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Anonymous Admin 49939[Reply]

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Anonymous 120372[Reply]

I hate seeing other girls befriend and have normal healthy friendships with each other, it’s not that I’m a women-hating pick me but it bothers me to see happy people in general. It’s gotten to a point where I am unable to watch “strong female friendship” movies for people around my age without feeling jealousy and sick to my stomach and I’ve hated girls in my classes since forever . Never maintained a long-lasting meaningful friendship ship with another girl. I hate normal people so much that should be me

Anonymous 120373

You are an angel and gf material.

Anonymous 120374

girl you are so meeee omg

Anonymous 120377

Honestly yeah.


Vent Thread Anonymous 120288[Reply]

Previous thread >>117577

Anonymous 120289


I'm used to be introverted friendless slob who desperately wanted human attention and now I'm leader of small student organization (which is part of bigger organization) and God, I'm so tired of these cunts. They all are sick, either physically or mentally. You can't plan shit with them, because tomorrow they're having migraines and mental breakdowns. My boss demands me to find new people convince them into joining my organization. How the fuck I am supposed to do it when no one, no one wants to meet new people and talk with them even for hour. Those fucks talk about how they don't like studying and retarded professors, but when they have the opportunity to skip classes and do something useful they all suddenly choose lectures and shit. They only come for the fun part and never want to help in non fun parts. Screw this shit,

Anonymous 120291

what kinda organization is it? since you're the leader, can't you just take it easy and make everyone else do the work?

Anonymous 120292

herding cats is what leaders do, it's why no one actually likes being in charge, just envious of the attention those who are have on them.

Anonymous 120335

This is an absolutely silly vent, I guess it's a pet peeve… but does any one else hate how on threads like "what's the worst thing you've ever done", the replies are always some nonsense like "the worst thing I did to a woman is my mum really hurt when she gave birth to me"… No seriously. What's the percentage of men who've raped, what's the percentage of men who've deceived to obtain sex… apparently something like 50% of german men have purchased a prostitute… Am I seriously led, on male dominated message boards to believe that the worst thing you've ever done is "I cheated on my geography homework because the world map was on the back of my schoolboook" or whatever.

I get that people aren't actually going to dig deep, reach into that deep mental abyss, and really talk about the worst recesses of their mind… or incriminate themselves. But honestly, try to at least post the second or third worst anecdote, not some random zany anecdote which is obviously forgivable because you were 12, and if you want to claim a zany anecdote is the worst thing you've ever done, at least make it a zany anecdote where you unwittingly ruin someone's life.

Anonymous 120376

I'm talking to this guy I met online and at first we seemed to really hit it off, we were able to talk for hours on end about nothing and he seemed to share the same feelings for me. We would have a lot of fun together.
Now after a few weeks of talking he's suddenly started to act lukewarm about me, gives me mixed signals and gives me the shortest answers he can to my texts.
I can't help but feeling hurt, I don't know what to do. I feel like the problem is probably me being too available and clingy.
I feel like the damage is done and that there's nothing I can really do to fix it. I hope I'm wrong but it seems like I'm not.
Can anyone give me advice on what to do?


Anonymous 120345[Reply]

Does anyone else feel like they are too sensitive for the internet? Like I cant handle being on it for too long lol. I went on 4chan once and was sad at how everyone talked to eachother.

Anonymous 120346

No. Out of billions of people you are the only one.

Anonymous 120347

No need to be a bitch anon.

Anonymous 120349

yes, i think i am and other people are too but they just ignore their feelings and don’t realize they’re being traumatized i think. it’s best to avoid 4chan, i don’t go on it anymore

Anonymous 120355

The internet is a good form of communication in that it can connect billions of people, but that connection is distorted and leads to people being inhumane. People rarely talk and act like they do on the internet.
Also, it's a very small percentage of people on websites like 4chan, so the attention-seeking trolls stand out as the rule, not the exception

Anonymous 120371

Depends what site I go on. Sometimes I get more angry than sad when I go on a certain app


should i quit uni? Anonymous 120353[Reply]

i feel so lost in this life. i dont even know if i want to keep studying Uni and i actually just want to run away from my home lol

Anonymous 120354

Need much much more info.

Anonymous 120357

If you are a depressed unhealthy young women you should give up instead of changing your lifestyle.

Anonymous 120364

take some time off if you really need to but think about your life long term. whats gonna happen if you run away vs drop out vs stay in uni?

Asexual Spectrum Identities Anonymous 120236[Reply]

What are your thoughts on asexuality and identifying as asexual?
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Anonymous 120348

I wouldn’t call it arbitrary, but yes. If you call people with low libidos asexual the term becomes meaningless.

Anonymous 120356


Is there a way to become aroace? I hate that I still have attraction , still crush, have limerence, and just want it to stop

Anonymous 120361

Go back in time and have a neglectful childhood.

Anonymous 120362

The diagnosis demi- and fraysexual are sad to me. Both seem like they are born out of trauma from how society handles heteronormative love.
The latter is, as >>120251 pointed out, a justification for a trauma response. It's fine to be this way, all ways of living with and without love and sex are fine, but it's not an identity. It's a mode of dating. You are not discriminated against for hitting and quitting lol.
Demisexual, on the other hand, is a label I myself found interesting in my tumblr days. I honestly now suspect I'm just autistic, and/or that I (prefer to) develop sexual feelings after I have learned I can trust someone due to trauma. It's something I did get flack for from jocks at college or whatever, but for the most part, too, this is not a trait people get discriminated for.If anything, demisexuality is rewarded socially because you are not 'loose'.

Anonymous 120363

One thing I've always found frustrating about the term demisexual is that it by definition, by people who identify as demisexual, means someone who is only able to be attracted if they've developed a prior friendship… which is fine and all, I don't consider it a sexual orientation, but if you feel that describes how you feel love, good for you…

But the term demisexual is then pushed, by various sex-positive weirdos onto any woman who says she's not interested in FWB/ONS/hookup/casual dating/whatever… The reason I'm no into one night stands is not because I need to be friends first before I can be sexually attracted, its because I need to love someone and they need to love me back… But this weirdly specific term demisexual which focuses on platonic feelings is pushed onto people like me. And honestly, when some people get the "have you considered you might be demisexual" shtick, they buy in, and they remodel their identity and their internal conception about how they form love and fall in love around this weird, arbitrary term.

If "I need to be friends first" describes your falling-in-love style, whatever, but why is "have you considered your sexuality is I-need-to-be-friends-first" pushed onto every person who wants love and not fucking these days.


girl has a crush on me. i’m not interested. Anonymous 120359[Reply]

i just want to preface this by saying that i wholeheartedly, in no way, am trying to make fun of autistic lesbians. i am simply just not interested in this one girl and i need advice on how to communicate this to her.

i don’t usually befriend people but my younger sister introduced me to a friend of hers just last year. this friend seemed nice at first and her first reaction upon seeing me was “pretty.” to me, receiving compliments wasn’t out-of-the-ordinary and y’know how girls can be- saying things just to get closer, so at the time, i didn’t find it odd. i think i even complimented her back, saying she was pretty (though i hardly even looked at her). as the conversation went on, i noticed she spoke english with a chinese accent. this will be important later on. i’m also chinese but can speak very little, she’s surprised and compliments me again. at this point, i notice that even though i contribute very little to the actual conversation between my sister and her, she gives me so much more attention. i shrug it off to her being curious about a new person.

the new school year begins and we share two classes back-to-back together. we’re even seated next to other in one period. she asks me for help as i’m the only one who speaks proper chinese and as i let her blatantly copy, she keeps asking me questions i deem invasive. stuff like my age, grade, relationship status, romance and boys. i don’t care. i will admit, i was a bit stand-offish so i thought she didn’t even see me as a friend. i start to notice she’s very visibly autistic. she stims, doesn’t understand social cues (says random stuff to make people laugh. not realising they’re not laughing with her, they’re just laughing at her), plays music pretty loudly and its usually the same song over & over again, has an intense collection of snow globes, etc. again, i’ve nothing against autistic people. if anything, i give them the benefit of the doubt. i was also pretty defensive about it, making sure to be patient with her and passive-agressively tell people to stop making fun of her. we actually hit it off pretty well. in our second class together, she frequently taught me chinese and in turn, i taught her english. somewhere along this time period, i made the mistake of giving her my socials and we chat there. mostly about school and kpop. this went on for a good 2/3 months.

i guess the turning point began here when she continued asking me more invasive questions, stuff conPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 120360

You need to be more aggressive. If it still doesn't stop then report it as harassment, but only after warning her that you will.

Anonymous 120375

Stop paying attention to her and grow up holy shit I'm not reading all that


Anonymous 115552[Reply]

am i the only one here who has literally never been approached/hit on by a male? i’m 19 and i’m not overweight or anything, i guess i’m not particularly pretty but i wouldn’t say im hideous either. i see all these moids online talking about how women live on easy mode because they get compliments from random men every day and men are willing to do any favor for them to have a chance at getting pussy etc. but for me this has never happened in my entire life.
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Anonymous 115920

Bet you have really cool hair nona

Anonymous 120295

Exact same. Gonna be 22 soon, still a virgin, never been approached, every guy I approached in school was repulsed by me. As awful as catcalling is and it shouldn't happen, I've never experienced it.

I am fat though, so maybe I'd be living on le tutorial mode if I lost weight. Can't do much for my ugliness.

Anonymous 120303

Same with me. I'm 20, a virgin, and have only "e-dated" once. Never plan on doing that again.

I would say I'm relatively attractive, not absolutely beautiful or anything, but not ugly. Previous nonas have said that you might not stand out, but I do and still haven't been approached.

I have approached men, but come off as very autistic and I think it scares them away. I have had no success. I wouldn't consider myself a "femcel" but sometimes I really feel like one

Anonymous 120341

Men dont approach anymore, unless they are indians.

Anonymous 120358

This. Moids get socially destroyed or even locked up for approaching women who don't like it, so don't expect them to do this anymore

1739030450519728 1…

Please help Anonymous 120188[Reply]

i'm having trouble trusting my boyfriend. it's like everything he does is unpredictable or just simply delusional at times. He doesn't actually have a clear carreer path he wants to take and it feels like he just goes with the flow. And he doesn't want to go to a university either. Now, this is a person i am SUPPOSED to trust with my future and everything else but I'm unable to trust him fully. We have the same goals for life but with his current job and qualifications our goals for life (a family) is delusional and absolutely stupid. I feel so embarrassed telling stuff about him to my family because he changes his plans and everytging so impulsively and this way it also embarrasses me. And I can tell my family doesn't take either of us seriously, especially my mother. I seriously need some advice on this. I'm desperate. How do I encourage him to be motivated about something? Or how do I talk to him about this?
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Anonymous 120204

Sounds like you have problems to work on before getting in any relationship, or you'll always be in for a bad time.

Anonymous 120212

>We were talking of getting married
>To a moid with zero impulse control
Have you considered the possibility he is a moron and so are you for even entertaining the thought of marrying this retard?

Anonymous 120213

Dump his ass you silly bitch. Moids like him are a dime a dozen, you can do infinitely better.
this is literally your future if you stay with him

Anonymous 120275

a breakup would do you plenty of justice. he doesn't have the drive to do well for a future involving the both of you on his own volition. maybe a breakup would reform his aspirations but i wouldn't count on it. don't be his idiot for the rest of your life just because of "muh first love."

Anonymous 120351

You seem to care about him a great deal. If you care about him so much, why don't you try handling him a little? Be a more and more direct if he doesn't get it. You have a cute relationship going on, but you need to take the reins with airhead moids like him.


Sociality-how to Anonymous 120249[Reply]

So I've grown up a bit of my anti-social phase. I still love books and solitude and hate maintaining relationships but I want to go to parties/club and dance and feel alive every now and then. Not really for the casual sex part, just remembering I'm young.
I'm 22, not terrible ugly, and live near a big city. How do I start? I don't have any friends to go out with, don't know any clubs/parties and quite afraid of meeting people who know me there.
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Anonymous 120272

hedonistic party culture is quite dull if you're not around people you like. more importantly, it could be quite dangerous if you're around people you don't trust. also, making a fool of yourself is a big part of being young haha. just don't end up on barstool sports or something…

Anonymous 120276

Try looking up clubs near you and visiting. It helps if you already have artists you're interested in and go to their shows. You can go alone, just make sure you're well equipped. Have some pepper spray in the very least.
OP stated she's not in it for the casual sex part which I hope she adheres to…
But being outside and clubbing doesn't need to equate to sexual promiscuity. Try to work on your reading comprehension desu!

Anonymous 120297

who said anything about dressing for men lol? moid accusations get thrown around a lot here but this time I genuinely think you are one

Anonymous 120301

Hi, try bringing a book, finding a dive bar, and just read in the back of it with a beer. That is step 1. Otherwise, if you want to jump into it, find an artist or event you like at a club and buy a ticket. TBH large clubs are not so fun by yourself, more fun when you have a drink and a cig outside with your friends.

19hz.info and Resident Advisor are good spots to find out where the events are.

Anonymous 120350

Oh that's a really interesting concept, never heard of dive bars. I like reading in cafés and I guess bars can't be that different.. Wouldn't it be odd to be there alone?

That's a great idea! Show tickets are expensive but I guess it's worth it if the music and vibes are good. Thank you

I've finished my degree and coming to students' parties would feel like being a creep.
And to the nonas that said the main part is having fun with your friends I guess you're right, but getting friends is really unbearably hard because I'm a very cold and inconsiderate person. I don't want to hurt anyone :(

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