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Anonymous Admin 49939[Reply]

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liked a girl Anonymous 119571[Reply]

We’ve both been on and off, and he has grown increasingly hostile and neglectful towards me from last year

Made friends with a lesbian mutual and she was my exact type in a girl. I got too attached too quick and she had no idea, but recently my boyfriend broke no contact again. And when i got really codependent to both, they both started ignoring me out of nowhere. So rn im in recov from a failed attempt I think i’ll be content with being a neglected housewife in the future (im pretty sure he’s still dating me out of convenience)

Anonymous 119572

Sorry, for context, I discovered I also liked girls while in a relationship with a neglectful moid


Anonymous 119565[Reply]

What are some green flags you like to see in men?

Anonymous 119566

6'2 or taller
Perfect hairline
Expensive cloths, car, watch, etc

Anonymous 119570

this thread smells like moid


Anonymous 119539[Reply]

If you had the opportunity to shoot yourself, where would you do it? In a public place or in some secluded place where no one would find you?

Anonymous 119567

i hope you're ok anon :(

Anonymous 119568

in front of my father while he's drunk sitting in his recliner. i love him but he drives me up the wall sometimes and its just an intrusive thought ill never act on. i hope youre okay though OP


/lg/ - lesbian general Anonymous 108545[Reply]

felt like this should be a thread tbh
what's everyone up to? i'm thinking of downloading tinder again
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Anonymous 119489

Is it possible to stop thinking about society's opinion of lesbians? There is a tendency in science to constantly say that lesbians can feel attracted to men. Gender obsession in the LGBT community is a new form of internal homophobia. Society has never taken lesbians seriously. The Normies will say that you just haven't met a good guy. Political lesbians will disguise friendship for lesbianism by spreading lesbophobic myths. When men carry out gene modifications, men will destroy lesbians. Were lesbians happy ever? First there was the influence of forced heterosexuality, now "you should be attracted to mtf" and gaslighting from scientists and "feminists".Gays can be proud, no one bothers them. Scientists say that MEN ARE REAL GAYS, THEY CAN'T CHANGE. How to stop feeling disgusted with yourself?

Anonymous 119548


Do you have any dating tips/etiquette, online or not? I am autistic and have no frame of reference when it comes to romantic relationships with other women, and people online don't talk about dating all that much, so I am a complete noob.

Anonymous 119562

I want to date a woman already. It’s been years (since COVID) and I have been daydreaming about love and who the next “she” would be;; her personality, appearance, et cetera.

But I’m not cute enough for the bi (and maybe les? But tbh I think those are spicy straights) on dating apps. And if I seem attractive IRL, then that probably disappears once it’s made obvious that I’m so damn socially awkward.

And also I’m just unaware of if I’m interacting with another bi/les woman.

I’m so lonely. I really want to share my life but I’m stuck with yearning. It seems as if I’m no woman’s type!

Anonymous 119563


Also OP of this post, I struggle with internalized racism and homophobia, as well. I’ve heard that people can sense things like confidence and insecurity so I wonder if I’m sending a vibe that’s just overbearingly negative and I don’t even know it.

Anonymous 119564


Also OP of this post, I struggle with internalized racism and homophobia, as well. I’ve heard that people can sense things like confidence and insecurity so I wonder if I’m sending a vibe that’s just overbearingly negative and I don’t even know it.


Vent thread Anonymous 117577[Reply]

Previous >>115513
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Anonymous 119557

What was the lie?

Anonymous 119559


i have a crush on a lesbian mutual i have literally never met in my life but i cant do anything about it bc im in a loveless relationship with a moid. in hindsight its better i just leave it alone and pretend it never happened.

Anonymous 119560


what is compelling you to stay with this moid if youre not in love ??
not judgement, but a genuine question of curiousity

Anonymous 119561


does anyone have a fear of slowly become a female sexpest (minus the sex lol)? when i hit it off well with a man irl i'll ask for their instagram/etc, and they always happily oblige, but never actually interact with me on said social media. i also just asked my online mutual of ~2 years to play a game (that we both like) and i'm completely unable to tell if he actually wants to. basically i'm worried that i'm becoming like a man who can't read the room and decipher between friendly exchanges vs flirting??

Anonymous 119569

i cant lie its mostly because of financial security and because he’s basically the only irl friend i have at this point.
i dont really have any other close friends other than the ones online, most who live far away. if i broke up with him, i’d be absolutely isolated.


my bf watches SA porn Anonymous 117618[Reply]

I have been raped 2 times in my life, and SA another 2 times. My BF helped me to get through a couple of those, i really thought he was the only non-evil man in existence.
Recently i noticed that he follows porn accounts that post rape fantasies…
What should i do?, i'm so tired… I'm sorry if I don't post more about my thoughts on the situation, I just don't know what to think.
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Anonymous 117861

??? im not a scrote, im just telling OP that she shouldnt lose hope in case she ever wants to try dating again. shes young. she has her entire life ahead of her, she might not want to date the next few years but if she ever decides to try it again 10 years from now i just dont want her to think that all men will have this awful trait that her ex did. but if she wants to stay single for the rest of her life or just a very long time (like im also doing) then i also think thats a valid choice to make.

Anonymous 119496

Know a moid who's into rape despite the fact he's literally a rape victim. Rape is in moid's blood, the only "good men" are the ones that don't act on those impulses.

Anonymous 119509

Good on you for leaving that POS. Keep setting those boundaries.

Maybe Im too fearful of a person, but it sounds like he could potentially be dangerous if he admitted to imagining being yourr apist. Change the locks, have some protection, just in general be safe.

Dont listen to the gaslighting about "but..but its not all men!1!". Men are not to be trusted, even other men dont trust men. Just my opinion but they are all like that. Or at minimum, eventually most men say or do things that show that they hate or want to dominate/destroy/humiliate women.

Anonymous 119537

You should inform the feds

Anonymous 119558

i was SA’d by a friend a couple weeks after he confessed to me to being a victim of COCSA. that same night he admitted to having a kink and asked me if i had one too, since i had JUST told him about what his friend had did to me in high school. it felt staged looking back. but in the moment i thought i was the first person besides this friends mom he had told about being raped and he explained the kink to me like it was a wanting to take back control thing and he would never hurt anyone. i’d known him for almost ten years and he didn’t hurt me. until he did.


I feel so good awful Anonymous 119532[Reply]

I am 22 without a degree because I dropped out of college due to being too depressed. Now I am a failure without a job prospect at 22 I should try construction
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Anonymous 119540

me too but 26 T-T

Anonymous 119545

Didnt drop out but just barely managed to get a meme degree after almost a decade. I kept avoiding the upper year classes as they required presentations for like 3 hours, plus changing classes due to being indecisive about my major. Im not smart enough for STEM. Im in my 30s, but I still dont know what I want to do in life. I almost want to work with animals, I just dont think I could deal with ending their lives or seeing them in pain. But I want to help them..OTOH, my own pets were the hardest losses Ive ever experienced. So maybe a diff career choice would be wise, something not involving social interaction or night hours due to creepy moids. Idk.

Anonymous 119546

I dropped out too and it turned out okay in the end. Got a comfy WFH job now and I didn't need a degree to get it.

Anonymous 119547

which job share the secret pls pls

Anonymous 119556

Local government in the UK, I arrange meetings, take minutes, put reports on the website.
It's very chill, and since we started remote meetings in covid nobody wants to go back to the office so I've been able to stay home.
My top tip is just to get into a big organisation with an internal jobs board, because they'll usually only advertise the comfy WFH jobs internally.


I am tired of wanting to be attractive. Anonymous 119555[Reply]

I’ve noticed that, for someone who isn’t interested in fashion and beauty trends, I sure do care about my appearance A LOT.

However; I still wander around in “basic” outfits. It still looks decent and my hair is generally presentable, I guess. It can definitely be worse.

But I often lament about my nonchalance toward these things and my inability to bring myself to care enough to actually change this, somehow. Sometimes I wonder if being a tad more “feminine” (like wearing make-up) can help me out more despite the blow to my ego it may cause.

What’s even more nonsensical is that I want a woman to find me attractive— even if I haven’t been interested in being, or at least can’t see myself as anyone’s girlfriend or wife. And I think I’m alright with that, for the most part.


To be honest, I wish I could just coast through life as an unkempt anime boy and catch the attention of misanthropic, twink-obsessed and terminally online Tumblr women.

The28thidiot - 183…

Lonely life Anonymous 119497[Reply]

Who would have known. Turns out that my paranoid unhealthy bullshit is a detriment to my character. I have lost my only true close friend because of a falling out and it seems that I have lost contact with them so no matter how much I want to try to make amends, it won't happen. It takes a lot of conscious effort for me to truly be close to someone because I am scared of not being in control of my feelings and letting my paranoid delusions get to me, and I thought maybe this would be different despite the issues between us (we both don't have the best mental health.) But it turns out, not really. I've always been isolated from my peers ever since childhood. I don't work; I got an informal job before but my cognition wasn't up to it. My hobbies are mostly isolated like drawing and writing. I've always had a lonely life. Friends come and go, but it seems they always go in the most painful ways possible. I always had looming dread whenever I had this close relationship, even when my friend was as nice and understanding as possible, like I was not enjoying it at all or being conflicted about being happy or scared. But at least despite that, I was a bit more in control of my emotions and my friend made me smile a lot. But now, everything is a mess. It might take a while to be more stable, but this is nothing new to me. Maybe I should just keep to myself more, and I should just be more accepting of an isolated life.

Anonymous 119510


sorry nona

Anonymous 119512


shit nona, seems from what I read we have the same issue. I'm paranoid schizo. I don't have many people because I shut everyone out. When I do allow someone in, I am quick to ruin it because of my paranoid episodes that they are out to get me like everybody else. I was a lonely child growing up, had early diagnoses of conditions that impaired my ability to stabilize and understand my emotions. Nobody enjoys being around me because one wrong word can and will set me off into extreme distrust and make me spiral. Everyone feels as if they are walking on eggshells around me. I'm working on this issue with my partner. Your paranoia is just that, paranoia. Whatever happens, happens and that is what needs to be accepted. It's true that everything happens for a reason. I wish you luck!

Anonymous 119513

I used to have the same issue. Getting a bf cured my loneliness, no joke.

Anonymous 119552

I don't want a boyfriend. I don't think I'll even want a friend.

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