I learned my lesson and now cut men off at the smallest sign of these habits

Anonymous 301050

i think it comes from many women being put off by desperate simps. some of these simps see other guys not being as attentive or “considerate” as them and they think “women just want a guy that will treat them like shit”

they don’t realize that women aren’t put off by simps because theyre nice. theyre put off by them because theyre often desperate losers who underneath, have weird beliefs about women too.

Anonymous 301053

>cut men off at the smallest sign of these habits

examples of these habits??

Anonymous 301055

not anon but, from my experience

>drug/alcohol use, inability to control intake

>looking at other women (irl or online)

(not habits but):
>excessive defensiveness

Obvs people hide these habits at first but I feel like these are standard amongst terrible men. Regulating emotions is the most important (and noticeable) one. my emotionally unstable bfs all ended up being abusive, one small shift in emotion was enough to make them lash out

Anonymous 301056

>def did it when I was younger but I learned my lesson and now cut men off at the smallest sign of these habits

More like you happily gave it up to thugs and abusers when you were young and pretty, but now that you're old and busted and bad boys don't even want you anymore, you're pretending you've "matured" out of it while continuing to learn for them every day.


Anonymous 299429[Reply]

>go to America because of Hollywood movies
>it looks like this

What are the pros and cons of living in America
11 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 300756

Both of those states are aweful.

Anonymous 300813

Many people are just scraping by because it costs a paycheck and a half to rent a small apartment in most cities. I live with my mom though so I don't experience it personally. Also the fed likes to print money which heavily contributes to inflation leading to prices going up while your pay basically goes down since money is losing value and most companies don't want to raise wages to balance inflation.

Anonymous 301048


Anonymous 301052

I was surprised that most of California is actually horrifically ugly. And smells like shit. Garbage everywhere. I have no idea why so many people desire to live in that shithole.

Anonymous 301054



I Hate Kids and Women Who Have Them Anonymous 296906[Reply]

Does anyone else feel this way? I just see a woman with a kid and I feel almost betrayed in a way. Like I fought so hard for abortion rights and you decided to have some moid's crotch spawn. I know it isn't rational, but I can't be alone in feeling this way.
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Anonymous 300887

Most mothers can't even raise their children properly anymore and its gets even worse with boys. They scream, kick, punch, disrespecting everyone and everything. And they act like that well into teenagehood.

Anonymous 300959

Same, even if the mom it's a decent person all I can think of it's how everyone around him it's going to coddle him to the max and excuse all the shit he do. It's depressing really

Anonymous 301041

I dont mind women with daughters, assuming theyre not raising them to hate themselves and be pickmes. Women who are wives and/or boymoms are annoying and never STFU about it, even when the topic of conversation isnt related to either of those roles. One mention is bad enough, but it never ends there. Sometimes its tempting to count the number of times a woman will say "my son" or "my husband" in my head while shes talking lol. A lot of times, a woman who is a proud wife and boymom start saying how her son or husband doesnt like something, so she will compromise and do xyz instead, or similar.

Anonymous 301046

>Women who are wives and/or boymoms are annoying and never STFU about it, even when the topic of conversation isnt related to either of those roles. One mention is bad enough, but it never ends there.

When you have kids, they become your whole life

Anonymous 301051

i love children but i’m so happy abortion and modern feminism exists so that women who don’t like children don’t get forced into having them. all that does is lead to fucked up adults from being raised by people who don’t like them. and i’m not saying this to bash you, i’m genuinely so happy you know this about yourself and know you never want to have kids. its an important thing to know instead of just doing it because youre “supposed to”


Which fast food chain has the best burger? Anonymous 273944[Reply]

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Anonymous 301031

I've tried four international burger chains - McDonald's, Hesburger, Burger King and Wendy's. I only like Hesburger out of these. Burger king was somewhat disappointing, i expected it to be better than McDonald's, but it wasn't. I haven't formed opinion on Wendy's yet, more tasting is required.

Anonymous 301032

Five guys is definitely the best burger but also probably the worst nutrition wise. So with that in mind home made is best

Anonymous 301033

Wingstop has the best chicken burger

Anonymous 301039

FiveGuys I only get for my birthday because I get immediate migraines that last for two days eating their slop, but damn is it good slop. I’ll probably stop eating it once I hit my 40s

Anonymous 301045

burgers by definition are bad nutrition


What's your job like? Anonymous 232819[Reply]

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Anonymous 300882

Americans scream tyranny is wonderful, but Americans are unable to explain why Cubans try to escape even though Cuba has gun control and free medical care.

Anonymous 300883

I write, read, and occasionally do boring presentations about what I write and read.

Anonymous 300960

I'm a janny. Extremely monotonous but at least I'm by myself most of the time. I got into carpentry last year and still aiming to continue learning this year so I'm hoping something good will come out of that and if everything goes well I'll get a more exciting job

Anonymous 301043

i'm in a senior position at a random, unremarkable startup. management is always changing so no one knows what i do and my performance isn't tracked. spend less than an hour working and then i do hobbies or workout for the rest of the day. 6 figures but i'm quitting next month to move abroad (pain).

Anonymous 301044

btw, i felt trapped at this company because despite my resume and interview skills, i was never able to get a job elsewhere (interviewed for ~2 years while at this startup). i know the US job market is ass rn but still.


Anonymous 300965[Reply]

Having big boobs is uncomfortable as fuck and it sucks. The sweating and just back hurting constantly.

Why do skinny girls even want these?

Anonymous 300994

Are you fat?

Anonymous 301037

For me I get chest pain, my heart squeezes itself if I’m sleeping on my side or slouching, shit really sucks

Probably going to get heart attacks when I’m older, the fat keeps forming at my chest then my stomach. my tits are way too fat and they’re only going to get bigger and saggier as I get older

Anonymous 301042

i always had a pretty flat chest, in my 20s i dated a porn addict who clearly wanted me to get bigger boobs. i ended up taking spiro (side effect is breast swelling) which made my boobs get like 2 cup sizes larger. anyway, i broke up w him and stopped taking it and am way happier now. i like looking at them but its too much to deal with and i didn't like the top heavy look


Anonymous 300945[Reply]

Is there ANY way to age gracefully?

Or does life just go to shit after like 36 and there's no real way to avoid this?
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Anonymous 301013


die young

Anonymous 301019

Can crying affect your ageing? I cry a lot

Anonymous 301035


it can cause wrinkles around your eyes and anywhere you basically scrunch up your face

Anonymous 301036


Anonymous 301038

I wouldn’t run to lose weight, the high intensity of it gives you wrinkles and contributes to boob sagging in the future. Not to mention knee problems.

Eat healthy, eat at 80% full capacity, and walk 10 km a day for breezy weight loss and healthy lifestyle maintenance


Non-Radfem General Anonymous 300933[Reply]

There have been many "Radfem General" threads on here, but I have never seen one for nonas who are not radfems.

What are your reasons for not being a radfem, and what issues do you have with radfems?
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Anonymous 301024

It's so their comments wouldn't get reported

Anonymous 301025

>I think trans people are ok.

Anonymous 301027

>trans people are okay
Tumblr is tight there.

Anonymous 301030

I do not have many, if any, qualms with radical feminism itself, but online radfems can be quite a bothersome bunch sometimes. I'm not a fan of the relentless attacks on other women, such as:
And I’m definitely not a fan of how every conversation in these circles seems to revolve around trans people, drowning every other kind of conversation. Though this last thing might be due to conservatives latching onto the Trans Question for their platforms, along with the words 'terf,' 'gc,' and 'radfem' becoming part of a more mainstream, public discourse and losing their meanings (ie. misogynistic men being called terfs, antifeminist women calling themselves gender critical).

Anonymous 301034

This post from the LCF thread stood out to me:

>I used to be a radfem, mainly because I hate trannies infiltrating female spaces, but what really made me hate radfems almost as much as troons is the way that radfems constantly try to equate anything that they personally disapprove of with rape. As someone who has been a victim of actual rape, it's just incredibly insulting. No, sorry, but my brutal rape is not even remotely the equivalent of someone selling foot pictures on OnlyFans.

>Here, for example, is a popular thread on Ovarit where radfems unironically argue that Lily Phillips choosing to have sex with a hundred men is worse than Gisele Pelicot being raped by dozens of men because Lily Phillips chose to do it: https://ovarit.com/o/WomensLiberation/632788/a-message-to-male-lurkers-regarding-lily-phillips

>Yes, a woman like Lily Phillips choosing to have sex with multiple men is TOTALLY the same as a woman like Gisele Pelicot being raped by multiple men. In fact, it's even worse BECAUSE she chose to do it!

>Nobody trivializes rape and insults actual rape victims more than radfems do.

…along with this one:

>This. As a child, I was viciously tormented by other girls (mainly because I'm autistic and albino). When I was 11, a group of girls held me down and raped me with a broomstick. When I brought this up to radfems, they told me that it wasn't rape because women can't rape. Yet these are the same people who say that all heterosexual sex is rape. Fuck radfems.

I also have experienced actual rape and I also find it incredibly insulting how radfems use the term "rape" to describe anything that they don't like, whether it's porn, prostitution, trannies having consensual sex with women, or even all heterosexual sex. It completely trivializes what rape actually is. And no, I am not a proponent of porn, prostitution, or trannies. But I also don't use the term "rape" lightly, because I know what rape really is and it sure as hell ain't what radfems call it.


Anonymous 296798[Reply]

Have any of you joined the military or considered it?
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Anonymouse 296994

I consider the army every once in awhile. I want to join for the experience it'll give me. I'm 30; still got time before the cut-off age

Anonymous 297024

Do you know anything about the quality of life in the air force vs the army? The reason I'm considering the air force is because everyone has always told me it's for more reserved nerdy types. The type of women you mention generally eat me alive. I'm a passive little bitch but i'm used to being yelled at and stuff

Anonymous 297029

The air force is much slower tempo, more focused on academics and technical fields and generally requires higher IQs, lower physical scores. You'll still have to do some pretty gruelling tests, but most of it will be in considerably more luxury than the army. Rucks are shorter and lighter, courses have fewer obstacles and easier time requirements, even morning PT is lighter and a lot nicer. The kind of women who join the air force and navy will still include barracks bunnies, but they'll be a lot less intense. They might not be any nicer, but less aggressive and you'll find a lot more women like yourself or at least compassionate enough not to haze you for it.

Anonymous 300964

Based. Screw fighting for moids in moid-led wars caused by moidery. None of these judeoalliedreakmason conflicts benefit women.

Anonymous 301026

I really want to tbh. Idk is it possible. And my mother wouldn't let me.

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